Voronin>>>>>>>kuyt - Discuss

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Postby destro » Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:54 am

bigmick wrote:He is built like a brick sh!thouse and looks a bit like a pikey roofer.

I think I'm right in saying that his excellent goal at Toulouse was hit with the left foot, while he checked back in to hit it with his right on Saturday. He seems willing to breeze past a defender on either side and while not exactly being Luis Garcia, seems to have a decent spring and heading ability.

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Both goals struck with his Right foot Mick, but he has shown abilty to strike equally well with either foot, i think his early chance was on his left.

I liked him from the first couple of minutes I saw him play for us, he is quick and has an eye for goal as we have already seen, I said in another thread that given the games I think he will out score Torres this season, and could turn out to be the signing of the season and he has so far not shown me anything to believe otherwise.
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Postby RedBlood » Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:30 pm

why make a choice?? we have them both
and why turn voronin's good start to the season into a negative when you use it to make another player look bad
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Postby Sean » Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:42 pm

I reckon Voronin is the new Titi Camara !!!
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Postby destro » Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:47 pm

IMO My post is not intended to make anyone look bad, nor does it ? I am saying that he seems to have settled in quicker after only a couple of games, I think it will take Torres longer to adapt and that next season he will be a better player for it IMO. It is not negative BOTH were guilty of poor finishing ( good keeping ) which ever way you want to put it, but I am not basing my opinon on the Sunderland game, and as for making a choice I have said already my first choice front two would be Torres and Voronin, if Torres scores more great, equally so if Voronin does, if they both get the same ammount  then even better, as long as we end up Champions I really wont care.
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Postby maguskwt » Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:03 pm

Rafa-Dodd wrote:Scores a couple of goals, and he's now flavour of the month.

I don't doubt that Voronin has ability and can do extremely well for us. He has proved that he is more than capable of playing well for us in his relatively short time here, and the 2 goals are a nice added bonus. However the sudden bias against Kuyt now, because Voronin's scored twice is laughable.

I remember when we announced we signed Voronin people were saying it was a bad transfer etc, I didn't but I won't be saying he's a better option than Kuyt now after 4 games into the season.

Kuyt is a very accomplished footballer in my eyes. He's not just a "workhorse" as some have suggested. He always finds space off the ball, is good at linking up the play, he can actually pass the ball very very well and his work ethic means the opposition ALWAYS have something to deal with. The only slight knock in his game is that he is having trouble emulating his scoring record from Holland. I have no doubt that will come. 

People's views change like the wind here.

agree with rafa dodd more or less...

"kuyt runs around like a headless chicken..."

I don't think so maypaxvobiscum... someone who runs like a healess chicken is baros... kuyt runs are actually alot more usefull for the team...

remember the goal we got against villa was because of his hustling...

I do agree that voronnins looks better than i expected and it makes it hard for rafa to choose... but i'm sure this is what he'd rather have...
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Postby Pineapple Nutty » Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:06 pm

i think kuyt should be pushin himself ... i think he just isnt bothered anymore ???
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Postby Graeme Noble » Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:15 pm

I like Kuyt. He scored some good goals last year - West Ham (a) Tottenham (h)

He works hard and links up well. He is different from Vorinin and I like them both, and I think they can both play up front with Torres.

I have to admit though, Crouch is just not good enough - he does bring us something different, but that something different won't win you the Premiership!
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:20 pm

crouch has more skill than kuyt, he just doesn't have the same work rate, and in my opinion torres, crouch and voronin are all more of a goal threat than kuyt, gerrard is more of a goal threat than kuyt.

this season momo is more of a goal threat than kuyt    :D

Postby Graeme Noble » Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:23 pm

Kuyt scores goals but his work rate is excellent. Remember he was the top scorer for Feyenoord for a few years in the Dutch league, scoring 20+ goals in some seaons, he can score goals. Give him a chance.

Although I do think Torres is our best striker, with Vornin perhaps being number 2.
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Postby red37 » Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:30 pm

After being one who was keen on the services of both these lads coming to Liverpool. Its great that we are in a position to be debating both of their contributions to the squad. Its both unfair and a touch premature to be trumpeting the merits of either yet in a comparitive sense. But on first impressions, Voronin has settled in faster than Kuyt did. Then again the 'Voronator' didn't arrive in a frenzied fanfare of expectations like the dutchman did, nor does he have (that we know of) the personal trials and tribulations that Kuyt unfortunately had hanging over him concerning his fathers health at the time etc.

Both are valuable components of the club in any case. Both offer attacking options.
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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:40 pm

maguskwt wrote:"kuyt runs around like a headless chicken..."

I don't think so maypaxvobiscum... someone who runs like a healess chicken is baros... kuyt runs are actually alot more usefull for the team...

remember the goal we got against villa was because of his hustling...

yes thats a one-off thing. no doubt he is a hard worker but he has not shown he can hit 20 goals a season like he did in the dutch league. when he first came i guess people's opinion was that he is gonna be the man to score alot of goals but he hasnt. unlike voronin, he cant create something out of nothing. if he can, im yet to see it.
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Postby hello_red » Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:31 pm

Kuyt is a great player, Voronin is a goal scorer, with a good pass. Compare the two and Kuyt has more to his game. As for Crouch he needs to seriously impress.
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Postby The_Rock » Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:45 pm

I have been one of kuyt harshest critics.. but in the penalty box, he is pretty sharp.

If he just concentrates on playing as a striker, i am sure he will score loads of goals. It is just that he run here and there...and when a chance finally comes to him, he is too tired to put it away.
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Postby Scottbot » Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:47 pm

Pineapple Nutty wrote:i think kuyt should be pushin himself ... i think he just isnt bothered anymore ???

Doing you best to live up to your username with that statement. Not sure it's possible for any player to work harder or 'push' themselves more than Kuyt does.
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Postby tubby » Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:49 pm

peewee wrote:well lets look at the evidence this season. i know most of you will realise by now that i am not a lover of kuyt, for me he just isn't good enough and no amount of hard work will push him that extra yard.

anyway we have another thread about kuyt and crouch, lets have one about kuyt and voronin.

starts:     2
Goals:      2
People injured in row z with wayward shots:   0

starts: 2/ 3, i dont remember if he started against tolouse
Goals:  0
People injured in row z with wayward shots: 7 plus one puppy

voronin free
kuyt 10 million quid

you do the maths


ok some of the above is tongue in cheek, but can anyone really say that kuyt brings more to the table than voronin, he is a forward who doesnt seem to be able to hit the target enough, way too often he is off target.

Tongue in cheek or not, your basically basing your opinions on 2 games from Voronin? If Voronin were to score no more for the rest of the season what then would you be saying?
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