Sick as f.uck - Big brother sinks to new depths

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Postby 84-1106852058 » Sat Jul 30, 2005 5:30 am

BarryBelfast wrote:
The Canadian Red Army wrote:im glad i dont think its on over here

Have u ever seen a moose?? like real 1??  Humour me??

:D  :D  :D  :D

Postby DrTNT » Sat Jul 30, 2005 11:22 am

Never watch BB and you have given me the best reason for not watching it. :no  :no  :no
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Postby Architect » Sat Jul 30, 2005 3:20 pm

BarryBelfast wrote:B.B is the bowels of television!

You're right mate. The programme is sick and repulsive.

What worries me is the fact that a lot of young schoolkids, some as young as 8 or 9 yrs old, will be watching the show - especially with it now being school holidays, and the fact that many young kids have TV's in their bedroom.

"Big Brother's Little Brother" is deliberately aimed at schoolkids - being shown at 6pm on Channel 4.

Fed this junk diet of trash every night, is it any wonder that many of our kids later turn into yobs, with a sick and selfish view of the world...?

The fact that literally hundreds of thousands of people have applied to participate on Big Brother over the last few years shows what vain, shallow and attention-seeking lives many of our young people lead now.

So desperate are they for a slice of fame, that they are willing to be filmed 24 hours a day - including allowing the BB producers to see them using the toilet. Have these people got no shame?

I haven't watched a single minute of BB this year, but it sounds like the programme is plumbing the depths even further.

Last year a Portugese transexual was voted the winner. No doubt some of the Guardian-reading liberal luvvies saw this as a positive thing - that it demonstrated we've become a tolerant country willing to vote for (and embrace) people of all cultures and backgrounds.

Channel 4 says that it intends to continue "pushing the boundaries". In recent years they have showed programmes such as "Animal Passions" about bestiality, "Sex With Strangers" - about couples who have five-in-a-bed romps, and a programme about incest.

What a nice liberal culture we live in now....

But what isn't acceptable to the media executive luvvies at Channel 4 is for anyone to question this society and the direction in which we are heading....

They won't have anybody on Channel 4 with an alternative nationalist political point of view - anybody for example who suggests that after the London bombings, Enoch Powell has been proved right when he warned in 1968 that mass immigration would eventually lead to bloodshed and conflict in the country.

That type of political point of view is unacceptable to the Channel 4/ Guardian-reading luvvies - whereas sick perverted programmes about bestiality and incest are acceptable to Channel 4.

Have you noticed how Big Brother makes sure it gets the obligatory black man and gay male featured on each year's show?

This is the type of "happy clappy" liberal multi-cultural gay world that appeals to Channel 4 executives.

The gobby embarrassing Essex loudmouth Jade Goody, who appeared on Big Brother a few years ago, seemed to epitomise the programme and the type of viewers it appeals to.

Jade thought that East Anglia was in a foreign country, that Cambridge was in London and that Rio De Janeiro was a bloke! She thought that Sherlock Holmes invented the toilet and asked a housemate what the beaches were like in Birmingham!

She didn't know what a local county was and had a hysterical screaming fit when she discovered a verruca on her toe - thinking that it was a major disease.

The sad thing is that Jade became a millionaire on the back of her participation in Big Brother - by going on to appear in magazines and various 'celebrity' shows and selling books.

Her chronic stupidity and lack of education has been rewarded - she's become a rich millionaire as a result of it. No doubt other similar gobby little Essex loudmouths probably think to themselves: "If Jade can do it, why can't I?"

What's equally depressing is the number of viewers who tuned in to watch this silly cow on BB. (The 2002 final was watched by 10 million viewers - Channel 4's biggest non-film audience ever.)

Big Brother epitomises our sick society and the fixation with becoming celebrities. When a group of talentless and desperate publicity-seeking nonentities draws an audience of 10 million viewers, something has gone badly wrong.....

Leonmc0708 wrote:If you had a girlfriend you would have to watch it in bed too.

No mate, I wouldn't put up with it even if she was a supermodel !
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Postby Woollyback » Sat Jul 30, 2005 5:03 pm

Sums up our society pretty well really, this obsession with "celebrity" is ridiculous

Most "celebrities" are not in fact celebrities, they are well-known faces from TV. A celebrity is somebody who's existence is celebrated by the masses, usually because they have achieved something worthwhile or have a particular talent. I don't regard appearing ona reality TV gameshow as worthwhile by any measure

I watched a couple of the earlier series of BB and thought it was passable at best, but at least a few of the contestants back then were the kind of people you'd meet in any pub/workplace/college but this last lot have been nothing more than a modern-day circus freakshow. Chennel 4 are the evil circus-masters who parade the deformed freaks in front of an audience baying for more, and grow fat on the profits

But hey-ho, if people want to waste their lives watching a bunch of self-obsessed children have a tantrum every time they're not centre of attention then that's up to them I suppose. Me? I just turn the telly off :)
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Sun Jul 31, 2005 3:06 am

LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:That Craig is a manipulative f.uck.......when he dont get his way he crys and makes Antony feel bad....It is disgraceful, it is time he told him to F.UCK OFF!!!!  Sly little bugger (literally!)

