You'll now find out if we've got a manager - Bottomed out

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Postby ruskiy playmaker » Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:14 pm

If we get knocked out against Inter than Rafa will definitely be gone.  But I think that the damage has been done and we'll have a new manager next year.  And I'm sure we'll have a major clear-out in the summer, maybe even some big names.  It's just too sad that so many things went wrong for him this year, there was just too much pressure.
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Postby NANNY RED » Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:25 pm

god_bless_john_houlding wrote:
NANNY RED wrote:
kopite_1232002 wrote:
The_Rock wrote:
kopite_1232002 wrote:
The_Rock wrote:
metalhead wrote:You got a point mate

There should be a massive clearout, and its time to remind the players who they are playing for

Yeah...a massive clearout should be done...but rafa shouldn't be here too.... He is the one who bought sub-standard players in the 1st place.

i agree m8, but were is the money comming from, the return of the deadwood players ??

no were near enough for what we need

we still havnt signed javier

We do have a strong core....
-carra, agger

We can get about 20 million for the other deadwoods....and hopefully the yanks pump in an extra 30 million....we should be able to build. Mourinho knows how to win....he can do it.

Sad times rock it effects my relationship lol

Ill be in a mood all night now and me bird go :censored: mad

Brought a laugh out of me that line lad my awl fellas the same frightend to talk to me when we get beat in case i take his head off :D

You're old man is spurs though isn't he nan, so he should be used to failure  :D

:D He thinks there Brazil at the mo cause there in the coca cola final and with there Spanish Manager ha
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Postby Emerald Red » Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:39 pm

ruskiy playmaker wrote:If we get knocked out against Inter than Rafa will definitely be gone.  But I think that the damage has been done and we'll have a new manager next year.  And I'm sure we'll have a major clear-out in the summer, maybe even some big names.  It's just too sad that so many things went wrong for him this year, there was just too much pressure.

Mate, the damage was already done in November last year. Unfortunately, the only light in this season will come the day we are bought out by people who can restore some working stability to the club. The current climate is just unworkable to all involved IMO.
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Postby account deleted by request » Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:42 pm

I don't really think people can continue hiding behind what happened at the end of November. Our worst performance of the season was against Marseille at home at the beginning of October. We had drawn against Birmingham in September, lost against Besiktas in October.

I think people have to realise that there is more wrong here than a fall out between the owners and the manager. The players don't look interested at the moment and some haven't even turned up for some games.(or maybe I just wish they hadn't)

I still don't know whats gone wrong, but to hide behind the "fall out " for the reason is just unrealistic in my view.

1/ We have no set pattern to our play

2/ Players either don't want to play for the present manager or see their future elsewhere

3/ Players who are completely out of form keep getting chance after chance

4/ Rafa trains them, picks them, motivates them , picks the tactics and formation  (surely he has some responsibility for how they perform?)

5/ Our confidence is low, again maybe a better motivator is required, someone who makes them feel 10 feet tall.

6/ Rotation, crazy formations, and playing players out of position have all played a part

7/ injuries

8/ Without Gerrard and Torres we have no cutting edge.

9/ Pako

10/ No pride, no respect, no performance, no passion, no creativity.

Take your pick.........
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Postby bigmick » Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:00 pm

Yes while it's clearly not ideal the behind the scenes scenario, it hasn't on the face of it improved from when we put in a decent performance against Chelsea last week. It didn't get a mention then and it shouldn't get a mention now as the situation is what it is for the time being and if it really is the case that it means we can't be expected to be beat barnsley at Home then the World really has gone mad.

I feel a similar emotion towards the much used "it's the players" chant to be perfectly honest. Had Rafa taken over last week, it would be fair enough to absolve him from blame for the performance of a team which wasn't actually his. We do this, all football supporters do, for the first eighteen months or so of a new manangers reign, but after that the team is just about his from there on. Even players he was left with would have been changed by then if he didn't fancy them.

The injuries thing is a non starter for me. we did that to death earlier ion the season and to be perfectly honest, out of the top clubs we have had probably the best run with injuries out of all of them. Even our main rivals in the League Everton (in actual terms I'm talking, not those who we think we should be competing with) have missed Cahill for a large part of the season.

No, much as some try and duck it it is the manager. His job desription is that it is his job to get the players playing as a unit, to achieve results which are greater than the sum of their parts would indicate possible, to entertain, to win, to improve. I'm afraid that after a promising start rafa is failing on just about all counts. Once it was proven that his multi rotational mantra was and is never going to work, I'm kind of thinking he was a beaten man from there to be honest. Time for a handshake and to move on.
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Postby god_bless_john_houlding » Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:57 pm

Nobody seems to bring up these "excuses" when things are going well. Start of the season we rotated, nobody seemed to have a problem. Newcastle away (best performance of the season IMO) nobody seemed to fussed about blaming the yanks or Benitez' tactics for that. People are looking for a reason or reasons as to why we're not up there leading the title chase, when the truth is, there aren't any excuses. The Premiership is 38 games long, you can't be unlucky and have an excuse for every single game. You end up where you deserve to in a league season.

