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Postby heimdall » Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:47 am

Sabre wrote:
Benitez has more or less broken even in the transfer market this summer after bringing in Glen Johnson and Alberto Aquilani while selling Xabi Alonso, Alvaro Arbeloa and Sebastien Leto.

It's not the kind of swap for even money that would make me feel confident.

Anyway I thought that the money we got back from Keane would be used at least this season.  :down:

Why do people keep mentioning the money we got back from Keane, we lost money on that transfer, it wasn't a plus on  our balance sheet!  Do people really think that the clubs just produce a chunk of cash for the manager every single transfer season, it doesn't work like that boys and girls especially not now in financial crises, except for completely unrealistic teams like Real Madrid and Man City. All the top teams have had to sell before buying this transfer period, yes even Manure.
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Postby Sabre » Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:52 am

heimdall wrote:
Sabre wrote:
Benitez has more or less broken even in the transfer market this summer after bringing in Glen Johnson and Alberto Aquilani while selling Xabi Alonso, Alvaro Arbeloa and Sebastien Leto.

It's not the kind of swap for even money that would make me feel confident.

Anyway I thought that the money we got back from Keane would be used at least this season.  :down:

Why do people keep mentioning the money we got back from Keane, we lost money on that transfer, it wasn't a plus on  our balance sheet!  Do people really think that the clubs just produce a chunk of cash for the manager every single transfer season, it doesn't work like that boys and girls especially not now in financial crises, except for completely unrealistic teams like Real Madrid and Man City. All the top teams have had to sell before buying this transfer period, yes even Manure.

Even Sporting de Gijon has some money to spend every summer, for :censored:'s sake.
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Postby heimdall » Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:56 am

Sabre wrote:
heimdall wrote:
Sabre wrote:
Benitez has more or less broken even in the transfer market this summer after bringing in Glen Johnson and Alberto Aquilani while selling Xabi Alonso, Alvaro Arbeloa and Sebastien Leto.

It's not the kind of swap for even money that would make me feel confident.

Anyway I thought that the money we got back from Keane would be used at least this season.  :down:

Why do people keep mentioning the money we got back from Keane, we lost money on that transfer, it wasn't a plus on  our balance sheet!  Do people really think that the clubs just produce a chunk of cash for the manager every single transfer season, it doesn't work like that boys and girls especially not now in financial crises, except for completely unrealistic teams like Real Madrid and Man City. All the top teams have had to sell before buying this transfer period, yes even Manure.

Even Sporting de Gijon has some money to spend every summer, for :censored:'s sake.

How?? When clubs like Chelsea, manure, Arsneal and ourselves have feck all??
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Postby stmichael » Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:13 am

the world has officially gone mad. £12m for a centre back who hasn't even played for his country?
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Postby The_Rock » Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:13 pm

heimdall wrote:
Sabre wrote:
Benitez has more or less broken even in the transfer market this summer after bringing in Glen Johnson and Alberto Aquilani while selling Xabi Alonso, Alvaro Arbeloa and Sebastien Leto.

It's not the kind of swap for even money that would make me feel confident.

Anyway I thought that the money we got back from Keane would be used at least this season.  :down:

Why do people keep mentioning the money we got back from Keane, we lost money on that transfer, it wasn't a plus on  our balance sheet!  Do people really think that the clubs just produce a chunk of cash for the manager every single transfer season, it doesn't work like that boys and girls especially not now in financial crises, except for completely unrealistic teams like Real Madrid and Man City. All the top teams have had to sell before buying this transfer period, yes even Manure.

Exactly........we lost 8 million in the keane deal....8 :censored: million....
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Postby Owzat » Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:17 pm

Avi Cohen wrote:I think Benny is going to surprise us all this season.

