The 'we're not english, we're scouse' stuff - Bit sad really

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Postby scouser 'til I die » Fri Sep 07, 2007 7:37 pm

woof woof ! wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:What I don't understand, is this:

How anyone can abuse the heck out of opposition players in the league, then cheer them on when they pull on an England top.

It's hypocritical, it's pathetic, and it's down right f*cking wrong.

No way on God's earth could I cheer Neville, Fat c*nting Rooney, Carrick, Hargreaves, "JT", Hair-lip Steve (Ferdinand, the coke-snorting b*stard), Fat f*cking Frank, and any other Manc/Sh*tski/Bitter c*nt, even if the feckers had just won the World cup single-handed.

No thankyou. Not f*cking likely. :no

Until Liverpool becomes a republic you're country (England) is represented in international football by a team that (unfortunately for you) is not comprised of 11 scousers, but come to think of it neither is the club we follow.

If the "we're scouse not english"  attitude was expanded to a larger stage are we to assume that if England was under attack scousers would not support our armed forces because 99.9% of them weren't scouse ? (like LFC)

This siege mentality adopted by many so called scousers is juvenile and embarrassing and not that far away from the fanatics who declared that they would put their religion before country and were then immediately castigated by many of the "scousers" who inhabit this forum.

Our club captain, more scouse in his fractured toe than half the t'ossers in here doesn't have a problem playing for and supporting England , vent your spleen on the rest of the team if you like but at least have the sense to support one of yer own.


We are not English we're scouse. If you don't want to be part of that then fine, but don't tell us what we're doing is wrong when you couldn't possibly understand.

Adamnbarret, you're sixteen years old , hardly the time for you to be telling anybody what it means to be scouse.

Im sorry but your post is a load of bullshit. We didn't say in order for us to support a team they need to be scouse. You said yourself that not even Liverpool is full of scousers and we support liverpool obviously, so i dunno where the fuck that came from.

Then you go on to say about us not supporting the arm forces because there not scouse. They go out there, risking there lives in order not only liverpool but the whole of Britain to be safe and for our privilege of free will. Of course were gonna support them. And i am sure that there are scousers in the army, many infact. It's as though your saying we want them to fail because the majority aren't scouse. Bollocks!

Then you say it is embarrassing and then you compare us to the fanatics who put religion before there country. I'm sorry, but are you expecting the fucking Scouse version of the IRA, maybe the SRA, and cause a fucking war in our country, then you sir are an idiot.

Lastly you say Gerrard doesnt have a problem playing for england. Maybe thats because he has no other choice. Or maybe its because he is a true professional and wants to play as much football as he can, which if i was in his shoes i would wanting to be doing also. Plus Gerrard was born in huyton, thats very hardcore scouse that mate. So don't go shouting the odds assuming that people on here aren't scousers when you don't have a clue.

I am disappointed with you woof i thought you was a good man who knew his football but your opinions on this topic are a load of shit.

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Postby murphy0151 » Fri Sep 07, 2007 7:38 pm

I cant stand England games.  Its not about being not english for me its just purely about England as an international team.  I hope Isreal win tommorow. 

That god save our queen song has got to be one of the worst songs ever sang by any football crowd in the world.  I seen aload of muppets on sky sports news today singing along.  How silly did they look.  I will never ever ever be seen singing to sh  it e like that.

Come on Isreal, we our scouse.   

Just letting you know im from Liverpool.

As for Gerrard, hes being a :censored:.   He goes on about wininng things for Liverpool.   but hes going to take a big risk tommorow by playing, this jeopardising wininng things for us.  Sort him out Rafa, play him in the reserves. lol 

Carra knows the script, proper scouser.
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Postby Emerald Red » Fri Sep 07, 2007 7:54 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:
dollface wrote:What's a scouse? Is it an English thing? :blues:

No, actually it derives from a German Sailor's dish, "Labskaus" which the city adopted on account of the thriving maritime aspect.

It's actually "Lobscouse" that was derived from Scandanavian/Norwegian/Irish sailers.