You can't blame an entire season on certain things. Each game is different. The only thing that stays the same for every single game is the managers and players (even if it's not the exact same players, it's still professional footballers who train with each other day in day out) They have to take the blame for simplely not being good enough. Let's hold our hands up and admit that we're not good enough. It hurts me to think like this, hurts me even more to say it, but that's the truth. It doesn't matter if I think we should win the league simplely because we're Liverpool Football Club. You have to put the hard work and graft in, we're not, so we won't win the league. That's the only "excuse".
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Postby JoeTerp » Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:16 am

Well it is important to find out the REASONS why you lose (or draw) a match, or a stretch of matches. Because if you know the reasons why, then you can address the reasons and improve so as to not make the same mistakes again.
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Postby god_bless_john_houlding » Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:19 am

Well we know the "reasons" but we're still performing :censored: because they haven't been addressed. So what's the point in finding them out if nothing is going to happen?
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Postby Paul C » Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:30 am

Well I'm putting my cards on the table, I think Rafa's time is up, it reminds me of how things were just before GH got the boot, ok GH didn't have the off the field problems but I can't see Rafa being here come June especially if DIC take over.

I so want Rafa to turn things round but unless we get to the CL final he's a deadman walking imo, my heart says give him another season but my head says it won't make a difference. :(
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Postby Tophatman » Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:58 am

Has anyone done the maths and totalled up our transfer dealings over the last 10 years compared to the top 4 and i include the blue noses in this.

We must rank either 2 or 3rd in this.

Do we still carry on throwing money at it or take a step back and recruit and spend money from the reserves.Remember the bygone days, when we would buy players and bring them on and not throw them straight in.
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Postby big al » Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:02 am

oh ye of little faith 4 more years
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Postby Owzat » Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:28 am

kopite_1232002 wrote:how can we have a massive clearout with no moolar ??

We keep having clear outs, one of our biggest problems is we buy lots of players and most of them aren't good enough as was proven by the side selected yesterday.

I think the problem is in Rafa's head, when people say he is stubborn what they sometimes don't mention is he thinks his plan works and won't change it. Drop half the side for the next game and expect them to perform. Did you know Kuyt's first goal in 14 games came in his first back to back starts since his last goal? (scored against Marseille, started against the mancs and then hasn't started two games in a row until yesterday) He thinks the squad is good enough, he thinks the players can cope with not playing every week and perform. Come Inter Milan we will see a different XI, some playing for the first time in over a week and he'll think we can win it. I think we can, but then again I thought we could beat Barnsley. Maybe I'm numbed against the hurt and surprise by the fact that it's almost becoming so frequent I've given  up hurting.

Tophatman - whatever we spent 10 years ago barely matters, what matters is we've outspent Arsenal and yet they're top and we're not. Those who think Rafa can do a fergie are kidding themselves, Rafa is unlikely to find a rival willing to sell us a Cantona and Keane at a bargain price and he's shown no likelihood of doing a Wenger and finding (as opposed to buying with millions) a Fabregas, Toure or Anelka (winding the clock back) When Wenger spends money it's £7m on an Adebayor, £2.75m on a Van Persie, £10m on a Hleb. Maybe if we want the league title we shouldn't spend £7m-£10m on players but spend it on getting Wenger. I'd not be upset if he decided to bring half his Arsenal side with him, better than what Rafa brought in from Valencia
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Postby JohnBull » Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:49 am

While he continually keeps putting out 8 man sides we will win nothing.

It beggars belief how he can keep putting out players who are out of contract/not interested/totally out of form and expect to win games. Yesterday was on the cards. Barnsley were in a run of good results but there was no reaction to their form by Raffa. 

I couldn't give a bUgger who takes over - no one could do a worse job than yesterday.

Didn't realise I knew so many Blue Noses. Phones off the hook now.
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Postby The_Rock » Sun Feb 17, 2008 10:09 am

JohnBull wrote:Didn't realise I knew so many Blue Noses. Phones off the hook now.

my manure colleagues will be shooting their mouths on monday...   :angry:

God....i hope we get past inter on tuesday....
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Postby jedwards » Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:17 am

Even if give Benitez the most of the top world players around the World and give him another £300 Millions to spend,  he will still fail badly to produce a wining tiltle team, he is so negative manager, with no partten of play apart of long balls tactics!!! :angry:
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