The 'we're not english, we're scouse' stuff - Bit sad really

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Alonso14 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:19 pm

People like that piece of shít Lampard try to provoke Alonso too much, its about time he showed them whos boss. I just wish it was a Chelsea c unt.
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Postby Ciggy » Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:22 pm

dawson99 wrote:games on tve1 if anyone else has that

Watching it on there it looks baltic in Iceland and pitch black.  ???
There is no-one anywhere in the world at any stage who is any bigger or any better than this football club.

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Postby dawson99 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:30 pm

Ciggy wrote:
dawson99 wrote:games on tve1 if anyone else has that

Watching it on there it looks baltic in Iceland and pitch black.  ???

im allowed to post anywhere but general chat oh yummy one  :buttrock

and i didnt read the rest, no idea what people are saying about what, just giving my usual opinion  :lookaround
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Postby supersub » Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:32 pm

I've just spent at least half an hour ,perhaps longer ,reading this thread and I can't believe ciggy has decided to watch Xtra factor before delving into such a wonderful spin on the club/country debate.
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Postby dawson99 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:35 pm

oooh, my mate opened the door for simon cowell tonight!!!  :buttrock
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Postby red37 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:49 pm

dawson99 wrote:im allowed to post anywhere but general chat


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Postby stmichael » Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:55 pm

red37 wrote:
dawson99 wrote:im allowed to post anywhere but general chat


because we thought only banning him from general chat was sufficient enough.  :D
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Postby RedorDead » Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:56 pm

Leonmc0708 wrote:
RedorDead wrote:But I am proud of my dutch roots and follow Ajax and the dutch national team. I have always cheered Holland over England, that is how I was brought up with a patriotic Dutch mum and while cheer England I am not a fan of the set at all, not since 1990 have I been really proud of the English football team.

You see, thats what I cant understand.

Please dont take offence, I mean none, but I have only got room in my heart for one team, and they play in all red.

I take no offence Leon mate, but I think it sums it all up. Everyone is different. You love Liverpool and noone else, not England, not your local pub team...noone...fair enough mate.
I am a Liverpool fan first and foremost, I'd rather Liverpool won the league than England or Holland win alternate world cups for the rest of my life time but that doesn't mean I don't follow them. My mum is born and bred Amsterdam, I follow Ajax as a I cry when they lose? No. Would I be torn if they played Liverpool? God no. But I do spur them on in their own leage just like I like to see England and Holland and my local team Brighton all do well.
I don't know if it's unique to scousers, I don't know anything about all this "seperatist" talk, that just smacks of extremist idiots in my book....all I know is WE ALL love Liverpool first, lets' just leave it at that.
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Postby dawson99 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:57 pm

no..right...i said that i would not post in gen chat until we lose (i know, how sad, but i like gen chat!!! i live in there when at work! so it sucks)

now no one wants me to post in ghen chat til at least xmas, me included.

cant jinx a good run :p
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Postby Ciggy » Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:06 pm

RedorDead wrote:I am a half dutch so as well as being a softie I am a clog wearing tulip muncher too!! But I am proud of my dutch roots and follow Ajax and the dutch national team.

My sons half dutch and he can only support Liverpool he has no choice, if he ever becomes a good footballer but not good enough for Liverpool and the bitters sniff around.
even if I am dead, I have told him he can never ever join the bitters or the mancs and hes 7  :)

Now on the topic in question.

No chance he's known since he could understand Liverpool no one else like I was brought up do you think I wanted to sit in the dads and lads when I was 5?

Did I feck I wanted to be at home playing with my Cindy dolls but I had no choice my mum brought me to every game at Anfield from when I was 5 or maybe even younger and I hated every minute of it but had to put up with it till I was 15  :D

Then I didnt want to go to Anfield I wanted to go out get p.issed on two cider & blacks in the Royal Oak and have a fella.

And whilst my mum & her fella have seen Liverpool win everything been to every european cup final.

but gave their season tickets up after Hillsborough where my mother nearly died and got pulled out the Leapings Lane and understandably the scenes she seen that day.

She doesnt want to visit a football ground again the next day she was saying to me look what they are saying, look at it sobbing and crying look girl look what they are saying we robbed our fans we peed on their bodies these sobs coming through someone who was covered in black bruises on her arms from being lifted, seeing dead children in a football stadium whilst they where still playing football.

That week was the worst week of my life in one go I thought my mother had died and her fella, my two uncles and countless other people who I knew where also at that game.
One lad from my colloge class died and my mates cousin.
I have never witnessed scenes like I did at Anfield from it being an unbearable noise when I was 5 to dead silences eary infact scary, the only noise you heard at Anfield that week was sobs.

And it fuckin hurt it hurt a lot infact it still does, what do we hear from the media yer they are always moaning about something.
I go on holiday watch yer wallets robbing scouse kunt here.

Man U fans You killed your own fans.

Evertonains 96 was not enough.

Boris tw@t head Johnson self pity City, well I am fuckin sorry if you think we are self pitty city you want to be the mare of London.

