Travel in turkey

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby hamisurf » Fri May 27, 2005 8:50 pm


Thank :censored: I was there.

but those coaches to the stadium !
it was like the film Zulu with all the red army hiking over the wastelands.

Some turkish w****ers bricked our coach on way back also !

but thank :censored: I was there.....cheers boys I can now die happy

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Postby hamisurf » Fri May 27, 2005 9:02 pm

still smiling went into work today after getting home at 7 and put the flag up !

still got the hangover  that Raki stuff is damn good

Did I say

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Joined: Mon May 09, 2005 1:29 pm

Postby karynlee » Sat May 28, 2005 7:20 pm

we were there also but booked a weeks holiday in mararis and arrived on the saturday before the game, we then booked internal flights which only cost £80 return for the wed morning coming back the following morning, so a night sleeping in the airport awaitied us after the game, the atmoshere was fantasic in the square, the transport on the other hand was a different matter, we were all piled into a coach and told it was only a 10 min transfer to the ground, some 45 mins later we all decided abandon the coach and march across the open field to the stadium. Once there all that awaitied us 1 stall selling undercooked kababs which no doubt red fans will now be repping the benfits the s***ts thanks guys, and only 1 stall selling drinks non alcahol might i add, but the turks forgot to mention this little detail as there robbed us blind for the rubbish.There were not enough programs to go round so we didn't get them. The game had it all tears, singing, hugs, bruised backs of legs because the seats didn,t fold back like they do at anfield. Then to cap it all the mosy unhelpful official staff i have ever had the miss fortune to come across, after the game my family stopped at the loo's before starting the journay back to airport, my young son slipped and twisted his ankle badley, my husband carried him out of the loos and we asked for help, only to be ignored, then one 'helper' decided he would shake my sons ankle i nearly knocked him flat out as my son screamed in agnoy, i flagged an ambulance down and we were taken under the stadium to see a doctor, they strapped it up and sent us on our way. My hubby had to carry our son out of the stadium and try  to flag down some sort of transport as it was now 3am, we asked the police and they just told us to go away, we were sitting ducks, if it was not for 1 young turk who had been serving the VIPS all night helping us, god knows what would have happended, my deepest thanks go out to him, we made it back to mararis at 2pm the next day, and went to the turkle bar to start our own homing coming, what a night, what a game what memories we have, but never ever again should turkey host this until at least the ground is finished and there is public transport to and from it.
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