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Postby dawson99 » Thu May 31, 2007 12:06 am

agoodmentality, all im saying is

a: we cant compete financially with cheatski (they buy players and not play them paying over the odds so no one else can buy them: wright phillips, parker)

b: we dont need to spend 80 million. we dont need 3 world class strikers, 2 wingers in one season. weve got the essence of the team, now we need to nurture and mould it in the summer with 2 or 3 max brilliant signings.
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu May 31, 2007 12:09 am

agoodmentality wrote:
dawson99 wrote:rooney rio and carrick not all in the same year tho. they add a player or 2 every season, not go out and buy 80 mill worth in 3 months. thats all im saying. and thats exactly what cheatski do every summer. you wait and see what happens when we put in a 20 million bid as example for tevez and cheatski just say "feck it, 30 million". Thats why Rafa wont say who hes going for, thats why the pople that are getting touted are probably not the ones we will end up with

Oh, i see now,, we should not aim too high,, not get above our station,, and bid for realistic targets,,such as Jagielka,,
it all makes sense now,, lets not try to get the best players, cos chelski will outbid us. 

you are a genius !

No-one is saying that, you misconstrue people's words.

We are saying....

When have we had the ability to add a Carrick £18m, a Rooney £30m, a Ferdinand £30m, a veron £30m?


Only this summer will we be able to buy a few players of value £10-15m each.

As for your Championship manager-esque post, your opinions are completely unfounded.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu May 31, 2007 1:23 am

Lando_Griffin wrote:
peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:You know what? I am beginning to think I may have been wrong about the circumstances surrounding your exit from the Police.

The way you're talking, I would now have another bet in a seperate bookies that it was down entirely to your ineptitude and lack of reason.

well thats your 3rd guess, all very wrong, but since you seem so interested and think its winding me up, just to reiterate my pm to you, put your money where your mouth is, i will take your bet, how much do you want lando?

like i said in my pm you want to save up a fiver and bet with that or can we go with the bet i want 5 grand?

now is the time to walk the walk big man

( hey maybe it was because i got highlights and the booted me for looking gay)

Do you have any idea how pathetic that post is? Do you?

You f*cking thick tw*t - how would you prove one way or the other why you were sacked, you f*cking dumb punk? You could say you won the Lottery, you sad, deluded pr*ck. You could say you were the f*cking head of MI6 and decided to take a bit of "me" time. It's a no-win situation, as you could never prove it one way or the other. I was merely speculating, see?

I look gay, do I? So gay that I have never been approached by a gay man in my life? So gay that I get more come-ons from the ladies in an evening than you have in YOUR life? Stop talking out of your :censored:, you silly b*stard. The fashion in Bangkok or f*cking Malasia may be towards the rotund and ugly, but in England it's a given that I'd pull 10 women to your 1, and THAT'S being generous towards you, you f*cking sad t*sser. If it were a battle of personalities, we could bump my figure up 10-fold, as as soon as you opened your trap, any self-respecting woman would run a mile.
I bet you wish you looked like me, rather than the fat, balding, middle-aged dickhead you see every time you look in a mirror. Maybe then you wouldn't have needed to run off and buy a girlfriend...

(And for all the snipers - I am merely saying that I am better looking than Peewee - I am not suggesting for one moment I am anything special, so wind your necks in, c*nts.  :;): )

hey you brought it all up, not me, you are the one who thinks there is something sinister, you are the one who wants to lay money on it.

of course i can prove i wasnt sacked, i have the letter confirming my resignation and references, i can send someone to your house with them while they collect the money from you. although quite why you are so interested is beyond me, maybe you fancy me and you want to check my credentials first.

now do you want to take this bet or are you all flannel, you asked for the bet, i am agreeing, in fact you can use all three of your choices, i will take that as none of them are anywhere near the mark. or do you want to come up with some other fabrication?

so how much? name your ammount lando or i suggest you go back to what you were doing, you cast doubt without any proof whatsoever, now lets deal with it.

name you ammount, any other post from you on this subject will just make you look the kunt that you are.

just to reiterate, you brought this up, you asked for a bet, you made three guesses and now you are trying to back pedal out of it.

how much lando?  lets see how strong your conviction is on this


i have told you 5 grand, lets just keep it to small change, if you cant afford 5 grand name your ammount

Listen here you fat, pompous waste of a milkman's orgasm - you find the post where I actually asked for a bet, and I'll GIVE you £5k, you f*cking imbecile.

