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Postby woof woof ! » Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:33 pm

devaney wrote:Ciggy just who the fk do you think you are telling other supporters what to do?


Are you for real ?

Talk about "telling other supporters what to do". You more than most are a bit too free and easy with your abusive retorts to members who don't see it the way you do.

Back the fk up and wind your neck in.

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Postby stmichael » Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:12 pm

welcome back lynds and by the way good post :) :buttrock
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Postby red till i die!! » Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:32 pm

at least for the moment the hype and drama by the media seems to have eased somewhat.
i doubt this has anything to do with the apologies but more to the fact that they will be dragged into camerons debate and accused of sensationalising and prolonging the whole incident for which they are guilty of.
i hope rotheram gets his chance to speak and lays the boot into the lot of them outlining the double standards that exist in the media.
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Postby devaney » Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:50 pm

Igor Zidane wrote:Top post lynds and what a way to come back . Ignore that devaney ,you know he's a first class pleb . Mr mocking bird dude has it spot on aswell , good to see you back posting aswell lash .

DEVANEY , HODGSON NEVER WAS AND NEVER WILL BE AN LFC MANAGER . He deserved everything that we threw at him the owl faced c.unt ..

Keep posting newkitters the site is awakening from it's slumber and starting to get interesting again .  :buttrock

IG. You should have a masters in plebs and their behaviour! That's pretty much your uneducated response when you don't agree with somebody.Ok I admit it. I don't like Ciggy or half of what she writes. Same applies to you. We all have an opinion. Get over it. 

The time to decide that Hodgson was not fit be the manager of Liverpool was after he had been given some time not before a ball had even been kicked!

It's the hypocrisy of YNWA that I find bewildering.
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Postby devaney » Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:54 pm

woof woof ! wrote:
devaney wrote:Ciggy just who the fk do you think you are telling other supporters what to do?


Are you for real ?

Talk about "telling other supporters what to do". You more than most are a bit too free and easy with your abusive retorts to members who don't see it the way you do.

Back the fk up and wind your neck in.

Guess your referring to Worcester Red who I think has been banned, Kewell and Kerry who I think basically got what they deserved and not just from me. Otherwise I'm not to sure what your on about?

Sorry mate. Her stuff just winds me up.
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Postby Thommo's perm » Wed Feb 15, 2012 6:00 pm

Ciggy wrote:In hindsight kenny should have said on saturday morning listen Luis I know you want to play but I am leaving you behind in liverpool. Or even left him on the bench to avoid the handshakegate, my own opinion is Luis was going to shake his hand and once he came face to face with the lying b@stard he couldnt bring himself to do it.  And if I was him I would'nt either.

In hindsight the t-shirts where all a bit cheesy and we shouldnt have done that either, not because we didnt back Luis just because thats all they where a bit mingy.

But the biggest fuck up Liverpool made was not getting a PR person in since Ian Cotton departed we havent replaced him, Kenny is our manager not our spokesperson and Comolli is French and look at the trouble we have got into through things being lost in translation from that other French fella  :glare:

And Ayre's comments 5 months on, on the offal on sunday where pathetic and a disgrace and the appoligies ohhhhhh the shame.  I cringed at them.

John Henrys coming over this week and he must be told in no uncertain terms what we are up against down the East Lancs Road.  LFC need to look for a PR spokesman immediatley because this isnt over not by a longshot and it needs to be.

Because they all smell blood and we have exposed ourselves as being weak something I never believed Liverpool football Club would do.

Manchester United have excepted our appoligy well thank you, its very nice of you. Fuck off  :angry:

Being a scouser Everton have always been my number 1 rival I disliked United but not on the same level as some of our fans do. I hate their songs about us, but also hate Evertons songs about us, I dont mix with United fans I have none in my family but know loads of Evertonains and have plenty of bitter b@stards in my family.

Even when they won No19 it really didnt bother me,  but this whole debarcle has put United head and shoulders above my hatred for Everton.  Dont get me wrong Ive always known what he is an evil bitter old bully.  But come on now who the fuck does he think he is telling another football club who can and cannot play for them?

