Will the real harry kewell please stand up? - Time to deliver

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Postby mynameisred » Sat Jul 17, 2004 2:30 pm

Well I for one am interested as I feel an issue this big must impact on the players mentality. He may have been here a long time but he is an ozzie and surely he must care about his rep there? At the end of the day It wouldnt surprise me if Kewell played with an injury, GH did it sporadicially for years with Owen and thats prob played a part in him losing a yard of pace. The thing is why wasnt it spotted when we bought him, he was actually injured then I believe and because we rushed him in pre-season he injured the same ankle. Is it his left foot and could that be part of the reason why GH was reluctant to play him on that side when we were all crying out for him to play there. If it is true and he has this injury if he cannot expand his game more the real Harry Kewell may never stand up.
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Postby The_Rock » Sat Jul 17, 2004 2:45 pm

What worries me is that now that Farina has said it, what stops defenders going after that ankle to stop Kewell ? A few tackles and kicks too much and touch wood.....
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Postby Starbridge42 » Sat Jul 17, 2004 2:49 pm

I'd need to see the medical document but I believe its a muscle or tendon problem in his left ankle, brought about by a genetic defect.

I think in the end Harry Kewell will fall into the bracket that so many players have, especially in recent times with the massive increase in games, he'll be just another player who could have been so great but was cut down by injury or poor fortune.  I think Owen will fall into the same category as Maradonna (but not rated is highly).  When he's gone they'll all be saying Owen was great but he could've been so much greater.  kewell isn't one of the greats but he could've been.  I don't think he ever will now though.  As for Australia he is a paradox because one moment he says playing for Australia in a World Cup is his dream and that captaining Australia in a World Cup would be the ultimate dream and the the next he is saying he doesn't want to waste his time playing for a country with as little success as Australia.
I sincerely hope he doesn't ever bring that sort of attitude to the club I love just as he has to the country I love.  On the other hand sometimes I think the ASA have simply made a scapegoat of him because he is Australia's best player - just as they did with Mark Bosnich when he was at the peak of his powers.

If Australia miss the next World Cup (which they are more then capable of qualifying for) then Kewell will be made the scapegoat and then I worry even more about him following the same fate as Mark Bosnich who was Australia's finest but was then made the scapegoat for Australia's failure to reach the 1998 World Cup because he let in two late goals in the final game against Iran, if he'd saved jsut one of them Australia would've qulaified on away goals.  After his mauling by the press he broke down.  He had his well document spats with his girlfriend - that model, can't remember her name - and then eventually to drugs.  He could've been a hero and one of the all time greats, at his peak he was better than Ollie Khan at his peak, instead he degenerated into a very average player more suited to reality tv than a football pitch.  kewell has said he will play if Australia make the World Cup but that he has no interest in playing the qualifying matches in South America (which are the only ones Australia needs any of its first choice players for!). If Australia don't qualify for the 2006 World Cup Kewell will also be made a scapegoat for his non-participation and when their anger is aroused the Australian media can be worse than the British tabloids...
Last edited by Starbridge42 on Sat Jul 17, 2004 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby mynameisred » Sat Jul 17, 2004 3:02 pm

God it sounds like your press is as bad as ours except we have a few more so called superstars to build up and knock down again. I must admit to hear his attitude towards his country is dissapointing and I do wonder if thats also his general attitude towards his liverpool career.
Some great posts there starbridge42 gave us some info that most of us would prob have never known. Well its down to him, if he can get back to the player he is then it can only happen via his effort, if he has an injury that will continue to affect him well I wouldnt like to think what the future holds in that scenario coz I really wanted him to be a massive success for us.
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Postby The_Rock » Sat Jul 17, 2004 3:23 pm

hey come on, lets not knock kewell down. If i am not wrong, kewell just said he does not want to play friendlies or other non-important matches for australia. He did mention he will play in the world cup qualifiers. He is no different even to some brititsh players. Look at how giggs or scholes come out with some injuries during international friendlies......

As for questioning his commitment to liverpool....this is bull S..H...I...T. He played with 100% commitment for us even when he was massively off-form. Scored some fantastic goals. I am glad liverpool bought him in the 1st place.
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Postby mynameisred » Sat Jul 17, 2004 3:29 pm

Truely I want to agree with you but he does have a tendancy to be ananomous in games although with my new found understanding of his injury I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Nobody is saying he isnt a great player, he is and too right he scored some crackers and important goals last season but we want to see him do in red what he was doing in white and hopefully then not only will he be a hero to us but put up there with criag johnston back in his native country ( but with better hair).
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