I think he never ceases to surprise us, when we expect great things he is pants and then when expectations hit a low he is great. So on that note let's not expect too much...............................
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Postby we all dream... » Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:20 pm

I'll agree with that Owzat. Yes he is a decent squad player who battles hard and has had some good games but in terms of his average performance rating he is and average performer for us. We need to play Gerrard off Torres Kuyt right and Reira left. Mascherano sat deep with Lucas in the middle. With Voronin, N'Gog, Bable, Benayoun and ElZhar on the bench and with Aquilani to come in I think we are quite well set. If, as I will come on to, we can purchase one more attacking option, be it an attacking midfielder or second striker we would have a very good squad IMO.

I thought we would have 20 million left to spend and I hope that this may still be the case but it is looking less and less likely. To be honest though I'm not sure why I think this, I haven't heard anything form the club other than what Rafa said the other day and even that was very unclear and as cryptic as ever. I presume I have this thought that we have no money left to spend because of all of the negative vibes on here. Everyone seems to know exactly what Dick and Dom are doing with our cash and that we will not have any more money to strenghten our squad. I would like to know whether people are just presuming the worst or whether something other than what Rafa said has come out fo the club.

In terms of adding to the squad it obviously depends on how much money we have to spend.

I still hold out some hope that Rafa has some decent cash to spend and is planning on bringing in a versatile CB who will also be able to cover right back as I don't think Degan wil be able to cut it even if he is fit for long enough. I also hope he manages to ship out Dossena as Aurelio and Insua should be good enough. If this happened I would be quite content with our squad defensively.

As well as a CB we could do with another attacking option and I would love to see Silva at Anfield not only would it show that we are progressing in relations with the board (money available, confidence in Rafa and the desire to win through the WHOLE club) but it would also show our rivals our intent on the field (IMO we would be favourites for the title) and our rivals would be worried as a squad would be so strong.

Obviously that depends on whether or not these rumours are correct about our money situation and if the money we should have to spend on players has as people are speculating gone to RBS. Hopefully not, but if it is the case then we do still need that versatile CB as our cover is not good enough.
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Postby bunglemark2 » Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:28 pm

Who knows if we have the money or not....BUT, and it's a BIG BUT, if this is another case of Rafa washing his laundry in public (asking for money for transfers) instead of trying to sort this out behind closed doors, and if this leads to yet more internal bickering and tit-for-tat stupidity between him and the owners, then I say off with his head !!
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Postby The_Rock » Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:34 pm

Speaking of signing a good young CB...does anyone know about this garry kenneth ?


GARRY KENNETH (Dundee United): His surname is derived from the Gaelic word for "fire" and there is no disputing the passion which this 22-year-old brings to the party at Tannadice. As somebody who has risen through the youth development system in Raintown, Kenneth made his debut as a 17-year-old in the Scottish Cup against Queen of the South in 2005, and has shown towering qualities as a central defender for Craig Levein's side.

He was picked to represent his country as part of the under-19 squad, which reached the finals of the UEFA Championship in Poland three years ago, where the Scots nearly went all the way, losing narrowly to Spain in the final. But, despite initially struggling to break into the first team, Kenneth has grown in stature in the last 18 months and was particularly impressive against the Old Firm last season.
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Postby Liverpool442 » Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:32 pm

We need an attacking player otherwise due to Rafas defensive nature we will continue to struggle to break teams down who defend deep.
And if Torres or Gerrard get injured we would be screwed because he plays a system that totally relys on these two players.
If my opinion the signing of Silva would be fantastic as he can play anywhere across te front line or behind torres, the lad looked really good against United the other day.
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Postby JoeTerp » Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:04 pm

what can Silva bring to the team that we could not already get from Yossi or Riera? Silva may be younger and maybe one notch higher in the class bracket than Yossi, but on current form, there isn't much difference and then you would have to factor in the whole getting used to the prem thing, and the fact that we have limited resources and going after Silva would likely eat up all the remaining resources, IF we even had enough in the first place.  Blackburn, Hull, Fulham, Aston Villa, etc. we played plenty of these "tough to breakdown" teams towards the end of the season and went through them like a hot knife through butter, so I don't see where this idea of being short in the attacking player department comes from. We scored tons of goals, and had 4 solid goal threats in Torres, Gerrard, Kuyt, and Yossi, and then add in Riera (who wasn't exactly a non goal-threat) and you have 5 players easily capable of creating goals for others.