Why is he aloud to get away with these comments?  Why arnt LFC kicking up a fuss about it?  Would The Redsox allow such comments from The Yankies? If not then NESV cannot allow Fergie to get away with it either.  Kenny is probably absolutly livid about it and what was poor Kenny made to do?
Say Sorry !!!

Thats not from the Liverpool I grew up loving and they where not kennys words as we all know he doesnt give two sh!ts about SKY or Geoff Shreeves it must have killed him having his name attatched to some half @rse appoligy on the offal and it was another massive balls up from Liverpool Football club.

Who have handled the whole situation from day 1 distatrously.

One thing I learned from saturday's debacle was the amount of spiltters in our support/fan base, you are every bit as bad if not worse than SKY, you do not represent Liverpool Football Club with your towing the line opinions, so please do not go on radio phone ins and forums and proclaim The Liverpool Way.

What I have read, seen and heard this week has been disgracefull and its shocked me it should'nt have shocked me with the treatment Rafa got from so called Liverpool fans at a time when your club needs you, you agree that Suarez should be sold and never play for LFC again and take your side but not our side no thats to PC you believe what is being said by fergie, your Man United mates and SKY you lap it up like its the gospel.  You slate Kenny how fucking dare you !!! Kenny has done more for this club than anyone.

I cannot believe some of our fans want Suarez & Kenny out?  its absolutley shocking, sickening infact, these are the same people that told us to shut up over Hicks & Gillet that everything in the garden was rosy, and it was that nasty SOS bunch causing trouble.

Hasnt history taught you nothing if something doesnt feel right then it probably isnt.  And you dont need to be Einstein to work out what Ferguson and the media are up to with this Suarezgate, yet you believe them rather than your own, rather by sticking to one of your own you abondon him and liverpool football Club to spout your utter drivel on 5live & talksport do you get a kick out of it? Knowing that kenny, the players and fans are listening? What do you get out of it? seriously I want to know !!! You dont do the club or fans any favours what so ever, infact you make things 10 times worse.

We are hated in England for our past success most of these pundits played when we where winning everything so they still hold a grudge, so therefore their opinions are swayed because of it they dont need the help of some of our so-called fans and ex players agreeing with them, people are entitled to their opinions even if they differ from mine but please dont go on phone ins expressing them in a negative manor keep it behind closed doors because you are not helping our situation what so ever.

The problem is the want it all and now generation can't be arsed with any turmoil and blame the wrong people and since this Suarezgate our form has been terrible we are 16th in the form table, so for things to improve on the pitch we have to get back to what's important and thats winning matches and for that to happen we need everyone behind us not splitters that when the going get's tough they split.
Dont give the media any more ammunition they have had enough from us already.

This is not about racism this is about LIVERPOOL & UINTED!!!
Get behind Kenny, Luis and Liverpool football club but don't sing "You'll never walk alone" when you make them "Walk alone" when times are tough. 

Liverpool as a City has never backed down to no one we have been through tougher times than this and me and many others are not prepared to let Sir Alex ferguson, The FA, and anyone else walk all over us and back down? NEVER !!!!

Very good
Just one complaint
Suarez was always going to shake his hand. He even extended his own hand for Evra to grasp. Evra chose to pull his own hand back, ever so subtley, so that Suarez would have to make an extra effort. Suarez thought "fu'ck it" and continued, the rest is history. Evra is a manipulative, cunning, slimy tw@t.
Other than that you've done quite well
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Postby Ciggy » Wed Feb 15, 2012 6:24 pm

devaney wrote:I don't like Ciggy.

I absolutely love ANY, and I mean ANY, level of emotionally charged anger & communication from a man. It's like fucking gold.

Once he cares enough to get the slightest bit emotional with you, then you've got him. It's just a matter of transforming all that anger into focus.

For the record, I'm not suggesting that Devany fancies me. Afterall, he doesnt even know me.

My heart is yours... :D

Ciggy X
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Postby devaney » Wed Feb 15, 2012 6:32 pm

Ciggy wrote:
devaney wrote:I don't like Ciggy.

