The 'we're not english, we're scouse' stuff - Bit sad really

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Ciggy » Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:10 am

Leonmc0708 wrote:Its about the values and traditions of the greatest team in the land, and a city scousers beleive to be the greatest in the land also.

Is rabite lid  :cool:
There is no-one anywhere in the world at any stage who is any bigger or any better than this football club.

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Postby RedorDead » Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:16 am

It has all got a bit serious hasn't it....sorry.
At the end of the day you're right Leon.....we all love Liverpool Football Club above all the rest.
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Postby Leonmc0708 » Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:36 am

RedorDead wrote:At the end of the day you're right Leon.....

Every day Liiiiiid

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Postby Igor Zidane » Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:42 am

Leonmc0708 wrote:Jesus christ, how has this turned into a political debate of the boringest proportions ?

Its not anti establishment, just pro scouse.

We cant stand side by side next to people who have called us theives, accused us of eating rats for treats and tediously told us of our perceived unemployment problems for years and unite. Not on your nelly.

Its not a political thing though, its football.

One City, One Team; Liverpool.

And this rubbish about OOT's is even as much of a myth as the unemployment issue.

Liverpool is a melting pot of so many different cultures and backgrounds, welcomed when the city was the biggest port of the British Empire, and still welcomed to this day. As scousers we are made up of Scouse, Irish, Scottish, American and African blood, merchants and sailors and everything in between. At times the people who have the biggest problem with coming from outside the city seems to be those from outside the city limits.

Read internet forums across the web and its reaching paranoia levels. RTK, an excellent incentive born out of frustration at the lack of atmosphere and class of some of our newer and younger fans hasnt helped, but its not anti OOT, its exactly the opposite. We welcome you to our city and invite you to join us worshipping at our cathederal, but we want you to learn the ways of the football club, and indeed the Kop. Get your education from the Kop, in the exact same way that all other Liverpool fans before you did, wether they where from Liverpool, London, Ireland or beyond.

On the England team, a media controlled team, comprised of players who irritate and anger us in equal measure week in week out which insists on over using and under employing our players in equal measure and that more often than not returns to us players with horrendous injuries from meaningless friendlies is not what interests us. Not now and not ever.

Its not political.

Its not geographical.

Its about the values and traditions of the greatest team in the land, and a city scousers beleive to be the greatest in the land also.

top post, no more to be said from me :buttrock  ynwa
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Postby Emerald Red » Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:25 am

The Grudge wrote:Norn Irn got beaten 1-0 by Latvia!
Spain away...Sweden away??? Easy!!! :laugh:

Yeah, that's tragic.  ???
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Postby Emerald Red » Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:38 am

dawson99 wrote:
adamnbarrett wrote:no offence Dundalk mate (I'm not trying to sound like a cocky cunt but this isn't an ooter debate. I think you've got the wrong impression of the thread.

By the way, I agree with everything ciggy said. I think the points she made, Leon has made and the points I have made are enough to show that....

We are not English, we are Scouse.

you havent got to be from liverpool to have the heart of a scouser  :buttrock

Or to at least understand where they are coming from regarding these sort of opinions. I know I can certainly relate to it, even more so that a Scouser himself/herself.
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Postby Emerald Red » Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:44 am

Ciggy wrote:And BTW Ive got no problem with OOTers never have done but this lot that seems to have recently joined on the Liverpool train yer baby its our team now cause its a fashion can feck right off.

Ive travelled the world far and wide, Ive worked with all walks of life, but I can understand the die hards on the kop when tw@ts are turning up looking like utter kunts in England tatoos and flags chanting ""Who are Ya" and Eessay Eessay"" when we obviously dont say that and scousers dont sound like that.
So feck it right off ,my mums neighbour whos had a season ticket on the kop for 40 years he was at the game last week and some tw@t shouted to Sissoko OHHH bad move Traore  :glare:
He said I couldnt believe it this feckin divvy thought Sissoko was Traore.

