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Postby rocky29 » Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:36 pm

Ben Patrick wrote:
rocky29 wrote:listen he took the job because it was the best team and chance of success he could get. He hates maureen plus inter had just won the treble so why did he still take it. Because he knew it was the easier option and with that squad he could still win things. Well guess what hes been found out what a :censored: manager he really is. Times are changing you have to be able to boost players egos like maureen does even capello is struggling cos the players have way to much power nowadays its a joke.

Dont go over the top mate, he is not a sh!t manager.
The trophies he has won prove that.
I dont think Mourinho had anything to do with him taking the Inter job, the fact is he was losing his position with us and they sounded him out.
They are a big club with a great history so he would have been mad to turn them down.
He did have a very hard act to follow and is failing quite badly.
But that can happen in football. I have no doubts if/when he moves on he can be a success somewhere else in the future.

all im saying mate is not just rafa you have to move with the times thats why maureen was clever and realised the egos of players needed licking. Even capello is far better than rafa as a club manager is set in his ways. Players have to much power nowadays look at terry rooney even nando and stevie to an extent.
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Postby Ben Patrick » Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:39 am

AC Milan won again last night moving them 10 points clear of Inter after only 15 games.
Just looked at the table and Inter have only won 6 from 15 matches so far.
Not good at all that and very hard to understand if i am honest.
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:42 am

Ben Patrick wrote:AC Milan won again last night moving them 10 points clear of Inter after only 15 games.
Just looked at the table and Inter have only won 6 from 15 matches so far.
Not good at all that and very hard to understand if i am honest.

Well the appreciation thread has certainly quietened down... how fickle some fans are eh ;)
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Postby Ben Patrick » Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:04 pm

dawson99 wrote:
Ben Patrick wrote:AC Milan won again last night moving them 10 points clear of Inter after only 15 games.
Just looked at the table and Inter have only won 6 from 15 matches so far.
Not good at all that and very hard to understand if i am honest.

Well the appreciation thread has certainly quietened down... how fickle some fans are eh ;)

Its puzzling to me the grip Rafa has on some lfc fans minds.

Even Carra is getting it now off loads because of the fact that he stated that in his opinion Houllier was the best manager he worked under.
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Postby Benny The Noon » Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:27 pm

Ben Patrick wrote:
dawson99 wrote:
Ben Patrick wrote:AC Milan won again last night moving them 10 points clear of Inter after only 15 games.
Just looked at the table and Inter have only won 6 from 15 matches so far.
Not good at all that and very hard to understand if i am honest.

Well the appreciation thread has certainly quietened down... how fickle some fans are eh ;)

Its puzzling to me the grip Rafa has on some lfc fans minds.

Even Carra is getting it now off loads because of the fact that he stated that in his opinion Houllier was the best manager he worked under.

It will always be an immotive subject Ben - i will always appreciate what he did and i still do wish he was still our manager (despite what is happening in Serie A ) because i think he is better than Hodgson BUT he took the owners on and was always going to lose that battle and in the end it consumed him and he tool his eye off the goal . Im not going to go overboard on him - he did fantastic things for us but he also made mistakes .

The prob i have and will never understand the motives behind them is the people coming on calling him a sh.ite manager - wishing him to fail horribly and taking great delight in his current situation - while at the same time praising and kissing the ground before a manager who has never ever had an associtation with the club .

Rafa won us the big one , he took us to the top of the tree in europe , we beat every single big club in europe and we nearly won the prem under him - some people will never appreciate that and will only ever focus on his last season .

As for his current situation - its not going well , he is trying to get inter a bit more fluid but its not working - the squad is crippled with injuries and a good amount of them are in their last years of career .
Benny The Noon

Postby tubby » Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:39 pm

Ben Patrick wrote:
dawson99 wrote:
Ben Patrick wrote:AC Milan won again last night moving them 10 points clear of Inter after only 15 games.
Just looked at the table and Inter have only won 6 from 15 matches so far.
Not good at all that and very hard to understand if i am honest.

Well the appreciation thread has certainly quietened down... how fickle some fans are eh ;)

Its puzzling to me the grip Rafa has on some lfc fans minds.

Even Carra is getting it now off loads because of the fact that he stated that in his opinion Houllier was the best manager he worked under.

I think thats partly another dig at Rafa. He was one of the main ones who helped to get him out, not to mention he spoke down to him in a disrespectful manner in front of the rest of the team.

I'll always respect Carra for what he done but as a person I think he is a bit of a sly c.unt and should have been replaced a long time ago.
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Postby Ben Patrick » Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:40 pm

I dont think we did nearly win the premiership mate. We came second and for a brief moment it was quite close but i dont think we nearly won it.
I dont think he is a sh!te manager but i dont think he is anywhere near as good as others think.
He for me is a poor man manager and that is one aspect of management that gets extra out of players.
I dont take any delight in what his current situation is but it does make me wonder what all of the fuss is about regarding Rafa.
Yes he did win us the big one and that was one of the best nights of my life, i will forever appreciate that.
I just dont get the way so many fans are about him.
It's like people have been brainwashed.
Rafa did ok but so did Houllier before him.
We won the treble in 2001 and then another league cup 2 seasons later beating a full strength united side in the final 2-0. But Houllier doesnt get anywhere near the same acclaim.
I am not saying he is a better manager than Rafa by the way. It just baffles me why the latter is held in so much higher esteem by the fans ?
So much so that Carra who has sweated blood for over 10 years for the club is getting abuse for having the cheek to suggest that Houllier for him was a better manager to work with.