I absolutely love ANY, and I mean ANY, level of emotionally charged anger & communication from a man. It's like fucking gold.

Once he cares enough to get the slightest bit emotional with you, then you've got him. It's just a matter of transforming all that anger into focus.

For the record, I'm not suggesting that Devany fancies me. Afterall, he doesnt even know me.

My heart is yours... :D

Ciggy X

God I've missed you !!!!!  :D   :D  :D
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Postby roberto green » Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:31 pm

Ciggy wrote:
devaney wrote:I don't like Ciggy.

I absolutely love ANY, and I mean ANY, level of emotionally charged anger & communication from a man. It's like fucking gold.

Once he cares enough to get the slightest bit emotional with you, then you've got him. It's just a matter of transforming all that anger into focus.

For the record, I'm not suggesting that Devany fancies me. Afterall, he doesnt even know me.

My heart is yours... :D

Ciggy X

Btw davney ciggys a babe

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Postby Thommo's perm » Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:21 pm

roberto green wrote:
Ciggy wrote:
devaney wrote:I don't like Ciggy.

I absolutely love ANY, and I mean ANY, level of emotionally charged anger & communication from a man. It's like fucking gold.

Once he cares enough to get the slightest bit emotional with you, then you've got him. It's just a matter of transforming all that anger into focus.

For the record, I'm not suggesting that Devany fancies me. Afterall, he doesnt even know me.

My heart is yours... :D

Ciggy X

Btw davney ciggys a babe


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Postby Igor Zidane » Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:46 pm

devaney wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:Top post lynds and what a way to come back . Ignore that devaney ,you know he's a first class pleb . Mr mocking bird dude has it spot on aswell , good to see you back posting aswell lash .

DEVANEY , HODGSON NEVER WAS AND NEVER WILL BE AN LFC MANAGER . He deserved everything that we threw at him the owl faced c.unt ..

Keep posting newkitters the site is awakening from it's slumber and starting to get interesting again .  :buttrock

IG. You should have a masters in plebs and their behaviour! That's pretty much your uneducated response when you don't agree with somebody.Ok I admit it. I don't like Ciggy or half of what she writes. Same applies to you. We all have an opinion. Get over it. 

The time to decide that Hodgson was not fit be the manager of Liverpool was after he had been given some time not before a ball had even been kicked!

It's the hypocrisy of YNWA that I find bewildering.

Great stuff , now we've sorted that you don't lke internet me or internet ciggy or half of what she write's or i write or whatever . How's about not jumping down someones throat as soon as they post something , why try not read it , count to ten and give a considrerd response . Try to forget who the poster is for a mo and go from there .

Hodgson is history , he's currently f.ucking up another club and there's a slim chance he could be Englands next manger ( please god let it be so ) so why not let it le and get behind someone who is a proper LFC manager and deserves all our respect.

Oh yeh and wind yer neck in .  :;):
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Postby devaney » Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:18 am

Thanks IG. I've taken your invaluable advice and counted to ten and here's my considered response: Fk off yer pleb !!!  :D  :D  :D

On a serious note I'm no lover of Hodgson. I actually can't stand the man. He is a perennial underachiever and somehow still manages to command massive remuneration from the game.Having said that with very limited resources after 25 games West Brom are 10 points behind Liverpool. Some people didn't give him a chance from day one at Liverpool and frankly I found that unacceptable. It simply is not the Liverpool way!

As for Kenny he has my full support and you will struggle to find very much on this forum where I have criticised him.
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Postby metalhead » Thu Feb 16, 2012 6:38 pm

my mate wrote a very well balanced piece on the english media on RAWK, would love to share with you all


There’s a lot of thing I hate in life.

If I made a list, it would include: salads, waking up early, Beirut heat, French keyboards, Parisian people, salads, X-box controllers, dentists, cats, gyms and science fiction.

Oh, and salads.

