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Postby metalhead » Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:46 am

damjan193 » Sun Nov 17, 2013 11:35 pm wrote:Well then he can't say that we "should have went for Lovren" if he has seen neither of the two players before. Lovren was a good prospect but for his last season or two he was way out of depth and nobody wanted him. Both Sakho and Lovren were in a similar situation and we just went for the one that we needed more. We did overpay though and Ayre is probably at fault for that. We would have been robbed regardless of who we went for.

I've watched Lovren before, he is a quality defender and I've always thought LFC should have had made a move for him when we were interested
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Postby Stu the Red » Mon Nov 18, 2013 1:23 am

damjan193 » Sun Nov 17, 2013 11:01 pm wrote:I don't get you Stu. You're so harsh on our own players that you'll go as far as saying that some average players are better than ours. Sure, we overpaid for Sakho, but he's a good defender and a good addition to our squad.

To say that Lovren is better than Agger is laughable. Lovren is also a solid defender who I wanted us to sign once, but he's a limited defender who was way out of form and was warming Lyon's bench for a whole season before he was signed by Southampton. Considering the money that was payed, it might have been better if we went for Lovren, but Sakho was exactly the kind of player that we needed; physically strong and good in the air, so at the time he seemed like the better option for us. The fact that we got robbed is another subject.

You say that you understand so much about football but sometimes you talk like you're playing footy manager yourself. I bet you haven't even seen neither Sakho nor Lovren play before they arrived in the prem.

I'm sorry, but people like yourself will never understand where I'm coming from because you're too blinkered to see the obvious. Don't be offended though, there are loads of your type. Anyone the media doesn't rave over you automatically assume is either poor... or not as good as someone playing for Liverpool. Its a common theme amoung Liverpool fans that LFC players are the best of the best and there couldn't possibly be anyone better at any other club.

To say that Lovren is better than Agger is "laughable"? Is it really laughable to say that the key man in the best defence in the league is better than someone who can't get in a side that concedes more goals with two dodge pots in the centre of defence? I'm sorry, but the only laughable thing is your reasoning for yet another ***** poor arguement. For what its worth, I wouldn't argue if you said Agger was better than Lovren... the point is, if you said Sahko was better than either I'd laugh in your face. Meaning Agger, Lovren, not much in it. So why pay double the price, for a player who isn't as good?

I'm more than capable and experienced enough to think for myself, and if that doesn't fit into your rosey image of LFC then try "supporting" your local club. I've put thousands of pounds into this club over the years.... as have alot of other people. I for one want to see a return for the money i've ploughed in. When I'm seeing lads play who I think aren't much better than players I've played with and against, then it f*cking grates on my nerves.

And you're right about Sahko, I hadn't seen him play before hand. If I had, I certainly wouldn't have advocated signing him, at least not for the kind of money we did!
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Postby Stu the Red » Mon Nov 18, 2013 1:26 am

damjan193 » Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:35 am wrote:Well then he can't say that we "should have went for Lovren" if he has seen neither of the two players before. Lovren was a good prospect but for his last season or two he was way out of depth and nobody wanted him. Both Sakho and Lovren were in a similar situation and we just went for the one that we needed more. We did overpay though and Ayre is probably at fault for that. We would have been robbed regardless of who we went for.

Aguement based on flawed opinion. I liked Lovren from what I'd seen, he was a player I'd mentioned a couple of years ago. You're assuming Ayre was "at fault" for the price tags... as I said in another thread... its people masking over inept situations in hope.

Not something I believe in. If someone done that working for me they'd be handed their p45 and out the door quicker than they could call me a ruthless *****.
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Postby damjan193 » Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:07 am

Stu, I've said it a million times, my opinion has nothing to do with the (British) media since I'm not British. It's a fact that Agger is a good defender and has been for several seasons. Teams like Man City and Barcelona have been (and still are I'm sure) interested in his signature so that speaks for itself. IMO Agger is one of the best defenders in the league and, yes, I believe that it's laughable to compare him with some guy who just arrived in the league because he couldn't get any game-time at his previous team. Lovren has done well so far this season but he has a long way to go before he can be compared with Agger.

