Djimi traore...

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby mrcool2003 » Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:18 am

you's are all getting carried away i think, traore will never be as good as sol campbell full stop

yes traore has improved but he isn't a quality defender, hes a good squad player nothing more, hes not first choice, nor should he ever be, but hes not bad to bring in if we have a injury crisis, in january i hope to see a quality centre half bought at least, to put pressure on hyppia and carragher, i never liked carragher u might disagree with me but its all about opinions thats what the forum is about after all
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:25 am

How you can't like the most commited player in the squad is beyond me.

The only player who puts this club first.

Postby A.B. » Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:37 am

The only player who puts this club first

You got to be joking.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:50 am

Name another?

Don't even say Steven Gerrard after the trick he pulled in the summer.

Postby laza » Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:01 am

mrcool2003 wrote:you's are all getting carried away i think, traore will never be as good as sol campbell full stop

yes traore has improved but he isn't a quality defender, hes a good squad player nothing more, hes not first choice, nor should he ever be, but hes not bad to bring in if we have a injury crisis, in january i hope to see a quality centre half bought at least, to put pressure on hyppia and carragher, i never liked carragher u might disagree with me but its all about opinions thats what the forum is about after all

Well i do disagree with your opinion of Carra but i certainly agree about getting  a quality CD signing
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Postby A.B. » Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:12 am

Don't even say Steven Gerrard after the trick he pulled in the summer.

the lad works his ****** off in every game. He may not be the best defender in the Premiership but he gives his best.

-Christopher Kirkland
He would play for Liverpool for free if he could. He has had possibly every injury a footballer could but has come back from every single one and is willing to give his all to show that he is a good goalkeeper.

Should I continue or is that not enough for you?
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Postby A.B. » Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:41 am

I am very interested in what kind of stupid theory you are going to come up with Stu. Your last one was very interesting that you've said over PM, let me summarize it for you.

Basicaly according to your wonderful theory a football fan who is not at a Live game DOES NOT know or CAN NOT say whether a player on the pitch played good or not. When Hyypia gives the ball away, you in the stands at Anfield think that a fan who was not at the game can not say that a player gave the ball away because he or she was not at the game.

Do you realize how much of a bullsh!t that statement is?

Let me give you a scenario that you might be able to grasp.


Me= Ronaldinho is a class player.
Stu= NO NO YOURE WRONG. You did  not go to Barcelona and watch him play live therefore you can not say that he is a class player.

After reading the ludacris S...H...I...T you've said over PM I am VERY eager to see what you will come up with next.

I've been very unfortunate because I have not been able to see the club I love most play live. I am sorry but I can not change the things that prevented me from being able to go to Liverpool. However that does not make you a better Liverpool fan than me nor does that mean that I know nothing as you put it.

You talk about coaching kids,etc.. Well guess what pal, football flows in my veins. Since the time I was able to walk on my two feet I've played football and I still do. I've been raised to love the sport and play it. Do not let your ignorance cloud your judgement. Do not think because a Liverpool fan hasn't been able to watch a game in England that he or she has not watched a live game period in their life or that he or she is a less of a Liverpool fan than yourself.

You are very fortunate to be able to go to games that I can not go to. When I lived in Europe I could not go to Anfield because I was surviving the genocide in my country. Don't be such a ridiculus fool, you actually think that you know more things because you go to a game? Yes going to a game is better than watching it at home but it doesn't change the fact that a player plays poorely whether you are at Anfield or at home watching the game.

Enough said, comeback with less bullsh!t and we can discuss football as intellectuals. Otherwise take that bullsh!t and shove it up your ignorant ar$e.

Do not take this personaly, simply take it. Have a good night.
Last edited by A.B. on Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Santa » Fri Oct 29, 2004 4:30 am

Watching a game in the stadium and on telly gives you slightly different view of the same game. I used to watch some of Liverpool's game in London & at Anfield. In the stadium, you are soaked in emotion, the heat of the moment with 40,000 screaming fans. You do see a player's movement off the ball, feel the speed of players acceleration but you do missed out on the instant replay, close-up, pre & post-match analysis etc. However, for anyone who knows his football, if a player is a donkey, let's call him a donkey. How Alonso spray his passes is clear for everyone to see, whether in the stadium or watching on big-screen TV. Same with Gerrard's energy & drive, Garcia's magic, Carragher's commitment etc. I don't necessary agree that watching the game in the stadium equats to better understanding of the team, the players or that you are a more committed supporter.
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Postby Starbridge42 » Fri Oct 29, 2004 7:16 am

I have to agree with AB, just because you dont go to the stadium doesnt mean that you cant tell how well a player played.  In fact Stu if i recall correctly you were one of those who said Benitez should have a good idea of who was good in the squad because he should have watched videos of the game.... If you watch videos then your not at the stadium so how could he learn anything?  Why do all the best managers, Wenger, Ferguson, Benitez, Capello, Prandelli, Mourinho, Bobby Robson, Lippi, Ancelloti and so many others watch video replays of the match if its impossible to tell anything from them?

Also the theory that your not a good fan if you dont go to games is plain ridiculous.  I'm expected to pay $11,000 so I can go to England to watch each of Liverpool's matches am I?  Sorry but I'm not Bill Gates and even he couldn't afford to do that forever.  Sorry thats $22,000 if I want to get home as well.  Plus accomodation and tickets or am I expected to sleep on the streets and infilitrate the stadium instead of buying tickets?  I can tell from watching on TV that Alonso is excellent, that Gerrard is a tireless workhorse driving the team, that Garcia is a devilishly tricky little midget, and that Kewell is hopelessly off form. 