Those would definitely be in the top 20. But they’d struggle to knock off the following from the top 10:

Hypocrisy, double standards, injustice, hysteria, discrimination ( in all its forms), bullying, agendas, fakeness and witch hunts.

All words that define the topic of my piece: The English football media.

Words alone cannot properly do justice to how much I hate them. Im sure there have been times where I have despised people more than them, but I honestly cannot recall when.

Maybe it’s because of my background. Im a Lebanese man that’s lived half of my life in London and the other half in Beirut. I have, like all of you, lived through wars in our country and region where I have seen the true face of the media revel itself. I, due to my nationality, have been part of a people demonized by the kind folk at, amongst others, Fox News, the New York Times and the Sun.
Nobody needs to tell a Lebanese person or an Arab about how the media works. Nobody needs to be reminded of the double standards, the hypocrisy, the hysteria, the hidden agendas and the bullying that form the backbone of the media’s narrative on our region.

So,  seeing as Im a Lebanese person hopelessly and passionately in love with Liverpool Football Club, it is surely without any shock that you will learn that I have absolutely reached the end of my tether with the English football media and their campaign against Luis Suarez. I am sick to death of the persecution and vilification of the flawed genius who wears our iconic number 7 shirt.
I have stayed silent in this group on this matter since the news first broke. I have held my own counsel as I’ve seen the likes of Paddy Barclay, Oliver Holt, Daniel Taylor (chief sports writer at the Manc Marca, otherwise known as the Guardian), Henry Winter, Jonathan Northcroft, Matt Dickinson and others find Luis Suarez guilty of racism before the FA tribunal even was formed. I have laughed as they wrote about how backwards a country Uruguay was, about how racist a continent South America was. I have shook my head as all their pieces reminded us of how great and just and fair and so damn equal the United Kingdom is.

Uruguay had blacks in their armies when the English was still enslaving them. They had blacks in their national teams when the English were still denying them the right to wear the 3 lions shirt. All these are facts; but you know what they say about facts: never let them get in the way of a good argument.

The campaign from the media, from the very start, was to show how just and proper the English game was. It was to show how advances a society England was. It was to demonstrate to Sepp Blatter, and the rest of the world, how much better and firmer England dealt with racism.

Nevermind that there was no evidence. Nevermind that of all the cameras in the ground, not a single one caught a single word Luis Suarez said. Nevermind that not a single witness could confirm Patrice Evra’s story. Nevermind that he’s been found by the FA before to be an “unreliable witness who has made exaggerated claims”. There’s no rooms for shades of grey, for the media everything is, forgive the pun, black and white.

The sheer hypocrisy is bewildering. The English football media decided Luis Suarez must be found guilty. He is, after all a person from a backwards country where they actually have the temerity to call a fat person fat, a short person short and a black person black. He handled on the line against Ghana (perfectly fine when Scholes scores with his hand though), he bit a player in Holland (but when an Englishman in Jermaine Defoe does the same to Javier Mascherano, an Argentine, they all go quiet) and he dives (Rooney or our captain anyone?). Of course he’s a racist.

Never once, during this entire affair, have I read a single piece detailing why Liverpool and its fans absolutely reject the findings. Not a single journalist in a broadsheet, TV station or tabloid has actually highlighted the sheer lack of evidence in the report. There’s been a total agreement between every single journalist in the English football media that Luis Suarez is a racist. You could not find any other subject in England where every single journalist has exactly the same viewpoint.

But the saddest thing is, that during this entire time, I haven’t actually read a single piece on racism. Noone has actually, when it’s the hottest topic in town, decided to talk about race and how to proceed in eradicating it. Nobody has studied why there’s so few black managers (none in the premier league), black officials (none either) or black football journalists (a single one, Darren Lewis from the Mirror). Nobody has stopped to ask why in such a multi cultural country, are they no Arabs, Indians or Pakistanis playing professional football.

Why? Because, quite simply, they do not care a single dot. The media could not care less about racism. They could not give a damn about these matters. The entire goal is to sell papers and ad space, and in the soap opera of the Premier League, Luis Suarez is a perfect villain and racism is, thanks to dear old Sepp, a hot topic. A thoughtful, analytic and detailed piece about racism will not shift papers. A picture of Luis Suarez snarling at Patrice Evra under the headline “RACIST” will.

