What It Really Means - To Support From Outside Liverpool

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby parchpea » Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:54 pm

I live outside Liverpool but my old man took me to me first game at Anfield in 1980 where I stood at eye level with the pitch right behind the goal in the Kop End.

We made regular trips for years watching the great Liverpool teams either by a national express bus which took 3 hours and later on we started running minbus trips.

As I have got older it has been more difficut to attend games and frankly it was easier back in the day than in the modern era.

Though my love for Liverpool has never slipped I did start an interest in my home town team Fleetwood around 12 years ago and got involved with the rebirth of the club which has turned into an incredible journey in itself and very rewarding.
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Postby babu » Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:05 pm

The Manhattan Project wrote:Manhattan has never been to a LFC game, and isn't Scouse, but is still a LFC fan.

I consider myself a space buff, despite never actually visiting space.

From 1992-2001 we won nothing but a Milk Cup.

If Manhattan was a glory hunter, he would have abandoned LFC then and became a Manure fan. But he didn't.

Bloody hell, even the new forum recognizes Manhattan. Look at his location.

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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:40 pm

Been travelling up to Anfield to watch Liverpool play for the last 10 years. Some seasons I get to a game once a month, other seasons I'm lucky to see them 3 times. All work and family dependant.

Any game I can't watch live I will watch on TV or stream on the laptop. I can't record a game and watch it back, you know avoid the score all day and watch it as if it was live. The thought of sitting through a defeat knowing I could avoid it is unbearable.
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Postby RedSi35 » Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:48 pm

Being born in the south-east 1973, my mum supports man utd ( george best lover ) and dad supports Spurs.

For some reason i spent a large portion of my youth following Tranmere Rovers as my neighbour and his son were die hard fans. In 84 he got tickets to the milk cup final between liverpool and everton zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 0-0 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and i have followed liverpool since. Been to most of the Wembley finals, except 89 as my mum was too petrified to let me go ( obvious reasons ).

Since the family came along ( 4 kids, mortgage, dog, cat, diy, work ) i dont get to many games now, maybe 1 or 2 a season if i can. But i follow every game online ( thankyou internet ) or on the TV.

Dont give a f*ck about being an "oot". Just because im not from liverpool and dont hold a season ticket does not mean i dont love the club as much.
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Postby ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:54 am

i think over the years there has been a definate sea change in terms of attitude towards oot fans.
in the 70`s on the kop `wools` often got the pi$$ taken out of them, they were seen as outsiders and gloryhunters who`d soon f##k off once the trophys dried up.
liverpool is quite a clannish city and there`s a lot of emphasis placed on being loyal and loyalty in general, thats why bill shankly`s philosophy resonated so much within the city.
i think people from this city have been surprised over the years at the loyalty shown not just to the club but to the city in general by oot fans, liverpool havent been the dominant club in this country for nearly quarter of a century but those wools who had the ***** taken out of them in the 70`s didnt f##k off once the trophies dried up, quite the opposite in fact.
locals arent bothered these days were you come from, i think more a much more important factor is if you buy into the ethos of the club.
most people from liverpool these days are proud that people from all over the world have such an attachment to one of our football teams, liverpool isnt a capital city like london or madrid, it isnt a capital of style like paris or milan, it wasnt a hub of civilisation like rome, athens or istanbul, all of those great cities are home to great football clubs who fans could easily choose to support instead of LFC, liverpool is just a gritty little seaport on the irish sea with a rather inflated opinion of itself and the fact that millions of people from all 4 corners of the globe support the football club that bears its name is a source of great pride these days not embaressment.
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Postby friendlyguy33 » Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:47 pm

I like the thread Dawson99. I don't live in Liverpool but I've been supporting the team since about 84. I think it was the League Cup win over Everton that year and beating Roma on penalties in their own ground that got me to fall in love with LFC and the rest is history. I did get stick for it at school right up to 16 but I didn't care and I don't today.

