whats acceptable this season?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby RedAnt » Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:52 pm

Hustler 2 » Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:45 pm wrote:The reason I started this topic was, I was worried about us not getting 4th. If that did happen, we wont attract any top names + Suarez gone next season!

We will be going backwards, not forwards as a club.

How is that acceptable, to any fan ;)

We're on course for 4th, and currently moving forwards aren't we? Well, not forwards, but we've been stuck in 1st for a bit :)
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Postby aCe' » Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:53 pm

Ill tell you what my main gripe with Aspas is. For someone who has come in with quite a bit of expectation on his shoulder and the knowledge that he has exactly 6 games before losing his spot to Suarez, he hasn't shown the ability and more importantly belief that he has what it takes to cut it. His best attributes from what I've seen are his movement off the ball and his vision. Unfortunately, for a seemingly technical player, his first touch isnt where it needs to be especially given the league he now plays at. He seems to need that extra bit of time and space that you'd get in La Liga that you're not afforded in the premier league. Whether he adjusts to that or not remains to be seen but I think we'll have 2 central attacking spots to fill (I cant see him playing down the flank to save his life so 3 open positions -if we go 4-3-3- for him is a maximum imo) and I'd have all of Suarez, Sturridge, Coutinho, and even Moses ahead of him at present.

The thing is, I think he's very likely to improve once Suarez is back in the side. As is the case with Coutinho, Suarez will draw the defenders around the box and open up spaces for the other attacking players which should theoretically at least provide him with that extra bit of space and time to show his talent but unless we're desperate need of goals I dont see us playing all 3 + sturridge in the same lineup.
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Postby RedAnt » Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:03 pm

In my own mind I'm not seeing Aspas as a first teamed anyway. I was of the assumption he is an extra dimension. I doubt he'd dislodge any of those you mention just yet, but if he thinks he can, good luck to him. That's what we need and want. If he has the ability to back up his self belief, then we'd have a real gem. At today's prices, I think he's interested me enough so far to warrant a chance.

I liked him in preseason and thought he had some great ideas. As Ace pointed out though his first touch dosent look great. Suarez was sulking at the time and his body language towards Aspas was a tad worrying for me.

It's a potential problem this year that if Aspas and our other new boys don't do so well, Suarez might start thinking he's too good for them. With BR and the clubs dealing of the incident so far though I'm not so concerned.
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Postby Raoul » Fri Sep 13, 2013 9:16 pm

RedAnt » Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:36 pm wrote:Remember though that these games are vital to adaption. Aspas will now know he needs to toughen up, maybe even bulk up. Henderson was a complete lightweight when he joined, but he's a bit of a bruiser now. He's lost mobility for it, but much better suited to midfield now. Aspas is different. We've not really seen what he has yet. Is he clever? Quick? Should we bulk him up, or are we going for another little guy, drawing fouls all over the place.

Whichever, hopefully he'll adapt quickly and learn to use prem defenders against themselves, like Suarez and Couthino.

He looks clever, but he ain't quick and his first touch isn't great. I'm more hopeful than sure about him.
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Postby laza » Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:39 am

Easy answer for me is Progress is acceptable whether you can equate that to actual league position is bit more harder to do.
I honestly can't see why especially with recent managerial changes to main rivals why we can't be challenging in the top four. Though if fail to reach that goal I wouldn't necessarily same it was unacceptable
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Postby RedAnt » Sat Sep 14, 2013 11:27 am

I hope we put up a good fight on all fronts. I suppose at the end of the season we'll know if it was acceptable or not.

A better question would perhaps have been to ask whats unacceptable? I'm not sure BR would have excuses for finishing 7th or lower. It's a long season and good and bad luck balances out over the course of it, though it might edge one way or another. Bad luck only covers short term losses. Bad planning covers long term losses.

If I'm honest, my gut feeling tells me we've not planned that well, and sooner or later we'll be found wanting in some areas.

It's not all about the pitch though. There's a unity and spirit about us that's maybe been lacking in recent times. I can't stress how influential I feel the clubs dealing with Suarez, Wenger and the press has been on team spirit. I think too that Suarez will be very humbled by all this. He knows he's not the best. He knows that despite the media flirting, there were no real takers. He looks around at Anfield, heard the red roar, sees the team march on without him, and suddenly he sees reality again. When he returns, he will be welcome by all pitch side fans, and his team mates, and Moyes and Manure will reap what they sewed.