You find the quote where I say "Oii, fat c*nt - I wish to place a bet with you that you were sacked for being a complete tw*t that the Police can do without.", and I'll f*cking give you that money, you self-righteous sack of sh*te.
What I ACTUALLY said, you brain-dead t*sser, was "I bet that..." - it's a common phrase in England, you thick b*stard. If I'd have wanted to bet you, I'd simply have said "Peewee - I bet YOU X amount of money that..." See the difference, dickhead?

You f*cking idiotic tw*t. To say you think you're a clever man, I've wiped my a*se with more intelligent bog rolls than you.

Now put the bone down, you sad, pathetic little weasel, and get back to chewing your balls.

mmm so the way you say 'i bet' and ' i would now have a bet in a seperate bookies' mean you dont want to have a bet.

oh silly me, here was me thinking you would have the courage to put your money where your mouth is, silly me for reading into those two things that you want to have a bet, i should realise then to take everything you say the opposite way.

now do you want to speculate any more why i resigned from the police (not sacked for some sinister reason like you seem to speculate) or just admit that you have no knowledge on the subject, or do you want to take the bet that you aksed for?

if you neither admit its a mistake on your part or take the bet then you lando are a coward, you will be shown up as a person who speaks b0llocks and then is too scared to back it up.

i already told you i have my resignation confirmation and references that can be brought to your house and that person can then collect my winnings, i dont need to go to the commisonaire to ask for them (when in fact its a chief constable on  merseyside)

i am waiting, just give me the ammount      :D

Postby LFC #1 » Thu May 31, 2007 2:08 am

peewee wrote:i am waiting, just give me the ammount      :D

Maybe he will if you learn to spell amount first.  :D
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu May 31, 2007 2:21 am

LFC #1 wrote:
peewee wrote:i am waiting, just give me the ammount      :D

Maybe he will if you learn to spell amount first.  :D

:D   typo

Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu May 31, 2007 3:32 am

GunGod wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
A "Hypothesis" (Which is basically another term for a theory)...



Have you even checked your dictionary? This sentence of yours absolutely contradicts the purpose of having the two separate terms 'hypothesis' and 'theory'.

I couldn't even believe you said that.

So much for being a 'highly qualified English teacher'!!!!

I rest my case with you.



Lando: "THEN try and f*cking condescend to me, you arrogant tw*t.  ;):"

With that statement of yours I guess I can be condescending to you anytime, mate. You just keep exposing your flaws everytime you reply to me :D

Bow down to me, ignoramus:

Suck my balls, c*nt
Check out the little bit that says "Definition". :D

Oh - the joys of proving a mouthy little tw*t wrong.  :nod
Last edited by Lando_Griffin on Thu May 31, 2007 3:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

Rafa Benitez - An unfinished Legend.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu May 31, 2007 3:38 am

peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:You know what? I am beginning to think I may have been wrong about the circumstances surrounding your exit from the Police.

The way you're talking, I would now have another bet in a seperate bookies that it was down entirely to your ineptitude and lack of reason.

well thats your 3rd guess, all very wrong, but since you seem so interested and think its winding me up, just to reiterate my pm to you, put your money where your mouth is, i will take your bet, how much do you want lando?

like i said in my pm you want to save up a fiver and bet with that or can we go with the bet i want 5 grand?

now is the time to walk the walk big man

( hey maybe it was because i got highlights and the booted me for looking gay)

Do you have any idea how pathetic that post is? Do you?

You f*cking thick tw*t - how would you prove one way or the other why you were sacked, you f*cking dumb punk? You could say you won the Lottery, you sad, deluded pr*ck. You could say you were the f*cking head of MI6 and decided to take a bit of "me" time. It's a no-win situation, as you could never prove it one way or the other. I was merely speculating, see?

I look gay, do I? So gay that I have never been approached by a gay man in my life? So gay that I get more come-ons from the ladies in an evening than you have in YOUR life? Stop talking out of your :censored:, you silly b*stard. The fashion in Bangkok or f*cking Malasia may be towards the rotund and ugly, but in England it's a given that I'd pull 10 women to your 1, and THAT'S being generous towards you, you f*cking sad t*sser. If it were a battle of personalities, we could bump my figure up 10-fold, as as soon as you opened your trap, any self-respecting woman would run a mile.
I bet you wish you looked like me, rather than the fat, balding, middle-aged dickhead you see every time you look in a mirror. Maybe then you wouldn't have needed to run off and buy a girlfriend...