Don't hit me, Lando!  :sniffle

Anyway, I'm not English, I'm f*cking Scouse. That's a fact, so get f*cked if you don't like it.
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Postby Kharhaz » Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:01 pm


Yes I am bored, eastenders has started so suicidal tendencies are kicking in !
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Postby Wilhelmsson » Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:08 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:It's about personal preference Ade. You can't take away a person's right to distance themselves from the sh*tholes who bang their f*cking drums and blow their f*cking horns at every God-forsaken England international.

Personally, I f*cking hate the England set-up, and almost every c*nt who features in the squad. I'd happily p*ss all over 90% of the retards.

So I can understand why Scousers want to be known as just that.

I’d have a guess and say that I’m pretty sure that Scouser’s decision to brand themselves Scouse and not English runs deeper than just football and the England NT.
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Postby adamnbarrett » Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:09 pm

woof woof ! wrote:
We are not English we're scouse. If you don't want to be part of that then fine, but don't tell us what we're doing is wrong when you couldn't possibly understand.

Adamnbarret, you're sixteen years old , hardly the time for you to be telling anybody what it means to be scouse.

I didn't tell anybody what it means to be scouse so get off your high horse.

I may only be sixteen but I'm clearly stating the point that Ade made earlier when he said he probably couldn't understand. I am merely pointing out that this is probably the case and It hink it's wrong branding something sad and wrong because they don't understand.

I don't know about you but I certainly don't base what I do and believe on Steven Gerrard. Also, technically Huyton is not scouse. Gerrard wants to win as many things as possible, including the likes of the world cup I'm sure he'd even play for Iceland if it meant he had a chance at the world cup.

The army on another hand is a whole different story. The 'we are not english, we are scouse' stops at sports for me and probably for many others. I respect those who are in the army and risk their lives. In fact, whether you're interested or not, I'm going to tell you anyway, I was actually considering joining the army recently.

You're blowing it well out of proportion. It stops at football. If you think it expands to other things then your theory is ludicrous.

This may sound patronising to you and to be honest I couldn't care less because all you have to do is look at what you quoted me on and think what you give is what you get returned.
Last edited by adamnbarrett on Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Emerald Red » Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:12 pm

woof woof ! wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:What I don't understand, is this:

How anyone can abuse the heck out of opposition players in the league, then cheer them on when they pull on an England top.

It's hypocritical, it's pathetic, and it's down right f*cking wrong.

No way on God's earth could I cheer Neville, Fat c*nting Rooney, Carrick, Hargreaves, "JT", Hair-lip Steve (Ferdinand, the coke-snorting b*stard), Fat f*cking Frank, and any other Manc/Sh*tski/Bitter c*nt, even if the feckers had just won the World cup single-handed.

No thankyou. Not f*cking likely. :no

Until Liverpool becomes a republic you're country (England) is represented in international football by a team that (unfortunately for you) is not comprised of 11 scousers, but come to think of it neither is the club we follow.

If the "we're scouse not english"  attitude was expanded to a larger stage are we to assume that if England was under attack scousers would not support our armed forces because 99.9% of them weren't scouse ? (like LFC)

This siege mentality adopted by many so called scousers is juvenile and embarrassing and not that far away from the fanatics who declared that they would put their religion before country and were then immediately castigated by many of the "scousers" who inhabit this forum.

Our club captain, more scouse in his fractured toe than half the t'ossers in here doesn't have a problem playing for and supporting England , vent your spleen on the rest of the team if you like but at least have the sense to support one of yer own.


We are not English we're scouse. If you don't want to be part of that then fine, but don't tell us what we're doing is wrong when you couldn't possibly understand.

Adamnbarret, you're sixteen years old , hardly the time for you to be telling anybody what it means to be scouse.

I find this post a little bit too patronising. And anyway, even if AdamBarret is only 16, that's still old enough to have a sense of pride in an ideal that he obviously believes in. A mind can be shaped in a matter of months, nevermind years. I
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Postby woof woof ! » Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:18 pm

scouser 'til I die wrote:
woof woof ! wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:What I don't understand, is this:

How anyone can abuse the heck out of opposition players in the league, then cheer them on when they pull on an England top.

