The 'we're not english, we're scouse' stuff - Bit sad really

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby JBG » Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:17 am

Wilhelmsson wrote:I am proud to be English to me there is no superior or better nationality than English.

So why do you have a Swedish username?  :D
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Postby redtrader74 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:18 am

BM you been looking over my shoulder? :D
Seeing as you're almost a Londoner, shall we start speaking Cockney slang?
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:22 am

redtrader74 wrote:BM you been looking over my shoulder? :D
Seeing as you're almost a Londoner, shall we start speaking Cockney slang?


Yeah, no worries Guv' I can try.  :D

Postby Lee2k6 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:24 am

well i haven't got a chip, which is why i sed from personal experience, maybe i just had unfortunate luck with some of the people from other cities that i've come across.

but that aside with the football aspect at hand i can't help but hope England also lose these qualifiers and ginger balls gets fired. i'll be supporting spain next year.
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:26 am

Oh well i'm not here to change your mind, carry on living in your own bitter little world.

Postby LFC2007 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:29 am

JBG wrote:
Wilhelmsson wrote:I am proud to be English to me there is no superior or better nationality than English.

So why do you have a Swedish username?  :D

Exactly, and why did you say Swedish International Erik Edman scored the best goal against us?

Are you English, Swedish or Swenglish?

Sly Swedes

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Postby Igor Zidane » Sat Sep 08, 2007 2:58 am

I'm going to bed , this discussion is gonna start getting silly and personal . Stick to your guns people and believe what you want , all i'll say on the matter is if loyalty to ones city and being proud of where you come from is a bad thing , then i must deserve to burn in hell, aye me little cockney sparra's. :D 

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Postby Reg » Sat Sep 08, 2007 2:58 am

Emerald Red wrote:
woof woof ! wrote:
I find this post a little bit too patronising. And anyway, even if AdamBarret is only 16, that's still old enough to have a sense of pride in an ideal that he obviously believes in. A mind can be shaped in a matter of months, nevermind years.

Patronising WTF. Maybe at my age I take exception at some 16 year old telling me and the world what it means to be a scouser . Your comment
A mind can be shaped in a matter of months, nevermind years.
is quite true. Think about it .

ps I like Adam , this is not an attack on, or a debate about him .

Ah, well. THis thread was always going to rattle a few cages. Best not to start a seperate p*ssing contest.

It still intrigues me though, how native Liverpaudlians can feel segregated from the rest of the country, almost as if they are a seperate entity. The question should be as to why this mentallity has come about. Is it a relativly new thing? I remember seeing an interview with Lennon and McCarthy and the American interviewee said something about them being English, to which Lennon stated "We're Irish." That always baffled me, but Lennon was known to have written pro Irish propaganda songs. Could it have been that a lot of the politcs from the settlers from Ireland had spread when they migrated to Liverpool and in some way it has continued on? I may be a long way off, but it seems to me that Scousers in general are viewed as a minority, a lot like travellers, or knackers from here (Ireland).

I travel all over the world and when asked where I'm from simply reply 'Liverpool'.  Never England, or Liverpool, England, simply Liverpool.

Thanks to the likes of The Beatles, LFC and the fame of our great city and port, no one has ever asked where's that? even in the most obscure off the main road locations.

I take great pride in that, but I'm English and when the sh*t hits the fan, we're all proud Englishmen. Meantime, I'm 101% Liverpool but separatist? My @rse.
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Postby babu » Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:13 am

JBG wrote:
Wilhelmsson wrote:I am proud to be English to me there is no superior or better nationality than English.

So why do you have a Swedish username?  :D


Long time no see, how's married life treating ya?

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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:44 am

Ade wrote:
maypaxvobiscum wrote:but are we all not liverpool fans? how about instead of ''we are scouse not english'', change it to ''we are liverpool, not c*nts''

got a certain ring to it

thank you  :)
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Postby RedBlood » Sat Sep 08, 2007 6:05 am

being proud of where you come from is no bad thing

but thinking less of people because they come from a different area is stupid and ignorant
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Postby Wilhelmsson » Sat Sep 08, 2007 8:13 am

LFC2007 wrote:
JBG wrote:
Wilhelmsson wrote:I am proud to be English to me there is no superior or better nationality than English.

So why do you have a Swedish username?  :D

Exactly, and why did you say Swedish International Erik Edman scored the best goal against us?