I was born in Liverpool proud of my City and shamed at times like when Rhys Jones and Jamie Bulger got murdered.

These two killings brought our city together but unfortunatly for Manchester and London these things happen on a daily basis and no one gives a fuck.

But when it happens here we stick together.

What has England done for Liverpool lately?
Liverpools given England two great football clubs that have won together more than any London club has, all the European Cups are in the North 7 infact.

Thatcherism ruined Liverpool thousands lost their jobs through who?
The prime minister of England so excuse us if we just keep to our traditions like we always have done and just support our local club.
There is no-one anywhere in the world at any stage who is any bigger or any better than this football club.

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Postby Ciggy » Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:26 pm

And while I am at it UEFA said after the CL final Liverpool fans the worst behaved out of everyone, what about the mancs causing murder against Roma?
What about the constant singing from Man U, and Everton fans about Steven Gerrard and Michael Sheilds, and Rafa's dad?

These same fans follow England cause fuckin murder all over Europe everytime England play a game.
No one can turn around and tell me that since Heysel Liverpool fans have done the same?

Most England fans are a disgrace we have already witnessed two tradgedies we dont wish to witness any more.

But the media will prod along and point the finger at the self pity city gang but the self pity city gang has had enough.

Support Liverpool dont turn up at Anfield looking like a tw@t in a jester hat and placade an England flag at Anfield just cause Gerrard and crouch plays for them it doesnt mean we support them.
There is no-one anywhere in the world at any stage who is any bigger or any better than this football club.

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Postby Dundalk » Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:27 pm

At the end of the day, I cant understand anyone from England who's local team are not in at least the top 2 maybe 3 (Leeds, Forest) divisions not supporting their local team?

My local team is Dundalk, who are currently in the Irish second division (although we are the most successful Irish team ever, doing a bit of a Leeds at the moment!) and I do support them and go to all their games. But....

English football has always been very big over here and Im 27 now and have been supporting Liverpool since I was six, they have been a huge part of my life. I just about remember the 86 double and I can still remember the 89 double so clearly on that sunny day in may, I can also even at 9 years old remember on the day been really affected by Hillsborough and even at that age feeling really bad.

Now I can accept that I am not from Liverpool and can, to some degree, understand were the scousers  are coming from on this one, but its hard for me to think that if I was from Liverpool I would have more passion for the team. I havent got the best job in the world and a trip over, although it is close, is not the cheapest but i still get over 6 or 7 times a year. I live and die by our results (ask my wife) when we lose Im not a nice person to be around and have  the office in the house as a shrine to the team, much to the embarrassment of the wife who thinks I need to grow up :D

Do you have to be from Liverpool or live beside Anfield to be such a great fan? Im sure it helps, after all it is bread in to you, but that dosent mean someone else no matter were in the world they live does not show the same, if at times not even more passion

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Postby adamnbarrett » Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:32 pm

no offence Dundalk mate (I'm not trying to sound like a cocky cunt but this isn't an ooter debate. I think you've got the wrong impression of the thread.

By the way, I agree with everything ciggy said. I think the points she made, Leon has made and the points I have made are enough to show that....

We are not English, we are Scouse.
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Postby Wilhelmsson » Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:32 pm

Ciggy wrote:What has England done for Liverpool lately?
Liverpools given England two great football clubs that have won together more than any London club has, all the European Cups are in the North 7 infact.

Thatcherism ruined Liverpool thousands lost their jobs through who?
The prime minister of England so excuse us if we just keep to our traditions like we always have done and just support our local club.

What do you mean ‘what has England done for Liverpool?’ Are you one of these people who expect England to owe you a living? I’m not sure what you meant by that comment. I’d like to ask you what Liverpool has done for England recently?  Football is not a matter of life and death, it’s far less important than that.

Liverpool gave England economic superiority through the shipping industry and most non ignorant Brits who can distinguish between football and normal living, value working class Liverpudlian’s input into our society.

Liverpudlians when discussing Thatcher play the ‘it only happened to us card’, this is simply not the case at the height of Thatcher’s reign, there were 3.5m people unemployed and over 2m children living in relative poverty. I hope you aren’t ignorant enough to ignore the fact that Thatcher’s anti-working class agenda affected more than just the working class communities of Liverpool.

There’s nothing wrong with keeping your traditions, customs and being proud of being a scouser, in fact I like to see that in people, pride is a terribly wonderful emotion. However when Scousers go around chanting “We’re Scouse, not English” are you surprised that there is hostility towards your community? This attitude leads back to your first sentence, what has England ever done for Liverpool. What can England do you for if you do not want to be part of it?
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Postby dawson99 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:33 pm

adamnbarrett wrote:no offence Dundalk mate (I'm not trying to sound like a cocky cunt but this isn't an ooter debate. I think you've got the wrong impression of the thread.

By the way, I agree with everything ciggy said. I think the points she made, Leon has made and the points I have made are enough to show that....

We are not English, we are Scouse.

you havent got to be from liverpool to have the heart of a scouser  :buttrock
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