Arsenal are psychologically beneath us now. Miles beneath. Wenger made a fool of himself and the club. Since the press like him, they've gone easy on the humiliation, but that dosent mean we will. Bank on us to annihilate 'em home and away this season.

As for the cups, we must do better, of course. There's no reason we shouldn't be putting in a good run in both, but most important is to not go getting knocked out by Bumthistle Town or anything.

Most important this season: team spirit. On paper we're a top 6 team. With the right guidance, with the right luck at the right times, I'd not bet against us anyway.
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Postby Stu the Red » Sat Sep 14, 2013 12:58 pm

RedAnt » Sat Sep 14, 2013 11:27 am wrote:I hope we put up a good fight on all fronts. I suppose at the end of the season we'll know if it was acceptable or not.

A better question would perhaps have been to ask whats unacceptable? I'm not sure BR would have excuses for finishing 7th or lower. It's a long season and good and bad luck balances out over the course of it, though it might edge one way or another. Bad luck only covers short term losses. Bad planning covers long term losses.

If I'm honest, my gut feeling tells me we've not planned that well, and sooner or later we'll be found wanting in some areas.

It's not all about the pitch though. There's a unity and spirit about us that's maybe been lacking in recent times. I can't stress how influential I feel the clubs dealing with Suarez, Wenger and the press has been on team spirit. I think too that Suarez will be very humbled by all this. He knows he's not the best. He knows that despite the media flirting, there were no real takers. He looks around at Anfield, heard the red roar, sees the team march on without him, and suddenly he sees reality again. When he returns, he will be welcome by all pitch side fans, and his team mates, and Moyes and Manure will reap what they sewed.

Arsenal are psychologically beneath us now. Miles beneath. Wenger made a fool of himself and the club. Since the press like him, they've gone easy on the humiliation, but that dosent mean we will. Bank on us to annihilate 'em home and away this season.

As for the cups, we must do better, of course. There's no reason we shouldn't be putting in a good run in both, but most important is to not go getting knocked out by Bumthistle Town or anything.

Most important this season: team spirit. On paper we're a top 6 team. With the right guidance, with the right luck at the right times, I'd not bet against us anyway.

Fair point... Although I must admit I think you're completely barking up the wrong tree with Wenger... The fact they've finally spent money and on a world class player could mean their stadium is paid for and they are ready to start spending again and spending on big players.

Onto the positions that are unacceptable etc...

7th would be completely unacceptable and Rodgers would need a good f*cking kick up the ***** if we finish there. No excuses, that would be a shocking season.

6th could be seen as progression if its a good 6th, IE within a couple of points of a champions league place and looking like we're going to get it for at least parts of the season. If we finish 6th and at no point look like qualifying then for me that is still a complete failiure.

5th would defeniately be an improvement and for me would be encouraging because it would mean we've slightly exceeded my own expectation. I would be fairly content with a fifth place finish.

4th then I'd be pleased. The club would be back in with the elite in Europe. This for me would prove that Rodgers would be starting to grow into the job and handle pressure and expectation. It would also give him the platform to bring in some real quality. Given that opportunity though, he must deliver some.

A title challenge... can't see it, but it would be an excellent season.

If we win the title I'll do a streak through Liverpool town centre and kiss all the old grannies :D
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Postby Benny The Noon » Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:30 pm

Why are Arsenal "psychology miles behind us" ? Because we turned down their bid for Suarez ?

Well that didnt bother them as they went out and bought one of the most creative players in the world. I wouldn't bank on anything against them. Don't under estimate Wenger and Arsenal
Benny The Noon

Postby RedAnt » Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:49 pm

StuYesThatStu » Sat Sep 14, 2013 11:58 am wrote:
RedAnt » Sat Sep 14, 2013 11:27 am wrote:I hope we put up a good fight on all fronts. I suppose at the end of the season we'll know if it was acceptable or not.

A better question would perhaps have been to ask whats unacceptable? I'm not sure BR would have excuses for finishing 7th or lower. It's a long season and good and bad luck balances out over the course of it, though it might edge one way or another. Bad luck only covers short term losses. Bad planning covers long term losses.

If I'm honest, my gut feeling tells me we've not planned that well, and sooner or later we'll be found wanting in some areas.

