What happened to the Boot Room ?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby woof woof ! » Fri May 10, 2024 3:33 pm

I'm want to be fair to the incoming "coach" (Slott) and just say I'd never heard of him and know fk all about him, and of course I wish him all the best.
BUT  ! what I really want to say is What happened to the "boot room" tradition ?

Jurgen changed so many things for our club and I honestly believe that Pep Lindjers given his time at the club and tutelage under Jurgen would have been a brilliant successor.
I'm scratching my head here , was Lindjers ever offered the chance or even considered as a prospect to take over from Jurgen ?

I wish the new "coach" all the best in what's to come but can't help but thinking Pep Lindjers is/was more capable of filling in after Jurgens departure and would have given us a more stable platform to work from after a massive managerial change.

What's your thoughts lads ?

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Postby damjan193 » Fri May 10, 2024 4:23 pm

Everyone leaving down to the tea lady is an obvious sign that something more was going on than just Klopp being tired. With that happening I doubt Lindjers was even considered by the club or if he had considered it himself. Succession was probably not on the cards at all because of these developments. The whole boot room simply left for unknown reasons.
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Postby kazza » Fri May 10, 2024 8:09 pm

Lindjers leaving is certainly strange. Even in that interview he was talking about the chance to manage and that is why his leaving. Everyone leaving will definitely cause a big upheaval and wouldn’t be the smart move so certainly it’s a forced move. Slot seems like his own man much like Klopp is and he will want his own people but surely some of the current coaches are good enough to continue. The thing is it’s not just Klopp being loved by the players but his coaches are as well, all those relationships which are founded on trust will go and new relationships with new coaches have to be forged. The lack of continuity is alarming and I hope the new energy the new coach will bring will be enough to overshadow that.

Cannot wait to read whoever will write the tell-all book that will explain to me what this whole thing was about.
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Postby damjan193 » Fri May 10, 2024 8:18 pm

Julian Ward is coming back as well apparently. Maybe the analytical staff and coaching staff didn't really see eye to eye.
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Postby kazza » Sat May 11, 2024 1:54 pm

Michael Edwards - CEO of Football
Arne Slot - Head Coach
Julian Ward - Technical Director
Richard Hughes - Sporting Director
Mark Burchill - Chief Scout
Pedro Marques - Director of Football Development

A completely new era.

It will be very interesting to know out of the players that we bought in Klopp”s time, how many were his choice and how many were bought by committee. I’d like to know who should get credit for the great buys we had along the journey. We have all put Klopp on a pedestal but I’d like to know if he really did have a great eye.
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Postby electrum » Sun May 12, 2024 3:40 pm

I think the more important question is - did he significantly improve the vast majority of players that were bought, whether they were his first choice or not...

The answer to that is obvious...
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Postby kazza » Sun May 12, 2024 8:10 pm

electrum » Sun May 12, 2024 2:40 pm wrote:I think the more important question is - did he significantly improve the vast majority of players that were bought, whether they were his first choice or not...

The answer to that is obvious...

Absolutely. I’m just clinging on to the hope that the best players we got were Edward’s and Ward’s first choice and that we continue on that path with the hope that Slot will improve them also.

As for Klopp…. he is leaving us. Not one of us would have asked for him to leave yet he decided to leave, it’s a rejection of the club. His single decision affected all of us. I get he was tired and all that but the probability is he will go on to manage, which means he was tired of us. I’m not emotional about it, I respect what he did for the club and the joy he brought us but he is leaving by choice and we shouldn’t overly romanticize his love for the club. I have no doubt he will always support Liverpool and wish us well but he may meet us one day and unlike Rafa he left by choice. He did not honor his contract with us and as fond as we are of him we cannot candy coat that. I’m not angry, I’m just trying to see it without emotion. Usually when our manager leaves most want him to leave, except for shanks and Paisely, even Rafa to an extent and now Klopp. Klopp was probably the only one that chose to leave that was not retiring. For us Klopp is a once a generation manager and you don’t normally get two of them in a row, but you never know.

