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Postby Afroman » Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:12 am

This Brazilian was a terrorist suspect, so even if the guy had stopped, in that crowded street, the police would have had to shoot him dead,

Maybe that is what the Brazilian was thinking 'oh :censored: if I stop they'll kill me I 'd better run' If this is what happened it was a terrible waste.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:50 am

oh dear

blah blah blah waffle waffle waffle.

it seems only woolyback and the woofster seem to have a grip on reality here.

mmmmmmm liverpoolanytime has not been arrested for 6 years and seems to to think he is not comitting any offences yet he has a fight every month with some guy who is harrassing him and his family. good way to teach your kids that one.

i cant give you a detailed analysis of why you are an ex criminal (or rather one thats not been caught for a few years, your own admitance in that you are still having a fight every month), im not a psychiatrist.

i am enjoying your rants to be honest, as are the people who are sending me pms and saying how obvious it is that you beleive you are not in the wrong with anything you do or have done. its all societies fault in your eyes. i dont care that your family hate the police, i dont care if anyone hates the police. i wouldnt say i am a big lover of them myself. but having done the job i know how difficult it can be as every day i was dealing with snivveling little toerags that couldnt be bothered to work for a living and would rather take what other have worked for. i wonder who you will call if your house get burgled or one of your cars gets robbed. im sure you will call the police and ask for help. maybe since you dont trust them then you can just employ a private detective (joke)

in my 5 years in the police i met so many people like you.

good to hear you have a job etc, as have a lot of ex offenders so that doesnt really stand you out as a special type of guy. some people do go straight but they never quite lose that big chip.

oh well, like i said, we will have to agree to disagree

keep that temper of yours under wraps, it seems that you are losing it, and we all know where that can lead    :;):

Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:57 am

from LIVERPOOLANYTIME in the 'who would you love to punch' thread

Yea happier than most days.....Bas.tads.
I would rather have had a clamp. as i would have just sawn (electric of course!) it off, like i have done in the past. But it was in an impregnable pound, with dogs, barbed wire, the
f.ucking lot !!! :D :D :D :D ???

mmmmmm sawing off clamps off cars, the clamps were placed there legally and you decide to commit criminal damage.

you have been such a good boy over the last six years, maybe you should get a lollipop.
criminal damage and the odd assault or public order offence every month.

or maybe you should just re word your posts to 'i commit offences on a monthly basis but its all the polices fault, they are harrassing me and my family'   
Last edited by 112-1077774096 on Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby 76-1115222408 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 3:02 am

Cant be bothered with you anymore to be honest so I will only give you a little of my time!

Firstly you say you got PM's, do you even know what that stands for you plonker...PRIVATE message FFS!!  And seen as you have aired yours, i too have received a PM advising me that you are a bigot and that you should just be ignored...So there you go, do you think I give a monkeys that you got PM'd, what would you like a Blue Peter badge??  Nice to see you are so popular on an anonymous forum, you must be so happy with yourself!

And for your information, the clamp was taken off SEVEN years ago, when i very first started driving, and that was the one and only clamp I ever had, all other times I have been towed from my estate as I ALWAYS buy a ticket when out and about so as to negate the possibilty of a clamp. If we were to believe your obvious idea of me then i would NOT buy a ticket, knowing full well that I would just saw the clamp off!! YES I would have preferred a clamp as i stated but in reality, I know I wouldnt get one in my flats anyway, they just tow so as to get the tow away fee too! Lets just say I was angry at the time (seen as i had been towd for no reason) and was reminiscing on a time when I get one over them, much in the same way they got one over me, seen as I had a valid parking permit etc;
Look i told you about making your assumptions didnt I, but you chose not to listen, you thicko!!!

As for fighting, I AM DEFEDING myself you plank, that is NOT against the law. Think about it, if I testified against this guy in court yea, who do you think is more likely to be the one instigating the fights??   Use your brain you idiot, you (being a police and therefore should have detective skills to a point!!) should have been able to decipher that from the post. But no Mr T.ithead :laugh: , doesnt use his head does he!!!

You keep saying 'I know people like you, I met them in my job all the time' trust me you dont know me and what I am about, it is clear YOU have a chip on YOUR shoulder, because you obviously had some bad experiences with 'people like me' so therefore taint everyone with the same brush.

I am sorry to see that the police 'mentality' has really got a hold of you, but at the same time AM glad you are no longer a copper, because the more like you, the less that gets done!!!!