As for Sakho and Lovren, you've missed my point. First of, I didn't imply that Sakho is better than Lovren, or at least he hasn't done as much as Lovren has so far. Lovren has been one of the best defenders so far this season. The thing is, both him and Sakho were in a very similar situation at their previous clubs in France. Lovren wasn't getting much game-time because he was way out of depth for 1 or 2 seasons while Sakho also wasn't getting too much game-time but it was mostly because he had one of the world's best defenders to compete with, not because he was out of form. So you can't tell me that "we should have went for Lovren" because he was average at most for a long period and there was no way of knowing that he would turn out to be this good. It's the same as other teams saying "we should have went for Coutinho or Sturridge". We were monitoring a few defenders in the transfer window (Lovren too I believe) but at the end we opted for Sakho because of his physical and aerial strength, which was a logical decision.

It's true though, we overpaid. A lot. I blame Ayre for this and I believe that the same would have happened if we went for Lovren. Because we overpaid doesn't mean that Sakho is a bad player though. I still think that he's a good addition to our squad.
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Postby Stu the Red » Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:39 pm

damjan193 » Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:07 am wrote:Stu, I've said it a million times, my opinion has nothing to do with the (British) media since I'm not British. It's a fact that Agger is a good defender and has been for several seasons. Teams like Man City and Barcelona have been (and still are I'm sure) interested in his signature so that speaks for itself. IMO Agger is one of the best defenders in the league and, yes, I believe that it's laughable to compare him with some guy who just arrived in the league because he couldn't get any game-time at his previous team. Lovren has done well so far this season but he has a long way to go before he can be compared with Agger.

As for Sakho and Lovren, you've missed my point. First of, I didn't imply that Sakho is better than Lovren, or at least he hasn't done as much as Lovren has so far. Lovren has been one of the best defenders so far this season. The thing is, both him and Sakho were in a very similar situation at their previous clubs in France. Lovren wasn't getting much game-time because he was way out of depth for 1 or 2 seasons while Sakho also wasn't getting too much game-time but it was mostly because he had one of the world's best defenders to compete with, not because he was out of form. So you can't tell me that "we should have went for Lovren" because he was average at most for a long period and there was no way of knowing that he would turn out to be this good. It's the same as other teams saying "we should have went for Coutinho or Sturridge". We were monitoring a few defenders in the transfer window (Lovren too I believe) but at the end we opted for Sakho because of his physical and aerial strength, which was a logical decision.

It's true though, we overpaid. A lot. I blame Ayre for this and I believe that the same would have happened if we went for Lovren. Because we overpaid doesn't mean that Sakho is a bad player though. I still think that he's a good addition to our squad.

When I refere to media coverage it has little to do with what nation you're from. You tend to find that people always have the same arguements and use the same cliche's and have love ins with the same players (IE Lampard). You obviously watch the games, they are covered by british "experts" who don't know their ***** from their elbow and I'm guessing you read websites with articles from british media also?

You think Agger is one of the best in the league? Really? If anything that shows how poor the defenders are in the league because Agger is not a top defender. He's not great in the air and he's not physically strong and he's not quick. He's a good solid player, nothing more. Anyone saying he's anything better is simply deluded. I like Agger, but to suggest the lad is better than he is? Sorry I don't see the point.

What Liverpool fans need to realise, you included, is that every player we have isn't the best in the best in the league. Even if they're decent. The only player in the only player we have who can be considered for that title in any position is Suarez, the rest aren't even close.

On Lovren, if anyones missing the point its you. If they're both "in the same situation" at their previous clubs then why would the club spend the money on Sahko? I understand what you're saying... clear as day... but my point should be clearer... if you have two pints of milk, ones 10 grand and the other is 1 pound which one are you going to go for?

For me, as I've said, I noticed Lovren a couple of years ago. I'm not saying I thought bang... there's the best centre half in europe... but I remember watching him for Lyon in the champions league and being impressed with the way he read the game and played the ball out and won his headers. How anyone can come to the conclusion that Sahko is a better player than Lovren or Agger is beyond belief... so that leaves the question... why the f*ck did we spend the amount of money on a player we were not sure would improve the side when there was a far cheaper option?

All the "should have signed" arguements are more relivant now than ever. We aren't a mega rich club who can sign anyone we like. We need to get the best we can for the money we have. If we do that, we'll get ourselves into a position were we can improve. If we don't, we'll continue to find ourselves in and around 5-9 place.

And you saying you blame Ayre is weak for me. The manager can always step in and say no... the player isn't worth that much. It would be better spent elsewhere. The fact is, he didn't, so the buck stops with him.
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Postby damjan193 » Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:37 pm

Things aren't as simple as you make them to be. It's not footy manager where you can see the player's rating, his future development and whatever the game has. If you had seen both Sakho and Lovren in their previous clubs you would have thought the same for both; young prospects, but remained at that and never really developed as everyone expected. Their style is different but the situation was the same.

