Should sven resign? - Simple question.......

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Should sven resign? - Simple question.......

Yes, Please resign.
No, Please stay on as England coach.
No don't resign, let's sack the twit.
Total votes : 23

Postby Roger Red Hat » Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:00 pm

This isn't a "lets have a dig at Sven" poll it's a simple question about the current coach of our National Team.

To be honest IN MY OPINION his tactics, team selection & overall knowledge of the game is poor. He hasn't a naffing clue! Playing strikers on the wing?? Gerrard, Lampard & Beckham all in the same position?? Beckham can cross a ball so why not stick him out wide more?? His ideas are fucking stupid.

Trouble is he spends too much time sticking his nose into club football business. Getting involved with M.Owen's transfer destination was not a good move. Owen's transfer was an issue between Owen, Owens agent and representatives of each team wishing to sign him, but Sven had to stick his nose in, recommending that he thinks of his England career too. I also hate the c@nt when he says things like "Gerrard has picked up a thigh strain but he'll be ok for the England game next month!", but what about his club game this week Sven? Oh, you don't care about that do you, selfish c@nt.

well fuck England and fuck Sven!

Well I vote sack the bastard before we really mess up and not make it to the world cup next year.

See ya later you loser and keep your fucking nose out of club football!
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Postby neil » Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:06 pm

does a bear s.hit in the woods
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Postby 2520years » Thu Sep 08, 2005 12:33 pm

There's no point bringing in a new coach now.  He messed up big-style this week, but who would replace him?  I say let him see out the campaign, his record is excellent in competitive games.

I think the players have lost some respect for him but they've all got to pull together to succeed.
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Postby Roger Red Hat » Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:30 pm

Fact is our England team is packed with quality. We have some top players all in the one team. Beckham, Gerrard, Carragher, Owen, Rooney (c@nt) and we play like amatures. The blame must lie with the management, it has got to.

As for a replacement, I dont know, but they can keep there hands of our rafa. :)
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Postby Judge » Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:05 pm

neil wrote:does a bear s.hit in the woods

actually bears like to shit in open spaces, so the answer is no they dont

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Postby Roger Red Hat » Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:09 pm

we knew you'd be the local expert on a bears toilet habits.
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Postby liverpoolrich » Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:53 pm

Lee J wrote:As for a replacement, I dont know,

ive said it once and ill say it again IAN WRIGHT IS THE ONLY MAN FOR THE JOB
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Postby Afroman » Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:57 pm

liverpoolrich wrote:
Lee J wrote:As for a replacement, I dont know,

ive said it once and ill say it again IAN WRIGHT IS THE ONLY MAN FOR THE JOB

I can't see Wrighty being very tactical, he'd follow heart, better or worse? I don't know?  ???
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Postby 7_Kewell » Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:18 pm

ive said it once and ill say it again IAN WRIGHT IS THE ONLY MAN FOR THE JOB

he'd be worse than Kevin Keegan!
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:31 pm

I weren't going to bother typing this but I might as well.

Watching England bores me to tears lately.  I usually like a good England match with a few cans of lager, and when you look at our side on paper, we shouldn't have to be frightened of anyone.  Some of the players we have are in the top bracket in European and World standings as far as the game of football is concerned.  We have a manager with a massive reputation, who I believe should be judged after the World Cup and not before it (I think we'll get there no problems by the way).  Still, he's far from perfect and this ice-cool Swede exterior is a falsehood.  Sometimes he can come across tactically limited and timid in his decision making.

This STUPID formation that Sven is playing though is a complete waste of everybody's time and talent.  Garth Brooks asked point-blankly in the post match interview, spelling it out to David Beckham in question form, that the new system we employ exists to accomodate Beckham.  As much as I believe Beckham looked very pissed off with Sven last night in his post-match interview, Beckham must surely know that he is on borrowed time.  At least under any other manager he would be.  Remember Scolari substituting Figo against England in Euro 2004?  Can you see Sven doing that?  Thought not.

Beckham had a blinder for half the game last night, and was again excellent against Wales last week.  The way he pings them balls about the pitch are second to none, and his reputation as one of the best passers of the ball in the game is well justified in my opinion.  He is not the player he was between 1997 - 1999 though when he could charge up and down that right wing like lightning.  With a cross to match, he really was a feared right winger.  England had one of the best players in the World in that position playing there.  That isn't the case anymore. 

Shaun Wright-Phillips needs a run in the side and needs to be given the reins to make that role his own now.  He has pace and confidence and more dribbling ability than Beckham will ever have (or ever had).  He is the best right-sided English midfielder in the country now.

I don't think Sven is all that he is cracked up to be.  I lost a little bit of faith in him last night even though like I've said, he should stay until at least after the World Cup. 

But the fact of the matter is that Beckham I believe has to go.  Sven is accomodating the player just to keep him happy and keep him in the side.  What about all the other top class players we have over the park who are suffering, just because Sven doesn't want to risk upsetting Beckham and his reputation that comes with it?