It's hypocritical, it's pathetic, and it's down right f*cking wrong.

No way on God's earth could I cheer Neville, Fat c*nting Rooney, Carrick, Hargreaves, "JT", Hair-lip Steve (Ferdinand, the coke-snorting b*stard), Fat f*cking Frank, and any other Manc/Sh*tski/Bitter c*nt, even if the feckers had just won the World cup single-handed.

No thankyou. Not f*cking likely. :no

Until Liverpool becomes a republic you're country (England) is represented in international football by a team that (unfortunately for you) is not comprised of 11 scousers, but come to think of it neither is the club we follow.

If the "we're scouse not english"  attitude was expanded to a larger stage are we to assume that if England was under attack scousers would not support our armed forces because 99.9% of them weren't scouse ? (like LFC)

This siege mentality adopted by many so called scousers is juvenile and embarrassing and not that far away from the fanatics who declared that they would put their religion before country and were then immediately castigated by many of the "scousers" who inhabit this forum.

Our club captain, more scouse in his fractured toe than half the t'ossers in here doesn't have a problem playing for and supporting England , vent your spleen on the rest of the team if you like but at least have the sense to support one of yer own.


We are not English we're scouse. If you don't want to be part of that then fine, but don't tell us what we're doing is wrong when you couldn't possibly understand.

Adamnbarret, you're sixteen years old , hardly the time for you to be telling anybody what it means to be scouse.

Im sorry but your post is a load of bullshit. We didn't say in order for us to support a team they need to be scouse. You said yourself that not even Liverpool is full of scousers and we support liverpool obviously, so i dunno where the fuck that came from.

Then you go on to say about us not supporting the arm forces because there not scouse. They go out there, risking there lives in order not only liverpool but the whole of Britain to be safe and for our privilege of free will. Of course were gonna support them. And i am sure that there are scousers in the army, many infact. It's as though your saying we want them to fail because the majority aren't scouse. Bollocks!

Then you say it is embarrassing and then you compare us to the fanatics who put religion before there country. I'm sorry, but are you expecting the fucking Scouse version of the IRA, maybe the SRA, and cause a fucking war in our country, then you sir are an idiot.

Lastly you say Gerrard doesnt have a problem playing for england. Maybe thats because he has no other choice. Or maybe its because he is a true professional and wants to play as much football as he can, which if i was in his shoes i would wanting to be doing also. Plus Gerrard was born in huyton, thats very hardcore scouse that mate. So don't go shouting the odds assuming that people on here aren't scousers when you don't have a clue.

I am disappointed with you woof i thought you was a good man who knew his football but your opinions on this topic are a load of shit.

Well i'm glad you got that of your chest . Before you continue your rant you may wish to consider that the the post was addressed to the "We're not English We're Scouse" comment in general and Lando's obsevation that he couldn't support England because
No way on God's earth could I cheer Neville, Fat c*nting Rooney, Carrick, Hargreaves, "JT", Hair-lip Steve (Ferdinand, the coke-snorting b*stard), Fat f*cking Frank, and any other Manc/Sh*tski/Bitter c*nt, even if the feckers had just won the World cup single-handed.

Of course if any of the above mentioned individuals had for example been playing for Liverpool they'd all be great players .

Perhaps i'm just tired of the narrow minded b'ullshit that is continually spouted by so called scousers in this forum and elsewhere.

Some of the comments are more suited to a sectarian Belfast lodge meeting .

I'm born in Liverpool , raised an Englishman and proud of ALL of it  .If you don't like it or are disappointed in me then SUCK IT UP, 'cause I don't really give a f'uck what the poorly educated morally bereft too blind to see think about me.

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Postby woof woof ! » Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:31 pm

I find this post a little bit too patronising. And anyway, even if AdamBarret is only 16, that's still old enough to have a sense of pride in an ideal that he obviously believes in. A mind can be shaped in a matter of months, nevermind years.

