Would we really miss alonso? - Xabi swap deal

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Postby Elchris » Wed May 30, 2007 3:33 pm

aaron lennon...plssss he's the last player i want to see in a liverpool shirt....not consistant enough and could end up like another harry kewell .... he gets injured too often . too lightweight. no thank u
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Postby Judge » Wed May 30, 2007 4:15 pm

Elchris wrote:aaron lennon...plssss he's the last player i want to see in a liverpool shirt....not consistant enough and could end up like another harry kewell .... he gets injured too often . too lightweight. no thank u

did you think that of crouch when we signed him ??
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Postby Bad Bob » Wed May 30, 2007 4:40 pm

s@int wrote:
Bad Bob wrote:I've joined this all very late so I'll keep it short and simple...I agree with Ivor. :D

Seriously, I'm firmly in the camp that says you do not sell your best players no matter what.  For me, Alonso is comfortably in our top five of players and thus should not be sacrificed.  If we must, sell Sissoko but we'll need Alonso and he will return to form.

One point that hasn't come out too much in this thread is the notion that a swop deal for Eto'o is still a gamble.  Some people talk like that switch guarantees us a quality striker at the expense of a quality CM in a team full of quality CMs.  Well, I think Shevchenko, Crespo and to a lesser extent Morientes have proven that no striker is guaranteed to come to England from abroad and do the business.  If the swop for Eto'o happens and he flops, we'll have dispensed with a quality player for very little return.  I'd rather keep Alonso and sign Mickey Owen and/or Tevez (who won't cost the moon) than gamble on Eto'o, Villa or Torres, personally.

While I agree with you on Owen and Tevez , at the moment Rafa doesn't seem to keen on little Mikey.

Gerrard  Alonso Mascherano Kewell/ a.n.other       
             Voronin    Kuyt

A.n.other Gerrard Mascherano Kewell/a.n.other
              Tevez     Eto'o

Which line up would you prefer? Which lineup looks like a title winning one? I put a.n.other as I presume these are the areas we will strengthen, but god only knows who.

Of course the second one looks stronger on paper, mate, but it matters how they do on the pitch.  Shevchenko and Crespo are two top strikers with an amazing footballing pedigree yet Drogba has comfortably outperformed both of them over the last 3 seasons for Chelsea.  All I'm saying is that there are no guarantees in this game and so I, for one, would not be keen to cash in on a known quantity like Alonso--a quality player who will, before long, return to his best, IMHO--to bring in an unknown quantity like Eto'o or Villa or Torres, no matter how impressive they look in Spain. 

Now, believe me, I'm not saying these lads lack quality and I'm not predicting they can't cut it in England.  Indeed, I'm all for trying to sign one of them.  BUT if the price of signing them is Alonso (or in the case of Eto'o and probably Villa, Alonso + a fair wedge of cash) I think the gamble is just too great.
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Postby Scottbot » Wed May 30, 2007 4:50 pm

Bamaga man wrote:Judge are they you're breasts  :love:

Judge would struggle to get just one of his breasts into such a small avatar.
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Postby account deleted by request » Wed May 30, 2007 5:04 pm

I think Drogba cost about £24million as well Bob. There are no guarantees when it comes to transfers, and like you say sometimes it better the devil(Alonso)you know. Our lack of any real threat up front has cost us all season though, and if we dont take the gamble I expect it will cost us next season as well. Yes, Mascherano could get injured first game of the season and we would be short in midfield, but I think we can cope with a midfield crisis much better as we are so strong there,than we can another season with strikers who struggle to create or convert chances.

We could sign Bent or Defoe and keep Alonso, but I would prefer signing one of the quality players Villa, Eto'o and keep Alonso, or if thats not possible sign the striker and lose Alonso. It just depends on how much money we get.

If the worst situation arose and we desperately needed backup in midfield we could certainly sign a "backup" midfielder for a lot less than we would get for Alonso.(Not as good but cheaper), but we arn't talking about needing "backup" strikers, thats the difference.
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Postby Elchris » Wed May 30, 2007 5:11 pm

Judge wrote:
Elchris wrote:aaron lennon...plssss he's the last player i want to see in a liverpool shirt....not consistant enough and could end up like another harry kewell .... he gets injured too often . too lightweight. no thank u

did you think that of crouch when we signed him ??

