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Postby bigmick » Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:18 am

The suspicion persists within me that we are not being told the whole truth and nothing but visa-vis Stevie G. "The ball's in Liverpools court now, I'm ready to talk" isn't the same as "I want to sign for Liverpool, give me the contract". Infact the whole process is taking on a depressigly familiar ring.
Already the jungle drums are beating out the tune of Madrid for a paltry 25 million and this time I believe that far from being out manoevred and being left to look naive, the powers that be are secretly hoping the thing happens at the right price to the right club. Down the edge of the veil of open-handedness people can be imagined, scurrying around from fax to mobile phone setting up meetings and broking the power to make the thing happen.
Should we be surprised if my wild and totally unsubstantiated theory holds any water? Probably not but the taste left in the mouth would be hard to wash away. Where is the honesty and integrity, the openness from all concerned? Does Stevie really really want to stay? I suspect not to be honest. Money can't buy everything and my feeling is that envious glances are being cast in the direction of Fat Frank, poncing about on the gangsters yacht. Or at glamorous David, courted from Leno to Letterman stateside.
What about the club, do they really really want him to stay? At 100k a week and given the current financial state, was the timely reproduction of the OPTA stats yesterday part one of a non too subtle softening up process?
In truth I must declare some bias here. I have long thought that Gerrard would go this close season. IMHO what we are watching right now is politics. The careful postering so both parties can claim afterwards that they tried their best. A little like the couple that know it's over going to an extended course of marraige guidance before eventually pulling the plug.
It's all theory and conjecture so it doesn't belong in the rumour thread. TBH if there was a "just have a guess" thread it should probably go in there. As it is I've started a new one with it. Hopefully my reluctance to spam in the past will save me from getting shouted down too much.
Since I'm in a guessing mood, Gerrard to Madrid for 30m. Then the traffic jam of prospective targets, Milito, Kuyte, Crouch, Reina, Hargreaves all sign within the week. Stevie who?
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Postby RedorDead » Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:26 am

I am torn Mick...I mean I love Gerrard and what he has done for us, he is clearly a world class midfielder, in the top three in the world and I want to see the best at liverpool....BUT...would it be a disaster if he went? I dunno. I'd feel gutted but also somehow relieved. Every summer we get non stop speculation about him leaving, maybe best just have done with it while we can still get £30 million for him.   That is a lot of money to reinvest, and with Rafa's record of shrewd buys I suspect if you gave him £60 mill to strengthen a squad he'd do a very very good job.
As this is a guessing game I am going to guess that he will sign an extension, probably just a year, and I'd be happy at that, he is undoubtably the heart of our team and with some extra talent around him who knows where we could end up this season.
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Postby bigmick » Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:29 am

Any guess is as good as another and with the possible exception of CIGGY, all of us on here are similarly uninformed so who knows. My feeling is that the club would be foolish to go for a 1 year extension though Red, it'd be five years or adios amigo for me.
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Postby RedorDead » Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:35 am

Mate I agree, I'd want him to sign long term to end speculation for years and give us that continuity that any Premiership challenging side needs.....however I just suspect that although Gerrard is saying the right things he is still a bit of mercenary. I know I might get ripped to shreds for that but as you said we are being held to ransom somewhat here. Sign him by all means, on THE CLUB'S terms please....I just reckon they'll give more than they get back on this deal and so short term is more likely. Hope I am wrong.
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Postby Ciggy » Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:40 am

I dont know mick if he is going or not honestly, I really dont want him to go ok he didnt play as well as we know he can last season.  but if we got the Stevie back from the season before we have one of the best midfielders on our hands, and their is not many to match him when he gives his all.
Them OPTA stats on SKY news yesterday where a bit shocking TBH that we actually got better results without him.
As you say is it to soften the blow? I duno.
I just feel we need a few scousers in the team 11 Carraghers would be ideal  :D , but rafa was saying he wants to find players who have the same atitude as cara, well Rafa is gona have a hard search on his hands as you cant find a player with so much heart as he has.
We shall see what happens but if it wasnt for Steven Gerrard scoring against the Greeks in the dying seconds, and lifting the players after his goal in Ataturk, we would'nt have won the CL, and he is going to be very very hard to replace.
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Postby RedorDead » Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:47 am