Patronising WTF. Maybe at my age I take exception at some 16 year old telling me and the world what it means to be a scouser . Your comment
A mind can be shaped in a matter of months, nevermind years.
is quite true. Think about it .

ps I like Adam , this is not an attack on, or a debate about him .
Last edited by woof woof ! on Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby adamnbarrett » Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:56 pm

Last edited by adamnbarrett on Fri Sep 07, 2007 8:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Emerald Red » Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:12 pm

woof woof ! wrote:
I find this post a little bit too patronising. And anyway, even if AdamBarret is only 16, that's still old enough to have a sense of pride in an ideal that he obviously believes in. A mind can be shaped in a matter of months, nevermind years.

Patronising WTF. Maybe at my age I take exception at some 16 year old telling me and the world what it means to be a scouser . Your comment
A mind can be shaped in a matter of months, nevermind years.
is quite true. Think about it .

ps I like Adam , this is not an attack on, or a debate about him .

Ah, well. THis thread was always going to rattle a few cages. Best not to start a seperate p*ssing contest.

It still intrigues me though, how native Liverpaudlians can feel segregated from the rest of the country, almost as if they are a seperate entity. The question should be as to why this mentallity has come about. Is it a relativly new thing? I remember seeing an interview with Lennon and McCarthy and the American interviewee said something about them being English, to which Lennon stated "We're Irish." That always baffled me, but Lennon was known to have written pro Irish propaganda songs. Could it have been that a lot of the politcs from the settlers from Ireland had spread when they migrated to Liverpool and in some way it has continued on? I may be a long way off, but it seems to me that Scousers in general are viewed as a minority, a lot like travellers, or knackers from here (Ireland).
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Postby Igor Zidane » Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:21 pm

My auld nan used to say that Liverpool was the capitol of Ireland . It's fair to say that we have more in common with the irish than the english imo . In the past we've welcomed many an imigrant to our city .it's said we face the whole world with open arms whilst turning our backs on england figuretively speaking that is.
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:28 pm

woof woof ! wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:What I don't understand, is this:

How anyone can abuse the heck out of opposition players in the league, then cheer them on when they pull on an England top.

It's hypocritical, it's pathetic, and it's down right f*cking wrong.

No way on God's earth could I cheer Neville, Fat c*nting Rooney, Carrick, Hargreaves, "JT", Hair-lip Steve (Ferdinand, the coke-snorting b*stard), Fat f*cking Frank, and any other Manc/Sh*tski/Bitter c*nt, even if the feckers had just won the World cup single-handed.

No thankyou. Not f*cking likely. :no

Until Liverpool becomes a republic you're country (England) is represented in international football by a team that (unfortunately for you) is not comprised of 11 scousers, but come to think of it neither is the club we follow.

If the "we're scouse not english"  attitude was expanded to a larger stage are we to assume that if England was under attack scousers would not support our armed forces because 99.9% of them weren't scouse ? (like LFC)

This siege mentality adopted by many so called scousers is juvenile and embarrassing and not that far away from the fanatics who declared that they would put their religion before country and were then immediately castigated by many of the "scousers" who inhabit this forum.

Our club captain, more scouse in his fractured toe than half the t'ossers in here doesn't have a problem playing for and supporting England , vent your spleen on the rest of the team if you like but at least have the sense to support one of yer own.


We are not English we're scouse. If you don't want to be part of that then fine, but don't tell us what we're doing is wrong when you couldn't possibly understand.

Adamnbarret, you're sixteen years old , hardly the time for you to be telling anybody what it means to be scouse.

F.ucking great post there Woof, and Ade I agree with you too.

Its almost cringe worthy, and embarrising for you who all bang on about this "We're not English we're Scouse" bollox.
Last edited by 66-1112520797 on Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby 66-1112520797 » Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:29 pm

but I consider myself British, not English

And you've lost your identity straight away.

I'm English first British second.

There is no problem with Scousers being proud of where their from, like any other person in the World.

But Scousers unfortunately for most of them ARE ENGLISH and should be proud of that too.

I'm from outer London, and proud of being born and bred there, I'm proud to be English and proud and honoured to support such a fantastic football team ... Liverpool !!
Last edited by 66-1112520797 on Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby Emerald Red » Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:50 pm

Bamaga man wrote:
but I consider myself British, not English

And you've lost your identity straight away.

This thread is now starting to remind me of home.
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