Why crouch...?? he isn't injury prone... i compared him with harry kewell .. can u see where the problem will arise...?? I think he's injured again and out of the england squad...do we really need a injury prone player..??

I was ok when crouch was joining us from southampton but the transfer fee for him  was quite high back then.... :)
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Postby aCe' » Wed May 30, 2007 5:29 pm

on the "wouldnt risk paying much for an unproven player in the premiership" point.. thats the kinda thinking that will take us nowhere badbob...
if we dont gamble and go out and sign bent or defoe....we risk having he same attacking struggles we had this season... id personally go for the best striker out there knowing that there is a chance he'd be brilliant for us like he has wherever it is he played... if it means losing alnso whiledoing so...so be it... we can cope without him in our squad but we cant take the striker situation anymore !
i agree that u never know what happens when u sign an unproven player in the premiership but quality is quality...and more often than not a player with quality will cut it wherever he goes.... im sure eto would be a great player for liverpool....same for villa and torres... they might strugge for a month or 2 but played in their natural position...they will realize their price tag sooner or later...
shevchenko is a worldclass who was played out of position for the better part of this season...chelsea know that he uderperformed yet are still holding on to him because he is bound to perform next season if he is player as an out and out striker !

on the :lets not sign a player because he is injury prone" point... ronaldo is the most injury prone player in world football today... ever since he was in holland...he kept getting longterm injuries ... yet he moved to 4 top clubs after that who all knew what they were putting their money on... to me.. if a player is good and  want to sign hm...his injury records dont matter much because afterall... you might go out and sign your 2nd target and he might get injured... he also might not offer what the ther player might have offered had he been signed and avoided injury...
on a sidenote...wouldnt want lennon in liverpool because i think that if we were to sign a right wing...id rather we go for a class winger ad not a player who isnt that much better than our pennant....mind you i still thnk pennant can do a job for us
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Wed May 30, 2007 6:02 pm

peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
peewee wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:You know what? I am beginning to think I may have been wrong about the circumstances surrounding your exit from the Police.

The way you're talking, I would now have another bet in a seperate bookies that it was down entirely to your ineptitude and lack of reason.

well thats your 3rd guess, all very wrong, but since you seem so interested and think its winding me up, just to reiterate my pm to you, put your money where your mouth is, i will take your bet, how much do you want lando?

like i said in my pm you want to save up a fiver and bet with that or can we go with the bet i want 5 grand?

now is the time to walk the walk big man

( hey maybe it was because i got highlights and the booted me for looking gay)

Do you have any idea how pathetic that post is? Do you?

You f*cking thick tw*t - how would you prove one way or the other why you were sacked, you f*cking dumb punk? You could say you won the Lottery, you sad, deluded pr*ck. You could say you were the f*cking head of MI6 and decided to take a bit of "me" time. It's a no-win situation, as you could never prove it one way or the other. I was merely speculating, see?

I look gay, do I? So gay that I have never been approached by a gay man in my life? So gay that I get more come-ons from the ladies in an evening than you have in YOUR life? Stop talking out of your :censored:, you silly b*stard. The fashion in Bangkok or f*cking Malasia may be towards the rotund and ugly, but in England it's a given that I'd pull 10 women to your 1, and THAT'S being generous towards you, you f*cking sad t*sser. If it were a battle of personalities, we could bump my figure up 10-fold, as as soon as you opened your trap, any self-respecting woman would run a mile.
I bet you wish you looked like me, rather than the fat, balding, middle-aged dickhead you see every time you look in a mirror. Maybe then you wouldn't have needed to run off and buy a girlfriend...