I also had a Crown Paints shirt and I had the Candy shirt in the late 80s when the sponsors changed. I think it's great that we are a global club and we've got so many fans around the world including I believe the tennis player Caroline Wozniacki.
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Postby ethanr » Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:00 pm

Great topic here.  I hadn't seen this until now and I've gone back and read everybody's post.  Great stuff.

I've been a Liverpool fan for about 5 years now.  I'm from the U.S., and like others have said it's not exactly the best place to grow up watching football.  A few years ago it was nowhere.  It's grown immensely these past few years, but it still sits well below the radar compared to the other sports.  I played, but never watched until a guy moved here who was a man u fan.  I started watching with him all the time, and he tried to get me to be a man u supporter for months.  As weird as it sounds, something just felt wrong about it.  I didn't like them, and I always just had this feeling like there was something wrong with them.  I loved watching Stevie play tho.  Something about him just amazed me.  I don't know what it was, but something about him just made me love the game that much more.  Because of Stevie, I became a Liverpool fan.  I liked Liverpool because at the time we weren't challenging for much.  It would mean a lot more for Liverpool to win the league or cups, and I loved the way the club carried themselves.  They were different, and I couldn't explain it, but I loved it.  So began a long relationship between LFC and myself.

I watch every single game.  Maybe half the games are on tv, so I watch garbage Internet feeds (tho every once in a  while I find a good one).  If I have to miss a game, I literally have my phone out the entire time watching the game cast on soccernet.  A couple months ago I was in a college class taking a massive test, and it was the same time as our CC match against Stoke, so I was watching it on the computer during the test.  My professor walked over and looked at me with an "are you f*cking kidding me?" look.  He then asked if I liked soccer, and when I said yes he just started laughing and walked away.  People don't understand the relationship you can have with your club.  People don't understand why I wake up at 4 i the morning to watch a game, or why I refuse to make plans when a Liverpool game is on, or why I refuse to go out the night before an early morning Liverpool game.  They tell me to record it, but they don't understand that you can't watch the game as a replay.  WHen you watch it live, it's almost like your belief and will can help push your club on to help them win.  I used to watch baseball, basketball, hockey, American football, every sport.  But now that I've found LFC nothing gets me excited like football.  I can't sleep at night before games in excitement.  I don't care we've been so bad, it just means that every time we lift a trophy it means so much more.

People see me in Liverpool kits, and often English people will come up to me and ask if I'm scouse.  When I say no they just walk away in disgust like I'm nothing.  At first I didn't know what to do, but now I will literally chase them down to talk to them and prove that I know what I'm talking about.  Liverpool fans are the best in the world, and I feel our club is so much different than any other.  I love running into Liverpool fans and talking to them.  I've never been to Anfield, but I will make it some day.  If we start building a new stadium I'll make sure to head to Liverpool before our final game at Anfield.
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Postby red till i die!! » Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:53 pm

my father is a liverpool fan and thats how i got to be sucked into the whole supporting thing.
i was brought to a game against brighton back when i was 7 and since then i was hooked.yeah sure it was easy till the end of the eighties but have been following them passionately ever since.
im irish and its costly travelling over for games but if i lived in england i would be a season ticket holder without a doubt,but as im not i make do with a trip every now and again.married now with a family and its tougher to find the time and extra cash to splash on my vice and its something that i really miss.
my best games that ive gone to was the defeat by barca in the cl back in 01 and didnt matter one bit as the cream of the worlds talent was playing that night.they kept the ball so well that we were applauding every pass they made.thought we had it after owen put us 1 up too but nonetheless it was a great game.
the last game i went too was city last year when carroll netted his first 2 goals for us and we were rampant.two things about that night made it for me and they were getting to watch kenny dalglish standing on the sideline and it was the first time id watched a game from the kop.it was brilliant passing the flags and banners over heads along with the craic and banter that you dont really get in other parts of the ground.
although i dont get over as often as i like, i do watch every game live and its rare that i miss one so i dont think it matters whether you are from liverpool or montevideo but the fact that you take pleasure and enjoyment from watching something that you love is what makes us fans and the fact that its liverpool f.c is whats makes it special.
ive been a red since i was born and as my name says i will be red till i die!!
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Postby valo26 » Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:01 pm

