Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby RedAnt » Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:11 pm

Dundreamin is back » Sat Apr 04, 2015 10:37 pm wrote:I expect to get the wrath of plenty posters on here over this, but frankly I don't care.I am 54 and have been a Red for ever since I can remember. My first visit to Anfield I think I was about 6. Now this is not about just this season it goes back about 25 years but looking back I think our demise began after King Kenny resigned after that 4-4 v the Blues***e. There's no way i am blaming Kenny for this as we all know why he left. But over the last quarter of a century we have seen too many false dawns I care to remember. Then last season about this this time I was convinced we would after all the up,s and down,s at last we were going to get the Monkey off our backs. Especially after I almost lost my life in May 2013 and even then after emerging from a two week Coma, and I cannot remember this but one of the first things I asked was how are Liverpool getting on!! Now apparently my family were told to make my funeral arrangements as I was given at the time a 10% chance of survival. And after recovering I will never work again and have had to come to terms with a lot of health issues I have to live with including Brain damage which affects my short term memory. So last season was surreal to me and when people asked me how I survived I would point to the League table and say that. So it didn't happen but I wasn't too upset as I thought we will kick on from that and be even stronger this season even with Suarez gone and also CL football to look forward to.

How wrong could I be especially being embarrassed in the CL with really got to me. Then we had the unbeaten run but I said to a few mates I think this is just papering over the cracks. I had to take a lot of stick over that and the wind up,s like "Take no notice of him he's Brain damaged" but it was done in jest. So fast forward to today and when Markovich bottled it today when we in a position to take advantage next thing we are 3-0 down which reminded me of the Mange game away in December. At half time I done something I have never done in my life before and I turned the TV off and never even looked for the result after the game had finished. So now I feel like I am losing the faith big time. I need to find some hope but I look forward to the next game and I really won't be surprised if Blackburn knock us out on Wednesday.

If they don't then Villa might and even then if we reach the Final and meet more than likely Arsenal I still cannot see a positive. I need some advice or how to change my mindset as this really isn't me. I can now understand when a Priest,for example starts to question there faith or there belief in God. So now I am thinking I need a reborn Christian when they see "The light"

Reading this post again, I reckon 'faith' could be interpreted in a lot of ways. Personally, and I know I'm not alone, I'm losing faith in football. I'll always love it and follow it, but we all know it's not the same world it is now, to what it was at its creation up until maybe twenty years ago. Probably one of the all encompassing reasons for this is that it was always the 'common mans' game. A working class game. Players and supporters easily related to one another. Support was truer once than it is now. Fans are seperate from players. We expect them to play well because they're earning stupid amounts of cash where once they played for the badge they wore. The badge we supported. Id guess that was the main common ground.
It's a completely different world now. I say 'world' because the game itself remains more or less the same, though thinking about it, that's not really true. Health and safety and political correctness have a lot to answer for. ambulance chasing lawyers and advances in health technology means you'll rarely see the likes of Terry Butcher again.
Sorry for the lack of order in my post. It made more sense in my head
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Postby Sean » Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:26 pm

So True.  RedAnt.  Money poured into football in 1992 with the advent of the premier league and it changed the game forever.  I know so many lads who grew up supporting English football teams (not necessarily Liverpool) and over the years they have fallen out of love with the game and found other sports (especially Rugby) more appealing.  Football has become too cynical and laden with players who only care about the size of their wage packet.  I even find the Sky Sports saturation coverage a turn off.    Football used to be so pure, as you pointed out a working class game.  Saint and Greavsie on a Saturday morning, 3 o'clock kick offs, Match of the Day on Saturday nights.  Did we really need round the clock Sky Sports coverage of football.  There is no down time any more, no breathing space in June and July to reflect on the season finished and look forward for the season to come.  Now every pre-season game is analysed to pieces by over paid and often poor quality pundits.  I find everyone in football now is self-centred and has an agenda.  The losers are the fans.  Remember the FA Cup and what a great competition it once was, the finale to the football season and now consider the "showpiece" we witnessed last Saturday evening or what about the World Cup, apart from the corruption do the players really care about that great tournament anymore.  Apologies for the rant but in keeping with the title of the thread I am just growing cynical with middle age.
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Postby Thommo's perm » Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:25 pm