The Sunday Times this week called Luis Suarez “South America’s most loathsome export since General Pinochet”. This is a publication that are owned by a man who finances and funds a portion of the US government who actually helped install and prop up the dictator Pinochet in office. You could not make this stuff up if you tried.

It’s the hypocrisy that does it for me. Look at the way they demonized Fabio Capello for not speaking good English. Look at how they hounded Rafa. It’s an open secret that the faces of Sky Sports, Keys and Gray, called him a “fat Spanish waiter”. Noone sees anything wrong

So next time you hear or read these journalists saying how Liverpool Football club and its manager are a disgrace to the sport, its fans racists and  that its number 7 should be deported, remember how hypocritical these people are. Remember the double standards, the hysteria and the injustices.

And never forget that the last time these people decided to bully a man and organize a witch hunt against him, forever highlighting his weaknesses and never his strengths, they succeeded in removing that man from the manager’s seat at our great club. And they succeeded, through their hidden agendas, to replace that man with a nice English gentleman, full of decorum and friendliness. A wise old man with 35 years of experience, a near spot on English and no belly in sight.

God, I hate them…
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Postby Thommo's perm » Thu Feb 16, 2012 7:00 pm

metalhead wrote:my mate wrote a very well balanced piece on the english media on RAWK, would love to share with you all


There’s a lot of thing I hate in life.

If I made a list, it would include: salads, waking up early, Beirut heat, French keyboards, Parisian people, salads, X-box controllers, dentists, cats, gyms and science fiction.

Oh, and salads.

Those would definitely be in the top 20. But they’d struggle to knock off the following from the top 10:

Hypocrisy, double standards, injustice, hysteria, discrimination ( in all its forms), bullying, agendas, fakeness and witch hunts.

All words that define the topic of my piece: The English football media.

Words alone cannot properly do justice to how much I hate them. Im sure there have been times where I have despised people more than them, but I honestly cannot recall when.

Maybe it’s because of my background. Im a Lebanese man that’s lived half of my life in London and the other half in Beirut. I have, like all of you, lived through wars in our country and region where I have seen the true face of the media revel itself. I, due to my nationality, have been part of a people demonized by the kind folk at, amongst others, Fox News, the New York Times and the Sun.
Nobody needs to tell a Lebanese person or an Arab about how the media works. Nobody needs to be reminded of the double standards, the hypocrisy, the hysteria, the hidden agendas and the bullying that form the backbone of the media’s narrative on our region.

So,  seeing as Im a Lebanese person hopelessly and passionately in love with Liverpool Football Club, it is surely without any shock that you will learn that I have absolutely reached the end of my tether with the English football media and their campaign against Luis Suarez. I am sick to death of the persecution and vilification of the flawed genius who wears our iconic number 7 shirt.
I have stayed silent in this group on this matter since the news first broke. I have held my own counsel as I’ve seen the likes of Paddy Barclay, Oliver Holt, Daniel Taylor (chief sports writer at the Manc Marca, otherwise known as the Guardian), Henry Winter, Jonathan Northcroft, Matt Dickinson and others find Luis Suarez guilty of racism before the FA tribunal even was formed. I have laughed as they wrote about how backwards a country Uruguay was, about how racist a continent South America was. I have shook my head as all their pieces reminded us of how great and just and fair and so damn equal the United Kingdom is.

Uruguay had blacks in their armies when the English was still enslaving them. They had blacks in their national teams when the English were still denying them the right to wear the 3 lions shirt. All these are facts; but you know what they say about facts: never let them get in the way of a good argument.

The campaign from the media, from the very start, was to show how just and proper the English game was. It was to show how advances a society England was. It was to demonstrate to Sepp Blatter, and the rest of the world, how much better and firmer England dealt with racism.