alot of good comments on here. i'm blackpool born and bread. when i was growing up NOBODY supported blackpool where i went to school. only now do the 'life long fans' seem to be popping up for some reason. i've been goin to liverpool on the train for about 15 years. been on the season ticket waitin list for nearly as long. my dad's had a season ticket for a loooong time. he's been goin 30 odd years. there's been many times i've questioned my loyalties to this great club after being given the verbals by 'proper fans' as they call themselves, just because of the accent. even at half time during our recent cup win some 'proper fan' decided it was the 'wooly's' fault we were losing. i spend fortunes on the club in merchandise and tickets. i've followed them all over england and back. at the end of the day, everyones free to make their own decisions in life. my dad took me to anfield. my dad took me to bloomfield road. his only house rule ever being, 'you can come home and tell me your gay, but if you come home and tell me your a manc, your out the f**kin door!'. my first trip to anfield sealed it. everythin about it told me i needed to go back...
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Postby spiceboys2014 » Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:57 pm

Interesting post.

What you asking all of the forum users in here for!

All footy supporters in liverpool support Everton dont they, the "peoples" club. I didnt even know there was any Lfc fans in that city, as we are all from denmark. Lol

News to me. Where is liverpool anywayz!??
Last edited by spiceboys2014 on Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby spiceboys2014 » Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:12 pm

dawson99 wrote:
I'm from London, born and bred,


Everytime I ever go to london and talk to people and ask them who there team is, I say is it spurs, arsenal west ham etc they always say "No... Man Utd" !! They are all armchair mancs in old London town
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Postby Ian Rush's Right foot » Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:46 am

It was the summer of 1987, I was 6 years old.

Up until then I had always kicked a ball around but knew hardly anything of the game, I was hanging around with some older cousins who were all wearing red shirts they told me that I could be in their team playing against other kids in the street, we were to be called Liverpool, while the other team were Arsenal.

My oldest cousin was about 10 and throughout the summer he boasted to be as good as a player called Ian Rush, and would often pretend to be him.

I remember staying over at their house and watching a programme late at night, (it was the first game of the 87-88 season) we were singing about Barnes and Beardsley the whole night after both scored on their debut in a win against Arsenal.

Throughout the next 25 years Liverpool FC soon became an obsession for me,

I grew up in Bradford most of my friends where either Bradford or Leeds fans, and at times it was hard.

However I remember dancing for joy when we beat Everton in the FA cup final

And I cried for the first time because of LFC but not the last when Mickey Thomas won the league for Arsenal

Being so young the Hillsborough disaster was quite hard to fathom, only being a few years after the Bradford City fire I had other kids at school abusing me for supporting Liverpool . This is when I realised being a supporter of Liverpool was different than following any other team in the world. It came from the heart.

Even though I’m not a true Scouser I believe Liverpool Foot ball Club is in my blood and has been for over 25 years. My general mood is dictated by how well we’re playing.

I have a huge liverbird tattoo on my torso, and even though as i have lived in London for the last 10 years and only get to Anfield a few times a season, the feeling i have when standing on the Kop is amazing.

I have a 7 year old son who, was born and bread here in London, however my passion rubs off on him and he's also falling in love with the greatest football team in the world



....I'm the bee's knee, his legs and his arms.....
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Postby Johnny Boy » Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:57 pm

I started supporting Liverpool from a very young age, basically copied off my cousin.

Though I don't live on Merseyside, I was born in Fleetwood, Lancashire and currently live in Thornton-Cleveleys ( a few miles up the road from Blackpool).
I did used to go and watch Blackpool play when Alan Ball was manager but was always a red at heart.
I got a season ticket in 1983 and have had ever since, Kemlyn of old or Lower Centenary now.