(And for all the snipers - I am merely saying that I am better looking than Peewee - I am not suggesting for one moment I am anything special, so wind your necks in, c*nts.  :;): )

hey you brought it all up, not me, you are the one who thinks there is something sinister, you are the one who wants to lay money on it.

of course i can prove i wasnt sacked, i have the letter confirming my resignation and references, i can send someone to your house with them while they collect the money from you. although quite why you are so interested is beyond me, maybe you fancy me and you want to check my credentials first.

now do you want to take this bet or are you all flannel, you asked for the bet, i am agreeing, in fact you can use all three of your choices, i will take that as none of them are anywhere near the mark. or do you want to come up with some other fabrication?

so how much? name your ammount lando or i suggest you go back to what you were doing, you cast doubt without any proof whatsoever, now lets deal with it.

name you ammount, any other post from you on this subject will just make you look the kunt that you are.

just to reiterate, you brought this up, you asked for a bet, you made three guesses and now you are trying to back pedal out of it.

how much lando?  lets see how strong your conviction is on this


i have told you 5 grand, lets just keep it to small change, if you cant afford 5 grand name your ammount

Listen here you fat, pompous waste of a milkman's orgasm - you find the post where I actually asked for a bet, and I'll GIVE you £5k, you f*cking imbecile.

You find the quote where I say "Oii, fat c*nt - I wish to place a bet with you that you were sacked for being a complete tw*t that the Police can do without.", and I'll f*cking give you that money, you self-righteous sack of sh*te.
What I ACTUALLY said, you brain-dead t*sser, was "I bet that..." - it's a common phrase in England, you thick b*stard. If I'd have wanted to bet you, I'd simply have said "Peewee - I bet YOU X amount of money that..." See the difference, dickhead?

You f*cking idiotic tw*t. To say you think you're a clever man, I've wiped my a*se with more intelligent bog rolls than you.

Now put the bone down, you sad, pathetic little weasel, and get back to chewing your balls.

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Postby Sabre » Wed May 30, 2007 6:09 pm

This thread has it all. Football, spats, porn (when Judge posts)

Versatile thread.  :laugh:
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Postby gato_busta » Wed May 30, 2007 6:15 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:you fat, pompous waste of a milkman's orgasm

that's classic lando  :bowdown
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Wed May 30, 2007 6:18 pm

GunGod wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
GunGod wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:OK - for the cretins once again:

In his first season when he broke his ankle, our team missed Alonso more than any other player, and the wins/losses proves this.


Rafa Benitez sees him as instrumental to the side, and has said he, along with Gerrard, JC and Reina are the players he sees as the spine of the team.


Our clean-sheets record is as much Xabi's doing as any other member of the defense.

FACT, and if you wish to dispute this - look up his tackling stats on Opta. I read them in the paper a few weeks back, and he's had a lot bigger impact than you realise. I can't be a*sed to trawl through the net just to shut a bunch of tw*ts up.

Xabi is the only member of our squad able to regularly dictate the tempo of a game, and allow the team to play to it's strengths.


Xabi is the brain on the pitch, and it's his tactical and positional awareness that allows our fullbacks to go forward and help the attack, our centrebacks to challenge for offensive corners, our players to have an outlet when under pressure, and, despite his brilliance at spotting a long pass, he can also do the simple things to great effect.

These, my friend, are FACTS.

If you wish to dispute them, all I can suggest is that you actually watch him, rather than beating your meat over Gerrard for 90 minutes.

Erm, guys...I think we can end our argument with Lando already..because it's pretty obvious he doesn't understand the definition of 'facts'.

It's pretty embarassing for him indeed, going on about 'facts' only for us to realize he doesn't understand what he himself is talking about. So lets all stop laughing at him after I give him a simple lesson in differentiating between terms.

Fact 1: Humans need oxygen to live.

Fact 2: Liverpool beat Chelsea in the Champions league semi-finals 2007.

Opinion 1 (more accurately, Hypothesis 1): "In his first season when he broke his ankle, our team missed Alonso more than any other player, and the wins/losses proves this.."

Opinion 2: "Our clean-sheets record is as much Xabi's doing as any other member of the defense."

Opinion 3: "Xabi is the brain on the pitch."


Now why is Opinion 1, an opinion? 

The win/losses as cited by our young Lando which 'proves' his point does not prove anything at all. For there all more then 1 independent varible which can cause a change in the dependent variable. Simply put, in those games that we lost w/o Alonso, we might have also lost other players; the coach's formation selection played into the opposition's hands; the weather suited the opposition more etc etc the list goes on.

Until you have calculated every single variable (which is hardly possible) only to discover the hard truth that Alonso's absence is the cause for defeats, then only can you cite it as a 'fact'.

Now why are Opinions 2 and 3, just Opinions?