It's also not so simple as saying that one was worth 10 grand and the other 1 pound. They didn't have their price tags on their foreheads. You negotiate those things. You get a price once you show your interest for a player and begin negotiations with their club. So we had few players (including Lovren) who should be worth around the same, BR opted for the one that he thought we needed more and Ayre ***** up with the price as he would have if we went for Lovren or any other player. I'd like to ask you, would we be having this conversation if we signed Sakho for less, or do you think he's absolutely hopeless, like Cissokho?

And I strongly disagree with you on the last part. This is how I think things work: Brendan picks his players and tells Ayre to talk to the player's club. Ayre starts negotiations (and gets robbed in the process). He gets a price and tells it to the owners, saying that it's a player that BR wants and needs. The owners, thinking that the player is worth it, since they don't know much about football themselves, give the green light. Ayre pays the money and we get our player. Rodgers probably reads about the price in the newspaper. He said so himself, he has nothing to do with price negotiations.

Your "should have signed" argument and the fact that we can't waste money like this is valid though. But there's no reason to be harsh on the player himself and other players in this club. Sakho is a good player that Rodgers will find use for, especially if we qualify for CL football.
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Postby Stu the Red » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:16 pm

damjan193 » Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:37 pm wrote:Things aren't as simple as you make them to be. It's not footy manager where you can see the player's rating, his future development and whatever the game has. If you had seen both Sakho and Lovren in their previous clubs you would have thought the same for both; young prospects, but remained at that and never really developed as everyone expected. Their style is different but the situation was the same.

It's also not so simple as saying that one was worth 10 grand and the other 1 pound. They didn't have their price tags on their foreheads. You negotiate those things. You get a price once you show your interest for a player and begin negotiations with their club. So we had few players (including Lovren) who should be worth around the same, BR opted for the one that he thought we needed more and Ayre ***** up with the price as he would have if we went for Lovren or any other player. I'd like to ask you, would we be having this conversation if we signed Sakho for less, or do you think he's absolutely hopeless, like Cissokho?

And I strongly disagree with you on the last part. This is how I think things work: Brendan picks his players and tells Ayre to talk to the player's club. Ayre starts negotiations (and gets robbed in the process). He gets a price and tells it to the owners, saying that it's a player that BR wants and needs. The owners, thinking that the player is worth it, since they don't know much about football themselves, give the green light. Ayre pays the money and we get our player. Rodgers probably reads about the price in the newspaper. He said so himself, he has nothing to do with price negotiations.

Your "should have signed" argument and the fact that we can't waste money like this is valid though. But there's no reason to be harsh on the player himself and other players in this club. Sakho is a good player that Rodgers will find use for, especially if we qualify for CL football.

Things are very simple though. I had seen Lovren for Lyon, based on what I'd seen I would have advocated his signing as he impressed me. Sahko I hadn't seen, but I can assure you, I wouldn't have advocated his signing had I seen him play. I judge players in a similar way to football manager i guess you could say. If I lad goes in for a tackle and wins the ball, that doesn't make him a good tackler. If he does however go in 5 times on Messi and takes the ball off him with ease, then it clearly does. Same as with any attribute, just because you out muscle someone doesn't make you strong, but if you outmuscle John Terry you've obviously got a bit of strength about you. Its plain as day to be quite honest.

On the transfer front you're saying "you think" that is how things work. I'm telling you for a fact, it isn't how things work. The manager has the final say on all transfers into and out of the club and if you seriously believe that Ayre is at fault for us over spending on a donkey like Sahko when we could have signed a better player for less then you're extremely mis-guided. Managers are given a transfer budget, it is upto the manager to use that budget. Not the chairman or someone else on the board. The board only negotiate the final details... do you honestly think that if Rodgers goes to the board with a list then they go and sign who the f*ck they please? ???

If you do, I'm wasting my time arguing with you because you're living on cloud cuckoo land!
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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:52 pm

damjan193 » Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:37 pm wrote:Things aren't as simple as you make them to be. It's not footy manager where you can see the player's rating, his future development and whatever the game has. If you had seen both Sakho and Lovren in their previous clubs you would have thought the same for both; young prospects, but remained at that and never really developed as everyone expected. Their style is different but the situation was the same.

