This is why rafa should stay.

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Postby account deleted by request » Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:59 pm

REDTILLDEAD wrote:All this petty "In-fighting" is becoming predictably boring now :sleep ....i thought we we here to debate the rights and wrongs of our beloved club ???

From this to this in two posts. You just have to laugh :laugh:

Listen "Nob-head".....stop spouting [email]cr@p...and[/email] start talking sense...if you have any that is?.   

No offence
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Postby big daddy » Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:00 pm

i fear this liverpool form is just a lame attempt at fooling inter into a false sense of security.we then mug them and other teams on the way to the final.

have a look at rafas 1st season and you will see the team was shocking in the league but mugged teams in the champions league.

that season everton was doing well.....i hated that season..until we equalized against milan and won.

that season was a horrible nasty one that i can't get out my sytem even with a champions league win.

this method means we will never win the league under rafa.
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Postby lakes10 » Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:01 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:
DAV wrote:He's back GREAT.

My thread, c*nt. If you don't like it - f*ck off.

Lando there is no need for that.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:05 pm

s@int wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:When Blackburn won the title, they won it with 89 points in 1995. All the points total means is the best teams have got stronger at the expense of the weaker. Its the points difference that tells the more interesting stories.

I have never thought Rafa is a sh!t manager. I keep saying this...... I just don't like it when people knock our past managers to try to make Rafa look better. He has won the CL and the FA cup, he doesn't need people saying he's a better manager than Shankly etc. (which Lando has said BTW)

If Rafa's not good enough deriding previous managers won't make him look any better and if he is good enough there is no need anyway. I think its reasonable to compare Rafa to Houllier but not Dalglish, Paisley or Shankly.

Well I think you'll find I said that to counter the inane ramblings of someone who suggested you measure a manager on their first 3 years.

In that case, Rafa is MILES better than Shankly.

And regarding Dalglish - it's easier to sustain success than to get it in the first place.

I refer you to your "Dalglish signings" post:

Why no mention of the following?:

Barry Venison,

Don Hutchinson,

Steve Harkness,

Alan Irvine,

Mike Hooper,

Nick Tanner,

Barry Jones,

Robbie Holcroft, and

John Durnin?

Is it because they weren't roaring successes?

I am not trying to get at King Kenny - the bloke is a legend. I am merely pointing out that 1.) History tends to be very blinkered and favours the good things, and 2.) Rafa isn't being given a fair comparison by many of the knuckleheads on here.

But I digress.

No-one is ever going to make me believe that Rafa is anything other than a genius. You can all p*ss and whine as much as you like, and you can belittle him all you want.

Just be aware that I will be there, right behind you, p*ssing in your literary ear all the way.  :;):

Which Dalglish signings post ? I haven't mentioned any signings in this thread?

BTW Venison went on to play for England,he also won the league with Liverpool, bought for £200k sold for £250k, Hutchinson went on to play for Scotland, bought for £175k sold for £1.5million, Steve Harkness was a decent player who we signed for £75k and sold for £350k. WTF are you on about Lando?

Alan Irvine we bought for £75k and sold for £100k

John Durnin was a free signing ffs that we sold for £250K

Barry Jones cost £500 not £500k, five hundred pounds AND HOOPER WAS SIGNED BY FAGAN NOT DALGLISH.  :laugh:

I think the pressure has been a bit more than you could bear mate. :D  IS THAT REALLY THE BEST YOU COULD DO?

I only need to whisper the words Kuyt mate   :D

You can believe whatever you want about Rafa being a genius, getting someone to agree with you is another matter entirely

As for Shankly - sometimes its better to be quiet and thought a fool Lando rather than open your mouth and prove it.

Posted 24/1/2008 00:02
Subject: Benitez to AC Milan 

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Hello. I am New to this forum. I'm an American student studying at Liverpool John Moore's University, I heard a rumour from a friend who works at Anfield that Benitez is going to AC Milan. Done and dusted.