Try to apply the logic as explained above. This will be your homework for the week young Lando.  :D


P.S. Honestly I can't believe you said "Xabi is the brain on the pitch" and proclaimed condescendingly "THESE, my friend, are facts."


Excuse the unbridled laughter.

You type like an intellectual, but you miss the points entirely. I'd have thought it was an absurdly simple premise:

Our team did not play as well, losing many matches, when Alonso was not in the team. The same cannot be said to the same degree about any other player on our books. This is FACT. It happened. Get over yourself you pompous little blurt.

As for the clean sheet quote - the opta stats show that he made more tackles than the vast majority of the team, and unless I am mistaken, that helps towards maintaining a clean sheet, does it not? Do not try and sh*t your way out of the problem, knobhead.

And as for the statement "Xabi is the brain on the pitch", had you bothered to quote the rest of the paragraph, even you and your tiny, tiny brain would have realised that this was merely an observation, leading to the FACT that " it's his tactical and positional awareness that allows our fullbacks to go forward and help the attack, our centrebacks to challenge for offensive corners, our players to have an outlet when under pressure, and, despite his brilliance at spotting a long pass, he can also do the simple things to great effect." THEY are the facts in that point, you f*cking demented tw*t. The level of misplaced confidence on here is astounding.

Listen here, you buffoon - do not even attempt to belittle me, when it is plainly obvious you have all the mental capacity of a pigmi's thimble. Get yourself a job at the S*n - they could use a c*nt like you who conveniently omits the full story in favour of some bag of sh*t that backs up your retarded point of view.

Might I suggest you get yourself down to the nearest Primary school first, though, and learn how to read the English language and understand all of it's nuances?


See what I did there? I showed your outwardly "triumphant" post up for what it was - a load of sh*t missing all depth and content.


AHAHAHA mate you really never fail to amuse me.

So puncturing every sentence with an insult makes you feel empowered doesn't it. It makes you feel that you can worm your way out of every losing argument doesn't it?

Now now, whatever points you have made about Alonso I have not implied they are wrong. But since you were the one challenging others for 'FACTS' then you better understand what the word 'FACT' means before you even employ it.

You were the one who started calling for FACTS to be employed yet you give us subjective opinions. "Alonso is the brain blah blah blah....allows the centerbacks to challenge for offensive corners blah blah." You might just be right, about the presence of Alonso allowing CBs to move forward but that's not the point. The point is you have to prove it with evidence before you start shouting its a 'FACT'. Now just show us some form of illustration showing the movement of Alonso and the centerbacks during corners will ya? That, is what we call evidence in the adult world.

Before you prove your statements with evidence none of what you said are "FACTS."

I deliberately left education out of my response to your post as education levels has nothing to do here in a football forum. But since you amusingly started asking me to go to Primary school, then perhaps you should recalll that in Primary school Science lessons you should have been taught the difference between a Hypothesis (judging from your replies I doubt you even know the meaning of this), a Theory and ultimately, a FACT. Or perhaps you should attend an University to learn how to construct a proper argument which is backed by substantial evidence.


Unless you strip away your meaningless vulgarities in your next possible reply, I really couldn't be bothered to reply to you anymore. For you don't seem mature enough to carry any sort of constructive debate.

I suppose too, that after this thread most of the forummers here have finally realized what sort of character you are and what limited amounts of credibility you have.

P.S. If yours were an essay, even though you don't even know how to argue nor substantiate your points, alright I would still give you a D+ for sheer effort.  :D

Or perhaps in your deluded Lando's world everything you think/said is a fact to yourself?  :wwww

I REALLY think you need to get yourself back to school, laddo. Thanks for the grading, but I think I should point out to you that I am a qualified English teacher and would wipe the floor with you in literary terms if I had to. Sorry to burst your little bubble, boy.

Thanks also for the recap of Theorem, Hypothesis, and Facts in Primary education. The flaw in your arguement being that, despite your opinion to the contrary, if something has happened, then it is a "Fact" as no event can alter it. A "Hypothesis" (Which is basically another term for a theory) is ultimately a prediction of what MAY occur in the future, given a certain set of parameters.

