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Postby akumaface » Thu Apr 28, 2005 5:30 am

I agree with everyone here except of course the one who started this thread.  That's why you don't see him replying to any of our comment(he is watching the game upside down and yet maybe he is not a LFC fan)! :p  The fact is we stoned them cold and people are complaining our defense...  unbelievable. I guess some people just expected our defenders to score a hat trick before they satisfied with their performance...  ???
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Postby el_stinger » Thu Apr 28, 2005 8:06 am

And I'm the one that gets drilled by speaking up against tw@ts like this?
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:09 am

There are a few on here like the pundits on TV, praise the usual suspects and have a go at players who have become almost fashiionanble to slate 

Psychophants !

FACT - Traore was superb tonight

FACT - Hyppia has ALWAYS been slow

FACT - Gerrrard was well down the pecking order and had a poor game.

FACT - Carragher was solid as a rock

FACT - Biscan put 100% in and worked harder than anyone

FACT - The booking was a disgrace

FACT - As per usual without Alonso LFC will have to do it the hard way

Traore was rubbish again. He is a rubbish player. He made two excellent tackles after being caught rediculously out of position twice and not marking the correct player. He's woeful on the ball and can't distribute to save his life.

Postby Scottbot » Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:41 am

stu_the_red wrote:Traore was rubbish again. He is a rubbish player. He made two excellent tackles after being caught rediculously out of position twice and not marking the correct player. He's woeful on the ball and can't distribute to save his life.

Stu -I'm pretty sure you would say that about Traore if he played the game of the season.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:02 pm

Scott, he's not good enough to mate. He's a poor player.

I've defended him for years and always thought the lad had real potential and i have to admit i was completely and utterly wrong. He's proved this season he's a liability. I'd take Warnock or Riise there everytime.

I never want to see Traore in a red shirt again. Not good enough.

Postby Woollyback » Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:11 pm

I think Traore is OK, but nothing more. He is very good at the last-ditch tackle and rarely gets them wrong but usually the reason he has to make them in the first place is cos he's found himself miles out of position

He's played a few very good games this season but I can't imagine Rafa sees him as anything more than a squad player
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Postby JBG » Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:13 pm

Troare was poor in the extreme in the first half: forget his octupus tackles which catch the eye, the sad fact is that Djimi cannot read the game at all. He got climbed all over by Cole and his decision making at times was baffling.

In the second half he looked far better but this was mainly due to Cole running out of steam and Riise playing deeper.

Hyppia struggled out wide in the first half (he should have booted Tiago into the stands mid way through) but as soon as Chelsea started playing it long he was excellent, but thats like throwing a straight ball at Babe Ruth: he's always going to hit it.
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Postby banana » Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:21 pm

stu_the_red wrote:Scott, he's not good enough to mate. He's a poor player.

I've defended him for years and always thought the lad had real potential and i have to admit i was completely and utterly wrong. He's proved this season he's a liability. I'd take Warnock or Riise there everytime.

I never want to see Traore in a red shirt again. Not good enough.

If there is a time to be reasonable, the time is now. Traore for whatever it is worth will probably never shine like Maldini in his prime. I admit he is lacking skills in some departements. But the lad has something. His sliding tackles for instance. Last night he had two match saving tackles, executed with elegance and precision. Traore is also a decent chap. He does not have the selfishness, the ego if you like, that we see in some other players and disrupt morale in the squad. He has been willing to wait for his chance and he has worked very hard in practice to better himself. I can not sit by and listen to the totally unfair criticism Traore gets. If he was on a 50.000 a week contract, his age was on the wrong side of 30, he was out drinking and bitching around on weekdays and weekends then I would find no problem with the criticism.

But fact is:

Traore is a young player
He is a cheap player (wages)
He is still learning and improving
He can cover several positions
He has a good personality and never complaints or disrupts morale
He is ambitious

So please stay off his back.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Thu Apr 28, 2005 5:18 pm

You forgot something.


Postby yckatbjywtbiastkamb » Thu Apr 28, 2005 5:37 pm

stu_the_red wrote:You forgot something.


well he was part of a back four that held chelsea at home, something that barca or munich couldnt do. he`s not the best defender i`ve ever seen either but people are being unfair.
john barnes granny reckons his last ditch tackles covered up for poor positional play, well then obviously he must think hansen and mark lawrenson are garbage too, because i watched lawrenson for years race back to make last ditch tackles to cover up for their useless positional play. that type of recovery pace and tackling ability is a great asset in a defender. he is obviously a natural centre half playing left back and is still learning the game. most centre halfs dont reach their prime until their late 20`s so he`s got years on his side to develop.
do you people think even when we had a great side we never conceded a goal or any of our defenders never got taken the cleaners by attackers? do you think we never conceded a goal or looked shaky?too many people on here are looking back with rose tinted glasses. ANY of our defences of the 70`s and 80`s would have been proud of that performance last night and so would have the fans. joey jones and alan kennedy (and phil neal when he got older) all had snipers who didnt think they were good enough when they were playing.
much the same things that are being said about traore too.
get off our players backs, especially when they achieve a good result.

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Postby JC_81 » Thu Apr 28, 2005 5:49 pm

stu_the_red wrote:You forgot something.


He may not be the most consistent of players and in the long term we do need a better left back but i thought traore had a good game last night and he has improved immensely from last season

banana summed it up well earlier, he's young, cheap wages-wise, can cover a few positions and never complains if he's not in the team.  He is a good squad player and I'd keep him around as he's yet to reach his peak.

However, when you compare him with Ashley Cole or Heinze, its clear that we need to think about bringing someone in.
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Postby wiped » Thu Apr 28, 2005 6:01 pm

stu_the_red wrote:I'd take Warnock or Riise there everytime.

Have to agree
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Postby Scottbot » Thu Apr 28, 2005 6:34 pm

stu_the_red wrote:Scott, he's not good enough to mate. He's a poor player.

I've defended him for years and always thought the lad had real potential and i have to admit i was completely and utterly wrong. He's proved this season he's a liability. I'd take Warnock or Riise there everytime.

I never want to see Traore in a red shirt again. Not good enough.

I agree he isn't good enough. I would also like to see someone else playing at LB next season. But despite that, the lad still deserves credit when he plays a good game. Which he did last night.
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Postby anfieldadorer » Thu Apr 28, 2005 7:07 pm

stu_the_red wrote:You forgot something.


i always agree that he used to be, stu
but be honest, he's getting better
he's at least a decent reserve
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