Nevermind that there was no evidence. Nevermind that of all the cameras in the ground, not a single one caught a single word Luis Suarez said. Nevermind that not a single witness could confirm Patrice Evra’s story. Nevermind that he’s been found by the FA before to be an “unreliable witness who has made exaggerated claims”. There’s no rooms for shades of grey, for the media everything is, forgive the pun, black and white.

The sheer hypocrisy is bewildering. The English football media decided Luis Suarez must be found guilty. He is, after all a person from a backwards country where they actually have the temerity to call a fat person fat, a short person short and a black person black. He handled on the line against Ghana (perfectly fine when Scholes scores with his hand though), he bit a player in Holland (but when an Englishman in Jermaine Defoe does the same to Javier Mascherano, an Argentine, they all go quiet) and he dives (Rooney or our captain anyone?). Of course he’s a racist.

Never once, during this entire affair, have I read a single piece detailing why Liverpool and its fans absolutely reject the findings. Not a single journalist in a broadsheet, TV station or tabloid has actually highlighted the sheer lack of evidence in the report. There’s been a total agreement between every single journalist in the English football media that Luis Suarez is a racist. You could not find any other subject in England where every single journalist has exactly the same viewpoint.

But the saddest thing is, that during this entire time, I haven’t actually read a single piece on racism. Noone has actually, when it’s the hottest topic in town, decided to talk about race and how to proceed in eradicating it. Nobody has studied why there’s so few black managers (none in the premier league), black officials (none either) or black football journalists (a single one, Darren Lewis from the Mirror). Nobody has stopped to ask why in such a multi cultural country, are they no Arabs, Indians or Pakistanis playing professional football.

Why? Because, quite simply, they do not care a single dot. The media could not care less about racism. They could not give a damn about these matters. The entire goal is to sell papers and ad space, and in the soap opera of the Premier League, Luis Suarez is a perfect villain and racism is, thanks to dear old Sepp, a hot topic. A thoughtful, analytic and detailed piece about racism will not shift papers. A picture of Luis Suarez snarling at Patrice Evra under the headline “RACIST” will.

The Sunday Times this week called Luis Suarez “South America’s most loathsome export since General Pinochet”. This is a publication that are owned by a man who finances and funds a portion of the US government who actually helped install and prop up the dictator Pinochet in office. You could not make this stuff up if you tried.

It’s the hypocrisy that does it for me. Look at the way they demonized Fabio Capello for not speaking good English. Look at how they hounded Rafa. It’s an open secret that the faces of Sky Sports, Keys and Gray, called him a “fat Spanish waiter”. Noone sees anything wrong

So next time you hear or read these journalists saying how Liverpool Football club and its manager are a disgrace to the sport, its fans racists and  that its number 7 should be deported, remember how hypocritical these people are. Remember the double standards, the hysteria and the injustices.

And never forget that the last time these people decided to bully a man and organize a witch hunt against him, forever highlighting his weaknesses and never his strengths, they succeeded in removing that man from the manager’s seat at our great club. And they succeeded, through their hidden agendas, to replace that man with a nice English gentleman, full of decorum and friendliness. A wise old man with 35 years of experience, a near spot on English and no belly in sight.

God, I hate them…

I actually cried when I read this
How bad is this country that it would glory in a witchunt of a foreign player to prove how fair we are. The press have always been a bunch of ignorant w@nkers, with only Brian Reade having a modicum of intelligence, so I am not really surprised this happened. How rabid they were was more of a surprise, but they have always hated us so it was par for the course. Evra is amoral as is Ferguson, who is beyond all hope of honour and compassion now.
I hated Manchester United before all this. I despise them now
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Postby tubby » Thu Feb 16, 2012 7:03 pm

Thommo's perm wrote:Suarez was always going to shake his hand. He even extended his own hand for Evra to grasp. Evra chose to pull his own hand back, ever so subtley, so that Suarez would have to make an extra effort. Suarez thought "fu'ck it" and continued, the rest is history. Evra is a manipulative, cunning, slimy tw@t.

This is plain to see in all the pictures so WHY hasn't anyone else picked up on this?

These people have an agenda.
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