LIVERPOOL VS WOLVES - 29/12/10 20:00

Liverpool Football Club - Games

Postby Raoul » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:10 pm

Zidane wrote:Johnson?  He actually played well and was :censored: at how we were performing you could see it on the pitch that he was agitated and I would be too, maybe he should just sulk and not give a sh!t like Nando and Stevie.  We were awful but Glen was one of the few players that actually looked like he cared today.

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Postby Kharhaz » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:11 pm

woof woof ! wrote:Thought Wolves were gonna come and park the bus, instead they just climbed into it and ran us over.

Lets face it, 80% of our squad are seriously short on talent, ability and desire and the remaining 20% have joined them in a show of solidarity.

No quick fix to this one lads, prepare for many more seasons of mediocrity before (if ever) we get back to the "glory days".

Right now I'm thinking we should sell the f'ucking lot of them. Tear it down and start again :angry:  :angry:   :sniffle


Like Bill Shankly did when we lost to Watford in the cup.

"pick them up, and start again."
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Postby J*o*n*D*o*e » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:11 pm

can`t see him surviving this, that was shocking tonight even by last seasons standards, sorry Roy but you`ve lost the majority of the fans its time to do the right thing and walk away.
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Postby parchpea » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:11 pm

If hes anything about him he would resign and at his age why stay on at a club where you are clearly not wanted and you cannot get anything out of the players. Just go, do some TV work, kick back and put your feet up for your own and Liverpools sake. Its not happening and simply cannot continue even in the short term, enough already. If he wont walk then we will see what NESV are made of now as for the first time they have a situation to deal with.
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Postby NANNY RED » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:12 pm

if this owl faced ba.stard doesnt resign or is sacked by our next game someone climb up that tree and shoot the t.wat,
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Postby mkingdom » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:13 pm

We are being killed by Roy and the owners are too busy trying find a CEO to see it.

I worry that there is no-one actually in place at the club who can sack Roy.  I saw an interview with Kenny on LFC Tv the other day and he is obviously gagging to take over from what he said.

He HAS to go, tonight.  Come on John Henry, protect your investment, we have nothing to lose under Kenny.
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Postby mkingdom » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:14 pm

Did he REALLY just say this.....

"I think we were a bit unlucky to lose the game, probably 0-0 would have been a fair result"

I am speechless.
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Postby burjennio » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:16 pm

Awful awful performance and for me this performance is the straw that broke the camels back. To lose in such a fashion to the worst away team in the country is not acceptable for Liverpool FC and when this is added to the likes of the Blackpool and Northamption results its pretty evident that Roy Hodgson is not the man to take this club forward.

Hilariously Sky TV commentary spend the last ten minutes of the match showering blame over the current state of LFC on everybody except Roy Hodgson, I know you're all chumy with Mr LMA but show some f*cking bottle and call a spade a spade - Hodgson has been a complete disaster in no uncertain terms and all your spin over "the state of the team he inherited" and laughably Martin Tyler predicted the reception Hodsgon would get at the end from the fans in Anfield with about 10mins left and retorted that "Liverpool fans used to voice their opinion in a different way" Well Martin LFC havnt been this bad since the days of black and white television, coincidentally around the same time Hodgson was translating his methods from Halmsted to Malmo or some other bullsh*t. RH out, I honestly dont giver a f*ck who comes in they couldnt do any worse than what was on display tonight
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Postby LFC2007 » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:16 pm

Pathetic. You think you've seen it all but that was just as bad as I think I've ever seen us play at home. Utterly clueless. This was no fluke, we were outfought, out thought, and genuinely outplayed throughout the entire 90 min's. To think we had only one shot on goal for the whole of the second half, and one good chance in the whole of the home against Wolves. That's taking the p!ss. Roy needs to go and do many of the numpties we've accumulated in this squad of ours.
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Postby kunilson » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:19 pm


embarassment = LFC right now.
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Postby woof woof ! » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:20 pm

NANNY RED wrote:if this owl faced ba.stard doesnt resign or is sacked by our next game someone climb up that tree and shoot the t.wat,

Play the game Nan, I'm no fan of Roy but the blame for tonights catastrophe lies more with the dross in red shirts than anyone else, lets not twist their useless f'ucking performance into a stick to beat an already unconcious man with.

