This is why rafa should stay.

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:39 pm

Red wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Don't we all?

The thing is, though - the Wenger thing was a genuine mistake which I admitted to. But in terms of gross spending, Wenger has outspent Rafa.
They're a selling club who always sell of their better players. Fabregas will be next.

But you just seem to delight in picking holes in anything pro-Rafa, whilst not even mentioning when the anti's drop a b*llock.

I don't see the fairness in that. I get the distinct impression that you just sit waiting to pounce.

Maybe I'm wrong.

I have dumped all the quotes.

You are wrong mate, I just don't know how I feel at the moment. I don't know why we are playing so cr@p and I don't know if Rafa should stay or go , so I am trying not to get involved. I stated my case in this thread and in others that he should get at least to the end of the season, and I left it at that. 

I just believe its better to be honest, and if he makes a balls up I say so. I didn't like it when he changed the formation against Wigan and I said so. I had no problems with his team yesterday (apart from Kuyt) and I said so.

That's fine - but be as vociferous in your condemnation of other influences as you are when talking about Rafa.

I have, I have been silent in condeming him, and I have been silent in defending him. 

I just don't see the need to belligerantly attack someone for giving their honest opinion, be it in favour of Rafa or against him. Its their opinion, why should mine carry more weight? (especially as I don't know which horse to back at the moment)

I don't take too kindly to having people who have never attended a match in their life call me an idiot, etc.

Especially when they clearly have a much lower mental capacity.

THAT is why I attack people - they ask for it.

(And I am not referring to you with that.)


Fabulous input there.

Well done - gold star on it's way to the "Day Care Centre for Inbred Children."

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Postby ruskiy playmaker » Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:42 pm

Can someone make a topic pole to see how many posters on here want Rafa to stay and how many want to see him go?
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Postby Red @ Heart » Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:43 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:
Red wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Don't we all?

The thing is, though - the Wenger thing was a genuine mistake which I admitted to. But in terms of gross spending, Wenger has outspent Rafa.
They're a selling club who always sell of their better players. Fabregas will be next.

But you just seem to delight in picking holes in anything pro-Rafa, whilst not even mentioning when the anti's drop a b*llock.

I don't see the fairness in that. I get the distinct impression that you just sit waiting to pounce.

Maybe I'm wrong.

I have dumped all the quotes.

You are wrong mate, I just don't know how I feel at the moment. I don't know why we are playing so cr@p and I don't know if Rafa should stay or go , so I am trying not to get involved. I stated my case in this thread and in others that he should get at least to the end of the season, and I left it at that. 

I just believe its better to be honest, and if he makes a balls up I say so. I didn't like it when he changed the formation against Wigan and I said so. I had no problems with his team yesterday (apart from Kuyt) and I said so.

That's fine - but be as vociferous in your condemnation of other influences as you are when talking about Rafa.

I have, I have been silent in condeming him, and I have been silent in defending him. 

I just don't see the need to belligerantly attack someone for giving their honest opinion, be it in favour of Rafa or against him. Its their opinion, why should mine carry more weight? (especially as I don't know which horse to back at the moment)

I don't take too kindly to having people who have never attended a match in their life call me an idiot, etc.

Especially when they clearly have a much lower mental capacity.

THAT is why I attack people - they ask for it.

(And I am not referring to you with that.)


Fabulous input there.

Well done - gold star on it's way to the "Day Care Centre for Inbred Children."

point proven, numb nuts, i personaly think that you are retarded, if not you were left out when you were younger always last to be picked when teams were being made, now that you have discovered internet your taking your hate out on others like a revenge thing,,,, grow up, stop insulting people who have valid opionions, whether you agree or not,
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:51 pm

Red wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
Red wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Don't we all?

The thing is, though - the Wenger thing was a genuine mistake which I admitted to. But in terms of gross spending, Wenger has outspent Rafa.
They're a selling club who always sell of their better players. Fabregas will be next.

But you just seem to delight in picking holes in anything pro-Rafa, whilst not even mentioning when the anti's drop a b*llock.

I don't see the fairness in that. I get the distinct impression that you just sit waiting to pounce.

Maybe I'm wrong.

I have dumped all the quotes.

You are wrong mate, I just don't know how I feel at the moment. I don't know why we are playing so cr@p and I don't know if Rafa should stay or go , so I am trying not to get involved. I stated my case in this thread and in others that he should get at least to the end of the season, and I left it at that. 

I just believe its better to be honest, and if he makes a balls up I say so. I didn't like it when he changed the formation against Wigan and I said so. I had no problems with his team yesterday (apart from Kuyt) and I said so.

That's fine - but be as vociferous in your condemnation of other influences as you are when talking about Rafa.

I have, I have been silent in condeming him, and I have been silent in defending him. 

I just don't see the need to belligerantly attack someone for giving their honest opinion, be it in favour of Rafa or against him. Its their opinion, why should mine carry more weight? (especially as I don't know which horse to back at the moment)

I don't take too kindly to having people who have never attended a match in their life call me an idiot, etc.

Especially when they clearly have a much lower mental capacity.

THAT is why I attack people - they ask for it.

(And I am not referring to you with that.)


