Return of the fickle fans brigade - It's getting ridiculous

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Postby stmichael » Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:06 pm

Paul C wrote:the simple fact is that Gerrard has played sh1t3 all 3 times we have played Chelsea this season and also scored an own goal

he didn't even play at stamford bridge because he was injured ffs. and as for the game at anfield, his abject display might have had something to do with his midfield partner being put out for the season after about 25 minutes. :angry:
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Postby parchpea » Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:35 pm

I think its harsh to hammer Gerrard as a player but I would question his ability as a captain. His negative comments before matches have certainly not been captain like and I was unimpressed by his attitude following his own goal yesterday. I would have expected him to try and rally the lads but he seemed to just give it all up. No fist waving, no scowls or shouts, kick a few backsides, nothing at all. Not that I could see anyways. In my opinion hes a very good player, but not cut out to be captain right now.
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Postby gabbyh » Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:08 pm

When he opened his mouth and said he only wanted to play for a club in the CL, I was disgusted and angry at him. That is the kind of talk I would expect him as captain, to keep between himself, Rafa and David Moores. I was pleasantly surprised when he proved me wrong and scored the goal. I thought to myself, he has as the saying goes, put his money were his mouth is.
A captain needs to be respected by his fellow players for them to follow his urging to continue playing to the end and give their all, especially if he himself is having a poor game. Roy Keane is a good example of a forcefull personality giving his all for the sake of his club.
Perhaps money talks too much, maybe the best player for captain of the club doesn't earn enough money for his fellow colleagues who earn more than him. Todays footballers are prima donnas, I can all too well imagine a player on £50,000 a week, thinking to himself' who the fook is he telling me what to do? I earn more than him!!' I have seen too many players who have made a mistake in front of their own goal, arguing with their captain or their goalie when they have bollocked them. Modern players are too arrogant and full of themselves to take being told what to do by someone being paid less than them......
Even David Beckham, when he captains England is tireless in leading from the front. He may be having a ****** game, but he tries again and again to get it right, even in a position he doesn't like.
Steve G does not comes across as professional enough to lead Liverpool. You say he is young? I say he is thick, cos he doesn't learn quick enough. Jamie Redknapp was as young as he, when he was captain. Compare the two. Michael Owen? No contest.
If a player shows that his heart is not with the team he is playing for, then it is better to say bye bye. I for one will not bear him any grudge when he goes, as long as we are not stung like we were with Owen.
I am not a fickle fan, I have never liked Steve G. I give credit when it is due to players I don't like, but at the moment SG's credit is in the negative as far as I am concerned.
Give me Carra, Alonso, Riise and even Garcia (cos he thinks the world of Rafa and will do his best for him, even if it is misguided!) above SG who thinks Liverpool are there to serve only his interests. When he goes to Chelsea, or Real Madrid, the poor darling will find himself a small fish in a big expensive pond full of Koi Carp; at the moment, he is only Carping On in a little pond.
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Postby Iceman69 » Tue Mar 01, 2005 1:02 am

St Michael Seems to be suggesting in the original post that people are not allowed to express an opinion.

You sound like the kinda fan that would not have a bad word to say, if your club lost every game and was bottom of the league.

Nothing wrong with opinion and debate. If there is 1million stevie g threads on here then he aint doing everything right is he?

its all about opinions. :p
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Postby laza » Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:45 am

kingofthegreen wrote:try not to take it too personally, did you not think i was gonna happen as soon as the game finished! unfortunetly, every team has docile portion of fans!

Sadly it was starting on here before the game had even finished

Good post St Mick
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Postby Judge » Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:50 am that sheep i here in the distance is that a bandwagon now

yes...yes....yes...its both..........the SG sheep brigade and slag SG bandwagon are here :angry:
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Postby JC_81 » Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:19 pm

For those of you that say Gerrard should have the captaincy taken from him, you might as well say cheerio to him coz he'll be off elsewhere if we do that.

You can't just say that taking the captaincy off him will make him play any better, it would probably demoralise him.

Look at Hyypia, houllier took the armband off him when he was playing badly and he's still playing s**t now.

Carragher captain??  Fair enough he is a committed player and has vastly improved under Benitez.  A captain needs to inspire, to put in a great tackle when we're under pressure or produce a great piece of attacking play to turn a game.  Thats Gerrard, not Carra I'm afraid

Stick with Gerrard as captain and not only will he play himself out of his own rut, but maybe we will get 4th and go further in the champ league, and maybe he will stay at the end of the season

If people can't see that then they shouldn't be supporting this club as far as I'm concerned.  End of story
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Postby stmichael » Tue Mar 01, 2005 2:25 pm

Iceman69 wrote:St Michael Seems to be suggesting in the original post that people are not allowed to express an opinion.

You sound like the kinda fan that would not have a bad word to say, if your club lost every game and was bottom of the league.

Nothing wrong with opinion and debate. If there is 1million stevie g threads on here then he aint doing everything right is he?

its all about opinions. :p


Everyone on here is entitled to their opinion, that's why we live in a democracy. However the number of people who change their opinions on a weekly basis is unreal. The same people who were praising stevie g to the hills before christmas, now claim that he's already decided to leave and is an unworthy captain, merely due to a poor spell of form. For god's sake, some were even suggesting that stevie scored the own goal DELIBERATELY the other day. It's disgraceful.


Seeing the press are now scanning our forum and extracting our supposed views about SG, lets get something straight for some of the Naive guys here on this forum.

1. Rafa has said he doesn't want SG too leave.

2. Parry has said the board dont want to sell him, even for £50m.

3. Stevie has only said he wants to concentrate 100% on getting 4th spot and the CL, and then he will consider his future at the end of the season. Why, because he is still under contract, and no doubt it will be about then that talk of an extension will be on the table.

ALL THESE ARE FACTS, not stupid speculation.

But for you criticts. Lets say SG went, for say £40m. Do you think the press will let up then? Do you forget how they banged on about Owen. Or GH? They will simply move on to somebody else. Lets say they start on Alonso. Or maybe Cisse will bag 20 goals. I can tell you, they will then say the same old sh#t. Chelsea will sign Cisse to replace Drogba next year for £30m+. Or maybe the story will go, Alonso to join his old pall SG and Lampard next year in a £30m coup!

You see muppets, its the press. They have to make stories up, or 70% of the time they would have bugger all to print.
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Postby the return of HAS » Tue Mar 01, 2005 2:40 pm

I don’t see why everyone is making such a big deal about Steven Gerrard. The issues are quiet clear:

1 – He will leave in the summer, most likely to Chelsea. I won’t blame him for going. Plus we will get valuable transfer funds that will allow Rafa to rebuild.

2 – He has had a poor 6-10 weeks that continued on Sunday. But he has and always will put in all his effort when playing for Liverpool.

3 – He will remain in the team and as captain for the rest of the season as long as he isn’t injured or suspended.

4 – Has he lost concentration, been distracted by a likely transfer.

Number 4 is the only issue that can be seriously debated.
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Postby BOODIDDY » Tue Mar 01, 2005 3:10 pm


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Postby Judge » Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:53 pm

has anyone heard of MEDIA HYPE?? add SG to that and you get BS from the media

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