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Postby Chelsea forever. » Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:02 am

bigmick wrote:It just seems to me Phil that we don't get enough bodies in the box often enough to make things happen. If you really look at it, it's hard to see how we are going to score goals with any regularity in this system. We don't get behind teams from wide and put any quality in, if we did we only have Crouch in the box, nobody 'arrives' at that moment in the style of a Cahill or our friend Robbie Earle. We don't cut teams open with incisive passing movements, only Gerrard posesses enough pace to worry teams coming from deep. Only Gerrard had the look of a fella who can score with any consistency with a shot from out side the area and we never flood the box with any numbers to rely on a lucky bounce. We haven't got a channel ball because Crouch doesn't posess the pace to run into that area, and even if he did that would leave nobody in the middle at all. We have two midfielders sitting infront of our back four and then wonder why we look solid (notwithstanding today). Mourhinho said we are difficult to play against and I'm sure we are but do we pose enough of a threat with this system?

Dont worry, im not here for long. Just thought id pop in and see what’s going on since I had spoken of coming back after the two games


That’s fair judgment.

Firstly id like to give props to Rafa for giving Risse a game.

I watched both games closely and I think Rafa has not only a big but an immense task on hands. Some might not realize the degree of the problem he faces, but those who do will understand what im trying to say.

This 4-5-1 system is being used for one reason only - defense. Now I dont mean to play defensively, but to make sure Liverpool are a good defensive team, and that’s the way to start building a team. What Rafa is doing is spot on in a way, and totally wrong in another.

Spot on - He wants to start building from the back. He wants to start first and foremost with a good keeper, that’s why Reina was bought. I know a few have their doubts on Reina, I do too, but I think its fair to say he is an improvement form Dudek.

The back 4. IMO he has done a good job in setting them up. Carragher is the best defender at the club by a mile. Finnan might not be your 'super full back' but he does a steady job. You know you can count on him and if he isn’t having a good game he wont venture forward but will make sure he defends well.

Your problem lies in Hyypia and Traore. Hyypia no doubt is a quality player, has been for many years. But his legs are getting weak, Rafa spotted this and that was the reason he was so adamant on buying a 'quality' CB as cover. That will be your first purchase this summer.

Traore had a nightmare of a game. I don’t think he is as bad as he was last night, it was just a bad day, but he isn’t that good either and is defo no where near as good as Finnan. Purchase 2 - quality LB.

Your Midfield 3 are spot on too.

Alonso - DMF - has all the qualities. Can pass the ball well, can cover, can take free kicks, is versatile and can play anywhere in the MF3.

Sissoko/Hamman - I think Sissoko will takeover from next game on and Didi will be used only in CL games. Sissoko is another versatile player, can play OMF, DMF, or even supporting box-box.

Gerrard - I dont need to say much about him. Props to him for the goal, it was a good strike and he always does his best to lift the team ---> and that’s where the problem lies (will come back to this point at the end)**

Totally wrong-

In the 4-5-1 the 4-3 are ok, but the 2-1 is where the problem is.

Risse cannot play out wide. He is a good player and I wont argue on that, but he cannot bring anything to the team in an attacking sense.

Garcia has been extremely poor this season. I barely noticed him last night. Not only is he a waste of space, but his talent and his plus points are not being looked at. If he is more effective playing centrally then why cant he play there? If he has to play a game and has to start every game then isn’t it wise to use him where he is capable of producing, as opposed to sticking him wide right where he will give the ball away 11 times out of 10.

Crouch - I was skeptical of his move for 7M. But I have been impressed. Im going to make myself to say that "Crouch is a good player" - he has shown enough for me to feel that. He does his job well, he might not win all the headers that he is supposed to (Ricardo did a good job) but what’s 'important' is that he gets involved. He gets a tad back centrally and gets involved in play, he moves around, he is intelligent. What he does by getting back is giving the opposition DMF a problem and when it takes those 20 seconds to sort the problem out the likes of Gerrard and Garcia are on the scene, which could prove for a break or a steal of the ball - all this created by him getting 'involved'  he is trying to 'force' a system with lack of the 'type' of players required for that system. The system will work right if the players are right. ATM the players are wrong and he has tried a lot of options ...

LW - Risse, Zenden
RW - Pongo,Garcia,Cisse

... and none of them work. So he is confidend of the system, its only the player profiles that are letting him down.

And therefore, due to this system not workign right for whatever reason, there will be a different system in the next game - im sure of it.