What this England side needs to do now is look towards the future.  This side, dare I say it, needs to be built around Wayne Rooney.  He's simply sensational.  he looks a threat every time he gets on the ball, and there aren't many special players around like him.  Blasphemy on a Liverpool forum, but look past the bias and look at the facts.  The boy can fucking play like not many who walk this Earth.  Michael Owen up front on his own with Rooney in the hole supplying the balls for him will score all day.  Put the ball in front of Owen and he will score.  End of.  We all know that.  That's what Owen does.  He's the best at it as well.

Then a flat midfield of four, and this is only my opinion remember.  I am going with a 4-4-2.  Or really what I am describing is a 4-4-1-1.

A left winger (I don't like Joe Cole and Downing is too inexperienced, but Sven played the lad out of position when he won his first cap, the prick, anyway, he's paid £5 million a year to live and die by his left winger choice, I'm not), Gerrard, Lampard and Wright Philips.  Fuck the diamond formation.  I don't like it at international level.  But again, the point is no place for Beckham.

A flat back four picks itself.  Ashley Cole, John Terry, Rio Ferdinand and Gary Neville.  Unless Sol Campbell and Johnathon Woodgate sort their injuries out, I would have them as my first choice centre-back partnership, with Terry definitely first choice above the over-rated Ferdinand, possibly Ledley King playing just in front of the defence in the new Beckham position, if a change of tactics was required, substituting/sacrificing the left midfielder and letting the pacy Ashley Cole have the run of the whole left side to himself if need be.

No place for Beckham.

I haven't really thought deeply about this obviously, anyone can read what I have written above and say "That's fucking obvious Jonny Mac!" but the fact that this England side picks itself and we should be accomodating them in a system that suits the team, not Beckham, it's worrying me that we've been so lacklustre in the last three games.  Especially when Wales and Northern Ireland were two out of thise three games. 

Sven's on £5 million a year to makle decisions like this though.  He should just drop David Beckham and fucking move on.  It will improve the team no end.  Look at last night, was it just me, or could anyone else believe the minute impact that Lampard and Gerrard had on last night's game.  I thought Gerrard looked slightly injured actually, but these are two of the best midfielders in the world, and they are being stagnated just so 'Lord Undroppable' Beckham has a role in the team.  Where's the logic in that?  Beckham has always been a specialist right-midfielder, and now a natural replacement in Wright-Phillips has been found with talents that demand a starting place, the team has been shifted around just to keep Beckham in it. 

Sven needs to pull his head out of his arse.  The whole country could see it last night bar him.

Postby JBG » Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:58 pm

I'm not an Englishman but I have consistently stated for the past year or so, that with the right management, this English team could possibly win an international tournament.

It has quality players all over the pitch, particularly guys like John Terry, Ashley Cole, Steven Gerrard, Frank Lampard and Michael Owen.

On top of that England have, love him or hate him, a very special player in Wayne Rooney.

The squad has many good players like Jamie Carragher, Sean Wright Phillips and Jermaine Defoe.

I think Rio Ferdinand and David Beckham are over rated but are still consistently picked, which is a failing in Erickson's management.

Erickson is a good club coach - when he has money to spend - but I don't rate him as an international manager and I've said all along that he's holding England back.

England have a chance of winning next year's World Cup (if the cards fall properly for them) but not with Erickson as manager.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 3:18 am

The Return of the Judge wrote:
neil wrote:does a bear s.hit in the woods

actually bears like to shit in open spaces, so the answer is no they dont


i think this one is in the woods


Postby 66-1112520797 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 5:27 am

I think Sven is pretty clueless as the manager of the national side,im not just saying this because of the the last three woeful England performances .But time and time again the bloke F#cks around with the formation the tactics and doesnt know what he is doing.
If the British press tell him to play Gerrard out left he will do  ,he doesnt think for himself most of the time .He goes on what other people do or tell him.

It is so blatantly obvious aswell ,Sven even copied the Chelsea formation 4-3-2-1 He saw it was working wonders for Maureen so he thought "Yes ,why didnt i think of that ?"
Hes constantly chopping and changing the team around (ok sometimes it may be due to injuries) But the formation is always changing even if the personel isnt.
Then when you do need him to make a tactical change of inspiration your left thinking why does he even bother.
I remember back to the world cup when Brazil were down to ten men ,he was so short of ideas .In effect he helped us get knocked out of that with his poor management skills.Im sure there are a few other occasions when Sven has bottled it but i try to forget all the dismal performances/results.

So as you have noticed i am not a big fan of Sven, especially as the guy has the most talented England squad ever at his disposal .
Mind you in saying all that i do not see the point of getting shot of him now as the world cup is just around the corner ,i dont expect England to achieve anything with him as coach.
But once the world cup is over Sven can take his 5m pounds put it in a suitcase and f#ck off to Stockholm.

A manager for the future i would suggest - Stuart Pearce    :buttrock

Postby Pablo_Escobar » Fri Sep 09, 2005 4:58 pm

I believe You should get a new manager as quickly as possible. If Poland has currently 5 points ahead of England in group then it's something terribly woring with Sven.

So sack Sven, and get a manager that'll allow England to do well in WC.
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Postby Judge » Mon Sep 12, 2005 8:19 am

Lee J wrote:we knew you'd be the local expert on a bears toilet habits.

yes thats right lee  :D , but i'll come to you for advice on rabbits toilet issues  :D
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