Anyway, you chose to attack me personally as opposed to keep to the debate, which for me shows your low intellect. Just because you cant or dont have sufficient debating skills to continue what you called an 'argument' (which further reinforces your attitude) when I saw it as a simple debate, is no reason to attack me personally.
Look TBH I dont mind, because it just makes you look SMALL not me, I keep to the subject matter, you just go off on wild tangents.

Look before I leave you, I just noticed that you say, I say, 'its all societies fault' blah blah blah, what because I dont agree with what people say?  I have not said that in any post AT ALL, so again you are trying to misrepresent me...Why? Struggling to find valid things to say?
I repeated this in my last post and will repeat again for you seen as you seem to have problems picking up points (or more likely it is selective reading that you use)...YES i have done whatever i have done in the past and I MADE THOSE DECISIONS....ok, I have not said it was because of society, because that is a b.ollox and weak excuse, I tell it how it was, I did it becasue i WANTED to do it.....There you go Thicko, do you get that....nothing to do with society, I CHOSE to do it, it was fun. End of!!!  Any clearer now ?? 

You lick a,rse, go and lick Woof Woof's a.rse if you like, I dont see you qouting him when he says basically we dont know if they asked the guy to stop..why is that ??  But when I say anything along the same sort of lines you are telling me about you are a cop and what the procedures are etc; You are nothing but a straight hypocrite!!! saying he (and wooly) are the only ones that have any idea? You are a fool, and it is clear for me to see TBH.

Look if YOU want to continue making this a personel thing then we can swap mobile numbers and sort it. I have not really got time for personal attacks by people without a face because anyone can be hard on the net, all I will say to you is 'Lets Do This' You can come to me, or I can come to you, or we can meet in the middle...I dont give a f.cuk TBF. Internet beef is a waste of time, lets just be men about this if you REALLY want to make it personel!
However, if you dont want to do that as it will be 'breaking the law' then keep your posts on the subject matter. Remember yea THAT YOU qouted me and when I reply, you change the subject, whats that all about!!!!  ???   Bit weird that!

But as I have said i have been warned abut you anyway!!! So it only reconfirmed what I could clearly see from your posts in the first place!

Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 3:43 am

haha so easy to wind up with your typical criminal menatality. nice to see that you admit being a criminal was fun.

so now Mr innocent wants to meet and fight. thanks mate you just keep getting better and better and have given me no end of amusment these last two days, i have no doubt you will get red faced and burst a blood vesel of this post as well and reply with some pathetic threat.

if you want my number you call +60193880619 (thats not for you zara so dont bother calling it). i have also pm you my address. no doubt i will recognise you by the Bulldog on a rope and the knuckles dragging along the floor.

now if you have the intelligence to realise that i dont live in the UK and wish to pursue your challenge, then not a problem, give me a call anytime. how pathetic challenging me to meet man to man on a forum, and then go on to criticise the faceless people on here.

now you have my number, lets see if you use it, come to malaysia if you like and when ive wiped the floor with you then you can have a nice holiday, i will even let you stay at my place ( as long as you promise to not steal anything). 

dear me, whatever next.

i have to go and cry now as some people on the forum dont like me, boo hoo. if people have a problem with me they can pm me but its strange that no one has bothered to pm me and call me a bigot.

thanks for showing me your streetsmart and booksmart in your last post, thanks for calling me stupid blah blah blah, i wont sleep now tonite after your personal attack  :p
thanks for proving that you have a problem with your temper Mr.Graduate.

but most of all thanks for proving so many things to me without even realising that you are doing it :D

nite nite little boy, sleep tite
Last edited by 112-1077774096 on Wed Jul 27, 2005 3:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby 76-1115222408 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:07 am

What a weak reply!!  Still keeping it off the ORIGINAL subject matter, I am not angry at all. If you want angry I CAN give you a link to another thread where I was angry!! 
You are STUPID, so are unable to anger me because you basically talking c.rap. I would be angry if whta you were saying was correct because you would be embarrasing me, but the case is you are not!

You also have my mobile number and FULL home address and say you will be over at Christmas yea!!  I am available anytime when you come over. I will 'Welcome' you at Heathrow if you want?

Or pick your place, Hyde Park etc; wherever....I am easy!!!
You better be on your P's and Q's , I tell you that from now!!

Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:12 am

LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:What a weak reply!!  Still keeping it off the ORIGINAL subject matter, I am not angry at all. If you want angry I CAN give you a link to another thread where I was angry!! 
You are STUPID, so are unable to anger me because you basically talking c.rap. I would be angry if whta you were saying was correct because you would be embarrasing me, but the case is you are not!

You also have my mobile number and FULL home address and say you will be over at Christmas yea!!  I am available anytime when you come over. I will 'Welcome' you at Heathrow if you want?

Or pick your place, Hyde Park etc; wherever....I am easy!!!
You better be on your P's and Q's , I tell you that from now!!

as you also have my address, i will meet you at KLIA

how pathetic this argument has become now. if you dont have the intelligence to see what im doing to you then i pity you.

anyway i am sure we have bored everyone enough now so we can continue this in PM.

if you want to roll around on the floor to prove you masculinity then so be it. maybe you can take me on at the same time as the guy you fight with every month since your so hard.

typical cockney blagger

see you in PM    :sleep

Postby LFC #1 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:26 am

oh bollox, keep going lads it is very entertaining. :D
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Postby 76-1115222408 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:32 am

Wy do you keep posting in this thread AFTER PM'ing me?? 
You are a complete and as i said to you already, 'If I cant see what I am doing to you' is your game, then you really are sad....why try to rile me for no reason, if we were 'debating' not arguing over an issue specific to this thread. You FAILED to respond to any of my argunemts and wanted to and persist to make this personel.

Now when the heat is on, you are changing your tune to 'Oh I was only joking, couldnt you see what I was doing to you'...Sorry Peewee (that name says it all really doesnt it) c.rap excuse mate, you do it becasue you ENJOY it, which really makes you a sad little man...a man disagrees with you, so you turn it into a personal attack....Great debate that is!!

So YOU are the one who looks sad, not me.....I just wanted to debate with you over the Brazilian guy etc; but you were clearly unable to do that, and even if you were decided not to and wanted take a different route. Puzzling that!  As i said before YOU qouted me and went onto make a point, i counterd your argumnet and you didnt like it. It is clear for all to see IMO.

I am not here to 'blag', I dont LIE.....Straight up and down..!! Phone my mobile now and that will be proved!

PS - MODS, please dont lock this thread as I am willin to leave it here (as i was after my last post too) and we can get back to the debate that I was TRYING to do in the first place. IMO the thread is needed with the ever more frequent attacks etc; that seem to be happening at the moment!

I will say no more on the matter in this thread even if this guy replies again, he can have the last word and say whatever i will not respond.

Postby A.B. » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:36 am

I will say no more on the matter in this thread even if this guy replies again, he can have the last word and say whatever i will not respond

I will have the last word, and that is :D :laugh: :D

Continue by all means.
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Postby LFC #1 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:38 am

Don't you get involved AB. The 'argument' is heated enough without you joining in :p :laugh:
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:38 am

LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:Wy do you keep posting in this thread AFTER PM'ing me?? 
You are a complete and as i said to you already, 'If I cant see what I am doing to you' is your game, then you really are sad....why try to rile me for no reason, if we were 'debating' not arguing over an issue specific to this thread. You FAILED to respond to any of my argunemts and wanted to and persist to make this personel.

Now when the heat is on, you are changing your tune to 'Oh I was only joking, couldnt you see what I was doing to you'...Sorry Peewee (that name says it all really doesnt it) c.rap excuse mate, you do it becasue you ENJOY it, which really makes you a sad little man...a man disagrees with you, so you turn it into a personal attack....Great debate that is!!

So YOU are the one who looks sad, not me.....I just wanted to debate with you over the Brazilian guy etc; but you were clearly unable to do that, and even if you were decided not to and wanted take a different route. Puzzling that!  As i said before YOU qouted me and went onto make a point, i counterd your argumnet and you didnt like it. It is clear for all to see IMO.

I am not here to 'blag', I dont LIE.....Straight up and down..!! Phone my mobile now and that will be proved!

PS - MODS, please dont lock this thread as I am willin to leave it here (as i was after my last post too) and we can get back to the debate that I was TRYING to do in the first place. IMO the thread is needed with the ever more frequent attacks etc; that seem to be happening at the moment!