Funny that, as it's here as plain as day that Dalglish bought him:

Dalglish's signings

Funny also, that he made a profit - that couldn't be because of the vast amounts of time that passed and the inception of Sky's money, could it?

"Dirk Kuyt" is a Dutch International. What is your point exactly?

And don't f*cking condescend to me - if you can't read simple English and decipher the meaning for yourself, it's YOU whom is the fool.

I thought it was pretty f*cking obvious that I retaliated to some dumb punk ages ago who said "Wenger is a better manager because he won the double in his second season". "Ergo", said I, "This means that, by your logic, Benitez is a better manager than Shankly and Ferguson."

Do we understand this concept now? Have we finished trying to belittle me by using misunderstood information?

Because I'm here - if that's what you wish to attempt.

If you want to act like a c*nt I'M YOUR HUCKLEBERRY Lando. If you want to act like a reasonable person I am willing to be reasonable.

I never tried to belittle you, I just showed that you were talking boll0cks thats all.

You are letting your infatuation with Rafa go to your head mate.

My point about Kuyt is that he is cr@p mate , if you can't see that maybe a trip to specsavers would be in


Take it whichever way you choose mate , I couldn't give a sh!t.

ps Rafa is not fit to clean Shanklys boots BTW

I see you still can't see your a*se for your elbow.


I have never intimated that Rafa is better than Shankly.

A c*nt? I'm a c*nt, am I? Why? For sticking up for the traditions and ways of LFC, when all around me appear to think we support Newcastle?

F*ck you if that's it - get on with belittling the gaffer at every turn, posting your stats showing the bad points but never the good.
Carry on attempting to pick holes in the pro-rafa arguement, then allowing utter tripe from the anti's go through your net.

Just remember all this when we've got that scumbag Moris at the helm. Just remember who told you he's a useless w*nker.

Just remember to apologise for being such a tw*t about the one man who DOES give a sh*t about Liverpool, and who is struggling on under such extreme circumstances, and who has given us our best times in 20 years.

Just remember that the next time you get on his back for failing to win a match, you ingrate.

I have CLEARLY STATED  he should be given to the end of the season. I do however think to intimate that he had no part in our various debacles lately is pushing the boat a bit too far out. As I keep repeating, he bought them, trained them, motivated them picked the formation and the team. I am therefore pretty confident that he also bears some responsibility for their performance or non performance.

I have not written knocking posts saying Rafa must go, or Rafa is cr@p. The only thing I did was prove you wrong when you said that Wenger had spent more net than Rafa. Is the truth so hard to accept ?

I am uncertain of my exact feelings for Rafa at the moment so I have neither knocked him or defended him. Is that a crime?

Where are my posts belittling him? I think you are either mistaken or are getting paranoid mate.  I even said if he gets an assistant I would give him another year.

Take a breath have a think and a read at a few of my posts and then get back to me.

BTW I said "act like a c*nt" not that you are one. There is a difference.

I support the Liverpool fc, not Rafa Benitez, not Steven Gerrard, the club.

Don't we all?

The thing is, though - the Wenger thing was a genuine mistake which I admitted to. But in terms of gross spending, Wenger has outspent Rafa.
They're a selling club who always sell of their better players. Fabregas will be next.

But you just seem to delight in picking holes in anything pro-Rafa, whilst not even mentioning when the anti's drop a b*llock.

I don't see the fairness in that. I get the distinct impression that you just sit waiting to pounce.

Maybe I'm wrong.

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Postby ruskiy playmaker » Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:05 pm

Why the hell is everyone arguing about the same stuff over and over again?  Rafa's probably going to be gone the next season anyway.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:07 pm

lakes10 wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
DAV wrote:He's back GREAT.

My thread, c*nt. If you don't like it - f*ck off.

Lando there is no need for that.

Whereas his post was just overflowing with love.

