The newkit awards 2011

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Dundalk » Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:07 pm


1) Liverpool player of the year
2) Most disappointing player of the year
3) Most improved player of the year
4) Best Liverpool performance of the year
5) Worst Liverpool performance of the year
6) Best Liverpool goal of the year
7) Young player of the year
8) Signing of the year


1) Forum member of the year
2) Best thread of the year
3) Worst thread of the year
4) Joker of the year
5) Dispute of the year
6) Worst rumour of the year
7) Best avator
8) Best sig
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Postby metalhead » Sat Dec 24, 2011 6:43 pm


1) Liverpool player of the year : Suarez
2) Most disappointing player of the year : Andy Carroll
3) Most improved player of the year : Lucas
4) Best Liverpool performance of the year : 5-2 vs Fulham
5) Worst Liverpool performance of the year : 4-0 Tottenham
6) Best Liverpool goal of the year :Suarez vs Stoke
7) Young player of the year: Martin Kelly
8) Signing of the year: Luis Suarez


1) Forum member of the year: metalhead
2) Best thread of the year: any of dundreamin :D
3) Worst thread of the year: Frankfurt thread sorry Bam :D
4) Joker of the year: Woof's camel joke
5) Dispute of the year: Osama Bin Ladin thread
6) Worst rumour of the year: Cissokho to Liverpool
7) Best avatar: Lee's avatar
8) Best sig:Maypax's respektfulz sig
Last edited by metalhead on Sun Dec 25, 2011 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby lakes10 » Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:37 am

metalhead wrote:TEAM

1) Liverpool player of the year : Suarez
2) Most disappointing player of the year : Andy Carroll
3) Most improved player of the year : Lucas
4) Best Liverpool performance of the year : 5-2 vs Fulham
5) Worst Liverpool performance of the year : 4-0 Tottenham
6) Best Liverpool goal of the year :Suarez vs Stoke
7) Young player of the year: Martin Kelly
8) Signing of the year: Luis Suarez


1) Forum member of the year: metalhead
2) Best thread of the year: any of dundreamin :D
3) Worst thread of the year: Frankfurt thread sorry Bam :D
4) Joker of the year: Woof's camel joke
5) Dispute of the year: Osama Bin Ladin thread
6) Worst rumour of the year: Cissokho to Liverpool
7) Best avatar: Lee's avatar
8) Best sig:Maypax's respektfulz sig

now thats not fair. you picked all the best ones, if i post mine its going to look like i just taken yours lol.

Will have a think now lol
Last edited by lakes10 on Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby metalhead » Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:40 am


I see no one is voting :p .. I win then
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Postby andy_g » Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:24 pm

it hasn't been a very good year for the forum in all honesty. the backroom staff, apart from a couple of exceptions, have been fairly absent and the transfer policy has been a disaster. for some reason excellent posters like manhattan project, bigmick, nanny red, s@int and 1234ram have all been moved on (some even handing in transfer requests, obviously disillusioned by the forum's lack of ambition) and the replacements have mostly been average material worthy of some mid table outfit. many old schoolers and regulars seem to have lost half a yard of pace and their first touch has deserted them. the policy of sticking a fat old igor up front and lumping long topics at him has failed spectacularly. the forum obviously needs some kind of fox in the box, someone that will just lurk around the 'quick post' box or the 'topic' button and put away every half-ársed idea that comes within keyboard distance. we've tried dundalk and ben patrick in that position but after a promising start neither has lived up to expectations.

obviously, the lack of appearances this season (due to an embarrassing series of chihuahua breeding injuries) of your humble poster has not helped one single fecking jot. i can only apologise.

let's have a crack at this anyway;


1) Liverpool player of the year    -  it can only be poulsen  luis suarez
2) Most disappointing player of the year  -  andy carroll so far
3) Most improved player of the year   -   martin skrtel (and i'm serious)
4) Best Liverpool performance of the year   -   woodwork hitting championships 2011
5) Worst Liverpool performance of the year   -   goal scoring competition 2011
6) Best Liverpool goal of the year     -   andy carroll v man city (the 1st one)
7) Young player of the year    -    flannaaannaannagn
8) Signing of the year     -    enrique