So I'll give you an A for effort, but sadly an F for attainment. I much prefer to adhere to accepted principals as opposed to the twisted versions propagated by a pompous gimp. :laugh:

Tell you what:

Rather than spout b*llocks, why don't you just watch a video of our last match (That's the CL final, just incase you'd forgotten), and pay special attention to Alosno. OK? (I think even YOU can manage that, surely?)

THEN try and f*cking condescend to me, you arrogant tw*t.  ;):

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Postby redtrader74 » Wed May 30, 2007 6:49 pm

Sabre wrote:This thread has it all. Football, spats, porn (when Judge posts)

Versatile thread.  :laugh:

Yeah that Judge, he doesn't post enough, i really can't get enough of his Avatar, oops i mean fantastic insight!!

This thread has more lives than a cat, it just refuses to die!
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Postby LFC2007 » Wed May 30, 2007 6:53 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:I think I should point out to you that I am a qualified English teacher

Can you imagine the lessons!!!!!!


Sit down you pompous gimp! :D  :D
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Postby Bad Bob » Wed May 30, 2007 7:32 pm

s@int wrote:I think Drogba cost about £24million as well Bob. There are no guarantees when it comes to transfers, and like you say sometimes it better the devil(Alonso)you know. Our lack of any real threat up front has cost us all season though, and if we dont take the gamble I expect it will cost us next season as well. Yes, Mascherano could get injured first game of the season and we would be short in midfield, but I think we can cope with a midfield crisis much better as we are so strong there,than we can another season with strikers who struggle to create or convert chances.

We could sign Bent or Defoe and keep Alonso, but I would prefer signing one of the quality players Villa, Eto'o and keep Alonso, or if thats not possible sign the striker and lose Alonso. It just depends on how much money we get.

If the worst situation arose and we desperately needed backup in midfield we could certainly sign a "backup" midfielder for a lot less than we would get for Alonso.(Not as good but cheaper), but we arn't talking about needing "backup" strikers, thats the difference.

Yeah, we're deep in the realm of "what ifs" with this whole talk solely because:

1) We have no idea what kind of transfer kitty Rafa will be handed

2) We have no idea how many players Rafa is targeting and for how much money

Those, to me, are the only true unknowns in this discussion.  I'm confident that Rafa wants to keep Alonso and I'm equally confident that Alonso wants to stay.  So, if he does go, it'll be because he can generate necessary funds and not because he's truly surplus to requirements or because he's fed up.

Having said that, and with all due respect to those that feel differently, I think that any striker who is so expensive that we are required to sell Alonso to bring him in is too much of a risk.  And, that's assuming it's a straight swap and not an Alonso + cash scenario, as the rumours seem to be with Eto'o.  I want to see a quality forward signed up as well but not at the expense of one of our most gifted central midfielders (an absolutely vital position, BTW, where injuries, fatigue and suspensions can really pile up, exposing inadequate cover).  Personally, I think there are strikers out there (Tevez, Owen, Klose) that will make us a much better attacking team but that are still affordable.  I don't think (in answer to aCe') that it's a matter of needing to sign one of Eto'o/Villa/Torres or being resigned to signing the likes of Darren Bent or Benny McCarthy.

Also, IMO, we will need Alonso if we are to compete effectively in multiple competitions next season.  Moreover, Rafa is absolutely going to continue with his rotation policy and I'd prefer to have Alonso in the mix with Gerrard and Mascherano rather than some player we grabbed on the cheap to make up for Xabi's departure.

But, you know what?  We do not yet seem to be in a situation where it's imperative to sell Alonso in order to sign striker X or winger Y and, frankly, I don't expect we will end up in that situation this summer.  Should that come about, though, I'm prepared to revisit this whole debate.  But, until that's clearly the case, I'm 100% opposed to the very idea of selling Alonso.
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Postby GunGod » Wed May 30, 2007 9:25 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:
A "Hypothesis" (Which is basically another term for a theory)...



Have you even checked your dictionary? This sentence of yours absolutely contradicts the purpose of having the two separate terms 'hypothesis' and 'theory'.

I couldn't even believe you said that.

So much for being a 'highly qualified English teacher'!!!!

I rest my case with you.



Lando: "THEN try and f*cking condescend to me, you arrogant tw*t.  ;):"

With that statement of yours I guess I can be condescending to you anytime, mate. You just keep exposing your flaws everytime you reply to me :D
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