And so CIGGY outlines exactly why I am torn!!! He's local, he's quality, he has heart and he is bl**dy bl**dy good!!!!! As for the ten Carraghers in our team, yeah that'd be great, we'd probably have a lot of 0-0 draws mind :p
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Postby Ciggy » Fri Jun 17, 2005 8:28 am

RedorDead wrote:And so CIGGY outlines exactly why I am torn!!! He's local, he's quality, he has heart and he is bl**dy bl**dy good!!!!! As for the ten Carraghers in our team, yeah that'd be great, we'd probably have a lot of 0-0 draws mind :p

Click here red or dead  :laugh:

We all dream of a team of carraghers, a team of carraghers, a team of carraghers.

Number 1 is carragher an number 2 is carragher, number 3 is carragher and number fouuur is carragher

We all dream of a team of carraghers, a team of carraghers, a team of carraghers.

number 5 etc
http://www.geocities.com/timothymooreuk/TeamOfCarraghers.mp3  :love:  :buttrock
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Postby RedorDead » Fri Jun 17, 2005 8:32 am

Class CIGGY :D
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Postby 116-1104673748 » Fri Jun 17, 2005 9:20 am

This is one of the situations when we think that bio-tech and cloning are the best things to ever be invented by man since football.

Postby bigmick » Fri Jun 17, 2005 9:24 am

Just to clarify, I'm not advocating selling or Keeping Gerrard. I just find the shenanigans and double-speak from both sides a bit distasteful. If he's staying, sign the contract (and from the clubs point of view, OFFER him the contract), if he's going, then go. Let's cut out the badge kissing, the "let's build a team around our captains", the "I love this clubs" and the "negotiations are a preliminary stages" once and for all. Does he want to stay, and do we really want him? It's simple really.
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Postby Belfastred » Fri Jun 17, 2005 9:52 am

We heard all this rubbish last year with Owen. Real came in for him and it was "too good to turn down".

I hate to say it but I think he's on his way. theres no one out there within our means as an obvious replacement. I would look into the Opta stats too much either. They cant measure things in terms of inspiration and desire can they?
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Postby LFC #1 » Fri Jun 17, 2005 10:14 am

cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:
RedorDead wrote:And so CIGGY outlines exactly why I am torn!!! He's local, he's quality, he has heart and he is bl**dy bl**dy good!!!!! As for the ten Carraghers in our team, yeah that'd be great, we'd probably have a lot of 0-0 draws mind :p

Click here red or dead  :laugh:

We all dream of a team of carraghers, a team of carraghers, a team of carraghers.

Number 1 is carragher an number 2 is carragher, number 3 is carragher and number fouuur is carragher

We all dream of a team of carraghers, a team of carraghers, a team of carraghers.

number 5 etc
http://www.geocities.com/timothymooreuk/TeamOfCarraghers.mp3  :love:  :buttrock

that song is class.
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Postby maximus » Fri Jun 17, 2005 10:33 am

Mick, with the complexities of negotiating a multio million pound deal, IMO there is only so much either party can say.

However as you well know, nothing ever surprises us in football, and as the hysteria of the CL final settles down, the reality for SG will surface again. Personally I really do not see his problem, he has won every trophy at club level bar the premier league, he is still 23/24 if he was to sign a five year deal he needs to ask himself the question, can I win the Premier league within the next 5 years? IMO the answer is ABSOLUTELY, that is not the opinion of a biased rose tinted spectacled reds supporter that is genuine reality when you look at the foundations being laid, Alonso, SG, Garcia, Carra, Risse, Finnan, Cisse and Morro with a couple of good additions, believe me that is the hallmark of a world class side.

