Tonights game

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby philchampionsl2005 » Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:23 pm

what did everyone think of it, just came bk from anfield and felt a little disappointed with the performance but got some positives:
Sissoko - my man of the match his he energy in midfield and his control was good for the youngsters first start.
Whitbread - looks to be a good player has pace and looks accompolished on the ball
Cisse & Crouch - for the brief 12 mins we seen them they looked good and quite an exciting prospect
Gerrard - every game is getting better, another goal!!!!!!!!
Morientes - looks off the pace, tries to many tricks and flicks, everytime he got the ball tried to do somthing special but didn't work,
Zenden - not bringing the axe yet but dosn't look comfortable down the left always slows down not willing to run at players.
Garcia- great player, but passing hasn't improved has still got to be stronger but what a pass for cisse goal.

Overall the performance was average but it's still only pre-season, crossing got to improve hopefully the new RM will have this skill.
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Postby A.B. » Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:42 am

People are getting bent out of shape because we didn't play at our best, we didn't need to imho. Some of the players have admitted that they've used these early qualification rounds as pre-season friendlies, they haven't been tested and they aren't going into third gear.

The players will start taking things seriously next week because its the 3rd round, and it won't be easy as it was in the past two rounds.
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Postby XSD » Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:07 am

I'd read nothing into the fact Gerrard has been our most dangerous player in these first 4 games. He always starts the season at a fast pace, most players realise they don't need to play their best in these games when they are comfortable. If Gerrard maintains this level of focus and enthusiasm for the whole season we will have a much better season, especially domestically where he can terrify smaller teams.
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Postby A.B. » Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:50 am

Very well said XSD. If this were performances in the Premiership or in the group stages of the CL,etc... then yes I would be disapointed but it's pre-season and these games have been treated like pre-season friendlies.
Last edited by A.B. on Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby matrix » Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:50 am

were in the next round thats what matters  and without breaking a sweat  no player wanted to get injured last night thats for sure  now sofia will be a tester in round 3  my only worry is that we have not played a side yet in the cl of any quality so sofia will be a bit of a scrap  im verry happy the first leg is away because i believe liverpool are better away from home in europe, 2 away goals please.

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Postby A.B. » Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:51 am

Yes we play away first, and your comment regarding our form at home in Europe is off the mark, it's been as good as our away form.
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Postby matrix » Wed Aug 03, 2005 3:08 am

A.B. wrote:Yes we play away first, and your comment regarding our form at home in Europe is off the mark, it's been as good as our away form.

a.b. im not knocking the home form last season in europe liverpool were great at anfield  maybe i get worried sometimes when teams come to anfield and get 11 men behind the ball and prevent us space  in away games we always get space and we revel in it  i will take our away form over any team in the cl this term.

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Postby bigmick » Wed Aug 03, 2005 7:03 am

We can talk all we want about "pre-season" and "not needing to play to play to our maximum" but I thought last night was a very poor performance to be honest. For sure the tie was already won but fluency of passing and movement, retention of posession and creation of scoring opportunities is not something which can be turned on and off like a tap. Allied to this is the fact that Kaunas created a couple of scoring opportunities themselves and overall, we are going to need to really turn it up against CSK because they are likely to be a totally different proposition.
The bright sparks were Sissoko who continues to impress with his energy, Gerrard who really does look like aplayer who has stuck 25% on top of what he was showing us last season and Cisse, who looks like he really might make a player after all. Other than that, Whitbtread and Warnock were Ok without uprooting trees. Everybody else was below par IMHO and the form of some slightly concerns me.
Morientes continues to look like a man ill at ease in his surroundings. I said months ago that I didn't think it would work and I think I am going to be right on this one.
Hyppia looks as if the lack of pace is beginning to take it's toll. We really desperately need a new central defender, not as cover but as first choice.
Zenden has never been a favourite of mine. Before we signed him I said thought he was garbage which was probably a bit harsh but he worries me the way he allows himself to be bullied around the pitch. To say he's not really up for a 50/50 is an understatement. Neither is Garcia to be fair but at least he produces moments of real quality.
Overrall we need to step it up and sharpish in my view. This team last night were rubbish lets be honest, as were TNS. Tougher tasks await.
Last edited by bigmick on Wed Aug 03, 2005 7:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Homebooby » Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:09 am

Objectives in the pre-season are to have the team begin to gel a little, escape with as few injuries as possible, score goals and concede few and win games. I think that we have achieved most of the goals that we set out for. As have been stated, you don't want the team peaking in July, you want a solid season with a peak in the CL final  :D .

With regards players, Stevie is on fire at the moment. He has something to prove, even though he says he doesn't and he looks like he is ready to lead the team forward this year. I still am concerned about his dominance detracting from the rest of the players though, ie, the tendancy to route everything through him....but time will tell there.

I like the goalkeepers that have been brought in. I know that we haven't seen much of them, but they have seen sure of themselves and decisive, this is something we haven't had for a long long time.

I have to disagree with the negativity around Zenden at this point in time. I am not an expert on him, but from what I have seen, he has a lot of energy, looks like he wants to play and needs just to find his touch and he'll be devastating. Perhaps against a tougher premiership defence I'll think differently, but I think we're being harsh on the lad, especially in comparison to how the rest of the team is performing. I've been more disappointed with the Spaniards, Morientes, Alonso and Garcia all look a little lost at the moment.

Can't argue with the depth of the squad as well. We seem to have filled out nicely in most regions. As has been duly noted, the defence is the most vulnerable to injury now.
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Postby Homebooby » Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:11 am

Forgot to mention Bigmicks comment about Hypia. I agree entirely, he had a few question marks over his head last season and was still living off of his partnership with Henchoz in my opinion. This season, he has been left standing more than once by players that he should have been eating for breakfast.
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Postby A.B. » Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:19 pm

"We are using these Champions League qualifying games as pre-season games but they are quicker than friendlies, so we are getting fitter quicker."
-Steven Gerrard
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Postby *R*E*D*S* » Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:24 pm

to be honest...i fell asleep just after the second half started. i blame the drink!
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Postby JC_81 » Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:31 pm

We are doing enough to win games and that is the main thing.  Our play hasn't been great at times but I'm not worried, I'm confiident it will all come together.  Good teams can raise their game when they need to and I'm sure thats just what will happen.

The sheer amount of pre-season games has given us a chance to properly assess the squad including some of the new boys and youngsters.  I have made my mind up on several things so far:

Le Tallec and Potter are not good enough

Sissoko will be a gem of a player, quality signing

Gerrard and Alonso CAN play together

Whitbread and Warnock are dependable if we need to use them this season

Cisse is getting back to being the player we thought we'd signed

Morientes needs a kick up the backside
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Postby Pool Boy » Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:35 pm

Also feel that Finnan is our best crosser of the ball....
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Postby yckatbjywtbiastkamb » Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:03 pm

Pool Boy wrote:Also feel that Finnan is our best crosser of the ball....

the general quality of our crossing was awful to be honest.
if we want to get the best out of peter crouch that has got to improve ten fold. when we had 5 foot 7 owen up front we happily hoofed the ball north to south but now when we finally get an effective target man our wide players look like they`re kicking a cannonball and cant seem to lift it off the grass, typical.
we didnt look great last night but i wasnt too surprised because we lacked our main creative players i.e gerrard and alonso
i think rafa was hoping that garcia and zenden would have the key to unlock the defence but it wasnt until cisse and gerrard came on that garcia upped his game.

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