It's also not so simple as saying that one was worth 10 grand and the other 1 pound. They didn't have their price tags on their foreheads. You negotiate those things. You get a price once you show your interest for a player and begin negotiations with their club. So we had few players (including Lovren) who should be worth around the same, BR opted for the one that he thought we needed more and Ayre ***** up with the price as he would have if we went for Lovren or any other player. I'd like to ask you, would we be having this conversation if we signed Sakho for less, or do you think he's absolutely hopeless, like Cissokho?

And I strongly disagree with you on the last part. This is how I think things work: Brendan picks his players and tells Ayre to talk to the player's club. Ayre starts negotiations (and gets robbed in the process). He gets a price and tells it to the owners, saying that it's a player that BR wants and needs. The owners, thinking that the player is worth it, since they don't know much about football themselves, give the green light. Ayre pays the money and we get our player. Rodgers probably reads about the price in the newspaper. He said so himself, he has nothing to do with price negotiations.

Your "should have signed" argument and the fact that we can't waste money like this is valid though. But there's no reason to be harsh on the player himself and other players in this club. Sakho is a good player that Rodgers will find use for, especially if we qualify for CL football.

Agreed, Sakho is a great addition and simpletons wouldn't understand the business aspects of football which includes negotiations, marketing value, re-sale value, jersey sales, profit, etc.
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Postby 7_Kewell » Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:37 am

personally I think Sakho is a very good player who will grow into his role as a commanding centre back. That's why we bought him. Did we pay too much, time will tell, but it's unfair to slag the guy off after a couple of months.
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Postby damjan193 » Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:33 am

StuYesThatStu » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:16 pm wrote:
damjan193 » Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:37 pm wrote:Things aren't as simple as you make them to be. It's not footy manager where you can see the player's rating, his future development and whatever the game has. If you had seen both Sakho and Lovren in their previous clubs you would have thought the same for both; young prospects, but remained at that and never really developed as everyone expected. Their style is different but the situation was the same.

It's also not so simple as saying that one was worth 10 grand and the other 1 pound. They didn't have their price tags on their foreheads. You negotiate those things. You get a price once you show your interest for a player and begin negotiations with their club. So we had few players (including Lovren) who should be worth around the same, BR opted for the one that he thought we needed more and Ayre ***** up with the price as he would have if we went for Lovren or any other player. I'd like to ask you, would we be having this conversation if we signed Sakho for less, or do you think he's absolutely hopeless, like Cissokho?

And I strongly disagree with you on the last part. This is how I think things work: Brendan picks his players and tells Ayre to talk to the player's club. Ayre starts negotiations (and gets robbed in the process). He gets a price and tells it to the owners, saying that it's a player that BR wants and needs. The owners, thinking that the player is worth it, since they don't know much about football themselves, give the green light. Ayre pays the money and we get our player. Rodgers probably reads about the price in the newspaper. He said so himself, he has nothing to do with price negotiations.

Your "should have signed" argument and the fact that we can't waste money like this is valid though. But there's no reason to be harsh on the player himself and other players in this club. Sakho is a good player that Rodgers will find use for, especially if we qualify for CL football.

Things are very simple though. I had seen Lovren for Lyon, based on what I'd seen I would have advocated his signing as he impressed me. Sahko I hadn't seen, but I can assure you, I wouldn't have advocated his signing had I seen him play. I judge players in a similar way to football manager i guess you could say. If I lad goes in for a tackle and wins the ball, that doesn't make him a good tackler. If he does however go in 5 times on Messi and takes the ball off him with ease, then it clearly does. Same as with any attribute, just because you out muscle someone doesn't make you strong, but if you outmuscle John Terry you've obviously got a bit of strength about you. Its plain as day to be quite honest.

On the transfer front you're saying "you think" that is how things work. I'm telling you for a fact, it isn't how things work. The manager has the final say on all transfers into and out of the club and if you seriously believe that Ayre is at fault for us over spending on a donkey like Sahko when we could have signed a better player for less then you're extremely mis-guided. Managers are given a transfer budget, it is upto the manager to use that budget. Not the chairman or someone else on the board. The board only negotiate the final details... do you honestly think that if Rodgers goes to the board with a list then they go and sign who the f*ck they please? ???

If you do, I'm wasting my time arguing with you because you're living on cloud cuckoo land!

Where did I say that they sign whoever they please? Like I said, Rodgers picks his players and that's it. Other people negotiate prices, contracts etc. He has the final say but not in terms of amounts paid. I think that that's how it works because most businesses work like that. How can you know for a fact that it works otherwise? Wait, don't tell me, you have a buddy of a buddy that knows the tea lady in our club, right?