If he goes to Real Madrid/Chelsea, whoever will he be treated like a god, like he is here? I doubt it. God knows he has not played his best this season, he has admitted it himself, my guess is because of the continued speculation surrounding his future yet we are all treating him like god. As a a contrary example, Kewell is getting stick big style (maybe quite rightly so??) and the lad may well have a case for being genuinely injured and his consequent lacklustre performances?? who knows, I suppose because he's not a local lad and all that stands for.

You can bet your bottom dollar SG is constantly speaking to Fat Frank, Dippy Beckham, Metal Mickey and co. and like any other job they are all talking about how great it is where they are blah, blah, blah.

Is it money? potentially being offered £100K per week improved deal, how much more can he earn? £120k per week, 150k? where does it stop? Is that really the problem? No my guess is, he is a young lad and really does not know what he wants, he is trying to please everyone, the fans, his family and himself.

Stevie make your mind up soon lad, because long term this will not do you or your career any favours, you were let off the hook this season with many poor performances (admitted by your very self), because of who you are, what you stand for within this club and your performance in the Attaturk stadium. However you cannot fool us forever. Stop talking to Fat Frank, Dippy Becks and Metal Mickey and speak to someone a bit more closer to home, you know the bit of granite that sits in between you and the goalkeeper......................Thats right JAMIE CARRAGHER the shining beacon within this great, great club at this moment in time.

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Postby Woollyback » Fri Jun 17, 2005 11:28 am

From BBC's website:

Liverpool chief executive Rick Parry is to hold contract talks with midfielder Steven Gerrard when the 25-year-old's agent returns from a holiday next week.
The Reds captain has two years left on his current deal and Parry says there is no "higher priority" at Anfield than securing him on a long-term basis.

"The priority is to keep Steven and build a winning team around him," Parry told BBC Radio Five Live.

"As long as he wants to stay, we want to keep him."

Gerrard helped Liverpool win the Champions League trophy in May but there has been speculation about his future with him being linked to Chelsea and Real Madrid.

There's a will on both sides but we're not going to negotiate in public
Rick Parry 

The player is unlikely to figure in Liverpool's upcoming Champions League first round, first leg qualifying round match on 12/13 July unless a deal is agreed as his appearance may decrease the transfer fee should he move on.

But Parry said: "There's a common aim to get things sorted, we want him to stay and hope Steven wants to stay.

"All being well it will be sorted quickly, there is certainly no panic.

"The issue for Steven was he wanted to win trophies with us and wanted to be successful. But the key was he wanted to be successful with us.

"There's a will on both sides but we're not going to negotiate in public, it will happen when it happens in our timescale.

"It is another hugely important task. There is no higher priority for us than to secure Steven's future."

The European Cup has gone now - we've got to be just as hungry
Steven Gerrard 

Gerrard recently said he would be holding talks at the end of June and beginning of July.

"The ball is in Liverpool's court now. I'm ready to talk and am waiting for them to give me the nod," the England international said recently.

There has been plenty of speculation surrounding Gerrard but he has insisted he would like to stay at Anfield.

"Of course, yes, I've still got two years left. We haven't spoken about a new contract yet and I don't know how long those talks will go on for," he said.

"But the sooner they start the better because I want my future sorted before the start of the season."

He added: "The European Cup has gone now. We've got to be just as hungry. We won the big one but it is important we forget about that and move on and try to do better in the Premiership."

I agree with Mick that there is too much "guarded speak" going on with neither party willing to just come clean and give a black or white YES or NO, but I am actually inclined to think there is a very simple explanation to all this - as it says in the article, Stevie's agent is away on holiday. Obviously Stevie isn't going to sign without his agent being there to negotiate a better package, so I reckon that's the only thing holding it up right now. I'm convinced he'll sign.
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Postby PabloAimar » Fri Jun 17, 2005 12:53 pm

with regards to them OPTA stats...

the reason it shows us to get better results without Gerrard is becoz the matches he usually misses out on are the p1ss easy ones where he is rested.
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