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Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:56 am



Postby 84-1106852058 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:00 am

Well if he isnt coming can I come,sounds good to me.If Iget the 18c outside the Painted wagon were do Iget off. :D

Postby 66-1112520797 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:01 am

Why go on about the area he lives in Peewee???

And if you are going back in December it would both give you four months worth of work on the punchbag.

Get training boyz:D

Postby woof woof ! » Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:02 am

LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:As for the rest of you I couldnt give a toss if you read it or not, its not for you at the end of the day.
I am not here to please others so I dont give a monkeys either way, doesnt really bother me TBH!!!


Funny how you dont ask Peewee to 'consider' others though isnt it!!

If you "don't give a toss"  whether the rest of us  "read it or not,it's not for you to read at the end of the day"  why post it on the forum in the first place ? 
Stating  "Once he realised he wasn't going to win the public arguement "  Certainly to me at least sounds like you were addressing a hoped for audience ,unless of course you were just talking to yourself .

As for my not asking PeeWee to "consider" others . My request was  a direct response to the sheer volume of YOUR post not his. I'm not interested in getting involved in your fight with him and my post addressed to you should not be interpreted as an indication that I am taking anyone side on this issue.Your snide remark re preserving the status quo is unwarranted and unwelcome .
I can only assume you are allowing some of your apparent rage at PeeWee to spill over and colour your response to my (imo) reasonable request, which if I may remind you was in essence  nothing more than asking you to conduct your fight with PeeWee in private. I now now however see that has become impracticable as you both seem determined to have the last word in public therebye achieving some kind of victory .
Ther pair of you are both increasingly sounding like ten year olds with each passing post. .
Last edited by woof woof ! on Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:33 am

The Red Baron wrote:Well if he isnt coming can I come,sounds good to me.If Iget the 18c outside the Painted wagon were do Iget off. :D

get off at the pier head, head down the dock and try and get on a ship and work your passage here.

however you could just go the airport and get a flight

Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:34 am

woof woof ! wrote:Ther pair of you are both increasingly sounding like ten year olds with each passing post. .

oh come on, i at least sound 11 or 12   :p

Postby woof woof ! » Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:22 am

peewee wrote:
woof woof ! wrote:Ther pair of you are both increasingly sounding like ten year olds with each passing post. .

oh come on, i at least sound 11 or 12   :p

You did on Tuesday .   :nod

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Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:23 am


Postby 76-1115222408 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:45 pm

Bamaga man wrote:Why go on about the area he lives in Peewee???

EXACTLY!!!!   Thats all he is ggod at, he cant win the argument soo continues to make it personal!!!  It is plainly obvious FOR ALL to see, and he KNOWS this and this is the reason he is STILL trying to score points.....When it is too late!!!  haha!!!!   :sleep

Maybe he is getting mixed up between KENSINGTON and KENNINGTON!!!
I am only less than a five minute drive from Kensington Palace. Shows hopw much he knows doesnt it!!!
YES i live in an estate, SO WHAT, it is IN a affluent area, so makes it no cheaper to live in on the whole, as the shops by me are stupidly expensive, due to the demographic of the area!!


As for woof woof: Can you get your facts straight please, i did not say "Once he realised he wasn't going to win the public argument' Peewee said this!!!  NOT ME, I qouted him on that...So there you go!!!

Why do some people love getting involved in stuff that doesn't concern them, maybe they feel like the spotlight is not on them and dont like it......Who knows eh??  Who knows!!!!

Anyway, I dont see anybody else complaining about the lenght of the post anyway!!!

HYPOCRISY....I love it!!!!

Postby 76-1115222408 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:49 pm

woof woof ! wrote:Your snide remark re preserving the status quo is unwarranted and unwelcome .

Hmmmmm, SO WHAT!!!!!  Like I give a f.uck!!!

Maybe it is true thats why yo mention it!!!

'Unwelcome' yea, well your comment about the lenght of my post was also 'unwelcome'!!!

Last edited by 76-1115222408 on Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby woof woof ! » Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:43 pm

LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:As for woof woof: Can you get your facts straight please, i did not say "Once he realised he wasn't going to win the public argument' Peewee said this!!!  NOT ME, I qouted him on that...So there you go!!!

Why do some people love getting involved in stuff that doesn't concern them, maybe they feel like the spotlight is not on them and dont like it......Who knows eh??  Who knows!!!!

Anyway, I dont see anybody else complaining about the lenght of the post anyway!!!

HYPOCRISY....I love it!!!!

If I wrongly attrbutted something to you that was actuaaly said by peewee then I of course retract it . My only excuse being it was in your loooong post and after reading a couple of lines my brain was already going to sleep .

As for "some people love getting involved in stuff that doesn't concern them "
This is an open forum you plank ! if you don't want people getting involved don't post your juvenile whinging in here .

Grow up .  :kungfu:
Last edited by woof woof ! on Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby 76-1115222408 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:46 pm

"some people love getting involved in stuff that doesn't concern them "

Look Woof, that above qoute was not directed at you per say.....But look at it like this, when you were having a spat with Hustler the other night (that led to his ban!) NOBODY else got involved. And I am sure you would have been quick to tell someone who did to p.iss off if it didnt concern them.

Grow up!!!!    Ok Sir!!!!   ???   :laugh:

Postby woof woof ! » Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:33 pm

"some people love getting involved in stuff that doesn't concern them "

Look Woof, that above qoute was not directed at you per say.....But look at it like this, when you were having a spat with Hustler the other night (that led to his ban!) NOBODY else got involved. And I am sure you would have been quick to tell someone who did to p.iss off if it didnt concern them.

Grow up!!!!    Ok Sir!!!!    :laugh:

Actually I was disappointed that other members didn't take the opportunity to tell the hustler what they thought of him .

As for you and PeeWee .
Although witnessing a little "spat" amongst fellow members is always entertaining ,  the degree to which you and PeeWee took your argument was no longer funny and was becoming increasingly juvenile and added no merit to this site  . This is an open furum and belongs to all members in equal measure hence my calls for you and PeeWee to pack it in and if you must then at least continue your arguement in private. 
Your somewhat childish responses to this continued request are certainly not appreciated but then I shouldn't be surprised if yet again you respond with "Hmmmmmm so what ? Like i give a fu'ck ! "

ps I always admire people who use words/phrases you don't hear every day ,but that admiration dissolves into contempt when I discern that it is nothing more than a mask to make them appear more intelligent. than they really are .
Per Say   :laugh:   :laugh:   :laugh:
I think you mean Per Se .

but again as you would say "Like i give a " fu'ck "   :laugh:
Last edited by woof woof ! on Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Garymac » Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:40 pm

id have got involved but hustler has already threatened me and i didnt want to walk round lookin over me sholder all me life.  :D
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Postby woof woof ! » Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:54 pm

Garymac wrote:id have got involved but hustler has already threatened me and i didnt want to walk round lookin over me sholder all me life.  :D

Yeah ,the hustler might have sneaked up behind you with his jar of vaseline .                                         


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