There is nothing wrong with 4-5-1. Some might say its not good to play that at home, im not going to comment on that because that’s Rafa's business. As a visiting fan I can only talk about the tactics and why I feel Rafa is a smart manager.

The drawback is not in the system, its in the players.

The system will work fine if the players are right. Thats why he bought Zenden (who hasn’t worked), that’s why he tried for Solano, Simao, Joaquin etc ...

So purchase 3 and 4, one right winger, one young winger as cover.


I also didn’t understand the Subs. Cisse has clearly not don’t much on that right for the first 6 games, why play him there again?

Pongo came on too late to change the game.


2 Games

Rafa played an open game on Wednesday. I thought we were woeful that night. There was so much space to move into but we made 0 effort. Our overall play was poor and Robben was :censored:. The only impressive part to our play was the fact that we restricted you to 0 shots on goal.

The break - Rafa and Carra said a lot of things in the press, that got to us a bit.

Sunday - It was the same game. The same space, only this time we made the most of it.

After watching both games I realize why we didn’t press on Wednesday. In the CL if you win your home games and draw away you are set to qualify. Rafa's objective is to qualify, as is ours. We didn’t play for a win because we didn’t need to. We got our point, we left Rafa thinking, he played the same game, and this time we filled the space.


I cant think of any solution to your goals problem. Im not as smart as Rafa or Jose, and if Rafa cant figure it out after 7 games then there seems to be a problem on hand.

I can only imagine Cisse should be given a start. He might not be first choice, but if things are not working its only imminent that changes are made. Risse-Alonso-Sissoko-Gerrard look a good MF 4, Cisse and Pongo upfront is a pairing that has goals in it. Give Crouch a rest, play Pongo and Cisse together, they are both fast, one tricky the other a commet. Im sure they will find the net.


** The Gerrard factor.

Its him who has been carrying the team for too long now. He gets all the goals, he provides all the inspiration and everyone looks to him when they are down. Sure he is a great leader, but his leadership isn’t effective at this moment. This team cannot be a one man army. Some of the weight has to be shifted to others shoulders.

His stamp on the team is as big a downfall as the advantage that it is. ---- And if you understand what I mean by that, you understand why Lfc has problems.

Good wishes.

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Postby babu » Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:09 am

Sorry Bigmick.... but
Chelseaforever can you just fuck off !

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Postby Effes » Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:11 am

LFC #1 wrote:what a tit you are. Azriahmad is one of the better posters on here, and peewee is a scouser who lives in Malaysia who also posts on here.

I believe Benithez is an alternative way of spelling his name also, it's not wrong.

Pffft. Bit strong lad. And no need.
I said "are you genuine?" didn't outright accuse him.
New to all this, as you can see.
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Postby red_guy » Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:44 am

we definitely need a new Centre back, RW and ...a new striker to pair with crouch...or we need to change the system, i guess? 442 instead of 451? it's not the end of the world, yet, but  we need to do something about it..immediately. Last night's game was a nightmare. :(
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Postby hobbes » Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:46 am

I am just tired of suggestions. Tired of repeating that Liverpool cannot play 1  striker. Tired of questioning Crouch's purchase. Tired of telling that Ciise should start. Tired of saying Finnan should be moved to the right wing. Tired of bashing Garcia.

Look what happened. When Chelsea was leading Finnan is the one who moved up on the right. He is been so good on the right currently. Aaah... yet we play Garcia there. We paly Pongole there and even Ciise there.

Rafa took a big big risk by taking out Hypia and Traore. which let in 2 more goals.
I can take that. Its okay. rafa wanted an attacking game then. But didn't we play attacking football when we have 4 defenders. ....

Crouchy......He was showing some improvement in Cl game against Chelsea. But I always say that he is just doing what any player does. Nothing extraordinary. He had a clear chance. A qulity striker would have finished it. He can only support another striker. We need to pair him.

Garcia is out. He has totally forgotten of the seriousness of the match. Keep making mistakes... again

I wouldnt blame Traore. Yes, it was a blatant foul. But, had the stupid Ref and :censored: Ref been alert and not masmerised by Abromovich's purse they would have seen that Drogba stopped the ball with both hands. Traore reacted in the worst manner.
Had the whistle gone for hand ball, there wouldnt be a penalty after all.

Chelsea won us on counter attacks. ***k we lost 4 goals. to 1.

We should play back 2 forward. Rafa mustnt be like Houllier. Please acknowledge that Crouch is not our solution. Even without him we can score. But now with him we are not scoring. Rafa should change

Earlier everyone commented rafa for his tactics. Now people will be laughing at his tactics.