As someone said, “the king is dead, long live the king”
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Postby Reg » Mon May 13, 2024 10:25 am

kazza » Sat May 11, 2024 8:54 pm wrote:Michael Edwards - CEO of Football
Arne Slot - Head Coach
Julian Ward - Technical Director
Richard Hughes - Sporting Director
Mark Burchill - Chief Scout
Pedro Marques - Director of Football Development

My view: FSG making a massive commitment to football talking about buying a feeder club, possibly in Portugal so a new structure based in Liverpool but a global management team:

FSG: Michael Edwards - CEO of GLOBAL Football and boss of LFC
FSG: Julian Ward - GLOBAL Technical Director and LFC
FSG: Richard Hughes - GLOBAL Sporting Director and LFC
Pedro Marques - FSG: Director of GLOBAL Football Development

Arne Slot - LFC Head Coach.
Mark Burchill - Chief Scout probably expanded to run a more european role to cover the expected new club?

In short, with a more rigorous structure, LFC now becomes part of a bigger jigsaw and the wider strategy that'll be passed to the manager to execute. That's what Jurgen couldn't handle, that they wanted to limit his influence to coaching. In corporate parlance, LFC is being institutionalised. Slot will coordinate his 'needs' on an ongoing basis and the structure will provide the solution. The days of Clough, Ferguson, Klopp etc.. are coming to an end, there's too much money involved and Man U are a perfect example of how a club run by clowns and managed by clowns wasted hundreds of millions. Edwards is a suit, so is Ward. Slot is the front man with the fans and media but in reality he'll be a small part of a much bigger machine.

But Woof - I agree mate, the lack of succession is on a par with Ferguson walking away from United which's led to 11 years so far and probably another 5 years in the wilderness. How could FSG be so blind?
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Postby Reg » Tue May 14, 2024 12:10 pm

Been discussing with some mates last night and again this morning. There's something very strange going on at Anfield, like something that's ripping the club apart. More coaches announced their departure today, the world is seemingly imploding on Klopp and there's nothing FSG nor Edwards can do about it. Have the coaches affected the players or visa versa, there's something going on in the background we don't know about and it's consuming the structure of the club. You kinda get the idea it's snowballing. Very worrying.
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Postby kazza » Tue May 14, 2024 7:57 pm

I don’t think Klopp telling us he was leaving when he did helped us. Obviously there was an initial buzz and the team showed it but it could not be sustained for so long. That type of event would be like a shot of nitrous oxide, gives a boost initially but then fades later on and that is what happened to us. I can see Klopp keeping the buzz going but the players certainly would not, not the rest of the season anyway, all it did for them was to add uncertainty. He should have told the owners and announced it at the tail end of the season when the players needed that buzz. I think he showed loyalty to the players rather than the fans, I could be wrong.

It seems clear that a lot has happened behind the scenes and no doubt one day we will find out. Once he announced he was leaving he became dead man walking to the owners and you would think that the relationship would always be problematic. Strange that all the coaches are leaving in a show of unity, as if Klopp was somehow hard done by. As long as Klopp and all his coaches remain at the club before the handover you would think it will remain tense.

As Reg said, it’s probably about structure and Klopp was having none of it. The new guy will play ball at least initially and as long as it’s a winning formula. The owners better be right about this because there would be Al almighty backlash if we don’t do well next year.
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Postby ycsatbjywtbiastkamb » Wed May 15, 2024 8:42 am

Something has deffo gone on, the mass resignation of all the coaching staff looks like an act of solidarity to me. If that indeed is the case then I wouldn’t be surprised to see some players go as well given how they’ve all spoke about how fond they are of Jurgen and how much they owe him in the past. This type and scale of upheaval is almost unprecedented, we are basically going to be rebuilding from scratch, like it’s 1892 again. I’ll be astonished if we achieve anything next season.
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Postby red till i die!! » Fri May 17, 2024 12:40 pm

It's the club that's doing it Yakka. It makes sense that klopps staff go with him but not the FSG appointments. I think they want to rip it all up and start again from scratch. Full circle again if you like.
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Postby Reg » Fri May 17, 2024 3:22 pm

Explain again why you'd willingly break up a management team that's learnt how to create the mojo needed to win the league and champions league just so you can start again?
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Postby damjan193 » Fri May 17, 2024 3:32 pm

Yeah I doubt it's the owners' decision, most of the staff that are leaving aren't even Klopp's, some of them were here even much longer than him. It's a proper mess that will be very difficult to fix.
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