Nolan coming to anfield?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Ace Ventura » Fri May 20, 2005 10:19 am

Hamann is on high wages and probably on way out, Biscan will be allowed to leave if someone comes in for him, Welsh, Potter not ready.
Diarra ??? He's playin well in was Cheyrou...he will never be coming to play in the Premiership.
I agree that we want to be signing world class players to take the club forward but the position Nolan plays we have the best midfield in the league...possibly Europe anyway, so he would be cover...a squad player.
He is better than the squad players we have now, and imo that is where we have struggled most this season. We have come back from european games...changed the side and the players that have come in havent been upto it.
Biscan might of made a decent contribution in Europe but in vital away league games he's been poor. Nolan would provide more....and his wages are probably considerably less as well.

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Postby haps » Fri May 20, 2005 10:26 am

I'll bet a million Van der Vaart will be at Anfield very soon.  He's leaving, we all know, and it's between us and the Mancs as to who gets him and I think we have the edge.  Alot will be announced once the Final is out of the way and we're champions of Europe  :buttrock
When I said I'd take Nolan it's cos I think he'd be an excellent squad member, a scrapper, someone who'd improve immensely under Rafa and just the man to put some grit back in the team
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Postby Ace Ventura » Fri May 20, 2005 11:16 am

Totally agree on Nolan, the lad would give 100 % and be a very decent squad member.
If the rumours about van der vaart are true i would be made up...he is world class.
Is he half spanish as someone else has posted...that might sway it if its true, being in the Champions league final will help ALOT as well.

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Postby Cool Hand Luke » Fri May 20, 2005 12:09 pm

bigmick wrote:
Cool Hand Luke wrote:I haven't even mentioned Diarra, Welsh or Potter, even if all three were sold (hypothetically speaking), we would still have Mannix, a reserve regular who could be backup to the main 4.

To be honest CHL, I agree with most of what you say but this bit baffles me a bit. You're not seriously suggesting that any of these are a better bet than Nolan surely?

No, I wasn't suggesting that those players are better than Nolan. I was just pointing out that we have so many Central Midfielder, that we could let a couple go and still have sufficient cover.

i think yes what about you
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Postby Cool Hand Luke » Fri May 20, 2005 12:28 pm

In this interview Diarra claims that Rafa has called him and said that he wants him to come back to Liverpool.

"Benitez called me. He told me he has followed my season and he would like to get me back. That is nice to hear."

i think yes what about you
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Fri May 20, 2005 12:29 pm

I know most of you would be against it. But the fact is, he's a red and he's a scouser. Now i don't care what any of you foreign lot say, or any "oot's" say, if you're from the city, you understand the club more, its in your blood, your more proud...

Simple as that.

When someone at a match sings songs about scousers, who do u think it effects more? Gerrard and Carragher, or Sami and Luis Garcia?

It would fire the local lads up more. Thats occassionally what we lack, a bit of pride, determination and heart. Scousers that play for us show that in every game.

Postby Scottbot » Fri May 20, 2005 12:39 pm

stu_the_red wrote:It would fire the local lads up more. Thats occassionally what we lack, a bit of pride, determination and heart. Scousers that play for us show that in every game.

While i agree with what you're saying not many of your posts on Gerrard this season back this statment up Stu.
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Postby Roger Red Hat » Fri May 20, 2005 1:29 pm

stu_the_red wrote:I know most of you would be against it. But the fact is, he's a red and he's a scouser. Now i don't care what any of you foreign lot say, or any "oot's" say, if you're from the city, you understand the club more, its in your blood, your more proud...

Simple as that.

When someone at a match sings songs about scousers, who do u think it effects more? Gerrard and Carragher, or Sami and Luis Garcia?

It would fire the local lads up more. Thats occassionally what we lack, a bit of pride, determination and heart. Scousers that play for us show that in every game.

you talk a lot of sh!t most of the time.
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Postby Roger Red Hat » Fri May 20, 2005 1:31 pm

stu_the_red wrote:fact is, he's a red and he's a scouser. Now i don't care what any of you foreign lot say, or any "oot's" say, if you're from the city, you understand the club more, its in your blood, your more proud...

Rafa is a foreigner therefore doesn't understand the club and it isn't in his blood. 

Let's replace Rafa with Jimmy Tarbuck.

you numpty
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Postby banana » Fri May 20, 2005 1:56 pm

I knew the buy british campaign had many followers. But I did not know desperation of their cause. In all honesty, Kev Nolan is at best a decent squad player. AT BEST.

Even suggesting Nolan should come here and join LFC, one of the best clubs in the world is insane. He can't even find a place in Bolton FFS.

It just adds to the list of poor suggestions from the past. I remember the names all too well. Barton, Humphreys, Ricketts, Heskey, Murphy, Clough, Dawson, Bowyer, James, Anderton, and so on.

All these players have failed. Especially the british lads Houllier signed. 11 million for Heskey? That is the price you have to pay to get british. Proven by Everton's Beattie at 6 millions. Nuff said. The time is long gone when LFC had so much money that they could burn it on english squad players at hugely inflated prices.

If you want british. You have to rely on the academy. But unfortunately it is in a complete mess. The academy must be sorted out NOW. At present it is a waste bin for poor prospects. U 18 have lost almost all their games this season, completely unacceptable for LFC prospects. Academy players should graduate knowing the art of winning games. But they are now proven loosers. No player can be expected to come out of that team with good skills and a winning mentality. So the wait for the next talent might be long.


Why don't we find a new british manager?
If we can find a) a british manager and b) a former LFC player that's great

Souness anyone?

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Postby siti_zaiton1982 » Fri May 20, 2005 4:56 pm

i dun mind if he's really coming in the summer.he's a good player after all although he plays for bolton.
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Postby the great one » Fri May 20, 2005 8:18 pm

cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:Rafael Van Der Vaart will be better than Nolan he wants out of Ajax he would come to us, if we made an offer an hes half spanish his mums spanish :cool:  two rafas in Liverpool  :buttrock

Im not sure about Van der vaart he is way to cocky and it looks like his on his way to Hamburg   he was seen there  2 weeks ago. There was seen there was a time were all the top clubs wanted him. Now Van der Vaart only listens to

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Postby adamnbarrett » Fri May 20, 2005 8:21 pm

To be honest the only thing i remember about kevin nolan woz his hilarious own goal against boro last season. on van der vaart he is top class and would want him in my team.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Fri May 20, 2005 8:21 pm

I knew the buy british campaign had many followers. But I did not know desperation of their cause. In all honesty, Kev Nolan is at best a decent squad player. AT BEST.

That what we're saying. If Hamann or Biscan leaves then him in exchange for Diouf would be good business...

I thought that was self explanitory. No-one here said he was class. Just a local lad who's a decent player.

Postby BOODIDDY » Fri May 20, 2005 9:37 pm

Nolan would actually come on more at anfield im from bolton and know a few of the lads the amount of training the boy puts in is unbelievable. two  seasons ago sam asked him to beef up and get fitter look at him now he is a powerhouse and he can play too. We need players for a season fight. Nolan is this type of player, Chelski dont have all good on the eye players at times they bring in the scrappers jarosik, smertin, geremi nothing flash but solid. If diouf goes to bolton then we get nolan and a couple of mil then great business imo
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