Rafas record . - Not the lp version.

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Postby mighty mo » Thu Oct 06, 2005 5:03 pm

another reason why i have been disregarding this forum since sunday because of threads like this,to many doom merchants are going over the top :(
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Postby Kid a » Thu Oct 06, 2005 6:35 pm

anfieldadorer wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:WON  18       DRAWN  11     LOST  15

overall matches = 18+11+15= 44
overall prospective points=44 x 3 =132

won 18 x 3 = 54
drawn 11 x 1 = 11
points collected = 54 + 11 = 65

equals 65 out of prospective 132
is just far from expected TBH

In putting it that way, for every game we play as of this moment we have the odds against us. Taking the record into account that is. A LESS than 50 percent chance of coming away with anything from each game. That's insanity. His record is mediocre, if not poor. There's no sugar-coating this. That's a fact.

Still saying this, I think the team has moved forward in alot of ways while he has been in charge. He's also made alot of bad decions also, in my opinion. But, he hasn't been her for very long and is still shaping his team and trying to mold and define our style of play. In Europe, no one can question him. Liverpool's campaign in the league, however, is a different story. I still think he's the right man for the job, though. I'm sure by the end of the season most people will be happy with him and the team in general. His third year in charge is when everything should be in place, and we should see a Liverpool more capable of challenging for the title.
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Postby drummerphil » Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:03 pm

I still believe anyway,2nd place in my opinion is the "new" first place because can anyone really see anyone winning the title as long as Chelski have the money they have,and i,m talking years here.
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:08 pm

stmichael wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:I have just seen this from another forum his record in the Prem.

WON  18       DRAWN  11     LOST  15

It doesnt take a rocket scientist to work out that Rafa hasnt come to terms with life in the Prem.

you say this as if we didn't know it last season. the fact of the matter is, if we had beaten chelsea 4-1 on sunday you wouldn't even be starting this thread.

you can twist stats so that they suit what you want to believe. the fact is i couldn't give a monkeys about our league form last season. it's this season i'm worried about and we've already got more points than at this stage last season and have only lost once in six games.

chelsea are a quality side. infact i'm going to go out on a limb and say that they will stick 7 past somebody in the league this season.

it's all too easy to blame the manager. the players need to take responsibility aswell for such ineptitude. it's not rafa's fault that traore is sh#te or that hyypia had a mare.

No of course I wouldnt of started this thread if we had beaten Chelsea on Sunday.

But we didnt we got beat instead , so do I not have the right to start up a thread ?
If these results carried on into the season these would be the kind of stats that would be laid out in font of us.

Most people critise the "doom merchants" but I for one also get pi$$ed off when these people say lay off Rafa or its gonna take time .They can find any excuse not to critise him,
take your red tinted glasses off for one moment, be objective.

He is not beyond critisim , I think even he would hold his hands up and say he got it wrong at some point in time or other.

Are you saying we should turn the other cheek if we go through a rough patch ?
i wouldnt I like to discuss it amongst the forum members, aswell as the highs.

Postby A.B. » Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:46 am

Here's some more stats.

1 Full Season
1 Champions League trophy

and 1 Super Cup
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Postby GunGod » Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:42 am

Bamaga man wrote:Most people critise the "doom merchants" but I for one also get pi$$ed off when these people say lay off Rafa or its gonna take time .They can find any excuse not to critise him,
take your red tinted glasses off for one moment, be objective.

You know, that was what I have been saying for such a long time. And I am apparently a doom merchant as well.

But doom as doom may be, though things aren't going well for the team, going to the extent of blaming it all on the manager is senseless. The is a certain greed in us now, that after we won the CL, we expect more and more. I think rafa is a victim of his own success (winning the CL) that cultivated this new mentality in liverpool fans.

Do you think that rafa is not the man for the job? Now tell me who do you think would have done a better job and managing the team after houllier. I think big sam and curbishly would come in and give us a decent league position, maybe a strong 4th place finish. But where would they have gotten us in the CL? I think nowhere. That's what rafa is trying to negotiate, to bring us success on two fronts. Results ain't pretty, but he got us the ultimate prize in his first season. Shouldn't he have more understanding from the fans?

And you must understand that though the board has been supportive, they do not have the funds to get players rafa wants. So what's the deal? If we gave rafa half of chelsea's spending i think we could have won the league last year.

Do you think asking for more time is not reasonable? If you think so, you are the one being unreasonable. 1 and 1/6 of a season is hardly anytime to pass judgement on a coach who had to dismantle the team he inherited and starting all over again. moreover, winning the CL alone should have given him some considerable extension pertaining to the time we normally give to managers.

do a rethink, and think whether its fair to blame rafa so early despite that fact that the team's obviously in the transition stage.
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Postby azriahmad » Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:43 am

On the evidence of his record, Rafa Benitez is the right man for the job. He seems to have all the right credentials - achievements and not just one like a fluke ala Howard Wilkinson when Leeds won the title after Manure stumbled in 1992. Benitez is also very intelligent tactically.