I have to agree. My response to the score at the Stoke match when we were getting beat 1-0 was one of resignation and I said: "Im not surprised". I was in a christening and the scores were getting relayed as they happened. After 3-0 I had totally given up caring and it felt like I knew we were going to get tonked. I was actually surprised that we hadnt been tw@tted by someone long before this and I quite literally wasnt in the slightest bit ar'sed what the result was.
This has been a shocking season with so many lows and disappointments and I personally was made up when it finished. I cant say Im looking forward to next season because of all the negativity of this one. Also because the game I loved and grew up with has all but disappeared with know-nothing "experts" continually talking sh'ite and offering their bland and useless opinions. The match day experience used to be a buzz from when you woke up and the day progressed, culminating in walking into the kop and seeing that swaying mass of bodies in front of the greenest grass in the world. Nothing compared to that sight and the feeling it gave you, and nothing ever will.
I am older now (maybe not wiser?) but I reckon I have seen the best of LFC in my time as a supporter and Im not sure those days will ever return? The way the club is run, the people who are in charge, the manager and the players and the new breed of supporters dont fill me with confidence. I live in hope and I am an optimist who believes that we will challenge for the title in my lifetime. But never again will we dominate as we have done. Saying that, I dont think anyone will, judging by how things are going from the very top to the grass roots? Nobody has the capability to be the force we were, not in the english game anyway.
Football is fu'cked and we all really know it, we just dont want to admit it...
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Postby ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:42 pm

Have to agree with the last few posts, football has become way too commercialised, way too stylised and way too sanitised.
The stadiums all look the same and have no character or atmosphere whatsoever, they are soul less corporate bowls built with the express purpose of extracting as much money from the general public as possible. Mind you the clubs themselves are no better, the price of tickets these days is an absolute scandal and those membership card things are just an outright pi$$ take. The fans are being rinsed.
The players are as greedy as f**k and act like movie stars as well, they get f**king hammered 6-1 one day and then dance around in a millionares playground the next.
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Postby eds » Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:28 am

English football was irrevocably destroyed when the Russian came in and literally bought Chelsea the title with his dodgy roubles.

Since then it just hasn't been the same and I am dismayed that the FA did nothing to stop him or the likes of City further corrupting the sport. But hey, as we all agree money makes the world go round. When you look at what the world's top clubs are now paying for an "average" player it just makes your heart sink. Barcelona have Messi, Neymar and Suarez ALL in the same side. We have Borini, Origi, Aspas, Balotelli and Lambert stinking the place out. As supporters we think that spending 3-5m on just one player is f**k all when in reality that is more money than we would ever make in a lifetime. Forget spending 30 or 40m on just one player! This not even taking into account what a starting salary is for a benchwarmer these days. :laugh:

In regards to our club and our fate, I don't have much hope things will change under FSG. I read an article this morning that Lyon were laughing at us, saying we could simply not afford Lacazetta, so don't even bother bidding for him. It is a sad day when a no name history-less club from France, who are basically the equivalent of Chelsea winning f**k all before 2000 telling us that they we have "no chance" in buying one of their players. It just goes to show you the level of contempt and disrespect there is for Ayre, Rodgers and the rest of our backroom stooges across Europe.

TBH I think it will be a miracle if we even manage to finish 5th or 6th next season. Our squad is completely rubbish, managed by a man who is well and truly out of his depth, with a few young players that could come good but will most likely be off as soon as they hit some form. But overshadowing any of this we have clueless owners that simply don't understand the realties of the sport, who have imposed ridiculous restrictions on player acquisitions and are too stubborn to change course. Sadly it will take everyone another season or two to realise what exactly is happening but by then it will be too late as the damage would have been done with further dross arriving at this club. The key question is, after these yanks have sold up will we finally find the right owners that can take us forward. Going by our recent history, it looks highly unlikely  :down:
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Postby Reg » Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:51 am

Of course Lyon are laughing at us, only EPL clubs DO have the money to make their day so French clubs are desperate for one of us to go over there and get ripped off.

I agree with the other posters that football is no longer 'fun', when players are earning 200-300k a week then go celebrate in a Bangkok brothel you know there's a serious problem.
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Postby eds » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:09 am

The deluded muppets are apparently asking for 60m  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:
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Postby mart » Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:29 am

eds » Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:28 pm wrote:English football was irrevocably destroyed when the Russian came in and literally bought Chelsea the title with his dodgy roubles.

Since then it just hasn't been the same and I am dismayed that the FA did nothing to stop him or the likes of City further corrupting the sport.

Actually english football was "destroyed" when the top clubs decided they wanted more money and formed the premier league along with the "Champions league". Since then everything has been more and more about money, and its increased the distance between the big clubs and the smaller clubs every year as the top clubs that get CL football get a lot more money. This is a change all the big clubs including Liverpool wanted. Liverpool was among the clubs that threatened to make their own "superleague", something Chelsea and Man City didnt do. 

Chelsea and Man City havent actually ruined anything, they have just been better (or luckier) at taking advantage of the system the big clubs have wanted. Liverpool as a club has done more to "destroy" english football than Chelsea and Man City, and I doubt there would be many complaining about it if we had not been pushed out of the top 4 clubs. Complaining about Chelsea and Man City looks more like jealousy than anything else, especially as it seems like many here want this club to be sold as an expensive toy to some filty rich arab.
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Postby parchpea » Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:22 am

When Moores made the decision to sell it was the right one but regrettably he made a very bad choice and we have never fully recovered.

