Voronin>>>>>>>kuyt - Discuss

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Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:33 am

well lets look at the evidence this season. i know most of you will realise by now that i am not a lover of kuyt, for me he just isn't good enough and no amount of hard work will push him that extra yard.

anyway we have another thread about kuyt and crouch, lets have one about kuyt and voronin.

starts:     2
Goals:      2
People injured in row z with wayward shots:   0

starts: 2/ 3, i dont remember if he started against tolouse
Goals:  0
People injured in row z with wayward shots: 7 plus one puppy

voronin free
kuyt 10 million quid

you do the maths


ok some of the above is tongue in cheek, but can anyone really say that kuyt brings more to the table than voronin, he is a forward who doesnt seem to be able to hit the target enough, way too often he is off target.

Postby Forever_Red » Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:38 am

most of you will realise by now that i am not a lover of kuyt

yep, I've noticed this :D

mmm there's a good point there however it is very early on to criticise Kuyt based on those statistics alone

If Kuyt injures Mancs is that ok? :p
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:42 am

i know mate, the statistics are tongue in cheek, i appreciate there is much more i could have put if i was being serious

but i do feel kuyt is not the man for us, and maybe its time that crouch or voronin was paired with torres, we managed to see voronin and torres together on saturday and i think the complemented each other well

just wondering other thoughts on this

Postby babu » Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:47 am

too early to tell.

But securing the voronator for free seems like a terrific bit of business from Rafa.

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Postby Forever_Red » Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:52 am

Torres and Voronin do look like they could be ther better pairing of the two I have to agree PeeWee
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Postby MightyLFC » Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:57 am

Its to early to decide
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Postby Forever_Red » Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:59 am

In the thread Newkit Opta Index forum members were asked to choose one playerand follow them through the season, maybe the two who chose voronin and kuyt could help out here  ???
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Postby Lucky » Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:03 am

I am not good at analyse the technical characters of players, or such kind of things, but i was always wondering before Saturday's game, what could be like if pairing Torres and Voronin up front? And very happy to see it works, very well.
No offence to Kuyt, but Torres & Voronin partner does look much more threatening and goal-promising than Torres & Kuyt partner.
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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:09 am

kuyt runs around like a headless chicken as ive said many times and no matter how many balls and how much ground he covers, i want him to score. just score goals to shut me up. i like voronin's style he uses his brains and knows where the goal is. kuyt just runs his lungs out and isnt as good as voronin in things like positioning, finishing. and he says he wants to emulate Robbie Fowler. :angry:

how dare he suggests such a thing! im disgusted. every time i see his name on the team sheet i feel as if i had sex without an orgasm.
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Postby shades » Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:29 am

I'm not a fan of kuyt either and even though he's a hardworker but judging from the Sunderland match, more voronin and torres partnership please! :D
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Postby Rafa D » Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:42 am

Scores a couple of goals, and he's now flavour of the month.

I don't doubt that Voronin has ability and can do extremely well for us. He has proved that he is more than capable of playing well for us in his relatively short time here, and the 2 goals are a nice added bonus. However the sudden bias against Kuyt now, because Voronin's scored twice is laughable.

I remember when we announced we signed Voronin people were saying it was a bad transfer etc, I didn't but I won't be saying he's a better option than Kuyt now after 4 games into the season.

Kuyt is a very accomplished footballer in my eyes. He's not just a "workhorse" as some have suggested. He always finds space off the ball, is good at linking up the play, he can actually pass the ball very very well and his work ethic means the opposition ALWAYS have something to deal with. The only slight knock in his game is that he is having trouble emulating his scoring record from Holland. I have no doubt that will come. 

People's views change like the wind here.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:55 am

my view has never changed mate, i also said last season that kuyt isnt good enough

Postby Scottbot » Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:55 am

It's also too early for me to have a rock solid opinion on this one. Voronin has made a cracking start to the season, he's quick,  physical, quite clever on the ball and more surprisingly, and contrary to his previous scoring record, he knows where the net is.  However, I wouldn't get too carried away just yet, he might not score for another 20 games in which case the same criticisms levelled at Kuyt will be fired at Voronin. As for Kuyt, I've not been his biggest fan but he has looked sharp so far this season. He looks  like he's gained a step and he will benefit from the extra space afforded to him with Torres in the side.
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Postby HacksawJimDuggin » Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:14 am

I think some of you are being a little harsh on Kuyt here. I am a liker of kuyt and I think he brings a lot to the team. I think what is evident is both he and Voronin can play with Torres (who has done nothing but impress me since his arrival). Kuyt and Torres looked sharp against Villa and Voronin and Torres looked good against Sunderland. That, to me, is GREAT news and something we've not had before.

Voronin may be scoring a couple of goals at the minute but over the course of the season Kuyt will also chip in with his fair share.

The missing link here is Crouch. I don't know where he fits in. He may start tomorrow night vs Toulouse seen as he never travelled at the weekend. If he doesnt play regular then, with his England aspirations quite rightly high, he'll no doubt seek a move. We would have no problem selling him.
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Postby bigmick » Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:21 am

Well I know it's early but feck it lets have a go  :D 

Firstly it is fairly obvious that those who sneered at the signing of Voronin were laughably wide of the mark. I'd never heard of him to be honest never mind seen him play but it is patently obvious within a couple of minutes of him being involved in a game of football that he is a good player. Quite why he apparently didn't ever shine in his previous environment is a complete mystery to me because he is a very talented footballer.

He is built like a brick sh!thouse and looks a bit like a pikey roofer, but he posesses a sureness of touch and a delicacy of control which belies his stature. Many will laugh but not since Cantona has a players game been totally at odds with his brickie exterior. I think I'm right in saying that his excellent goal at Toulouse was hit with the left foot, while he checked back in to hit it with his right on Saturday. He seems willing to breeze past a defender on either side and while not exactly being Luis Garcia, seems to have a decent spring and heading ability.

He really ought to have scored earlier than he did, firstly when he got onto the back pass (showing excellent "game inrtelligence" to quote Rafa) and particularly in the second half when he hit the keeper from the pull back with the goal gaping. This chance more than anything else indicated that he would probably score regularly given a run, because as I always go on about he gets himself open in the box. If you watch him there are many occasions where if the ball bounces near him he will be in a position to score a goal. Neither Kuyt nor Crouch do this often enough for me (for that matter neither does Torres but he can sparkle past people and create his own openings).

His lay-off to Sissoko for the first goal was absolutely perfect. There is more to laying it back for a bloke to hit it than just passing it to him, the ball to Sissoko was measured, rolled, and crucially was rolled onto his right peg so he could hit it without breaking stride. He made a complete nonsense of trying to play Torres in towards the end of the game but no matter, the bloke can play and he's a brilliant aquisition ona  free.

Would I play him in front of Kuyt? Not yet. The Dutchman deserves a run of a dozen games or so to find his feet and do the business. Also, I feel we may get more longevity out of Torres if he has Kuyt alongside him doing his donkey work. Such has been the young Spaniards impact that my suspicion is that whichever of our wide players and front men best gel with him will be the ones who make the most appearances. Kuyt hasn't started badly, and despite Voronin's eyecatching displays the Dutchman is entitled to get a decent go.
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