Is this Antony gay? If not, why doesn't he b*tch-slap Craig, then smash his head into the ground repeatedly while chanting "I am not a poof"? Did he seriously b*gger him? 'Cos if he did, and BB didn't stop him, then they should be subject to prosecution, along with Craig. As has been said rather more subtley than how I am about to put it; Channel 4's obsession with everything queer really facks me off. This country is in the middle of a televisual cest-pit, and I'm sorry, but it's all Blair's lots fault. (I'll explain later).This liberal bulls*it is beyond the realms of perversity. How long is it going to be before these b*stards are showing nonces in a "good light", trying to get the soppy t*ats that watch shat like BB to sympathise with the retched vermin? I know it's too much for most to have programmes about incest, etc on the box, but frick me, some of the namby-pamby sh*te on BBC 1/2, etc, is pushing the boundaries. How long before CBBC has Nelly the "lady-liking" Elephant, or Rupert "B*ggerer" Bear? We are being subjected to this cack thanks to the limp-wristers in the Labour party, and their Guardian-reading drones. All facking "Dhhharling!!!!!", etc, and totally lacking in morals. To these c*nts, (usually Human Rights Lawyers or some gimpy post in the public sector), a terrorist attack is nothing more than one culture expressing itself in the only way it knows how. Ofcourse, as soon as a victim of said attack's relative beats seventeen shades of sh*t out of a little t*at for killing their daughter, etc, these b*stards are the first ones to bleat about the terrorists "rights". Fack 'em all. No murderer has the right to anything other than a life of hard graft or, better still, a night in a cell with the victims strongest male relative who wealds a nailed kosh. It's the same with nonces. Under the rank w*nk that is Labour, we have these scrotal termites running around willy-nilly, able to re-offend, and reaking more horror on kids everywhere. If I were the PM, I'd rally for the wussy-plop plop ministers to introduce a law which states that all peados will be castrated before they leave prison. See how Archibold Duke, Human rights lawyer, likes that.
It's sickening. Absolutely sickening.  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :veryangry  :veryangry
Last edited by Lando_Griffin on Sun Jul 31, 2005 3:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby adamnbarrett » Sun Jul 31, 2005 7:42 pm

Is this Antony gay? If not, why doesn't he b*tch-slap Craig, then smash his head into the ground repeatedly while chanting "I am not a poof"?

Because that would be assault. But I see where you're coming from though.
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Postby yckatbjywtbiastkamb » Sun Jul 31, 2005 8:20 pm

DrTNT wrote:Never watch BB and you have given me the best reason for not watching it. :no  :no  :no

me too mate, never watched it and never will.
i`ve been a socialist mirror reader all my adult life but now i wont buy the f@cking paper because its more like a womans magazine these days, i end up turning about ten pages of bb sh.1te before getting to the news.
i listen to the sports shows on radio merseyside most weekday nights with the computer on in the spare room because i cannot stand soap opera`s, big brother and those sad excuses for tv dramas these days. i remember the days of boys from the blackstuff, i claudius, the onedin line, dads army and rising damp. this stuff these days is pure cr@p.

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Postby zarababe » Sun Jul 31, 2005 8:51 pm

Architect wrote:They won't have anybody on Channel 4 with an alternative nationalist political point of view - anybody for example who suggests that after the London bombings, Enoch Powell has been proved right when he warned in 1968 that mass immigration would eventually lead to bloodshed and conflict in the country.

.. what f*uckin world do you live in .. Powell's speech.. for a biggot.. and which you call an 'alternative nationalist' viewpoint :glare: recognised the tensions that were simmering in communities such as his own in Wolverhampton, where communities were divided and not integrated.. the huge tension in Burnely and Oldham, which subsequently lead to the governments community cohesion and sustainable communities agenda.. reflected the break down in integration of communities and instead therein existed suspicious and divided communities.

.. The IRA had long carried out a campaign of bloodshed in the capital .. and the recent atrocities have there roots in   failed foreign policy.. Next time you are trawling the right wing websites... remember on here you are on a sight that is accessible to people form all over the WORLD.. the world is a sea of colors, cultures,  religions, creeds  we have a joke and a laff on here .. but :censored: biggotry ..    :angry:
Last edited by zarababe on Sun Jul 31, 2005 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.



