Why fukn diao? - He wouldnt get  game for the grotto

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby chiggz_likes_owen » Sun Dec 12, 2004 9:15 am

The_Rock wrote:
chiggz_likes_owen wrote:Diao however can suck my c*ck and leave in January.

whatever turns u on dude

Last edited by chiggz_likes_owen on Sun Dec 12, 2004 9:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ciggy » Sun Dec 12, 2004 10:52 am

The_Rock wrote:
chiggz_likes_owen wrote:Diao however can suck my c*ck and leave in January.

whatever turns u on dude  :p

:D Wey hey  :devil: Chiggz
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Postby Pig Catcher » Sun Dec 12, 2004 1:11 pm

I think Diao had a reasonble game, espically in the second half. He broke up alot of Everton attacks and started useing the ball more effectively in the second half. In my opnion he had a better game than Hamann yesterday.

I've always said that Diao has something in him that tells me he could be a decent player. This season when he's played he has looked nervous and he has tried to do too much. Maybe it's because he knows he is on 'trial'.

But it is all irrelevant, I looks as though he will leave in January.
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Postby LFC #1 » Sun Dec 12, 2004 1:18 pm

Dalglish wrote:Wer'e clutching at straws Scott , if the Academy boys are good enough for a quarter final against an almost full strength Spurs side then their good enough for a Prem start

Biscan and Diao started that game tho Ian.  :p
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Postby Dalglish » Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:54 pm

LFC #1 wrote:
Dalglish wrote:Wer'e clutching at straws Scott , if the Academy boys are good enough for a quarter final against an almost full strength Spurs side then their good enough for a Prem start

Biscan and Diao started that game tho Ian.  :p

Yes, and they get Prem starts shortly afterwards (Biscan Exckluded dure to injury) . My point is how come Daio and Biscan get prem starts on the basis I am assuming of a decent performance in the Carling Cup yet the Academy boys aren't worth a try ?

Obviously not all of them but some of them could step up to the Prem level right now.
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Postby crazyhorse » Mon Dec 13, 2004 12:03 am

He is not good enough and has not settled into the premiership at all. But he is not the worst Senegalese player we have signed.... and he was a bargain compared to El Hadj Dick
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Postby LFC #1 » Mon Dec 13, 2004 12:40 am

Dalglish wrote:
LFC #1 wrote:
Dalglish wrote:Wer'e clutching at straws Scott , if the Academy boys are good enough for a quarter final against an almost full strength Spurs side then their good enough for a Prem start

Biscan and Diao started that game tho Ian.  :p

Yes, and they get Prem starts shortly afterwards (Biscan Exckluded dure to injury) . My point is how come Daio and Biscan get prem starts on the basis I am assuming of a decent performance in the Carling Cup yet the Academy boys aren't worth a try ?

Obviously not all of them but some of them could step up to the Prem level right now.

fair enough, honestly I would give Welsh a run ahead of Diao.
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Postby Dalglish » Mon Dec 13, 2004 12:45 am

Welsh is twice the player Daio is but thats not exactly flattering Welsh !!!!! :D
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Postby LFC #1 » Mon Dec 13, 2004 12:48 am

no it isn't, I thought after the Fuham performance Diao would never see first team action again.
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Postby sinema » Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:30 am

Reading these posts I'm impressed with the many of you who know more about the players than the manager, who sees them almost daily in training and possibly knows a little something more than one or two of you about preparing a team for an important game.  It's a pity Moores doesn't visit this forum, he could have saved a fortune recruiting someone from here instead of Benitez, and we'd probably be sitting comfortably at the top of the table too.  Do you think he should be told?
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Postby Dalglish » Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:35 am

:D YES !!!!!!

Sinema it don't mean a thing if they impress on the training pitch mate , Its well known that Biscan is superb in training but when you watch these players week in , week out and spend a lot of money and time doing so your entitled to speak your miind and express an opinion based on what you SEE ???
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Postby Dalglish » Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:39 am

So you blindly accept what the manager picks week in and week out from the comfort of your armchair if you must but I'm not going to spend my valuable money watching sub standard players put in performances that don't come close to the required level ???
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Postby sinema » Mon Dec 13, 2004 2:07 am

Dalglish wrote:So you blindly accept what the manager picks week in and week out from the comfort of your armchair if you must but I'm not going to spend my valuable money watching sub standard players put in performances that don't come close to the required level ???

But we DO have substandard players.  I honestly believe we have only three or four who are equipped to take this club where we want to be.  They say a bad workman blames his tools, but a good workman can improvise.  This is what Rafa is trying to do.  He was a hero on Wednesday and a villain on Saturday.  The majority of us were thrilled when he was unveiled as our manager - let's give him the benefit of the doubt.
The people calling for the youngsters to be called-up can't have watched the quarter-final against Spurs.  The only two to suggest that they were good enough (on the night) were young Raven and Whitbread.
Still, it's great to read all the different opinions.  It's what makes this such a lively forum.
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Postby Dalglish » Mon Dec 13, 2004 2:13 am

I'm not falling out with you specifically Sinema and like yourself appreciate opinions and respect each persons right to air them .......

I neither believe Benitez is the next Shankly or a previous Souness, he's somewhere inbetween and for the record he has made significant improvements with what he has at his disposal and I've been delighted with the standard of football played over most games this season. The exceptions have been when Daio has played (At fulham where he was truly awful) and Biscan (Against Norwich at home when the Kop actually laughed AT him which i happen to think is really sad :(

I'm not a Boo Boy but I'm neither a fan who blinndly believes Benitez gets it right every time either .....Against Arsenal he was spot on and rightly praised but against Villa last Saturday and against Everton yesterday he got it tactically wrong so should not be surprised when there is a reaction ....
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Postby sinema » Mon Dec 13, 2004 3:00 am

Point taken, Dalglish.  I always respect your opinions and enjoy your contributions.
I suppose what I am trying to say is that if we accept that Benitez is not an out and out plonker, that he has a fair idea of the way forward for our club and that he is not intentionally intent on losing games then he selects the team that he believes is the best for a particular game.
I agree with you about Diao.  For some strange reason (don't laugh) I think that if Biscan were given a free role he may surprise one or two people, maybe even himself, but of course that isn't possible at Liverpool at present. 
Benitez will make mistakes but we have to truust him for the long haul ahead.

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