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Postby crazyhorse » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:22 pm

Will another manager save this season? No.

Will another manager get more out of the players we have at the club? No

There are no quick fixes. Sacking Roy is not the answer, and face it ladies and gents, he will not resign.

I am going to give him a whole season, which will obviously include the transfer window, before I start banging the drum for change. I have in my mind accepted that this year we will not be a top ten side, and will not be challenging for the title for a minimum of three more years. Very sad.
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Postby Thommo's perm » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:24 pm

burjennio wrote:Awful awful performance and for me this performance is the straw that broke the camels back. To lose in such a fashion to the worst away team in the country is not acceptable for Liverpool FC and when this is added to the likes of the Blackpool and Northamption results its pretty evident that Roy Hodgson is not the man to take this club forward.

Hilariously Sky TV commentary spend the last ten minutes of the match showering blame over the current state of LFC on everybody except Roy Hodgson, I know you're all chumy with Mr LMA but show some f*cking bottle and call a spade a spade - Hodgson has been a complete disaster in no uncertain terms and all your spin over "the state of the team he inherited" and laughably Martin Tyler predicted the reception Hodsgon would get at the end from the fans in Anfield with about 10mins left and retorted that "Liverpool fans used to voice their opinion in a different way" Well Martin LFC havnt been this bad since the days of black and white television, coincidentally around the same time Hodgson was translating his methods from Halmsted to Malmo or some other bullsh*t. RH out, I honestly dont giver a f*ck who comes in they couldnt do any worse than what was on display tonight

It is clear that Roy is not the one to steady the ship or take us forward
The players are not responding to him and theyre letting him, but more importantly us down
I dont know who could prevent those individual errors and cheap possesion problems I saw tonight
The whole thing is fu'cked and we might literally have to rip it up, get rid of the so called "senior players" and start again
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Postby 7_Kewell » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:24 pm

crazyhorse wrote:Will another manager save this season? No.

Will another manager get more out of the players we have at the club? No

There are no quick fixes. Sacking Roy is not the answer, and face it ladies and gents, he will not resign.

I am going to give him a whole season, which will obviously include the transfer window, before I start banging the drum for change. I have in my mind accepted that this year we will not be a top ten side, and will not be challenging for the title for a minimum of three more years. Very sad.

nice to see someone isn't histerical afrer today's disaster.

Wolves won today for 2 reasons

1) they played very well
2) their players had passion and grit. Something Torres and johnson are lacking.
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Postby PabloMedina28 » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:24 pm

Time 2 get tough board. Sack Hodgson (although i agree if he had anything about him he would walk away without taking a penny off us) Sell Gerrard and Torres we could get about 100 million 4 em and rebuild the team. Gerrad will never be the player he was and he actually harms the team when he plays now (im sick of players spunking over him on the website) Torres is world Class when hes 100% fitbut unfortunatley i think he will be injuryprone 4 the rest of his career now. I know its fantasy football stuff but its realistic we could buy any 4 from Turan, Hazard, Chamberlain, Sanchez, young, Shaqiri Krasic. They all fit in 2 what the owners want and it would finally sort out oUr wingers 4 the next decade. All of these players r signable and if we got the best 4 itd only set us back about 50 mill sell the rest of the dead wood and ur talking about another 70 mill 2 get strikers and sort other problem areas out. Why not completely start again so what if its January i dont believe its a risk coz wed still have that much class we wouldnt get relegated. Or we can wait until summer when afew of the mentioned players will be double the price and we cant steal a march on rivals.
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