Fabulous input there.

Well done - gold star on it's way to the "Day Care Centre for Inbred Children."

point proven, numb nuts, i personaly think that you are retarded, if not you were left out when you were younger always last to be picked when teams were being made, now that you have discovered internet your taking your hate out on others like a revenge thing,,,, grow up, stop insulting people who have valid opionions, whether you agree or not,

F*ck me - your powers of deduction are astounding!

You're good! SO good, infact, that we can't possibly keep such a brilliant mind from solving the World's problems.

Go! Now!


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Postby Red @ Heart » Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:53 pm

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Postby Reg » Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:49 pm

With so many silly posts at the moment is it worth trying to be serious?

1. With the pressure he is under Rafa is not making correct decisions,
2. The players are under performing due to the conflict situation running thru the club, media and fans.
3. The political situation with the owners has reached fever pitch.

With the big picture like this, how can you say sack the manager? Crass as no manager would be able to function under such pressure.

A year in the UEFA cup wouldnt do us any harm.
This season is blown so we should experiment and get the formation right without the pressure.
I dont think we have a monkey´s chance of winning the CL under the current scenario so lets not get upset when we crash out.
The FA cup doesnt mean a great deal when the heart of the club has been ripped out.

Lets cool off, be realisitc and reduce the expectation on teh club so people can start to breath again.

Lets recognise it for what it is - a sh!tty season and move on.

Forza red boys!
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Postby lakes10 » Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:01 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:So come on then - who do you want in as a replacement?

What are the reasons for your choice?

Why would they do any better int he long-run?

i liked to see a few old boys come back and run the club, have King Kenny as manager or just bring in every old player from the 80's to work together to get us out of this mess, then let them find the new manager.

Rafa should have had a old boy next to him on the bench for the last two years.

John Aldridge would have been gert next to Rafa and i think the partnership would have worked.

Rafa's mind for the CL games and Aldridge's for the prem and FA cup.
Last edited by lakes10 on Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Reg » Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:10 pm

Didnt work out though with Thommo did it?  What about Sammy Lee purely as bootroom support?
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Postby lakes10 » Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:27 pm

Reg wrote:Didnt work out though with Thommo did it?  What about Sammy Lee purely as bootroom support?

when GH was ill and Thommo  did it on his own we had good results.
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Postby heimdall » Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:42 am

lakes10 wrote:
Reg wrote:Didnt work out though with Thommo did it?  What about Sammy Lee purely as bootroom support?

when GH was ill and Thommo  did it on his own we had good results.

Only up to a certain point though, but then I don't get the impression Thommo is too bright whereas Aldridge has a good brain.

I've been laughing at all Lando's posts again on this thread, they are SO funny, isn't it amusing when someone calls someone a rude word, how old are you lot? It feels like a kindergarten at times, seriosuly stop encouraging the vulgar insecure rose tinted fool and he may calm down and actually deliver a coherent argument without using expletives, wouldn't that be a refreshing change.

Anyway Lando riddle me this, if Rafa is such a great manager why does he pick Kewell and Kuyt, come on please tell me becuase I really don't get it, also why is it that Gerrard shows him no respect and all of Rafa's team play as if they don't give a sh1t. Hmm rafa must be some motivator huh!!
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Postby god_bless_john_houlding » Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:05 am

Didn't work with Tommo? Wasn't Thompson there in 2001 when we won the UEFA, FA and Worthington. And again in 2003 when we won the worthington. Tommo was part of the management side that got us our best finish in the premiership. So all in all it did work with Tommo, even if he did bring back Biscan when he was looking at another Croatian :D  typical scouser, rob the wrong one (i am scouse by the way before you all get on me back about steryotyping scousers)

I don't remember to many people complaining about Benitez not having an old lad on his staff in 05 or 06. I think since Moores left, that's where it fell to pieces. There's now no connection at all to Liverpool's history. I'd even be tempted to put Hyypia on the coaching staff at the end of this season, after all who better to learn off as a young centre half than a lad who's captained club and country on many occassions and somebody who loves the club and knows what it means to play for the club.
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Postby nobybob » Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:16 am

nobybob wrote:
nobybob wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
LittleHobo wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
DAV wrote:He's back GREAT.

My thread, c*nt. If you don't like it - f*ck off.

what a delightful man lando is

polilte,well mannered,can take it and dish it out

the perfect guy

No-one's keeping you here mate.

You can leave at any time.

Thats exactly what Gillette and hicks said to Rafa!.......but unfortunately he never took the hint!. :oh:

see if you can take this hint redtildead

Listen "Nob-head".....stop spouting [email]cr@p...and[/email] start talking sense...if you have any that is?.  :buttrock


Lol...nobybob......all "Gob"  :laugh:

AS opposed to you --all gobsh!te  :laugh:
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:24 am

heimdall wrote:
lakes10 wrote:
Reg wrote:Didnt work out though with Thommo did it?  What about Sammy Lee purely as bootroom support?

when GH was ill and Thommo  did it on his own we had good results.

Only up to a certain point though, but then I don't get the impression Thommo is too bright whereas Aldridge has a good brain.