For many years I went every week, home and away but once I got married over 20 years ago I just stuck to the home games.
My son being autistic also means I don't generally bother with any away matches now.

I do go and watch Fleetwood my home town team now and again, they are actually doing brilliant at the moment and are top of the Blue Square
Premier and hopefully in the football league next season.
Not long ago they were playing pub teams, now they are up against the likes of Luton Town.
They play in Red which is nice, but in Arsenal's colours - oh well you can't win them all.

Liverpool have always had good support from outside Merseyside, to be honest nearly everyone sat around me at the game is a local, but they
know me well having sat with some of them for over 25 years. I don't feel any different to them in anyway and are just as fanatical about
the team as they are.
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Postby akumaface » Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:06 pm

This is a great thread. I'm actually from Hong Kong, studied abroad in Toronto Canada and then return to live and work in HK now. English football was and still is the number one football league that people follow around here. As you might all know Hong Kong was a colony of Britain. A lot of the pass time like football was brought in by the British. I started playing football when I was small and I was really fascinated by Ian Rush, Daglish and the great team we had back then. At the time, language was a barrier to me as I didn't really remember all the other names in English since the commenting was in Chinese. Anyway, Man U, Arsenal were also followed by many but somehow, it was Liverpool that i fell in love with. It was like love at first sight i suppose haha. I followed LFC for maybe 4 or 5 years before I went to Toronto for 10 years. Didn't follow LFC that much then as I had certainly missed a lot of the glories. But by the time I returned to HK, started following again ever since for 13 years. So, when i got married 5 years ago, I told my wife I must visit Anfield at least once in a lifetime. So, i got the tickets through the help of the HK fan club and went to see Anfield for the first time. It was a memorable experience when i first walk through the entrance and then saw Anfield. It was unbelievable as the "Wow" factor came in. It was so compact and not big by any means. As Anfield started filling in with people, you heard the noise, the signing and the team warming up. Just can't describe it. I remember it was on Dec 23rd 2006 where we were playing Watford that day. The experience with all the fans singing YNWA together was something you could not experience anywhere else but Anfield. The only complain i had was the hotdog sucks outside of the gate haha. After the game, it was so difficult to find my way back to the hotel. Just could not get a taxi. Anyway, by the time i got back to the hotel, it was closed for Xmas. I was so shocked and fortunate that I had already checked out and had put everything in the car. Otherwise, i would be stuck and probably would have ruined my Xmas. No one from the Hotel told me they were going to be closed.....didnt really had time to do this kind of trip again since but when LFC visited HK, i went everytime. One time I was lucky to got a hold of some tickets arranged by Adidas during one of their closed door practice and was finally able to see the team up close. I got Xabi signed my jersey as i was wearing no 14 that day. I also go to take some picture and autograph from Gerrard, Agger, Reina and Rafa. I watched the game now whenever I can manage and believe me, it is not fun sometimes especially when we lose a game, i would be down for couple of days. I guess the more emotinally you get tied up to the team really show how much you care for them. I'm only a few LFC fan among my friends as 95% are Man U, Chelsea and Arsenal fan. Always got outnumbered when watching them go head to head but we are who we are. I'm a LFC fan for life and good to share with others that we would never have a chance to meet if we are not LFC fan. YNWA!
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Postby brentd4 » Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:27 pm

i live in northern ireland, but have supported liverpool since i can remember...

the question why don't you follow your local team comes up any time i talk to people from england, scotla nd etc, but the standard of football here is awful and i physically can't stand to watch it so thats that out the window.

also to live in liverpool would actually be amazing as you have he ability to get to a lot of games,
getting tickets and cheap flights over to games is difficult here.

although i try to get to as many as possible, i actually got to the merseyside derby few games back there, and can i say i have hit a peak,,, can't see any other game i get too, ever beating that one.  sat front row of the kop and the noise coming past me was electrifying.

anyway, i was just wanting to point out that people living outside liverpool can be as hardcore a fan as any living in the city.

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