To finish answer me this.  Have you ever seen Pele play live in the flesh? If no, then how do you know he's a good player?  If you have to have seen him live how do you know he wasnt only ever really fit to be a water-carrier?
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Postby Paul C » Fri Oct 29, 2004 8:10 am

A.B. wrote:I am very interested in what kind of stupid theory you are going to come up with Stu. Your last one was very interesting that you've said over PM, let me summarize it for you.

Basicaly according to your wonderful theory a football fan who is not at a Live game DOES NOT know or CAN NOT say whether a player on the pitch played good or not. When Hyypia gives the ball away, you in the stands at Anfield think that a fan who was not at the game can not say that a player gave the ball away because he or she was not at the game.

Do you realize how much of a bullsh!t that statement is?

Let me give you a scenario that you might be able to grasp.


Me= Ronaldinho is a class player.
Stu= NO NO YOURE WRONG. You did  not go to Barcelona and watch him play live therefore you can not say that he is a class player.

After reading the ludacris S...H...I...T you've said over PM I am VERY eager to see what you will come up with next.

I've been very unfortunate because I have not been able to see the club I love most play live. I am sorry but I can not change the things that prevented me from being able to go to Liverpool. However that does not make you a better Liverpool fan than me nor does that mean that I know nothing as you put it.

You talk about coaching kids,etc.. Well guess what pal, football flows in my veins. Since the time I was able to walk on my two feet I've played football and I still do. I've been raised to love the sport and play it. Do not let your ignorance cloud your judgement. Do not think because a Liverpool fan hasn't been able to watch a game in England that he or she has not watched a live game period in their life or that he or she is a less of a Liverpool fan than yourself.

You are very fortunate to be able to go to games that I can not go to. When I lived in Europe I could not go to Anfield because I was surviving the genocide in my country. Don't be such a ridiculus fool, you actually think that you know more things because you go to a game? Yes going to a game is better than watching it at home but it doesn't change the fact that a player plays poorely whether you are at Anfield or at home watching the game.

Enough said, comeback with less bullsh!t and we can discuss football as intellectuals. Otherwise take that bullsh!t and shove it up your ignorant ar$e.

Do not take this personaly, simply take it. Have a good night.

Fight... Fight...Fight... Fight...Fight... Fight...Fight... Fight *everyone gathers round A.B and Stu in a circle*  :D
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Postby Starbridge42 » Fri Oct 29, 2004 8:12 am

Dutney *throws a stick to Stu and a lead pipe to AB*

I didn't like Italy, it was like living in a foreign country - Ian Rush
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Postby bigmick » Fri Oct 29, 2004 8:52 am

Theres no doubt in my mind that there are certain aspects of being a red that only true scousers can truly understand. Bandwagon-jumpers, albeit longterm ones such as myself don't quite feel the same hatred for say, Man U as a true Liverputlian (there are however exceptions to every rule, I defy anyone to hate the Mancs more than A.B.  :D )
Also, any references to Hillsboro' or Heysl are naturally felt more by those who were either there or know somebody who was or even lost somebody etc. It would be silly and disrespectful to pretend otherwise and I certainly wouldn't even go there. Similarly, true scousers feel more of an allegiance to the local lads coming through I think. This is once again natural and to be applauded. The club could not survive without this passion and fervour, it is the very heart and soul of its existance.
All that said, Liverpool is a club which is supported throughout the world, not just throughout Britain. For every Liverpool fan not born in Liverpool, there is a reason for taking allegiance with the Reds. In my own case, being from Yorkshire everyone in my formative years supported Leeds of the Revie era. Call it contrary but I just liked Liverpool better. Leeds were probably the slightly more efficient team at the time and it caused me to get my head kicked in on occasions but I was proud to support my team. I never have been one for changing. When I moved to London in the eighties, all my pals were Arsenal supporters. I used to follow Liverpool all over the South and also go with them to see the A rse (they were no threat then, poor side, Graham Rix Paul Mariner etc). Once again my allegiance caused stick wherever I went but I was a lifer. At this point I first encountered the Scouser who almost grudgingly accepted that I was allowed to support 'his' team if I wanted to. Jeez' thinks I, not only does everyone else give me stick, even the scousers resent me as well!
Still, we stick to our guns us bandwagon-jumpers. Even through the thin years of Sounness, Evans, Houllier we still have hope in our hearts. We still have pride in our team and our supporters. A.B., you haven't seen 'em live but you will son. When you do you'll notice how the Liverpool crowd is almost 'polite' compared to other supporters. In the main, not disrespecting the opposition fans or players save for banter (obviously, Man U games break the mold a touch!). Also, like me (and I have to say at this point I almost never get to games these days, maybe two a season) when they break out into YNWA at the end of games you'll try and join in. You won't be able to though, know the words and all that but you'll have a big lump in your throat. Passion comes in lots of different guises.  :;):
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Postby Starbridge42 » Fri Oct 29, 2004 9:05 am

Agreed that perhaps one cannot follow a side with as much fevor from afar as the can from the touchline but does that make them lesser fans?  I dont think so, and nothing anyone (not even the ever-pessuasive St Mike) can say can change my opinion of that in the slightest.
I didn't like Italy, it was like living in a foreign country - Ian Rush
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Postby bigmick » Fri Oct 29, 2004 10:09 am

No, totally agree Starby. No such thing as a 'lesser' fan. A fan is a fan is a fan.
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Postby Starbridge42 » Fri Oct 29, 2004 10:12 am

high five bro!  :D  :D  :D
I didn't like Italy, it was like living in a foreign country - Ian Rush
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