If you want to look at where we are short in attack, its in the out-and-out striker department. Right now, its just Torres and N'gog. I rate N'gog higher than most on here, but as he is so young, we probably need a more expereinced guy to be the #2. Voronin does not exactly fit the bill here, not because I don't think he is decent, but because it seems like he is more suited to sit a little deeper than lead the line.  We could also always throw Kuyt or Babel up there, but if you use Kuyt, now your making two changes when if you had a #2, you would only need to make one, and Babel is just as unproven as N'gog as a striker.

then the question of who to bring in. Well they would have to be affordable, and willing to sit on the bench more than they would run on the pitch (in a world cup year nonetheless), yet good enough to be trusted to be able to kick in a few when Torres needs a break. Cavenaghi? Fernando Llorente? Guiza? Domestic options don't look to promising, would probably be too expensive for the value, K Davies, C. Cole, D. Ashton :(   City have bought up all the strikers :laugh:  :(
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Postby GYBS » Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:08 pm

Silva is a combination of both reira and yossi and a higher standard than the pair of them - able to play wide both sides plus behind a striker and has also played up front on his own as well , has great pace , trickery and skill and able to play that delicate little ball in behind a tight defence for torres to latch onto . yossi cuts inside all the the time looking to go into the middle which looses us width - reira gives us the width but doesnt have the extra little bit of creativity - silva offers the lot .
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Postby JoeTerp » Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:28 pm

I have never seen David Silva play up front, and even if I had it would have been for a spell of under a couple of minutes because sometimes Valencia's free flowing nature just ends up with people all over the place after a sequence.  Also not too sure on how pacey he is either, not that Riera is a relative of Usain Bolt or anything, regardless, I think you would have trouble finding a lot of people also using the word "great" to describe Silva's pace.

Gerrard, Aquilani, Yossi, Pacheco (if he ever saw the field) and even Lucas are also all capable of playing those same balls into Torres.

Is he a better footballer than Yossi and Riera, probably, especially for potential, but so what? Its all about how big are these margins, and how much do we have to pay to get this much marginally better, when we have other needs.
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Postby GYBS » Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:33 pm

JoeTerp wrote:I have never seen David Silva play up front, and even if I had it would have been for a spell of under a couple of minutes because sometimes Valencia's free flowing nature just ends up with people all over the place after a sequence.  Also not too sure on how pacey he is either, not that Riera is a relative of Usain Bolt or anything, regardless, I think you would have trouble finding a lot of people also using the word "great" to describe Silva's pace.

Gerrard, Aquilani, Yossi, Pacheco (if he ever saw the field) and even Lucas are also all capable of playing those same balls into Torres.

Is he a better footballer than Yossi and Riera, probably, especially for potential, but so what? Its all about how big are these margins, and how much do we have to pay to get this much marginally better, when we have other needs.

silva had to play a whole season up front with villa when they had injury crisis - think it was the 06-07 season - same year he scored that great goal against chelsea - he is a step up from reira and yossi and that would give us better options and a different dimension and able our squad attacking wise to be a lot more stronger - we arent going to be able to spend big on a striker for him to just be back up - would have to be an up and coming youngster and what striker who needs playing time to prove himself would come to warm the bench knowing he wont ever replace torres .
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Postby Tim LFC » Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:53 pm

I don't think we have enough money for Silva. We need to strengthen up other areas. Reira is fine and should do better since he is now accustomed to the PL! Yossi and Reira offer enough creativity. We need CB i think personally. I think Lucas will be a bigger player and offer more goal threat and may even in a couple of years become into are own Silva or maybe he already will be this season who knows. I think its vitally important that we get the most out of Aquilani. If we can have Gerrard and Aquilani then that should offer enough creativity plus Riera and Kuyt penetrating on the wings with Johnson and Insua aiding them.
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