It's not all about the pitch though. There's a unity and spirit about us that's maybe been lacking in recent times. I can't stress how influential I feel the clubs dealing with Suarez, Wenger and the press has been on team spirit. I think too that Suarez will be very humbled by all this. He knows he's not the best. He knows that despite the media flirting, there were no real takers. He looks around at Anfield, heard the red roar, sees the team march on without him, and suddenly he sees reality again. When he returns, he will be welcome by all pitch side fans, and his team mates, and Moyes and Manure will reap what they sewed.

Arsenal are psychologically beneath us now. Miles beneath. Wenger made a fool of himself and the club. Since the press like him, they've gone easy on the humiliation, but that dosent mean we will. Bank on us to annihilate 'em home and away this season.

As for the cups, we must do better, of course. There's no reason we shouldn't be putting in a good run in both, but most important is to not go getting knocked out by Bumthistle Town or anything.

Most important this season: team spirit. On paper we're a top 6 team. With the right guidance, with the right luck at the right times, I'd not bet against us anyway.

Fair point... Although I must admit I think you're completely barking up the wrong tree with Wenger... The fact they've finally spent money and on a world class player could mean their stadium is paid for and they are ready to start spending again and spending on big players.

Onto the positions that are unacceptable etc...

7th would be completely unacceptable and Rodgers would need a good f*cking kick up the ***** if we finish there. No excuses, that would be a shocking season.

6th could be seen as progression if its a good 6th, IE within a couple of points of a champions league place and looking like we're going to get it for at least parts of the season. If we finish 6th and at no point look like qualifying then for me that is still a complete failiure.

5th would defeniately be an improvement and for me would be encouraging because it would mean we've slightly exceeded my own expectation. I would be fairly content with a fifth place finish.

4th then I'd be pleased. The club would be back in with the elite in Europe. This for me would prove that Rodgers would be starting to grow into the job and handle pressure and expectation. It would also give him the platform to bring in some real quality. Given that opportunity though, he must deliver some.

A title challenge... can't see it, but it would be an excellent season.

If we win the title I'll do a streak through Liverpool town centre and kiss all the old grannies :D

Ahh, Friday nights, grab-a-granny night.

Not sure about Arsenal. The new lad might take a while to find his feet. The PL ain't Spain. How long did he play in Germany for?
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Postby Benny The Noon » Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:54 pm

Played in Germany for 4 years before going to Spain.

Ozil will settle - he is that talented.
Benny The Noon

Postby RedAnt » Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:56 pm

Benny The Noon » Sat Sep 14, 2013 12:30 pm wrote:Why are Arsenal "psychology miles behind us" ? Because we turned down their bid for Suarez ?

Well that didnt bother them as they went out and bought one of the most creative players in the world. I wouldn't bank on anything against them. Don't under estimate Wenger and Arsenal

Wenger lost a lot of cred for his part in things and came away having gained nothing. Either he was in on the ground floor with all this contracts and clause malarkey, or he was strung along by greater powers in order to engineer a more lucrative and desirable move. Either way it won't sit well with the fans. That sends waves worldwide now, such is the power of the media. That in turn reflects onto the field itself and to the fans.

Anyway it's dressed up, we owned them over the summer. They know it. We know it. And our lil Suarez knows it.
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Postby Stu the Red » Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:58 pm

Benny The Noon » Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:54 pm wrote:Played in Germany for 4 years before going to Spain.

Ozil will settle - he is that talented.


I believe Ozil will be one of the players of the season. Fabulous player.
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Postby Benny The Noon » Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:02 pm

Then they went out and bought Ozil and forgot about Suarez

They made a bid for him then made another on the basis of Suarez agent and it was rejected.

Worldwide ?! Really ? As soon as they bought Ozil that is all they talk about now - not what went on with Suarez. When was the last time the media said anything about Arsenals bid for Suarez

Suarez is the one that came out looking bad. Wenger won't care , when they carry on winning Arsenal fans won't care because Ozil will prove to be a quality buy for them.
Benny The Noon

Postby Benny The Noon » Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:12 pm

StuYesThatStu » Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:58 pm wrote:
Benny The Noon » Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:54 pm wrote:Played in Germany for 4 years before going to Spain.

Ozil will settle - he is that talented.


I believe Ozil will be one of the players of the season. Fabulous player.

First game , first 10 mins and he creates his first goal already
Benny The Noon

Postby Hustler 2 » Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:09 pm

StuYesThatStu » Sat Sep 14, 2013 12:58 pm wrote:
If we win the title I'll do a streak through Liverpool town centre and kiss all the old grannies :D

A normal saturday night for you then :)
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