Liverpool’s board of directors must act fast

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby jedwards » Sun Oct 05, 2003 1:00 am

Liverpool’s Board of Directors must act fast

As I have predicted at the start of the season that G.Houllier will not win the league for Liverpool, simply because he is the wrong man for the job at the present time and for the last three seasons. So far LFC had played two top team and lost badly after taking the lead on both games, which it dose proofs the present selected team will only manage mid-table standing, and will not be able to mix it with top teams this season and the following season, unless LFC Board of Directors start to wake up to the situation, that GH has put the Club in a such bad position.  Well lets be frank about it GH has no clue what so ever, just before the season starts, he had let some of his players on loan to other club, without thinking if his squad have three to four bad injuries for long time, he will come unstuck, only few day ago he had realized that, when he said that his squad running thin, which is just shows how bad manager is he !!!! No strategy what so ever.  This man will never be a top manager in many people’s book. His present squad of players contains a large number of very average players paid top money for them!!!, so really you can not make those players to play an attacking football combined with a solid defence type of system with a manager like GH’s ability this man is quite limited, he might be knowledgeable of Football game, but he is a bad manager for LFC, which the club does not deserve.  I personally think that the fans should put more pressure on Club Board of Directors buy trying to outs GH from the Club totally, by asking for a change, and get Martin O’Neal in to study the ship until the new transfer window time to sort this mess. It is a shame on LFC to be in such position without a league trophy for a long time, it is a quite DISGRACEFUL.

A very angry LFC Fan

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Postby hobbes » Fri Oct 10, 2003 1:37 am

Point taken. And I fully agree with you. What on earth Liverpool Board sees in Houllier.

Initially, I was pleased at least with Houlliers after match comments. He tries to inspire the players. I thought although he might not be a good manager to give him some credit he has good P.R. But of recent his comments are ridiculous. He gives excuses for the defeats. I feel he is devastated. He has to explain his conducts, therefore excuses been chanted.

He always gives excuse in his own style." We shouldn't  blame Hypia for the defeat, Defence is a team affort " . See how he intimates that Hypia is the culprit. How do you think the players will take it. They can't focus in the game. If a Manager scolds the players in the dressing room, that's different. That will make them perform as a team. But not in front of TV. Look what he said just before Arsenal's game. Owen will certainly score a goal on penalty against Arsenal. (At least that is what was qouted in the news) Imagine the amount of pressure Owen is placed even before the match. I would give Owen Man of The Match not Kewell. Although Kewell managed to score one, but see Owen's never ending effort. He kicks, dives, and injured himself trying to score, trying to prove that Houllier's pridiction. I was stimulated by his performance when he was sandwiched by Arsenal's Defenders yet he dribles the ball well in between them.

The team is facing not only a problem with Managers. But now they are racing each other to score. If this persists, then they would become selfish. Team effort would be gone. A manger should mould the team well. Houllier had messed the team well.

Come on Liverpool, if you dont want to sack him, make him move on his own.

I think the players tries to tell the Board something. I think there is a mesasge behind the defeats. I think they have spoken silently that they want a new manager.What more could they do, rebel and boycott match as England did.

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Postby LiverpoolFC_Kopite » Mon Oct 13, 2003 5:32 pm

The Liverpool board seem to have a lot of faith in GH for some reason, but I agree he has to leave so that we can acheive something.

His faith in Heskey is ridiculous and I sick of him saying every match; ''Emile was fantastic" "He puts in a lot of effort". The squad is made up of a lot average players and if Owen gets injured for a ling time then I would hate to see what would happen.
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Postby EURO CHAMPS BY 2005 » Wed Oct 15, 2003 9:29 pm

the squad has a lot of talented players so stop whineing.
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Postby gary » Thu Oct 23, 2003 9:43 am

football first wrote:the squad has a lot of talented players so stop whineing.

i agree the squad has talented players but you are missing the point, what the other lad is trying to say is the problem is with GH not the players, how can he say we can still win the league? we are a million miles away from winning the league!

a p#ssed off fan :(
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Postby wiped » Thu Jan 01, 2004 3:40 pm

I don't think I'm gonna say anything new here as everyone seems to be in agreement about Houlier but in my opinion we have been a p#ss poor team for the past 18 months ... it's not just this season that we've started to dramatically decline.
He has eroded any confidence I had in the team to the point where I don't fancy our chances in any upcoming game (Yoevil included).
I think the board have already made up their minds to chalk this season down to experience, move Houlier "upstairs" in the summer  :;):  :;):  , bring O'Neill in (and Larson with him ... as he has stated that he's finished with Celtic but feels he has 2 years left in him to try the Premiership).
I also think that if Owen's advisors are doing their job correctly , they are currently advising him to get the f##k out of Liverpool - Bigger Money and Glory to be had elsewhere (Real anyone ?? ... with his England buddy Beckham).

f##k have to go .... be back later
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Postby HOMELEIGHKOP » Sun Jan 04, 2004 6:55 pm

smile we won today bring on the next round fans we did it ok just but we r in it so come on smile 4 today:)
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Postby Dalglish » Mon Jan 05, 2004 1:37 am

SMILE ? YOU wasn't smiling if your messages on here DURING the game is anything to go by !!!  :laugh:

Hows it going ? you obviously like this site from the amount of posts you have done since you started, it will serve you well at 3AM in the morning when chloe's screaming for a feed  :laugh:

Let me know when you get the tickets.....

See ya mate :)

Ian :)
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Postby HOMELEIGHKOP » Tue Jan 06, 2004 12:21 am

i will mate well i think we out next round if we play like we did yesterday
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Postby Dalglish » Tue Jan 06, 2004 1:31 am

We wil be fine at Anfield against Prem opposition , no worries  :cool: We were poor yetserday especialy in the first half, Mark texted me at half time and he EVEN SWORE in the text !!!!!  :laugh:

Second half it was all Liverpool, we were on a  hiding to nothing Darren. ALL week i had to listen to Sky, BBC , And Five Live going on about Yeovil giant killing this and that, its just a way to get more viewers and create a story out of nothing. As i said we looked awful first half but we are through and will push on from here.

Take it easy
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Postby HOMELEIGHKOP » Sat Jan 10, 2004 4:56 pm

i still think its going to b hard ian:O
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