Racism at anfield

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby 109-1093441336 » Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:56 pm

My mates girlfriend knows the Walker Family, i'm quite sensitive about this matter as ive seen 1st hand what devastation this brings to a victimised familiy.   If that makes me wrong i dont want to be right.

Postby 2520years » Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:58 pm

meelan#5 wrote:
2520years wrote:
meelan#5 wrote:Anfield isnt racist, as people at matches have other things on their minds at the time like FOOTBALL, but liverpool the town is undeniably racist. Just a few weeks ago a black boy got killed recently.

It's quite an achievement to say one of the stupidest things on this forum, but congratulations you've managed it.

Are you saying that i made up a story that some black boy got killed because of his colour. Denial is not a river in the Middle east.

Are you saying that if a Chinese man gets racially abused and murdered in Manchester, that Manchester is racist against Chinese and all the men in the city are drunkards and beat their wives?

I hope you're a wind-up merchant, because I pity you otherwise.  Either way, that's the last answer I'm going to dignify you with.
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Postby Ian Rush's Right foot » Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:21 pm

Anfield isnt racist, as people at matches have other things on their minds at the time like FOOTBALL, but liverpool the town is undeniably racist. Just a few weeks ago a black boy got killed recently.

My advice would be dont emerse yourself into thier lifestyle to much.  They dont much aprat from drink and beat thier wives.  You go to the matches though.

WTF!!! Ignore this guy! ??? ??? ???

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Postby 109-1093441336 » Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:27 pm

my mates girlfriend's mate just got killed by some drunks and you think i should take your view' just because you felt neccesary to denfend them on an internet forum. You should work for Labour the amount of spin you put on things.

IF you really do live in liverpool PM your mobile and i can contact you so we can meet the Walker family, then you can see 1st hand what s it like. lets see how much of a wind-up merchant you think i am then.

i await your PM as i'm sure your worried for Anthony's mum.

Postby 66-1112520797 » Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:33 pm

Ok mate , but wouldnt this bring on more heartache for the poor family :(

Postby Paul C » Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:36 pm

This is a stupid thread and will just open a can of worms!!! Anfield is not a racist place and you will be safe there, I am 'white' and feel very strong about racist people, personally I think this thread should be closed as the question has been answered!
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Postby woof woof ! » Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:38 pm

Meelan#5 The killing of Anthony Walker was indeed a racist murder ( abhored by all right minded people) .
I don't however see how that give you the right to refer to the CITY of Liverpool as racist and it's people being drunkards and wife beaters . But then you always were a sun reading tw'at .

Your post on the City and people of Liverpool has been referred to this sites admin.
Last edited by woof woof ! on Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby jonnymac1979 » Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:42 pm

This thread wont last the day okay everyone.  Just warning you all now okay? 

You can't possibly win with threads like this. 

And Meelan#5, you'd better fu*king pay attention to the message I just sent you if you want to continue posting on this board.

Postby jonnymac1979 » Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:57 pm

In fact, sorry everyone, it's not worth the mods' time having to re-read this thread every time a new post is made in case it gets out of hand because d!ckheads like meelan#5 want a little bit more notoriety. 

In closing this thread, it's not censorship and it's not denying anyone the freedom of what they want to type on one of a million internet forums in existence. 

But for fu*ks sake, have a read of OUR forum rules.

Rule 4. Rascist remarks are not tolerated and will be deleted.

Well I'm not tolerating this thread.  I am a moderator on here because I've been trusted to use my judgment to uphold the rules around here and keep the peace.  I'm doing it now. 

Also, I'm one of the longest serving members on here and as a result, have seen it all on here when it comes to threads on racism.  No matter how politically correct you try to be, someone always comes along and spoils the party, the can of worms gets opened and you have chaos.  It doesn't work.  That's from experience and observation.  Not because I want to flex my muscles as a moderator.

And again, I have to stress to you meelan#5, I am getting pretty fu*ing fed up reading your posts. :angry:

Postby JBG » Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:27 pm

This is poor form Meelan and out of order. What happened to that young chap was a disgrace, but tarring everybody with the same brush is simply not on. No excuses.

Anfield is not a racist place, in fact, some toffees call it Paki and Paddy land, given the amount of Asian and Irish people who attend matches.
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