The only thing is I am continuously baffled by Rafa's stubborn insistence in persisting with the 4-5-1 formation when we clearly don't have the wide personnel to make it a success. We had so much problems scoring that Rafa keeps rotating the strikers and the players at the wide position yet still with not the desired results and he keeps dishing out the same style of play.

I am not questioning his abilities, I think he can deliver but still, why the religious-like implementation of the system?
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Postby XSD » Fri Oct 07, 2005 1:40 pm

Bamaga man wrote:Most people critise the "doom merchants" but I for one also get pi$$ed off when these people say lay off Rafa or its gonna take time .They can find any excuse not to critise him,

Yes I can...

alex ferguson is the most successful manager in british football apparantly, but has won only as many european cups as our rafa has and he's been here one season.

Honestly what the :censored: is wrong with some of you people, what bloody more do you want from the guy. You are saying we can't bring success back to Anfield when we bloody have it sitting in our trophy room.
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:17 pm

XSD wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:Most people critise the "doom merchants" but I for one also get pi$$ed off when these people say lay off Rafa or its gonna take time .They can find any excuse not to critise him,

Yes I can...

alex ferguson is the most successful manager in british football apparantly, but has won only as many european cups as our rafa has and he's been here one season.

Honestly what the :censored: is wrong with some of you people, what bloody more do you want from the guy. You are saying we can't bring success back to Anfield when we bloody have it sitting in our trophy room.

This topic was started soley on his prem record ,I havent said anything about europe so why bring that up.

Stop shying away from the question in topic   :no

Postby Ace Ventura » Fri Oct 07, 2005 4:05 pm

The Premiership record in my opinion could be better, but is still better than last season...so he has improved that area so far.
The 4-5-1 system i have been thinking about...we are all of the opinion that it needs to go, until we have wide players that can use it to better effect.
But i think he will change it he never played it all of last season.
So far the fixtures and circumstances have meant he has played that way, imo we have had some tricky away games where the system seemed to work like boro and spurs.
The only game you could argue were the shackles should of been let off is Birmingham away.
Sunderland at home Crouch was suspended, pongolle  and mellor injured so he had to play that way.
United and Chelsea the other home games, he tried to stiffle the oppostion it didnt work against Chelsea but it did end our run of defeats against the scum.
I think we will see 4-4-2 or at least a more attacking line up in the fixtures that he sees as bankers, he has been so cautious so far this due to the amount of games we lost narrowly last season...that is not such a bad thing.
And we are better off points wise than last season.

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Postby RedWolf35 » Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:22 pm

here is an interesting stat

one silly post  =   muppet

FFS can someone please block all these negative posts   we all know that we could do better in the prem   I never thought I would see us as Euro champs for 10 years at least   

Rafa has ripped apart this squad     WITHOUT Russian blood money   it will take a few seasons for us to find our feet so I suggest some of you glory hounds should head for the kings road

If I want to listen to constant whinging I will get back with my ex-wife   

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Postby Lando_Griffin » Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:30 pm

Kid a wrote:
anfieldadorer wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:WON  18       DRAWN  11     LOST  15

overall matches = 18+11+15= 44
overall prospective points=44 x 3 =132

won 18 x 3 = 54
drawn 11 x 1 = 11
points collected = 54 + 11 = 65

equals 65 out of prospective 132
is just far from expected TBH

In putting it that way, for every game we play as of this moment we have the odds against us. Taking the record into account that is. A LESS than 50 percent chance of coming away with anything from each game. That's insanity. His record is mediocre, if not poor. There's no sugar-coating this. That's a fact.

Thats not quite right is it? We took points from 29/44 matches. Thats virtually a 66% chance of gaining points. The win percentage is around 41%. Ferguson was 1 game away from getting Man U relegated when he joined them. Rafa is the man, but certain players are rubbish. Thats it.

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Postby Lando_Griffin » Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:36 pm

Bamaga man wrote:
XSD wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:Most people critise the "doom merchants" but I for one also get pi$$ed off when these people say lay off Rafa or its gonna take time .They can find any excuse not to critise him,

Yes I can...

alex ferguson is the most successful manager in british football apparantly, but has won only as many european cups as our rafa has and he's been here one season.

Honestly what the :censored: is wrong with some of you people, what bloody more do you want from the guy. You are saying we can't bring success back to Anfield when we bloody have it sitting in our trophy room.

This topic was started soley on his prem record ,I havent said anything about europe so why bring that up.

Stop shying away from the question in topic   :no

Why should we separate the two? The title says "Rafa's record". It doesn't mention "in the Premiership only". At the end of the day he's done a bloody site better than any other manager we could have bought. Give the man time.

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Postby RedWolf35 » Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:48 pm

Lando :bowdown

At last some sense on this pointless thread

bagggoggoagiggman   The glass half empty theory definitely applies to you
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Postby RedWolf35 » Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:52 pm

I feel so strongly I posted it twice

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