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Postby REDTILLDEAD » Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:11 pm

s@int wrote:
REDTILLDEAD wrote:All this petty "In-fighting" is becoming predictably boring now :sleep ....i thought we we here to debate the rights and wrongs of our beloved club ???

From this to this in two posts. You just have to laugh :laugh:

Listen "Nob-head".....stop spouting [email]cr@p...and[/email] start talking sense...if you have any that is?.   

No offence

No offence taken.....but there a few idiots on here who have a stuborn beleif that everything they see is through "rose tinted glasses".....wake up Guysv and get real!.....its reality that counts...and the reality is that Rafa is losing the plot, our club is in terminal meltdown, and the players we have are just not good enough to wear the red shirt!.....and thats the true facts.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:12 pm

So come on then - who do you want in as a replacement?

What are the reasons for your choice?

Why would they do any better int he long-run?

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Postby account deleted by request » Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:16 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:Don't we all?

The thing is, though - the Wenger thing was a genuine mistake which I admitted to. But in terms of gross spending, Wenger has outspent Rafa.
They're a selling club who always sell of their better players. Fabregas will be next.

But you just seem to delight in picking holes in anything pro-Rafa, whilst not even mentioning when the anti's drop a b*llock.

I don't see the fairness in that. I get the distinct impression that you just sit waiting to pounce.

Maybe I'm wrong.

I have dumped all the quotes.

You are wrong mate, I just don't know how I feel at the moment. I don't know why we are playing so cr@p and I don't know if Rafa should stay or go , so I am trying not to get involved. I stated my case in this thread and in others that he should get at least to the end of the season, and I left it at that. 

I just believe its better to be honest, and if he makes a balls up I say so. I didn't like it when he changed the formation against Wigan and I said so. I had no problems with his team yesterday (apart from Kuyt) and I said so.
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Postby REDTILLDEAD » Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:18 pm

nobybob wrote:
nobybob wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
LittleHobo wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
DAV wrote:He's back GREAT.

My thread, c*nt. If you don't like it - f*ck off.

what a delightful man lando is

polilte,well mannered,can take it and dish it out

the perfect guy

No-one's keeping you here mate.

You can leave at any time.

Thats exactly what Gillette and hicks said to Rafa!.......but unfortunately he never took the hint!. :oh:

see if you can take this hint redtildead

Listen "Nob-head".....stop spouting [email]cr@p...and[/email] start talking sense...if you have any that is?.  :buttrock


Lol...nobybob......all "Gob"  :laugh:
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:31 pm

s@int wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Don't we all?

The thing is, though - the Wenger thing was a genuine mistake which I admitted to. But in terms of gross spending, Wenger has outspent Rafa.
They're a selling club who always sell of their better players. Fabregas will be next.

But you just seem to delight in picking holes in anything pro-Rafa, whilst not even mentioning when the anti's drop a b*llock.

I don't see the fairness in that. I get the distinct impression that you just sit waiting to pounce.

Maybe I'm wrong.

I have dumped all the quotes.

You are wrong mate, I just don't know how I feel at the moment. I don't know why we are playing so cr@p and I don't know if Rafa should stay or go , so I am trying not to get involved. I stated my case in this thread and in others that he should get at least to the end of the season, and I left it at that. 

I just believe its better to be honest, and if he makes a balls up I say so. I didn't like it when he changed the formation against Wigan and I said so. I had no problems with his team yesterday (apart from Kuyt) and I said so.

That's fine - but be as vociferous in your condemnation of other influences as you are when talking about Rafa.

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Postby account deleted by request » Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:42 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Don't we all?

The thing is, though - the Wenger thing was a genuine mistake which I admitted to. But in terms of gross spending, Wenger has outspent Rafa.
They're a selling club who always sell of their better players. Fabregas will be next.

But you just seem to delight in picking holes in anything pro-Rafa, whilst not even mentioning when the anti's drop a b*llock.

I don't see the fairness in that. I get the distinct impression that you just sit waiting to pounce.