Are you English, Swedish or Swenglish?

Sly Swedes

:shifty  :D

As far as I am aware I am English and Chippen Wilhelmsson is one of my favourite midfield players.  :p

I voted for Edman's goal as it was sheer class and IMO it was the best goal scored against the club since I have supported Liverpool.
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Postby Wilhelmsson » Sat Sep 08, 2007 8:17 am

Emerald Red wrote:"Patriotism is the virtue of the wicked" - Oscar Wilde

I don’t think a man who abused young boys is in any position to be making such comments. FWIW I like Oscar Wilde, just his pointless quotes irritate me. Most people around the world are happy from where they come from, I don’t understand how that’s a wicked virtue as Mr squeaky clean Wilde puts it.
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Postby Emerald Red » Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:24 am

Wilhelmsson wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:"Patriotism is the virtue of the wicked" - Oscar Wilde

I don’t think a man who abused young boys is in any position to be making such comments. FWIW I like Oscar Wilde, just his pointless quotes irritate me. Most people around the world are happy from where they come from, I don’t understand how that’s a wicked virtue as Mr squeaky clean Wilde puts it.

Well if you think about it, it is true. Those who truely are patriotic have done, and will do, terrible things in the name of their own country just to continue it's way of life, even if it's at the expense of other's, or the cost of others, as so often happens. When there is a high sense of a patriotic mood in a country, that's when it's at it's most dangerous if there is a dictator in charge with cruel intentions on his mind. The people are easilt swayed to his opinions then. You look at Iraq, and that place is nothing but a victim of patriotism in one form or another. How many people have died there for the sake of convenience of a western society? You only need to look at the attacks in NY: America's pride got hurt, somebody had to pay , right? To bad it was houndreds of thousands of innocents. But who speaks for their dead? Nationalistic impirialism at it's worst. When you look at the likes of Stalin and what he done to his own in the name of patriotism during WW2, Wilde's comment makes all the more sense.

When I said this thread reminds me a lot about home, it was in more ways than one. During the uprising here of the early 1900's, it was Irishmen of all walks of life against a foreign ruler. Soon that changed when the decloration of the Free State came about. A seperate war broke out, this time it was brother against brother, and Irishmen were divided further still. It was the truely patriotic that commited the most horrendous of things. They stuck to their views, and nothing would change their minds, so they had to hit harder to make their point be known to an enemy and a people who just didn't want to know, or grew too weary of war. 

Ther is nothing wrong with being very proud of where you are from, for all the right reasons. Adversary towards a minortity of people often tends to create a bond in a community, and often a sense of individuality. I think the people of Liverpool have that sense because of this. I don't think there is anything wrong with it at all. I've noticed Liverpool has a wealth of artistic value to it. Ther's an abundance of poets, artists, singers, songwriters, etc etc. It's one of the most culturally diverse places around, if not the most, in England. I think this is due to the fact that if you're scourned upon, then you find ways to vent your opinion, and art is a way of expressing that reality. Liverpool football club was born in very much the same way any masterpeice was put to a canvas. Shankly had a greand vision to create somethings by the people, for the people. Something  to be  viewed as a specticle and a beacon of hope and inspiration for the city and it's people. The people of Liverpool have a stronge sense of self and individuality. It is this pride that has built the foundations of the success that is still unmatched by any other club in the country. That has to tell you all something. When you look at major cities like London, not one club there really stands out as a stalwart of English football. Maybe it's because the people there have too much pride in their nationality, rather than their individuallity? I say be Scouse first, English second. Or be proud English, but be prouder Scouse even more.
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Postby The Grudge » Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:37 am

Have to say that when i hear the term 'We're not English we are scouse'
It makes me cringe!

Theres no problem being proud of your home town/city and being proud of your roots regardless of where your from.But until Liverpool becomes and independant state scousers are as English as someone from Leeds or London and will be looked upon by the rest of the country and world as just that.
Its fair to say that 99% of scousers are happy to be English and the ones that say we're not English we are scouse embaress their fellow scousers and more so themselves.Sadly they are too thick to see how stupid,shallow and narrow minded they appear and how much they let the city down.

To me this is a whole different arguement than the club vs country thing!

Would you ever see Carra or Gerrard saying'Im not English i am scouse'?

No because they have a brain and are not idiots!
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