FSG are not the answer either, they have steadied the ship but don't have the financial muscle or will to compete with the big boys.

My dream is that FSG put the club up for sale when the stadium work is complete and we attract a buyer with the monetary power and desire
to make Liverpool great again.
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Postby Reg » Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:34 am

if you recall, way before the EPL was formed, Liverpool wanted to form a European Super League. I think John Smith was pushing that one.
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Postby ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Tue Jun 02, 2015 10:02 am

mart » Tue Jun 02, 2015 7:29 am wrote:
eds » Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:28 pm wrote:English football was irrevocably destroyed when the Russian came in and literally bought Chelsea the title with his dodgy roubles.

Since then it just hasn't been the same and I am dismayed that the FA did nothing to stop him or the likes of City further corrupting the sport.

Actually english football was "destroyed" when the top clubs decided they wanted more money and formed the premier league along with the "Champions league". Since then everything has been more and more about money, and its increased the distance between the big clubs and the smaller clubs every year as the top clubs that get CL football get a lot more money. This is a change all the big clubs including Liverpool wanted. Liverpool was among the clubs that threatened to make their own "superleague", something Chelsea and Man City didnt do. 

Chelsea and Man City havent actually ruined anything, they have just been better (or luckier) at taking advantage of the system the big clubs have wanted. Liverpool as a club has done more to "destroy" english football than Chelsea and Man City, and I doubt there would be many complaining about it if we had not been pushed out of the top 4 clubs. Complaining about Chelsea and Man City looks more like jealousy than anything else, especially as it seems like many here want this club to be sold as an expensive toy to some filty rich arab.

Agree and disagree, you are right in the sense that Liverpool, Everton and Tottenham were the main drivers behind the formation of the premier league but you are wrong in terms of this being all about sour grapes.
The game these days is so blatantly commercialised it's almost impossible not to become cynical, wether it's membership cards, club channel subscriptions or you name it, fans can't move these days without the club being in official partnership with someone who is trying to flog you something, wether that be a car, a holiday, shaving cream or a f**king donut.
The game is so far removed from the sport I started watching in the 70's it's actually frightening.
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Postby jacdaniel » Tue Jun 02, 2015 10:30 am

Quickly losing interest in football myself. 
Its all about money now and the richest clubs just win all the time. 

European competitions are deliberately designed to favour the richest (seeded) teams. 
I can almost predict right now that Barca, Real, PSG, Chelsea and Bayern will make the QF's of next seasons CL. 

I starting losing interest the most with the Sterling issue.  A 20 year old who has achieved nothing in the game wanting to leave a club like Liverpool as he wants to win trophies... the kid basically just wants a huge contract and probably doesn't even care what happens with his career.
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Postby only me » Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:42 am

jacdaniel » Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:30 am wrote:Quickly losing interest in football myself. 
Its all about money now and the richest clubs just win all the time. 

European competitions are deliberately designed to favour the richest (seeded) teams. 
I can almost predict right now that Barca, Real, PSG, Chelsea and Bayern will make the QF's of next seasons CL. 

I starting losing interest the most with the Sterling issue.  A 20 year old who has achieved nothing in the game wanting to leave a club like Liverpool as he wants to win trophies... the kid basically just wants a huge contract and probably doesn't even care what happens with his career.

Yes competition is tough but you close the gap by being more diligent in the work you do ,you must have better people managing the team. In Germany Dortmund were able to challenge Bayern ,In France Lyon challenged PSG and in England Arsenal are competitive against richer clubs ,hell we almost won the league last year...So yes competition is much tougher so you need to be more smarter.
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Postby Kopite-Jud » Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:16 pm

Lost the faith*

Mid table is where we are at right now... Sad state of affairs, but I cannot see me singing and dancing with joy under the current manager and owners.

Looks like Flipper is staying in charge with the signinings of the fantastic Ings and Milner being brought in to add to what we already have. Both being free but both also will have higher wages.

James Milner is a decent squad player IMO

Another window with no promise coming up chaps!

Its bleak... Very bleak
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Postby ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:13 pm

Kopite-Jud » Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:16 am wrote:Lost the faith*

Mid table is where we are at right now... Sad state of affairs, but I cannot see me singing and dancing with joy under the current manager and owners.

Looks like Flipper is staying in charge with the signinings of the fantastic Ings and Milner being brought in to add to what we already have. Both being free but both also will have higher wages.

James Milner is a decent squad player IMO

Another window with no promise coming up chaps!

Its bleak... Very bleak

Bleak isn't the word, Milner and Ings...Jesus Christ.
It's almost as if FSG have accepted the fact that we can't compete with the other 4.
If United signed Milner and Ings we'd all be breathing a sigh of relief that they didn't go out and buy someone decent, which says it all really.
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