Who is the fickle one in this situation? - A little common sense should prevail.

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Leonmc0708 » Sun Jun 20, 2004 3:46 pm

Consider the two following arguments:

1. You're a Premiership player, lucky enough to be captaining the club you supported as a lad. You've been their best player during what can only be described as a very disappointing season. At the beginning of the season, you signed a four-year contract, and urged other players within the club to do likewise. Whilst away on International duty, playing for your country, some of your international team-mates suggest that you should consider joining a London club that will double your salary, make you rich beyond your wildest dreams and that the club has plenty of money to sign "anyone" You think about it, afterall you do really want to win things, and the verbal agreement you have with the Chairman of your club does state that there will be major changes following many years of underacheivement.

2. You support a Premiership club, who where once the gratest in the land, but have struggled to regain that position during the past decade. The local-born captain was the teams star player last season, and appeared to carry the other ten men on the pitch at times during poor games. You read in the newspapers that this player is considering leaving, to go to a rich club that has offered to double his salary. Some papers report it as a done deal - saying that he's effectively gone already. You believe this, and start calling your own club captain a Judas.

So who's the more fickle?


Intresting reading, adapted from a forum on LFC.tv

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Postby The_Rock » Sun Jun 20, 2004 3:57 pm

Yes, we should not pre-judge gerrard. maybe owen but certainly not gerrard. But even, if he goes, is that such a bad thing ? People here are saying it will take 5 yrs to replace gerrard......what a load of ******. We might not be able to replace gerrard, but we can certainly get a good central midfielder who can score and create a lot of goals (aimar)  :D
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Sun Jun 20, 2004 4:04 pm

Gerrard was an Everton fan as a kid. It wasn't untill he joined Liverpools academy he started supporting Liverpool. :)

He's from a family of blue noses in Huyton aswell. :)

Secondly, what if ya don't fall into either of those catorgarys. :)

If he wants to go he can ****** off, if he wants to stay he's more than welcome with open arms. He just has to confirm it either way, untill then i reserve judgement on his character. :)

Nothin wrong with that.

Postby Leonmc0708 » Sun Jun 20, 2004 4:14 pm

Stu please stop going on about this ******, he never was.

Also, what are you onnabout, I never said you MUST be one of those catagories.

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Postby JohnBull » Sun Jun 20, 2004 4:45 pm

Does anyone really think there could be an about turn at this stage ?

The silence is because its going to be hard for him to admit that he's going for the money and NOTHING else. Parry has told him to speak up soon or the club will do it for him.

ANYONE out there turn down £30 million plus the extras - Grow Up for Christ's sake - Benitez is the man for a clean slate.
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Sun Jun 20, 2004 4:46 pm

Leon what I have trouble getting my head around is that Gerrard  surely  can not be that F*cking  naïve that he would  consider himself less of a traitor  if he signed for Chelsea rather than the mancs ,and if the incumbent rumours have any shred of truth then the lad is in for a serious  rude awakening next time he steps onto Anfield .

To leave under acrimonious circumstances  is hard enough for a player ,but after a season of adulation from  the fans week in week out , to turn full circle and criticise and undermine the club that nurtured  your talents and placed such  importance on your  leadership ,then in my opinion he’s  leaving after kicking  us in the teeth .

One day in the not to distant future he may realise that ? Ok he might have medals to polish but his reputation  will forever be tarnished and if he doesn’t consider  relinquishing the keys to our city a step down  then he was never what we thought he was  ,he should consider the kids out there that deem playing for the red men enough of an honour never mind being captain ,but what was considered the pinnacle of  such illustrious names as Souness , great captains who would shed blood for the shirt ,obviously isn’t good enough for Stevie and for that fact alone I will never forgive or forget
:( :( ???
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Postby JohnBull » Sun Jun 20, 2004 4:53 pm

Sadly those days are long gone.
Souey didn't go to Italy for the pasta and in the past we've signed a fair number of players who's old club supporters considered them traitors from then on.
There was no club bigger than us then - we've just got to get back there.

Quite looking forward to next season!!!!
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:15 pm

JohnBull wrote:Souey didn't go to Italy for the pasta

No he vacated his position because he had won all the top honours in the game ,as and I stress this  Liverpool captain  and their was no fans backlash because we had seen  the best of him , unlike Gerrard that honour will be Chelsea’s   ,  To captain Liverpool football club is a dream us mere mortals can only  envisage while we sleep ,and for Gerrard to treat it with such contempt is arrogance personified ,Oh and Souness went to Sampdoria Italy  because he accepted there was no team bigger than Liverpool.

Steven Gerrard has all but confirmed who he considers the biggest team ,and he’s  quite prepared to ride out the tirade of abuse he will undoubtedly receive in order to swell his already  bulging wallet
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Postby JohnBull » Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:22 pm

Gerrard's gone for the money and in that league Chelsea is a much bigger club than us.
Its like winning a quadruple roll over, on your own, who could turn it down?

The sad part of the recent turmoil is that the one man prepared to risk his OWN money ,£70million, has been ignored.
If you're looking for a hero look at Morgan.
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Postby 84-1083280474 » Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:25 pm

I dont think he's going at all, why would he want to leave??
he's not even in his prime yet, until he's about 28/29 and see out his contract.

I think leaving would be very premature, and with the sacking of Houllier and Heskey, and arrival of Cisse and Benitez, LFC are definately on the upturn.

Postby JohnBull » Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:36 pm

Just give us the money Hustler If you're sending a cheque I'l need a bankers card.
To make you feel better I'll be spending it on the New York tournement.
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:37 pm

JohnBull wrote:.
If you're looking for a hero look at Morgan.

Morgan is a strong pro ground share advocate ,so I wont be waiting for him to save the club ,unless you can stomach the Bitter Blues  becoming a part of our  illustrious  history  ,never mind selling fuc*ing  toffees ,oh and that importance he places on being a local buisnessman don’t swallow a fuc*king word do you think he cites his background to the next conglomerate he tries to obtain does he fu*  k ,it was just sheer P.R
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Postby JohnBull » Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:44 pm

Don't start on about ground sharing - What if we did ? Thank God,.
being a bluenose is not catching so we'd  benefit from an 80,000 capacity ground
At least we'd be able to fill it.

Anfield started off as a blue ground and our original kit was blue.

It's whats on the pitch that counts.

As for Morgan - As an Ex Drain Layer myself I can tell you he earned every friggin penny he's got.
Last edited by JohnBull on Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:58 pm

JohnBull wrote:Anfield started off as a blue ground and our original kit was blue.

and your point is ?

John Bull your last post was self explanatory  its obvious your one of the  very few minority that are actually for a ground share ,so that’s were our debate ends I can see no valid reason  for your stance so I can offer no comment except to inform you 90% of fans are dead against it ,and see it as a hellish vision its quite apparent you don’t !
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Postby JohnBull » Sun Jun 20, 2004 9:06 pm

I've never heard one sensible reason not to have a Merseyside stadium.

I've spent longer than most of you with bluenoses having a go and unlike most of you I can remember great blue sides who played wonderful football and had it rubbed in my face everyday. It was friggin terrible.
What that has to do with a ground share eludes me - did you all take your ball back if you weren't winning in the playground.

To a lot of us old timers the present ground has little to do with the Anfield we grew up in with 26000+ on the kop end. I can still remember walking along the paddock side at half time to get behind the goal we were kicking into. Half of the "own ground taliban" know bug ger all about the ground traditions.
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