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Postby 76-1115222408 » Sun Jul 31, 2005 9:49 pm

zarababe wrote:
Architect wrote:They won't have anybody on Channel 4 with an alternative nationalist political point of view - anybody for example who suggests that after the London bombings, Enoch Powell has been proved right when he warned in 1968 that mass immigration would eventually lead to bloodshed and conflict in the country.

.. what f*uckin world do you live in .. Powell's speech.. for a biggot.. and which you call an 'alternative nationalist' viewpoint :glare: recognised the tensions that were simmering in communities such as his own in Wolverhampton, where communities were divided and not integrated.. the huge tension in Burnely and Oldham, which subsequently lead to the governments community cohesion and sustainable communities agenda.. reflected the break down in integration of communities and instead therein existed suspicious and divided communities.

.. The IRA had long carried out a campaign of bloodshed in the capital .. and the recent atrocities have there roots in   failed foreign policy.. Next time you are trawling the right wing websites... remember on here you are on a sight that is accessible to people form all over the WORLD.. the world is a sea of colors, cultures,  religions, creeds  we have a joke and a laff on here .. but :censored: biggotry ..    :angry:

Well said Zara!!!

Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Aug 01, 2005 1:30 am

seems to me that enoch was right with his comments, i dont see any biggotry in them. seems a shame that you both shoot down architect for having a point of view but expect him to accept your point of view. its a disgrace that you accuse him of trawling 'right wing websites', do you assume that architect is not intelligent enough to form his own opinion on something. are you certain he is 'right wing' or are you just jumping down someones throat because his views dont match your views?
enoch made his speech in the 60's when times were very different, but if you look at the 'rivers of blood' speech i dont think he was far wrong.  so accuse me now of racism and bigottry.

seems a shame that anyone who expresses an opinion is labelled a racist or a biggot. its good that someone can have a view and stick to it in the face of namby pamby do gooders cricising them and calling them names. most people i know have the same views but have a fear of voicing them now because they dont want to be labled by people who can only see one point of view also.

zara stick to your 'phwoar' threads, at least there you seem to have a point to make rather than the  mindless drive you come out with when you try to act educated.
Last edited by 112-1077774096 on Mon Aug 01, 2005 1:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby 76-1115222408 » Mon Aug 01, 2005 1:51 am

I dont agree with the use of 'bigot' in the post, however I tend to agree with the second paragraph mainly......Just to clear that up..............Anyway leave this as a Big Brother thread FFS!!!!

I see they have put another 'wannabe' on the program, man the producers are deperate for more drama, created with the addition of another nutter!!!

Postby Lando_Griffin » Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:21 am

zarababe wrote:
Architect wrote:They won't have anybody on Channel 4 with an alternative nationalist political point of view - anybody for example who suggests that after the London bombings, Enoch Powell has been proved right when he warned in 1968 that mass immigration would eventually lead to bloodshed and conflict in the country.

.. what f*uckin world do you live in .. Powell's speech.. for a biggot.. and which you call an 'alternative nationalist' viewpoint :glare: recognised the tensions that were simmering in communities such as his own in Wolverhampton, where communities were divided and not integrated.. the huge tension in Burnely and Oldham, which subsequently lead to the governments community cohesion and sustainable communities agenda.. reflected the break down in integration of communities and instead therein existed suspicious and divided communities.

.. The IRA had long carried out a campaign of bloodshed in the capital .. and the recent atrocities have there roots in   failed foreign policy.. Next time you are trawling the right wing websites... remember on here you are on a sight that is accessible to people form all over the WORLD.. the world is a sea of colors, cultures,  religions, creeds  we have a joke and a laff on here .. but :censored: biggotry ..    :angry:

I'd say Architect has got it bob on there. Lessons from history should be observed.
Regarding the speech, theres a lot of truth in what he said. I'm sorry, but I feel that expecting different cultures to live together is stupid. It's just like putting 3 pit-bulls, 4 staffies, 3 rottweilers and 10 cocker spaniels in the same pen. The act of a senseless warder, with the IQ of a lollypop. (Or politicians). Yes it's different as humans are more intellegent, but this just means we have the ability to dream up even more cunning ways to kill people.

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Postby 76-1115222408 » Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:24 am

Lando_Griffin wrote:Yes it's different as humans are more intellegent, but this just means we have the ability to dream up even more cunning ways to kill people.

This is the only point of note for me in your post, and I must admit I physically laughed out loud.!!!

Lando, where the hell do you get your imagination from, it never ceases to amaze me (aswell as make me laugh!!)!!!


Postby Lando_Griffin » Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:27 am

It's carefully nurtured with fermented liquids!!!!!

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Postby 76-1115222408 » Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:28 am

:laugh: :laugh:   Thought so!!!!  :p



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