I will say no more on the matter in this thread even if this guy replies again, he can have the last word and say whatever i will not respond.

where did i say i was joking, im not joking.

im winding you up because i know how you will respond, with threats and thats what you did. like i said once a crim always a crim.

what heat is on?

some knob thratening me, you think im scared. you also have my address and phone number, what did you say, "im saving for a mortgage so im not coming there'

it seems you backpedalled when the heat was on mate not me. i will be in UK in December, and like i said in pm when we have finished we can go for a beer, i dont mind lowering my standards.

lets see if you can manange to not reply to this one now.

or we just coninue in pm to save boring people.

ok gangsta    :rasp

Postby A.B. » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:39 am

I don't like politics, I'm not touching this subject with a 20 foot pole. It's fun to read a heated arguement without being involved. :D
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Postby 76-1115222408 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:40 am

A.B. wrote:
I will say no more on the matter in this thread even if this guy replies again, he can have the last word and say whatever i will not respond

I will have the last word, and that is :D :laugh: :D

Continue by all means.


Postby 76-1115222408 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:57 am

See what i mean Mods, he will not stop, so just to prove a point i will now show the PM's : Just to see who looks as though they are backing down....Now I want peoples honest opinions on who the hell is backing down here!!

Gangstar!!!  haha, thats funny....What am I the ' Gangstar Graduate' then. You Kn.ob. People check the time of his last PM and the different sounding one he posted on here

BTW - I have edited out the addresses and phne nmbrs, of course!

Obviously you have to start from the center and work your way outwards for it to make sense!!!

Now this time I WILL NOT reply on the matter, I only did so as he persists to PM, but then post in the thread too!!! Bit pointless that really. Anyway this is done for me until December rolls round!

peewee wrote:good backpeddaling there. ok i have no problem meeting with you, and then when ive finished with you or you have finished with me we can go and have a beer together.

i dont bang ladyboys, i leave my mate to do that. im engaged to a thai woman wh is more than beautiful. i own property in Bangkok as well as Kuala Lumpur.

i was in the Police from 1988 to 1993 and i know how corrupt the police can be, one of the reasons i left was the hypocrasy. however i defend the for what they did in stockwell because i know as an ex firearms trained officer that i would have done the same thing.

its not sad to see how you react, its quite funny for me to do that and you reacted how i expected, with threats. anyway have good day and see you when i see you

peewee wrote:why am i an idiot for not being in the UK, im in Asia earning a fortune and living in luxury, and you call me an idiot?

your living on an estate in London paying high taxes with poor weather.

work that one out einstein. you cant even work out on the forum that i am winding you up by writing what i write. i know i dont answer you points, thats the whole point. i wanted to see how long it would be before you totally lost it and threatened me.

seems you missing the point, london is dump and i do go there on business reguarly, however i said i am next there in busy at the moment with Thai and Hong kong contracts. at no point did i say i dont know how london is. i know full well how London is

funny how you dont want to come to Malaysia, i thought you were wealthy the way you go on, two cars blah blah blah. i thought you wanted to teach me a lesson. im offering you a free holiday in the sun, just pay for you flight, (or can you steal one)

typical cockney blagger

peewee wrote:tel +



or if you would rather wait i will be in UK at Christmas.
see you soon boy

Haha, you are not even in the UK, what an idiot!!!  Probably dont have a clue what its like in London these days you prat, going on like you talking from experience!!!  Awwww these fakes....omg!!!

Anyway yea when you are here in Dec holla at me yea: 


There you go!

I will be happy to give you a reality check mate and welcome you to the great city of London!


Well seen as I am making trying to get money together for a mortgage and you say you are coming over makes sense not to bother wasting my money on a ****** like you! 

Look I dont really care for your 'luxury' its not all about 'possesions' in life, or are you yet to figure that out...Just go bang a shemale!!

Also i said you are an idiot becasue they way you go on is like you still in the UK, but fair enough you are where you are, I didnt know where you are which should make you realise that I am being serious and didnt say all  that i have just becsuse i know where you are...Look  I am nit a fool you know. Well you can find that out for yourself anyway!

Also ou are a very sad man if your 'game' is trying to rile me, I just want to debate on the issues ina thread but others dont like it when they are disagreed with or your points made to look invalid or weak.

Look stop PM'ing me until a week or so before coming over or even once you are here. I have not got time to converse thru PM with a p.rick. So just wait for a few months and it will all be dealt with!


All i have to say to you is that you for sone reaosn believe that you are 'smart' because you feel i answered as you expected, but the irony is that YOU also answered the way i expected, by NOT ddebating and backing up your post, like most of the p.riks on here!!!!

You you are not smart...You are Sad.


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