1) Forum member of the year     -    woof woof (for sticking at it)
2) Best thread of the year     -    multiple quotes / russian dolls (the very model of consistency)
3) Worst thread of the year    -    any started by greenred. i mean, put a bit of effort in, why don't you?
4) Joker of the year     -    dawson99, while he was still about
5) Dispute of the year   -   Bam vs the liberal pinko commie masses
6) Worst rumour of the year    -    villa to liverpool (as if!!)
7) Best avator    -    do you mean avatar? in that case.... lakes - it hasn't changed in 6 years. i see it in my dreams sometimes, just after the bit where i get chased by the corrs, who then turn out to be werewolves.
8) Best sig    -    mine
Last edited by andy_g on Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby metalhead » Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:21 pm

agreed mate, though your a quality full back
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Postby Kharhaz » Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:10 am

Dundalk wrote:TEAM

1) Liverpool player of the year
2) Most disappointing player of the year
3) Most improved player of the year
4) Best Liverpool performance of the year
5) Worst Liverpool performance of the year
6) Best Liverpool goal of the year
7) Young player of the year
8) Signing of the year


1) Forum member of the year
2) Best thread of the year
3) Worst thread of the year
4) Joker of the year
5) Dispute of the year
6) Worst rumour of the year
7) Best avator
8) Best sig


1) Lucas

2) Gerrard (simply because of his injuries)

3) Skrtel. He has been excellent alongside Agger

4) Has to be off the pitch. The statement released after the punishment the FA dished out was brilliant for me. Not many will agree with me here but I think that statement couldn't have put  our feelings any better. It was done in total defense of the player, in total frustration as to how the FA came to that decision, and explained it in a way which I never could. Couldn't have been prouder of the club.

5) Vs Tottenham. It wasnt the result that bothered me, it was the fact that before the sending offs, we just looked clueless.

6) Maxi against Chelsea, the passing between Bellamy, Suarez and then Maxi was brilliant.

7) Jack Robinson

8) Easy this one, Luis Enrique.


1) Metalhead. Even on Christmas day the loser was here posting !  :laugh:  Just kidding mate !

2) Hillsborough thread. Best news we could have had that the files were to be released and finally after all this time, the truth is starting to emerge.

3) Match day threads. Manhatton set the standards, they have never been lived up to. Not only that if we are not winning the tripe posted in their is unbearable.

4) Benny the Noon. His continuous hypocritical "your a pathetic supporter if you don't support the club through hard times" tripe makes me laugh. We went through tough times and Benny was always the first there with the insults, the press reports, the rumors, you name it he had it.

5) Anything with Bam, whatever you say about it him, he stands his corner until forum death !

6) I cant answer this one, I don't read the rumor thread.

7) Anything with the Liverbird in it.

8) Mine. If it wasn't for my family I would be screwed.
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Postby woof woof ! » Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:54 pm


1) Liverpool player of the year ............................................. Suarez

2) Most disappointing player of the year................................ Carrol

3) Most improved player of the year........................................ Skrtl

4) Best Liverpool performance of the year................................ First 20 mins v Wigan

5) Worst Liverpool performance of the year.............................. the manner of the loss at Tottenham

6) Best Liverpool goal of the year........................................... Glen Johnsons' winner v Chelsea sheer class

7) Young player of the year.................................................... Flanagan

8) Signing of the year............................................................. Enrique


1) Forum member of the year ................................................. Dundalk, top contribution .

2) Best thread of the year ..................................................... Stewart Downing, funny as fk.

3) Worst thread of the year.................................................... Andy Carrol boring as fk

4) Joker of the year................................................................... Andy G

5) Dispute of the year................................................................ any Andy Carrol thread

6) Worst rumour of the year........................................................ Carrol to be sold in January

7) Best avator........................................................................... aCe

8) Best sig................................................................................ Mine   :D

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Postby metalhead » Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:02 pm

FFS Kharahaz I would like to see you working on christmas day :angry:  :D
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Postby The Good Yank » Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:11 pm


1) Liverpool player of the year: Suarez
2) Most disappointing player of the year: Downing
3) Most improved player of the year: Skrtel
4) Best Liverpool performance of the year:3-1 over the Mancs
5) Worst Liverpool performance of the year:Both legs Vs Braga
6) Best Liverpool goal of the year:Bellers free kick yesterday
7) Young player of the year: Hendo.  Slim pickings
8) Signing of the year:Suarez


1) Forum member of the year : Dundalk
2) Best thread of the year: Irrational Meltdown Thread
3) Worst thread of the year: Rory donnelly
4) Joker of the year: Kerry
5) Dispute of the year:  Kenny Kan vs The world in the Norway shooting thred. Or the Bin Laden Thread
6) Worst rumour of the year:  Cissoko, or Torres back to LFC, toss up.
7) Best avator:Lakes
8) Best sig:Destro
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