What government - As if we hadn't had enough polls

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What government - As if we hadn't had enough polls

Minority Tory
Tory/Lib Dem Coalition
Labour/Lib Dem Coalition
Labour/Lib Dem/SNP/DUP Coalition
New Election
Total votes : 18

Postby Bad Bob » Mon May 10, 2010 4:34 pm

Greavesie wrote:
dawson99 wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:
dawson99 wrote:Labour lost, majority dont want them, if they do some kind of coalition there will be murder!!!

The majority didn't want the Tories either mate , that's why we have a hung parliment  :eyebrow

Anyway i've voted for a liblabsnpdupplaidcymru government . Get PR in,another general election and coalition governments all the time then . Make the feckin politicians earn there crust by working together for he good of the country .

umm, no, the majority of people DID want the tories,
but not enough for parliament or soemthing... i dunno. Labour suck tho, they lost, be gracious Brown and F*ck off

I've had this argument with my house mates.

They interpreted majority to mean more than half whereas I interpreted majority to mean more than most

Depends if you think it should be an absolute majority or overall majority. Personally, I'm inclined to agree with Dawson's interpretation, though that isn't how the election works

Yer mates are correct, Greavsie.  A majority means more than half.  You're talking about a plurality: more votes than the other parties.

Not my country, like, but it seems to me that the Lib Dems have all the power to play the king makers.  If they decide to align with Brown, then he stays PM and Parliament chugs along as a minority for a while until the Lib Dems decide that it's time to go back to the polls. 

If they go with an alliance with Cameron then Brown is fecked: he can only dig in his heels until the first confidence vote (throne speech) and then his government will fall, forcing another election.  Since most people don't like watching tax-payer pounds spunked on frivilous elections every few weeks, I suspect he'd do the right thing and decide to relinquish power as soon as the Lib Dems made it clear that they would back a Tory government.

(Incidentally, Canada has been functioning with a minority government for the last few years and it's not a bad thing to have when none of the leaders of the major parties seem capable of getting up to much as PM)
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Postby LFC2007 » Mon May 10, 2010 6:01 pm

Potential game changer:


Gordon Brown has said he is stepping down as Labour Party leader - as his party opens formal talks with the Lib Dems about forming a government.

Mr Brown, prime minister since 2007, said he hoped a successor as Labour leader would be in place by September.

The Lib Dems have been negotiating for days with the Tories - who won the most seats and votes in the UK election.

But the Lib Dems have asked for formal talks with Labour. Mr Brown said it was in the "national interest" to respond.

Mr Brown's statement will be seen as a move to smooth the way to a deal between Labour and the Liberal Democrats to form a government.

Voters' judgement

It comes after Lib Dem MPs urged their leader Nick Clegg and his negotiating team to continue to listen to Labour, while seeking further clarification from the Tories about key areas of policy.

In his statement in Downing Street, Mr Brown said Britain had a "parliamentary and not presidential system" and said there was a "progressive majority" of voters.

He said if the national interest could be best served by a coalition between the Lib Dems and Labour - he said he would "discharge that duty to form that government".

But he added that no party had won an overall majority in the UK general election and, as Labour leader, he had to accept that as a judgement on him.

"I therefore intend to ask the Labour Party to set in train the processes needed for its own leadership election.

"I would hope that it would be completed in time for the new leader to be in post by the time of the Labour Party conference.

"I will play no part in that contest, I will back no individual candidate."

Formal process

Lib Dem leader Mr Clegg had requested formal negotiations with Labour and it was "sensible and in the national interest" to respond positively to the request, Mr Brown said.

He said the Cabinet would meet soon and a "formal policy negotiation process" would be established.

It emerged earlier that the Lib Dem negotiating team, who have held days of talks with the Conservatives, had also met senior Labour figures in private.

The BBC's political editor Nick Robinson said one of the stumbling blocks to any Lib Dem-Labour deal had been Mr Brown himself.

John Mann, the first Labour MP to call for him to go after the election result, said Mr Brown had made a "wise and brave" decision.