JM is not laughing and bragging. I am disappointed. Its okay to concede 4 goals. Nevermind. But, I want to see Chelsea's disappointment. I want to see DRogba's crying face again. I want to see JM going bizzark. We still have matches against them. Thougher ones.  We will beat them provide we take the right step.... 2 compromise.
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Postby 76-1115222408 » Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:52 am

Just about to go to bed, so wont counter some of the 'questionable' points in your post (ChesleasForever), but in general, I have to say that is quite a fair assessment of the state of things at the moment.
Obviously many dont appreciate your opinions, but TBH I think you are normally fair and reasoned and dont really tend to brag about Chelsea, but just talk about us.

Some may say, that he is just sending a subliminal message of 'These are your weaknesses and WHY you are NOT as good as Chelsea' etc etc; but we have to be honest here, there are problems and they have been swept under the carpet for too long. I dont often post anymore on the state of affairs in general (in my view on them.....players,formation,selection etc;) as many say 'ahh why so negative' blah blah blah, but the reality is there for us all to see, and if (IMO) you really know your football should have known this.

This is probably why SO MANY people are angry here, because they ACTUALLY believe we are better than we are!! The CL win seems to have given people false sense of where we reallya are, in all honesty, I am not surprised by this result.
We have been poor all season, even in the qualifiers and although we have 'LOOKED' tght at the back, in my opinion we simply are not........OK, we HADNT let a goal in for a while.............but we did let goals in during the qualifiers and when we do fianlly let goals in, its six in two games, and the other game bloody being Brum!!

Seriously, people need a reality check, Yes we are Liverpool, and YES we have traditions and pride, and YES we expect to win the 'bread and butter' that is the league, YES we ARE the European Champions, BUT.................That doesnt mean we are GOOD NOW!!!! 
Though it is hard to say, it is the truth..........C'mon where we gonna score from? What we gonna do, if we get injuries to just two key players at the same time?

Now I am not being a doom and gloom merchant (at all!!), I am in a bad mood (of course, WE LOST!) but I know where we are in reality, and for example cant fathom how we beat Betis away. We keep geting those type of results that paper over the cracks, whereas (for me) the Birmingham and Sunderland games, show the reality of the situation.
That drubbing was seriously coming, because our defence has riden its luck many a time since the Olympiakos game and it all came back in one game.

I think we CAN turn this around, but we HAVE TO change the formation to suit the palyers we have, and not try and force the players we have in the formation Rafa WANTS to play.
I think we seriously just need to unleash Cisse for about six games staright, 90mins each time, with a partner, be it Crouch, Mori or Pongo. He is probably going in Jan and it would be a shame to never really see what he can do.
Please dont get me wrong,I know that SADLY his first touch is poor, I know he cant really dribble, and doesnt look like he can header (thoug on Wed night did link well with Crouch by winning a header from a cross into the box, but Crouch didnt capitilise - when I saw that, I thought 'hey that looked promising, they should play as a pair FFS!') BUT he has crazy pace and a blistering shot!!
He can score from outside the box, which brings another dimension we dont seem to have at the moment (apart from Gerrard)  But that will only come with his confidence being boosted by a run of games.

BUT.............If we play with him, that means WE HAVE TO PLAY TO HIS STRENGTHS, and if that means hitting long balls over the last man as he sits on his shoulder, so be it - if he starts firing, then who gives a f.uck..........Because quite simply, the way things are at the moment, SOMETHING has to change.
Last edited by 76-1115222408 on Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby tel » Mon Oct 03, 2005 6:00 am

We lack the players to play the Chelsea system. And what troubles me is that if something goes against us, we dont have a lot of options to change things around.

We cant just keep looking for Crouch to hold up play. And he's no way quick enough to be a threat on his own. This system only works if there's players capable of being dangerous around him. I'm not sure if Gerrard is supposed to be playing closer to Crouch and look for the 2nd ball. Instead, he's playing wide of him and looking for space.

We lack pace and threat on the wings. Garcia comes inside way too often. Riise is too slow to worry old ladies.

If we're defending well, we're OK. But if we make one mistake, the game's up for us. We lose our shape when we have to chase the game

2 big games in one week are too much for Sammi. We're not even into xmas yet. As the season goes on, he's going to get slower and slower and make more and more mistakes.

The big difference between us and Chelsea is pace and taking chances. They play solid and look for one or 2 breaks to win the game. And when they break, they are quick and effective.

The bigger difference between us is Crouch and Drogba. You'll never in your life see Peter Crouch play a game like Drogba did on Sunday. He just doesnt have the class, the pace or the power.
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