I've been laughing at all Lando's posts again on this thread, they are SO funny, isn't it amusing when someone calls someone a rude word, how old are you lot? It feels like a kindergarten at times, seriosuly stop encouraging the vulgar insecure rose tinted fool and he may calm down and actually deliver a coherent argument without using expletives, wouldn't that be a refreshing change.

Anyway Lando riddle me this, if Rafa is such a great manager why does he pick Kewell and Kuyt, come on please tell me becuase I really don't get it, also why is it that Gerrard shows him no respect and all of Rafa's team play as if they don't give a sh1t. Hmm rafa must be some motivator huh!!

Keep belittling me, you little pr*ck, and you'll regret it.

Just because a few inbreds have started on the "Rafa Out" bandwagon, don't for a minute think that you are in the majority. Most fans still want Rafa to stay. Virtually all the match-going fans want Rafa to stay.

They aren't ungrateful, see? They have knowledge of what things were like before Beni's arrival, and a good idea what they will be like if he leaves.

Now - to answer your "riddle" (do you even know what a riddle is, gimp?) - Kewell is our best left-sided player. End of story.

Kuyt is a player lacking confidence. How better to restore said confidence?

Play him through it.

I suppose you begrudged Fowler his time in the team when he couldn't hit a cow's a*se with a banjo?

How about Owen, during his many droughts?

You're nothing but a fickle b*stard who has no idea about football.

P.S. It's funny how you manage to refer to me once again, despite not actually quoting something I've said.

Just remember that the next time you run off crying like a sissy bitch to the mods, asking for the "nasty man" to be banned...
Last edited by Lando_Griffin on Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby god_bless_john_houlding » Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:39 am

Lando, Kuyt is low on confidence so we play him through it. Great just great apart from the fact we've been playing him through it all season and as far as I'm concerned all of last year as well. Plus not only by playing Kuyt are we denting his confidence even more if that's possible, but we're denting Crouch's who is scoring and still being dropped for that curly haired dutch cu.nt.

Again I have to agree with Kewell being our best left hand sided player, that is if we didn't have Babel, Benayoun out there or even Riise. Kewell's so good he isn't even getting a new contract at the end of the year. Kewell's so good Benitez has bought plenty of left wingers to replace Kewell.

Finally, most of the folks who go the match may sing Benitez' name but that doesn't mean they want him to stay. It's just we at Liverpool Football Club keep our problems in house, that's why we turned on the yanks because they admitted to tapping Klinsman up, who would of been a bad choice anyway. I haven't missed a league or cup game at Anfield for over 30 years now, and whilst at the ground I haven't onced booed or slagged off anyone to do with Liverpool Football Club, that's not the sort of fans we are. So don't think that fans are happy with Benitez because they're not pal.

And yes I remember what it was like before Benitez, it was lump it up to Owen and see what happens, pretty much like it is now with Torres. And again like it was before Benitez it was Gerrard and/or Owen constantly pulling us out of the sh!t, pretty much like it is this season with Gerrard and Torres. I also remember before Benitez, Liverpool winning titles and playing exciting football and not dropping any more than 10 points at home never mind ever getting beat at Anfield. So for those like me who do remember the days of Shankly, Paisley and Fagan saying "what is was like before Benitez" is sh!t because before him we won the league year in year out.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:43 am

god_bless_john_houlding wrote:Lando, Kuyt is low on confidence so we play him through it. Great just great apart from the fact we've been playing him through it all season and as far as I'm concerned all of last year as well. Plus not only by playing Kuyt are we denting his confidence even more if that's possible, but we're denting Crouch's who is scoring and still being dropped for that curly haired dutch cu.nt.

Again I have to agree with Kewell being our best left hand sided player, that is if we didn't have Babel, Benayoun out there or even Riise. Kewell's so good he isn't even getting a new contract at the end of the year. Kewell's so good Benitez has bought plenty of left wingers to replace Kewell.

Finally, most of the folks who go the match may sing Benitez' name but that doesn't mean they want him to stay. It's just we at Liverpool Football Club keep our problems in house, that's why we turned on the yanks because they admitted to tapping Klinsman up, who would of been a bad choice anyway. I haven't missed a league or cup game at Anfield for over 30 years now, and whilst at the ground I haven't onced booed or slagged off anyone to do with Liverpool Football Club, that's not the sort of fans we are. So don't think that fans are happy with Benitez because they're not pal.

And yes I remember what it was like before Benitez, it was lump it up to Owen and see what happens, pretty much like it is now with Torres. And again like it was before Benitez it was Gerrard and/or Owen constantly pulling us out of the sh!t, pretty much like it is this season with Gerrard and Torres. I also remember before Benitez, Liverpool winning titles and playing exciting football and not dropping any more than 10 points at home never mind ever getting beat at Anfield. So for those like me who do remember the days of Shankly, Paisley and Fagan saying "what is was like before Benitez" is sh!t because before him we won the league year in year out.

Right. But I meant directly before Rafa arrived.

And regarding the fans - correct me if I'm wrong, but if they wanted Rafa out, they would NOT sing his name.

They wouldn't sing anti-Rafa songs, they just wouldn't sing about him, end of.

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