Intresting take on the gerrard saga - Thanks to peter evo on rawk

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Leonmc0708 » Sat Dec 11, 2004 6:45 pm

I have plagurised this from an incredible writer I have the pleasure of sitting next to in "the middle of the Kop" this season:

Tommy Smith and Emlyn Hughes interviewed by the Daily Mirror August 1972

Frank McGhee (Daily Mirror): Well lads, here we are about to embark on the 1972-’73 season.  What are your hopes and ambitions for this season?

Emlyn: Frank, I’ve been with this club for five and a half years now.  In that time, we’ve won nothing, absolutely nothing, not even that League Cup thingy with the three handles.  I’m getting a bit annoyed about it.  Not sure that the Manager’s doing everything the right way. I’m not even sure I like the players I’ve got alongside me.  I’m a senior professional at this club and as such feel I have the right to say these things.  It’s not that I actually don’t personally like other players, apart from Smithy that is, everybody knows we hate each other although we have a great mutual respect for each other as players and professionals, it’s just that they’re not good enough. I’ve got to tell you Frank, if this club doesn’t win anything this season I’m off!  I mean, we haven’t played in the European Cup in my time here.  This Inter Cities Fairs Cup, renamed Uefa Cup or something I do believe from the start of this season, is all well and good but come on, it’s a second rate competition.  I don’t want to be playing in second rate competitions.  I want to be playing in the top competition every season.  I want to be winning things.  If I can’t achieve it at this club then maybe I’ll have to move on to clubs that are winning things such as Arsenal, Leeds or Derby County. I was with all the Derby, Leeds and Arsenal lads with England in the Home Championships and summer tour. Todd and McFarland were into me about what a great manager Clough is and how I’d win loads with them.  Clarke was telling me about the fantastic wages he was on at Leeds and what Revie was like and how they’re going to dominate English and European football for the next decade.  Ball was after me to go to Highbury.  He reckons Arsenal will have a team this season to match the Double winners of a couple of seasons ago.  And the wages!  God, the wages!  Those lads are on £200 a week you know!  Got to have some of that soon.  I mean, I’m only on £170 a week here.  I know that’s megabucks and unspendable to the lads who stand in the Kop but it’s not enough for me.  I nearly went to one of those clubs you know but Smithy threatened to punch my lights out if I did.  My Dad called me a big poof if I did move so that was that.  I decided to stay but I’m not saying I’ll be here much longer.  I do love Liverpool Football Club and I hope that if I do move on the fans won’t turn against me but I have to do this to further my career if nothing is won this season.

Frank: Pretty strong views from Emlyn there Tommy. What are your thoughts?

Tommy: Punch his lights out?  I wouldn’t have to!  The Kopites would hang him by his scrawny neck from the roof of the Kop if they knew he was even thinking about leaving!  This is LIVERPOOL Football Club – not Arsenal, Chelsea, Derby or anybody else.  We’ve won more League Championships than anybody else.  This is the greatest club in the country and will soon be the best in Europe!  £170 a week and he’s not happy!  I’m not on that much and I’ve been here longer than him and am the Club Captain!  Cheeky get!  Who does he think he is?  Okay, I’ve been here longer than him and so have tasted success in a League Championship and an FA Cup but we’ve still won nothing since that League Championship in ’66 and I’m not moaning.  Neither is there any other player moaning.  We’re all just willing to get on with it and do our best to make Liverpool Football Club what I said we would be – the greatest club in Europe.  I do sort of know what he means; I want to win things too but it’s playing for this club that matters more than anything.  Frankly the players and fans are getting more than a bit brassed off with his continual bleating.  I can’t tell you what Shankly thinks of it!  If he’s going to go he should just go now then the rest of us can get on with it.  Great player is Emlyn but nobody is irreplaceable at this club.

Can you imagine it?  No, neither can I!


Intresting take on things dont you think....

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Postby Paul C » Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:01 pm

Thats bonkers
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Postby 100-1102639321 » Sat Dec 11, 2004 8:26 pm

couldnt be arsed reading it, hes going soon anyway, not that we will win anything this season.

Postby A.B. » Sat Dec 11, 2004 8:30 pm

I read this the other day and like Tommy said nobody is irreplacable.
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:31 am

Good post.

Wonder what Shanks said back then about it?  Hughes always was one for a bit of controversy though wasn't he?

Postby JBG » Sun Dec 12, 2004 1:19 am

I'd have my suspicions about the authenticity of that "interview".  :D  :;):
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Postby Ciggy » Sun Dec 12, 2004 1:22 am

£170 a week and he’s not happy!  I’m not on that much and I’ve been here longer than him and am the Club Captain!
??? God how things have changed :glare:
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Postby Ciggy » Sun Dec 12, 2004 1:39 am

That article was in the echo this week :p
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Postby Leonmc0708 » Sun Dec 12, 2004 2:32 am

It is not true, its meant as a dig I think. :D

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Postby KennyisGod....still » Sun Dec 12, 2004 4:18 pm

May not be true, but it strikes a chord maybe. I got p1ssed off with Owen, but he spent so many games out injured he had no right complainin about winnin little. Stevie plays his heart out game after game, regularly man of the match. He has got a right, just maybe should word it a little better. FWIW, I aint sure he'll go in the near future, not now we have CL to look forward to, but we need to improve and get CL again next season somehow. I still cant get my head round our away results this season, except to say too many players aint pullin away from home if the only one mentioned is Stevie G.
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