As i say i just dont get it.
Regarding Inter there really cant be any excuse for only winning 6 matches out of 15 in a league they have won for 5 years running can there ?
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Postby Dundalk » Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:46 pm

bavlondon wrote:I'll always respect Carra for what he done but as a person I think he is a bit of a sly c.unt and should have been replaced a long time ago.

Wouldnt go that far Bav, a lot of people think that Carra and Gerrard have too much power at the club but the man has given everything for the club and will do anything to win
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Postby Ben Patrick » Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:02 pm

bavlondon wrote:
Ben Patrick wrote:
dawson99 wrote:
Ben Patrick wrote:AC Milan won again last night moving them 10 points clear of Inter after only 15 games.
Just looked at the table and Inter have only won 6 from 15 matches so far.
Not good at all that and very hard to understand if i am honest.

Well the appreciation thread has certainly quietened down... how fickle some fans are eh ;)

Its puzzling to me the grip Rafa has on some lfc fans minds.

Even Carra is getting it now off loads because of the fact that he stated that in his opinion Houllier was the best manager he worked under.

I think thats partly another dig at Rafa. He was one of the main ones who helped to get him out, not to mention he spoke down to him in a disrespectful manner in front of the rest of the team.

I'll always respect Carra for what he done but as a person I think he is a bit of a sly c.unt and should have been replaced a long time ago.

His results got him out mate.

Simple as that.

Same as they will at Inter if things dont improve.
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:12 pm

I think shanks could come back from the grave, have a dig at Rafa and eejits on here would suddenly hate shanks lol

and I love how people still want Rafa here instead of Roy, obviously blinkers on not watching Italian football to help the memories flood back, keep the apperciation to the right thread, and actual truths can go here yeah?
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Postby Benny The Noon » Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:01 pm

Dawson why attack people just because they have a different opinion ? Yes I would most definatly prefer Rafa over Hodgson - he is a better manager and has the trophies and cv and the wins to prove it - I wouldn't go on about blinkers about Rafa current situation when you only have to look at our own situation with our new manager . Its not good reading is it .
Benny The Noon

Postby dawson99 » Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:03 pm

Benny The Noon wrote:Dawson why attack people just because they have a different opinion ? Yes I would most definatly prefer Rafa over Hodgson - he is a better manager and has the trophies and cv and the wins to prove it - I wouldn't go on about blinkers about Rafa current situation when you only have to look at our own situation with our new manager . Its not good reading is it .

could be worse. look at Cheatskis last 6 games?

anyways, off you go to the 'appreciation' thread mate... theres a goodun  :D  :D

I'm hardly attacking though, just laughing at how the Rafa talk has died down as people have actually started watching him as amanager

And benny, can we keep this to serie a chat please? thanks

So.. Inter are suddenly rubbish, whast that all about?
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Postby Ben Patrick » Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:04 pm

Benny The Noon wrote:Dawson why attack people just because they have a different opinion ? Yes I would most definatly prefer Rafa over Hodgson - he is a better manager and has the trophies and cv and the wins to prove it - I wouldn't go on about blinkers about Rafa current situation when you only have to look at our own situation with our new manager . Its not good reading is it .

I would want neither.
But that's not the point.

Why is Rafa still thought of as a god by so many fans ?
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Postby tubby » Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:07 pm

Ben Patrick wrote:
Benny The Noon wrote:Dawson why attack people just because they have a different opinion ? Yes I would most definatly prefer Rafa over Hodgson - he is a better manager and has the trophies and cv and the wins to prove it - I wouldn't go on about blinkers about Rafa current situation when you only have to look at our own situation with our new manager . Its not good reading is it .

I would want neither.
But that's not the point.

Why is Rafa still thought of as a god by so many fans ?

Maybe because people choose to look at what he did for the club overall rather than just looking at his last season here. He may have had a bad season before he left but we won the CL under him and whilst we didn't win the league he came as close as anyone has since we won it last, and we in that time became one of the most feared teams in Europe. I think when you replace someone like that with someone probably not good enough to shine his shoes then it's no wonder people were up in arms.

Kenny left on a sour note too but he is still loved just as much as when he was here before.
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Postby Benny The Noon » Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:12 pm

Dawson I really couldn't give a flying feck about Chelsea last six games - I don't support them - look at the table - that tells the story of our season so far .I haven't really watched what is going on with Inter that closely but I do know teams have strengthened , inter have crippling injury problems and old players but have also played poorly yet still through to knockout of CL and I expect they will still challenge for the title . As for why Rafa is a god - well I don't think he is a god but will always fully realise what he did for the club both on and off the field . I'm sure most of the fans also realise this and also don't just focus on last season to judge the man . He has the trophies and cv to show he is a quality manager and they can't be taken away from even if they are convieniently ignored by his critics .
Benny The Noon


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