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Postby Kharhaz » Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:47 am

I will be banned for posting that, I dont mind.

I was carded for nothing, I may as well be banned for something.  In for a dollar....

This place really is a joke. You have Ciggy who is able to post whatever the hell she likes, (she is a woman, so thats allowed) but by god, I cant help but feel sympathy for Stu. He saw her for what she truly is. A vindictive wench who blames whoever for her sh!it life.

Cr@p holliday, its roys fault, cr@p airport, its roys fault, cr@p marriage?

and then RBG, who is trying to get into Ciggy's knickers.

Its pathetic.

Its like participating in the Royle Family forum, the Dave and Denise thread, "mum, will you tell him?"
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Postby andy_g » Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:27 am

never a good idea to post in the early hours when you're pished, karhaz mate.

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Postby dawson99 » Sun Nov 21, 2010 10:47 am

Kharhaz is my new hero :D

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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:01 am

Kharhaz wrote:I will be banned for posting that, I dont mind.

I was carded for nothing, I may as well be banned for something.  In for a dollar....

This place really is a joke. You have Ciggy who is able to post whatever the hell she likes, (she is a woman, so thats allowed) but by god, I cant help but feel sympathy for Stu. He saw her for what she truly is. A vindictive wench who blames whoever for her sh!it life.

Cr@p holliday, its roys fault, cr@p airport, its roys fault, cr@p marriage?

and then RBG, who is trying to get into Ciggy's knickers.

Its pathetic.

Its like participating in the Royle Family forum, the Dave and Denise thread, "mum, will you tell him?"

Erm hang on a minute here Karhaz , your bang out of order with that post regarding ciggy, Yeh im sure shes had a :censored: time this year having gone to Dubai, and Abu Dabi about 6 times,with her family, does that look like she has a shi,t,life doesnt to me ,
Why are you even mentionig her marriage, do you know her personaly like, Because i do and ill tell you something , big fu,ck off house ,fabulous lifestyle , lovely lovely husband who works hard for what they have all got , and adores his family. so that puts that one out the window doest it,
Why you even feel the need to bring someones marriage or family life up is a joke,
FFS she even got accused on here of hiding when we won, when infact she was sunning herself in a five star hotel in Abu Dabi, I have never seen Ciggy hide from anything thats been put up on here ,
Then you go onto say About Red beergoggles trying what ever , another joke , have you even thought for one minute that we are Scousers , we have a similar sense of humour, a sense of humour that i think your obviously missing, by reaing what you have just wrote , because you made it personal and thats not on,

If you dont like reading what Ciggy posts dont read them simples , its not a hard thing to do is it,

And like you say while your on about things, ive never seen so many kids and yes ill call yous that because that what some are behaving like, going running to a mod, he said she said, absolutly pathetic, and ill tell you something were i come from you dont grass you sort it yourself , and maybe there lies the problem , some speak there mind others run away to a mod and complain, i know which ones id have in my corner . The ones who tell it like it is, ITS ONLY A FOOTIE FORUM FFS , ITS NOT REAL LIFE , but some try an get involved in people personal life , an its wrong
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Postby NANNY RED » Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:05 am

Oh an Daws in ref to the skinny mate , im fat
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Postby Benny The Noon » Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:07 am

Im sorry but that was way too far and way to personal - shocking behaviour .
Benny The Noon

Postby dawson99 » Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:13 am

i didnt even read it, just enjoying the fun here

and its hardly the most personal stuff ever (i just read) yeah its out of order, but most of what a lot have said has been out of order as well... so there you go...

Kharhaz was drunk and out of order, but he has a point about some people getting done and others not. more people are getting angry over the cr@piness of it all
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Postby Benny The Noon » Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:21 am

Sorry being drunk is no excuse to bring someones personal life into a message board - its pathetic , its cowardly and its extremely childish - all because of a message board - some people need to grow the f.uck up . I dont care what ciggy has said about the manager but thats twice now people have attacked her personally - just because someone insults the manager doesnt give internet hardmen the excuse to insult peoples own personal lives .
Benny The Noon

Postby NANNY RED » Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:22 am

Im sorry Benny but what i said i stand by, this is as people keep going about  on a tv screne an a keyboard, nothing more . people sit behind it and prsume things about others that they know feck all about , well i anwered because i do know about Ciggy , not because im looking over her shoulder as some would say a skinny mate , but because of a fact , its absolutly disgraceful when someone can bring up on an internet fact that they think they know , I will say on here what i say outside in the what some of us call a real world , an i guarentee you Ciggy is no different , some arnt gonna like it , so what , it does happen you know in everyday life, but how can i bring up someones life or even talk about someones life on here ,that i dont know. thats what i find astonishing that people can do this, and to me they are sad feckin bas.tards , who need to sort there own lives out first before bringing up someone they know f.uck all about in real life ,
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Postby Benny The Noon » Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:23 am

NANNY RED wrote:Im sorry Benny but what i said i stand by, this is as people keep going about  on a tv screne an a keyboard, nothing more . people sit behind it and prsume things about others that they know feck all about , well i anwered because i do know about Ciggy , not because im looking over her shoulder as some would say a skinny mate , but because of a fact , its absolutly disgraceful when someone can bring up on an internet fact that they think they know , I will say on here what i say outside in the what some of us call a real world , an i guarentee you Ciggy is no different , some arnt gonna like it , so what , it does happen you know in everyday life, but how can i bring up someones life or even talk about someones life on here ,that i dont know. thats what i find astonishing that people can do this, and to me they are sad feckin bas.tards , who need to sort there own lives out first before bringing up someone they know f.uck all about in real life ,

Apologies Nanny my post wasnt aimed at you - it was aimed at the person attacking Ciggy .
Benny The Noon

Postby NANNY RED » Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:26 am

dawson99 wrote:i didnt even read it, just enjoying the fun here

and its hardly the most personal stuff ever (i just read) yeah its out of order, but most of what a lot have said has been out of order as well... so there you go...

Kharhaz was drunk and out of order, but he has a point about some people getting done and others not. more people are getting angry over the cr@piness of it all

But why get angry over a card you recieve from a telly , its a joke , say what you gotta say , what you believe in , an if you get a card so feckin what open it an move on ,
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:26 am

yeah he was out of order, but people are getting pi$$ed off how some on here are getting away with verbal murder whilst others are getting banend left right and centre.. he went too far, but hes showing his frustration at a poorly maintained forum
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Postby Benny The Noon » Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:30 am

There is no buts dawson - yes people slate the manager and people defend the manager and those sort of things will happen ever day - but it goes way over the line when someone goes personal - i have seen it twice recently and both times against ciggy - her crime = not liking our manager . There is no defence , there is no but - its wrong and way way out of order from people who are supposed to be grown men .
Benny The Noon

Postby NANNY RED » Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:33 am

Daws if you dont like what someone posts dont read it ,  but its getting personal now on here with some an its over the top. We disguss our players ,our manager , who are in the public eye every day being disgussed by thousands , people disagree with what they do andsay all the time, there there for us to do that , but dont bring up peoples personal lives who are not in the public eye ,
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:34 am

well it only got to this as the forums been allowed to become a joke. yeah i know, if i dont like it, go somewhere else.
i dont care about cards. Couldnt care less if i was banned, the place is rubbish. How can you have a forum where its ok to abuse the current manager but not the ex manager? where people actualyl complain when the press dont have a go at the manager... where people talk when they know nothing and only one group ever gets in trouble for it.

The place is cr@p, im just hanging around til i get mroe cards to get my ban.. then i'll happily stay away
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