Maybe I'm wrong.

I have dumped all the quotes.

You are wrong mate, I just don't know how I feel at the moment. I don't know why we are playing so cr@p and I don't know if Rafa should stay or go , so I am trying not to get involved. I stated my case in this thread and in others that he should get at least to the end of the season, and I left it at that. 

I just believe its better to be honest, and if he makes a balls up I say so. I didn't like it when he changed the formation against Wigan and I said so. I had no problems with his team yesterday (apart from Kuyt) and I said so.

That's fine - but be as vociferous in your condemnation of other influences as you are when talking about Rafa.

I have, I have been silent in condeming him, and I have been silent in defending him. 

I just don't see the need to belligerantly attack someone for giving their honest opinion, be it in favour of Rafa or against him. Its their opinion, why should mine carry more weight? (especially as I don't know which horse to back at the moment)
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:45 pm

s@int wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Don't we all?

The thing is, though - the Wenger thing was a genuine mistake which I admitted to. But in terms of gross spending, Wenger has outspent Rafa.
They're a selling club who always sell of their better players. Fabregas will be next.

But you just seem to delight in picking holes in anything pro-Rafa, whilst not even mentioning when the anti's drop a b*llock.

I don't see the fairness in that. I get the distinct impression that you just sit waiting to pounce.

Maybe I'm wrong.

I have dumped all the quotes.

You are wrong mate, I just don't know how I feel at the moment. I don't know why we are playing so cr@p and I don't know if Rafa should stay or go , so I am trying not to get involved. I stated my case in this thread and in others that he should get at least to the end of the season, and I left it at that. 

I just believe its better to be honest, and if he makes a balls up I say so. I didn't like it when he changed the formation against Wigan and I said so. I had no problems with his team yesterday (apart from Kuyt) and I said so.

That's fine - but be as vociferous in your condemnation of other influences as you are when talking about Rafa.

I have, I have been silent in condeming him, and I have been silent in defending him. 

I just don't see the need to belligerantly attack someone for giving their honest opinion, be it in favour of Rafa or against him. Its their opinion, why should mine carry more weight? (especially as I don't know which horse to back at the moment)

I don't take too kindly to having people who have never attended a match in their life call me an idiot, etc.

Especially when they clearly have a much lower mental capacity.

THAT is why I attack people - they ask for it.

(And I am not referring to you with that.)

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Postby Red @ Heart » Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:32 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
s@int wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Don't we all?

The thing is, though - the Wenger thing was a genuine mistake which I admitted to. But in terms of gross spending, Wenger has outspent Rafa.
They're a selling club who always sell of their better players. Fabregas will be next.

But you just seem to delight in picking holes in anything pro-Rafa, whilst not even mentioning when the anti's drop a b*llock.

I don't see the fairness in that. I get the distinct impression that you just sit waiting to pounce.

Maybe I'm wrong.

I have dumped all the quotes.

You are wrong mate, I just don't know how I feel at the moment. I don't know why we are playing so cr@p and I don't know if Rafa should stay or go , so I am trying not to get involved. I stated my case in this thread and in others that he should get at least to the end of the season, and I left it at that. 

I just believe its better to be honest, and if he makes a balls up I say so. I didn't like it when he changed the formation against Wigan and I said so. I had no problems with his team yesterday (apart from Kuyt) and I said so.

That's fine - but be as vociferous in your condemnation of other influences as you are when talking about Rafa.

I have, I have been silent in condeming him, and I have been silent in defending him. 

I just don't see the need to belligerantly attack someone for giving their honest opinion, be it in favour of Rafa or against him. Its their opinion, why should mine carry more weight? (especially as I don't know which horse to back at the moment)

I don't take too kindly to having people who have never attended a match in their life call me an idiot, etc.

Especially when they clearly have a much lower mental capacity.

THAT is why I attack people - they ask for it.

(And I am not referring to you with that.)

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Postby zarababe » Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:38 pm


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