(And for all the snipers - I am merely saying that I am better looking than Peewee - I am not suggesting for one moment I am anything special, so wind your necks in, c*nts.  :;): )

hey you brought it all up, not me, you are the one who thinks there is something sinister, you are the one who wants to lay money on it.

of course i can prove i wasnt sacked, i have the letter confirming my resignation and references, i can send someone to your house with them while they collect the money from you. although quite why you are so interested is beyond me, maybe you fancy me and you want to check my credentials first.

now do you want to take this bet or are you all flannel, you asked for the bet, i am agreeing, in fact you can use all three of your choices, i will take that as none of them are anywhere near the mark. or do you want to come up with some other fabrication?

so how much? name your ammount lando or i suggest you go back to what you were doing, you cast doubt without any proof whatsoever, now lets deal with it.

name you ammount, any other post from you on this subject will just make you look the kunt that you are.

just to reiterate, you brought this up, you asked for a bet, you made three guesses and now you are trying to back pedal out of it.

how much lando?  lets see how strong your conviction is on this


i have told you 5 grand, lets just keep it to small change, if you cant afford 5 grand name your ammount

Listen here you fat, pompous waste of a milkman's orgasm - you find the post where I actually asked for a bet, and I'll GIVE you £5k, you f*cking imbecile.

You find the quote where I say "Oii, fat c*nt - I wish to place a bet with you that you were sacked for being a complete tw*t that the Police can do without.", and I'll f*cking give you that money, you self-righteous sack of sh*te.
What I ACTUALLY said, you brain-dead t*sser, was "I bet that..." - it's a common phrase in England, you thick b*stard. If I'd have wanted to bet you, I'd simply have said "Peewee - I bet YOU X amount of money that..." See the difference, dickhead?

You f*cking idiotic tw*t. To say you think you're a clever man, I've wiped my a*se with more intelligent bog rolls than you.

Now put the bone down, you sad, pathetic little weasel, and get back to chewing your balls.

mmm so the way you say 'i bet' and ' i would now have a bet in a seperate bookies' mean you dont want to have a bet.

oh silly me, here was me thinking you would have the courage to put your money where your mouth is, silly me for reading into those two things that you want to have a bet, i should realise then to take everything you say the opposite way.

now do you want to speculate any more why i resigned from the police (not sacked for some sinister reason like you seem to speculate) or just admit that you have no knowledge on the subject, or do you want to take the bet that you aksed for?

if you neither admit its a mistake on your part or take the bet then you lando are a coward, you will be shown up as a person who speaks b0llocks and then is too scared to back it up.

i already told you i have my resignation confirmation and references that can be brought to your house and that person can then collect my winnings, i dont need to go to the commisonaire to ask for them (when in fact its a chief constable on  merseyside)

i am waiting, just give me the ammount      :D

You're entirely right;

You ARE silly. :nod

Nowhere do I ASK for a bet. I ACTUALLY said "If I were to bet", or that those ideas would be what I WOULD bet IF I DID.

You spat this out a month or so ago:


Time to pick it up again...
Last edited by Lando_Griffin on Thu May 31, 2007 3:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

Rafa Benitez - An unfinished Legend.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu May 31, 2007 3:38 am

oh the joys of watching a coward hiding behind his keyboard

still waiting for either an admittance that you dont know what you are talking about or you taking the bet.

lando really you are the last one who can sit there at the moment and slag others off while you continue with this cowardly behaviour. you are a coward, you make comments then when placed on the spot hide behind more abuse hoping to disguise the fact that you have nowhere to go with this, if you ignore it you are a coward, if you take the bet you will lose, if you admit you were wrong you think you will will look stupid when in fact you wont, you will look like a man who got angry, said something stupid and then escalated it beyond your control.

seems now you are arguing with everyone rather than act like an adult and bow out while you are behind

Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu May 31, 2007 3:41 am

Lando_Griffin wrote:I would now have another bet in a seperate bookies that it was down entirely to your ineptitude and lack of reason.

ok, have the bet. make comments, cant back them up try more comments, cant back them. try to strenthen your comments by saying you will bet on them, get offered the bet, run away like a little girl.

lando put up or shut up, its very simple

Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu May 31, 2007 3:51 am

peewee wrote:oh the joys of watching a coward hiding behind his keyboard

still waiting for either an admittance that you dont know what you are talking about or you taking the bet.

lando really you are the last one who can sit there at the moment and slag others off while you continue with this cowardly behaviour. you are a coward, you make comments then when placed on the spot hide behind more abuse hoping to disguise the fact that you have nowhere to go with this, if you ignore it you are a coward, if you take the bet you will lose, if you admit you were wrong you think you will will look stupid when in fact you wont, you will look like a man who got angry, said something stupid and then escalated it beyond your control.

seems now you are arguing with everyone rather than act like an adult and bow out while you are behind

Tell you what then, Pee:

I admit I was merely guessing why you were booted from the Bobbies - I never insinuated I KNEW the reason (do the Police STILL fabricate evidence, I wonder?).