We're getting away from the point. I was just trying to say that what you're saying is unfair. The "we should have went for Lovren" argument is ridiculous because there was no way of knowing he would be this good. It could have easily been the other way around, us overpaying for Lovren and Sakho turning out to be a bargain for someone else because Sakho DOES have the potential. He's no donkey, he's no Djimi Traore, he is a good player that can turn out to be great for us. It's too bad we overpaid but that doesn't make Sakho a bad signing.
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Postby Stu the Red » Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:49 am

damjan193 » Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:33 am wrote:Where did I say that they sign whoever they please? Like I said, Rodgers picks his players and that's it. Other people negotiate prices, contracts etc. He has the final say but not in terms of amounts paid. I think that that's how it works because most businesses work like that. How can you know for a fact that it works otherwise? Wait, don't tell me, you have a buddy of a buddy that knows the tea lady in our club, right?

We're getting away from the point. I was just trying to say that what you're saying is unfair. The "we should have went for Lovren" argument is ridiculous because there was no way of knowing he would be this good. It could have easily been the other way around, us overpaying for Lovren and Sakho turning out to be a bargain for someone else because Sakho DOES have the potential. He's no donkey, he's no Djimi Traore, he is a good player that can turn out to be great for us. It's too bad we overpaid but that doesn't make Sakho a bad signing.

Firstly you don't need to know who or what I know. I'm not going to sit here and tell you because its completely irrelivant.

Again you're reverting to opinion with regards to a transfer negotiation as apose to cold hard facts.

I'm not disputing that other members of the board discuss contracts and fees, but you're very wrong to say a manager has NOTHING to do with it. He has the final say on how the budget is spent. Especially at this club. That is a cast iron fact. He ok's it. He says to the board I want Sahko, the board enquire, they'll tell him how much roughly then negotiations will start. Rodgers will set the ceiling on the transfer value and will have a say on the fee. If he doesn't, how the f*ck can he plan his summer signings?

Do you really believe he hands a christmas list to santa and then the board go off and do their own thing? Do you honestly believe that budgets and fee's aren't discussed with the manager?

I'm telling you, the manager finalises the deal.

And as I've previously mentioned, you can tell who is going to be "that good". Its simple, if a player is good enough, they'll perform. If they aren't, they won't. Plain as day. The only ridiculous arguement here is to suggest otherwise. Players ability level's are plain as day to see if you know what you're looking for. Its not hard to judge a player, just the uneducated don't understand how it works. Some are better than others at it and its clear as day that Rodgers isn't great in this area. You judge every individual attribute then build a picture of the player and the use you can make of him. You judge attributes in the same way, whether its passing, pace, stamina or strength. Usually by comparisson and by quality and consistency.

Alot of people base potential on physical attributes, just as they did with Babel, Traore, Sissoko, Baros etc etc. Funnily enough, just because you're big, quick and strong doesn't mean you have "potential". To be quite honest, I get bored of listening to the same ***** over and over every time we sign an average player or a player who simply isn't that good. Its all people ever say, and quite frankly, its complete and utter *****.

Back to the point, which was clear as day Sahko isn't a better player than Daniel Agger and isn't an improvement on Skrtel or Toure. So what the f*ck are we spending £17,000,000 on him for?  You say £17,000,000 for someone who is at best is a squad player... thank f*ck you aren't the one running our club. For seventeen million, we could have signed two good players who would improve the side. Not one average one, who can't get a game unless we change the system. Even then he'd struggle when all are fit!
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Postby Basil » Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:06 pm

Stu, I also think that's how the transfer deals work but I'm not really sure you can come on here and state that it's fact and then say it's irrelevant how you know it. I agree with what you're saying because what if a manager has 2 or 3 targets of similar ability/potential, surely he has to state which one is his top target, which one is 2nd etc. He would also have to indicate a price range for each and the say something like "get me player A if you can get him for £10M, if not try for player B etc. etc.".

I don't agree when you say it's simple to tell if a player is going to be any good or not, there are so many things involved not just physical attributes and it takes a lot of experience and perhaps a bit of luck to know which ones will be top signings. If it was that easy to know which players would be a success you'd have a small number of good players that everybody wants for sky high prices and loads of players left looking for a club.