The Tories secured 306 of the 649 constituencies contested on 6 May. It leaves the party short of the 326 MPs needed for an outright majority, with the Thirsk and Malton seat - where the election was postponed after the death of a candidate - still to vote.

Labour finished with 258 MPs, down 91, the Lib Dems 57, down five, and other parties 28.

If Labour and the Lib Dems joined forces, they would still not have an overall majority.

With the support of the Northern Irish SDLP, one Alliance MP, and nationalists from Scotland and Wales they would reach 328, rising to 338 if the DUP, the independent unionist and the new Green MP joined them.

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Postby Fowler_E7 » Mon May 10, 2010 9:05 pm

andy_g wrote:if the tories or a lab/libdem coalition forms a minority government there will have to be another general election in a few months time. that might just give labour time to give brown the boot, get a new leader in and repair enough damage to give them a proper majority in a new elected government.

heres hoping, anyone apart from stupid toff cameron
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Postby supersub » Mon May 10, 2010 9:33 pm

I'm for a Lab/LibDem coalition for the immediate future....Gordon Brown to resign and Millibrand to step in.........A new general election to be called in November ...or perhaps early next spring.....
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Postby Boocity » Mon May 10, 2010 10:05 pm

supersub wrote:I'm for a Lab/LibDem coalition for the immediate future....Gordon Brown to resign and Millibrand to step in.........A new general election to be called in November ...or perhaps early next spring.....

Great lets have another unelected prime minister, after all its what democray is all about ???
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Postby Kharhaz » Mon May 10, 2010 10:11 pm

Boocity wrote:
supersub wrote:I'm for a Lab/LibDem coalition for the immediate future....Gordon Brown to resign and Millibrand to step in.........A new general election to be called in November ...or perhaps early next spring.....

Great lets have another unelected prime minister, after all its what democray is all about ???

For the foreseeable future we are going to have an unelected party.
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Postby supersub » Mon May 10, 2010 10:18 pm

Boocity wrote:
supersub wrote:I'm for a Lab/LibDem coalition for the immediate future....Gordon Brown to resign and Millibrand to step in.........A new general election to be called in November ...or perhaps early next spring.....

Great lets have another unelected prime minister, after all its what democray is all about ???

That must be why I said another election in November or early next spring....because that is the best option in my view than suffer the country being in the hands of Cameron .....
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Postby tonyeh » Tue May 11, 2010 12:03 am

Wow, you Brits are in a weird place at the moment. Personally, I just cannot see a Lib Dem/Cons coalition working. The politics is too dis-similar. But likewise, a coalition of Lib Dem/Labour + Tom dick and Harry will be doomed to failure too. Feckin damned if you do-damned if you don't.

Hate Cameron though. He'd promise you his grandmother's head on a stick if it meant power. Be weary of fuckers like him. But the potential Labour heads aren't much better. Harriet Harmon? David Miliband? Jesus H Christ, god help you if that little piece of crap gets to front the reds. Despicable untrustworthy maggot.

Tomorrow's going to be interesting.

Personally, I think it'll end up a Lib Dem/Cons govt. with a future Cons govt. later...and then you'll really be fucked. If you think "New" Labour favoured the rich in society, you haven't seen nothing yet.
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Postby LFC2007 » Tue May 11, 2010 12:04 am

Kharhaz wrote:For the foreseeable future we are going to have an unelected party.

They've all been elected Kharhaz, though what shape the eventual government takes is something to which we have no direct input. If by "unelected" you mean to refer to the fact that neither Labour or the Tories gained an absolute majority in the commons or over half of the popular vote, well that's our democracy for you. In all but one other election since the war, the winning party has gained an absolute majority and in that time no party has ever gained over 50% of the vote. Personally I'm quite content with a two - going on three - party system because the extremes tend to hand you unaccountable government (e.g. Russia) or unstable government (e.g. Israel).
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Postby Kharhaz » Tue May 11, 2010 12:33 am

LFC2007 wrote:If by "unelected" you mean to refer to the fact that neither Labour or the Tories gained an absolute majority in the commons or over half of the popular vote, well that's our democracy for you.