Of course - an intelligent man would know that simply by reading one's posts...

But once again - that is seemingly beyond your capacity.
Is that the apology you crave? No. It is simply a citation of facts . (Something with which you seem to struggle...)

Now - here it is REAL simple - if you believe I am a coward - that's your look out. I don't give two monkey's knacker sacks WHAT you think. I am not simple enough to believe that what you think in any way affects my life.

The fact is, your credibility on here was lost many moons ago, so whatever you have to say is like water off a duck's back to me.

So you keep on "hounding me" with this coward talk. I suppose it gives your sad life some excitement.  :oops:

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Postby babu » Thu May 31, 2007 3:54 am

Lando_Griffin wrote:Suck my balls, c*nt
Check out the little bit that says "Definition". :D

Oh - the joys of proving a mouthy little tw*t wrong.  :nod

Lando, thats a thesaurus. I see where it says Theory, but that's not correct.

A theory is a hypothesis that has been tested.

                                   *    *    *    *    *
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu May 31, 2007 3:57 am

still not there is it lando, you are still saying i was booted from the bobbies, so to say you were guessing why i was booted from the bobbies is really you saying that you think i was booted from the bobbies

now wouldnt it be better for you to say you had no reason to bring this into the thread, and you have no knowledge as to why i left the police, further more its not really any of your business why i left the police (notice the 'i left' and not 'was booted').

so still not quite there lando, be a man, you are nearly there but not quite while you are still speculating in your last post

Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu May 31, 2007 4:07 am

peewee wrote:still not there is it lando, you are still saying i was booted from the bobbies, so to say you were guessing why i was booted from the bobbies is really you saying that you think i was booted from the bobbies

now wouldnt it be better for you to say you had no reason to bring this into the thread, and you have no knowledge as to why i left the police, further more its not really any of your business why i left the police (notice the 'i left' and not 'was booted').

so still not quite there lando, be a man, you are nearly there but not quite while you are still speculating in your last post

Awww - did the likkle peewee not get his Pm then?

Rafa Benitez - An unfinished Legend.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Thu May 31, 2007 4:10 am

Lando_Griffin wrote:
peewee wrote:still not there is it lando, you are still saying i was booted from the bobbies, so to say you were guessing why i was booted from the bobbies is really you saying that you think i was booted from the bobbies

now wouldnt it be better for you to say you had no reason to bring this into the thread, and you have no knowledge as to why i left the police, further more its not really any of your business why i left the police (notice the 'i left' and not 'was booted').

so still not quite there lando, be a man, you are nearly there but not quite while you are still speculating in your last post

Awww - did the likkle peewee not get his Pm then?

yeah just got it, lando i really cant take you seriously anymore, i am starting to feel sorry for you now, asking for a 30k bet as long as i collect it, pretty pathetic, you dont have 30k, you refuse to give me your address and then you expect me to fly from thailan to meet you at a concert hall in nottingham tomorrow, when i am next in england we can meet up no problem, but lets not be silly with the ammount, we both know you dont have that kind of money

its a shame, the whole was realistic, the bet could have been made, now trying to change the bet to something impossible (as in i cant be in nottingham tomorrow and you dont have 30k) just shows how desperate you are to back pedal out of this.
Last edited by 112-1077774096 on Thu May 31, 2007 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu May 31, 2007 4:13 am

babu wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Suck my balls, c*nt
Check out the little bit that says "Definition". :D

Oh - the joys of proving a mouthy little tw*t wrong.  :nod

Lando, thats a thesaurus. I see where it says Theory, but that's not correct.

A theory is a hypothesis that has been tested.

That makes no sense Babu.

A theory is, by definition, a theoretical event. I.E. A guess.

A Hypothesis is also basically a guess.

"Theory, hypothesis are used in non-technical contexts to mean an untested idea or opinion."

In technical use they are slightly different, whereby:

"A theory in technical use is a more or less verified or established explanation accounting for known facts or phenomena: the theory of relativity. A hypothesis is a conjecture put forth as a possible explanation of phenomena or relations, which serves as a basis of argument or experimentation to reach the truth."

So, as you can see, they are highly subjective, and can be used accordingly.

Hence why I said they were virtually the same - they can be so.

Rafa Benitez - An unfinished Legend.
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