Saying that, I would pick Agger, Skrtel and Toure before Sakho and I'm struggling to see why we paid so much money for him. Hope he proves us wrong.
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Postby Stu the Red » Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:36 pm

Basil » Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:06 pm wrote:Stu, I also think that's how the transfer deals work but I'm not really sure you can come on here and state that it's fact and then say it's irrelevant how you know it. I agree with what you're saying because what if a manager has 2 or 3 targets of similar ability/potential, surely he has to state which one is his top target, which one is 2nd etc. He would also have to indicate a price range for each and the say something like "get me player A if you can get him for £10M, if not try for player B etc. etc.".

I don't agree when you say it's simple to tell if a player is going to be any good or not, there are so many things involved not just physical attributes and it takes a lot of experience and perhaps a bit of luck to know which ones will be top signings. If it was that easy to know which players would be a success you'd have a small number of good players that everybody wants for sky high prices and loads of players left looking for a club.

Saying that, I would pick Agger, Skrtel and Toure before Sakho and I'm struggling to see why we paid so much money for him. Hope he proves us wrong.

As I said earlier its simple if you know what you're looking for Basil.

Alot of people see size, speed and strength as "potential" and it simply isn't. Potential is having the attributes there in the first place and learning how to use and maximise them and learning your own game. Learning how not to try things above your ability etc. Thoughout a players career its rare that a player at 18 or 19 will "become good at something" he's not already got in his locker. You may get a player who's excellent at something improving a consistency in an area, you may get a player grow physically to allow them to use attributes in a different manor but you'll never see a lad at 19 who can't pass all of a sudden just learn to pass. It doesn't happen. From the age or around 17 technically you're pretty much set from their. In some cases its even earlier than 17, in rare cases it will take a player till 18/19 before they're technically of the required standard.

Its the same with most attributes, the only one that can "masked" if you like is decision making and possibly positioning but that is due to the system and style a player plays in. Carragher was never great in these two area's but playing in the correct system with the correct players around him made him appear alot better than he was and allowed us to get the absolute maximum we could have got out of him. Its the same with Terry and other players, which is why when they played at International level they were always found wanting. Good club players like the two mentioned above perform above their station because they're playing in a system which suits them and with players that compliment them and practice is every week allowing them to settle. They encounter the same patterns of play against and it allows them to learn from experience. At international level everything changes, from your teamates, the system and oppositions pattern of play, leaving players who aren't top players struggling to adapt to situations and leaving them exposed.

For me, Sahko is too quick to go to ground, he's not as good in the air as he's made out to be, he's certainly not as quick as I first thought and postitionally he leaves massive gaps. His decision making is very poor on when to leave the defence and when to "cover" another position. I think his teamwork tendancies are also poor (some of this could be down to language).

I don't think the lad is better than what we have already. If he turns out to be... I don't think it will be by any significant amount that justified spending £17,000,000 on him.
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Postby jacdaniel » Tue Nov 19, 2013 5:21 pm

FWIW, I agree with Stu about players more or less being what they are at 17/18.  After that they generally only develop what they already have.  And with experience they often get better at covering for their weaknesses.

Its why Barca's tika taka was so good and effective.  The philosophy was drilled into them from probably the very first time they kicked a football.

With Gerrard, you could see that he had all the attributes to be a top footballer. 
It pains me to say it, but I don't see any future at Liverpool for players like Wisdom, Flanagan, Kelly, Robinson, Coady, or Morgan.

A year or two back it was Spearing, Shelvey, Pacheco, Nemeth and they've all since found their level.
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Postby Stu the Red » Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:08 pm

jacdaniel » Tue Nov 19, 2013 5:21 pm wrote:FWIW, I agree with Stu about players more or less being what they are at 17/18.  After that they generally only develop what they already have.  And with experience they often get better at covering for their weaknesses.

Its why Barca's tika taka was so good and effective.  The philosophy was drilled into them from probably the very first time they kicked a football.

With Gerrard, you could see that he had all the attributes to be a top footballer. 
It pains me to say it, but I don't see any future at Liverpool for players like Wisdom, Flanagan, Kelly, Robinson, Coady, or Morgan.

A year or two back it was Spearing, Shelvey, Pacheco, Nemeth and they've all since found their level.

I think Kelly's upto it. The lads a good defender and steady on the ball. He'll never be a top class player but he's certainly not a bad one. Wisdom I'm generally unsure of as he's never played centre half and you can see he's no right back. But he's fairly quick, he's got a great leap on him and seems decent in the tackle. Its hard to see how he'd fair in the middle without him playing there.

Robinson, Flannagan and Morgan aren't good enough.
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