Yeah, thats exactly what I meant. The hung parliament just shows overall that not one party stands out. Clegg had a brilliant showing in his debates, but ended up losing seats. Cameron should have shown the right attitude and he would be in, but his slimy personality has people in doubt, and for Brown, well, we have seen with our own eyes.

A massive change is needed right across the board. As things stand, none of the parties offer anything. Confidence in the british public needs to be restored, but as long as the people currently representing the best we have to offer are putting on shows that are far from impressive, that confidence could be a while in coming.
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Postby Boocity » Tue May 11, 2010 8:30 am

I think if David Davies would have been the Tory leader they would have romped home.

We really cannot have this rainbow coalition, it would be an absolute disaster with the SNP, Plaid Cymru and the DUP holding the balance of power only looking out for the interests of their countries (and who could blame them). The English would pay a heavy price.

The two people who seem to hold real power at the moment are both unelected, the snake Mandelson and that slimeball Cambell, they are the T&T of politics.
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Postby Boocity » Tue May 11, 2010 8:37 am

Kharhaz wrote:
Boocity wrote:
supersub wrote:I'm for a Lab/LibDem coalition for the immediate future....Gordon Brown to resign and Millibrand to step in.........A new general election to be called in November ...or perhaps early next spring.....

Great lets have another unelected prime minister, after all its what democray is all about ???

For the foreseeable future we are going to have an unelected party.

But if you have a formal coalition of Lib Dems/Tory then that would be an elected government. Isn't this what the Lib Dems have been waiting for, a chance for coalition. I mean lets face it, whatever electoral system is in place they will always be the third party behind the Conservatives and Labour so their only chance of power is in a coalition. If they would only form a coalition with Labour then what is the point of them, they might as well just merge with Labour.
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Tue May 11, 2010 8:39 am

supersub wrote:
Boocity wrote:
supersub wrote:I'm for a Lab/LibDem coalition for the immediate future....Gordon Brown to resign and Millibrand to step in.........A new general election to be called in November ...or perhaps early next spring.....

Great lets have another unelected prime minister, after all its what democray is all about ???

That must be why I said another election in November or early next spring....because that is the best option in my view than suffer the country being in the hands of Cameron .....

You honestly think another election will improve the Labour or Lib Dem situation?  :laugh:

If anything those who didn't vote against Labour because they thought it was a certainty that the Conservatives would regain power will vote in force to prevent another hung parliament.

It still makes me laugh how some many in the North vote 'historically' based on the actions of one Conservative leader. You still think that the Labour party represent the working class! That went out of the door when Tony Blair invented 'New Labour' (note the word NEW). Cue 12 years of increased unemployment, mass immigration, an illegal war (which wasn't even funded properly and cost 100s of lives due to lack of kit), etc, etc.

Interestingly on the radio (5Live) this morning they made the point that the last government to stranglehold power in an election over the majority party (and in effect the nations wishes) and form a minority government was Robert Mugabe.
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Postby Boocity » Tue May 11, 2010 8:42 am

supersub wrote:
Boocity wrote:
supersub wrote:I'm for a Lab/LibDem coalition for the immediate future....Gordon Brown to resign and Millibrand to step in.........A new general election to be called in November ...or perhaps early next spring.....

Great lets have another unelected prime minister, after all its what democray is all about ???

That must be why I said another election in November or early next spring....because that is the best option in my view than suffer the country being in the hands of Cameron .....

If the rainbow coalition happens and then a new election later this year, it won't be in Labour's favour. I reckon you would see a majority Conservative government. Have you heard what David Blunkett and John Reid of Labour are saying, they say it would be political suicide for Labour.
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Postby dawson99 » Tue May 11, 2010 9:50 am

So more people want Conservatives than Labour, so Labour find a way to worm in. Absolute f*cking joke of a country we got here.
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