No wonder why people ask questions why we get a cob on.

As an OOT'r, I couldn't agree with what you say here more. Recently as yesterday, I made note of how many Liverpool kits I seen about town. About 8 years ago, I'd have been hard pressed to see any at all, now they are everywhere, and grown men wearing them too. I know for sure most of the c*nts were Arsenal fans or whatever the flavour of the year was. They can all get f*cked. I grew up in the Rush, Barns, Beardsly, Dalglish era, watching Liverpool, and only supporting them as a die hard when we were winning NOTHING. My loyalty never waned and only got stronger. The day we lift 19 will be the day I rub it in the faces of all the c*nts that gave me abuse for a decade or more. I'm saving it till then.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Sun Sep 09, 2007 5:06 am

woof woof ! wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:Look Woof - f*ck knows why you're on your high horse over this - it's a matter of opinions, not facts.

:laugh:   :laugh:   :laugh:   :laugh:

Yeah mate , lets not stick to the facts , lets just go with opinions , after all , like a'rseholes , everybody's got one.

LMAO   :laugh:

So what you're saying is that because you THINK Scousers shouldn't disassociate themselves with the England team, it's a FACT they should not?

B*llocks. It's a moot point at best.

You think one thing, I think another. There's no right or wrong, only differing viewpoints.

I'd have though a well-traveled gent like yourself would understand that, Woof, without the need for arrogance. :no

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Postby woof woof ! » Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:47 am

You think one thing, I think another. There's no right or wrong, only differing viewpoints.

I'd have though a well-traveled gent like yourself would understand that, Woof, without the need for arrogance. :no

Sorry mate, I'd wandered well away from the topic , whatever it was   :D .
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Postby kazza » Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:17 am


I hate it when there is nothing to discuss.

International break   :down:
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Postby kazza » Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:21 am

I cry because I have no shoes untill I met the man with mo feet.

No offence to scousers but there are far worse places in the world than Liverpool and places with far worse reputations... and they seem to have national pride!
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Postby REDTILLDEAD » Sun Sep 09, 2007 12:06 pm

Ciggy wrote:I love Liverpool to be successfull, but sometimes I wish we wernt for tha amount of knobs that jump on the train.
The amount of tw@ts that have jumped on the Liverpool train since we won in 005 is unbelievable and is dilluting our own fans by getting tickets.

So I hope we win feck all  :;):
Imagine we win the league all the manc and chelsea cling ons doesnt bare thinking about.

I have it on good aurthority that when our new ground is built  the club have decided that priority will be given to people with Liverpool postcodes who wish to take up or renew their season tickets for the "new kop" that will eliminate a lot of OOTERS!. :nod
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Postby kazza » Sun Sep 09, 2007 12:38 pm

Ciggy wrote:I love Liverpool to be successfull, but sometimes I wish we wernt for tha amount of knobs that jump on the train.
The amount of tw@ts that have jumped on the Liverpool train since we won in 005 is unbelievable and is dilluting our own fans by getting tickets.

So I hope we win feck all  :;):
Imagine we win the league all the manc and chelsea cling ons doesnt bare thinking about.

I have it on good aurthority that when our new ground is built  the club have decided that priority will be given to people with Liverpool postcodes who wish to take up or renew their season tickets for the "new kop" that will eliminate a lot of OOTERS!. :nod

I think anyone that travels up from London or where ever is a real fan regardless of what anyone thinks. It takes more effort and money than someone that walks down the road.

How can they be regarded as not real fans? Much like scousers that travel to away games.

Leon, patriotism is a multi-layered thing. You fight for your country (a highly noble thing) but you will not support them at football. Bit strange that!
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:38 pm

well said kazza!!!

fact is theres cool people and idiots from everywhere. some scousers are t!ts and some 'ooters' are class...

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Postby destro » Sun Sep 09, 2007 5:36 pm

kazza wrote:I cry because I have no shoes untill I met the man with mo feet.

You met a man with Sissokos feet ? :D
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