The strikers - Cisse|fernando|baros|crouch

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Ola Mr Benitez » Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:03 pm

laza wrote:
woof woof ! wrote:
laza wrote:TBH i wasnt aware so what are you saying if Cisse had never played again , LFC would have got 14 million off an insurance company  ???
Also if he did play again but couldnt recapture the sort of form that warranted that price would we get a payout then ???

Don't know the details of each individual policy mate ,but they normally cover stuff like wages whilst a player is laid up and if the players career is ended through injury a substantial % of the players value just prior to suffering it .

cheers for info matey   
I stand corrected on that point  :D

But don't forget you will lose your no claims bonus and your cover will double next year!!!!
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:19 pm

cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:
laza wrote:Chelsea while you certainly have the depth that all other clubs can only dream of.
And while i realise its probably a happy problem to have but do  you have any  concerns of keeping all those international players happy when some of them are obviously not even going to get enough time on the bench let alone the field ?

Your correct Laza, Jose rarely changes his side, how is he going to keep, Joe Cole, Damien Duff, Arjen Robben and SWP all happy? Its a big season for internationals this year with the WC coming up.
And Duff, Cole and SWP wont be one bit happy with this.
There was a disscution on the radio last night they where saying this is really going to upset the camp.
They are expected to win everything next season, and if Jose fails to win the CL, it will be classed as a failure they where also saying it only done the footballing world good that Liverpool knocked them out of the CL.
Showing the chelsea fans you cannot buy everything.
Also in the disscution they where saying a few players at chelsea have put their careers on hold for a few years to sign for chelsea get the money after a few years, go to another club.
This is really awful for the beautiful game.
If Chelsea dont win the CL I think Roman will bugger off and what happens then?
And Chelsea forever Couch scored more goals than 24 million pound Drogba last season.

Like the the post  :nod

Postby tubby » Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:29 pm

stmichael wrote:Chelsea forever, you seem like a decent bloke and a lot of the time I enjoy reading your posts. It makes a change from some of the @rseholes we get on here who support other clubs and just come on here for a wind up.

However I dislike Chelsea and that will never change.

Chelsea are attempting to make themselves the 'Old Firm' of club football and the rest of the world the remains of the SPL?! They are on a mission, it seems, to buy every talented player under the sun and in some cases...just to take them away from someone else? This is a classic 'Old Firm' move.

Where does it end? More importantly, how does it end? They have more money than the GDP of many countries. They also get sponsorship money to spend on top of that, and unless Roman gets bored with his new toy, this insufferable lot will become a footballing equivalent of a 'black hole' that sucks every available promising player, manager, and front office geek into its vortex and go on from strength to strength.

I now find myself HAVING to root against this outfit. They seem to want to make football a monopolistic venture and frankly, the fans, and the sport are the real losers here. I can foresee Chelsea becoming the most vilified club on the planet in short order.

They also seem to be bidding for every England player apart from Peter Crouch. They already have Terry, Bridge, Fat Frank, Joe Cole, Glen (should never be an international) Johnson and the newly-acquired SWP and until recently Scott Parker as well. Then look at the players they have been linked with or have tried to sign in the past year or so with Gerrard (twice, and twice skinned, ha!), Rio, Michael Owen, Ashley Cole, Beckham, Defoe, Rooney, King and also the potential England keeper Carson.

There is definately a pattern emerging here. What is it with Jose, does he not like the way Chelsea used to be the first port of call for any foreign footballer wishing to try their hand at the English game? Remember a few years back when Chelsea fielded an almost entire team of foreign players each weekend and the backroom staff had more translators than coaches.

I know it is good to have an English backbone to a team but he is surely taking the p*** here isn't he? Or maybe our Sven has asked Roman to buy his full England World Cup team and have them together for a season so we can beat Brazil this time and go all the way. That must be it, Jose is a nice guy really who just wants to help England's World Cup cause, my backside.

But a serious question to consider is how do we go on to support our nation out in Germany next summer when all we will see on the pitch is Chelsea players whom weekend after weekend will be abused for being part of the success-buying juggernaut that it is?

Great post. Its nothing against Chelsea personally but its like there playing the real life version of Championship Manager. Which was why beating you lot in the semis was so sweeter.

Whilst you may continue to win things however you are allways becoming the object of hate not just by English clubs but European clubs to. And this has transpired into not one single world class player they have chased signed for them (except for SWP). This was so evedent last season when everyone was wrooting for Liverpool to win and for Chelsea to loose. The reason for that is simple also. Wr won the hearts of our fans all over the world with heart and personality where as Chelsea simply tried to "buy" that respect. It wil never happen. And no matter how many trophies you win people will never respect Chelsea for being a great football club, but lesser off they will be known as Romans puppets. Even you won players arein on it.

Asier Del Horno said before he arrived at Stanford Bridge that he was pleased he moved to Chelsea as it was a good deal that would set him up for life. No talk of any respect for Chelsea or a big club...just money. You can call me byast or whatever you like but the fact remains that Chelsea have taken the role of the most hated club in England from Manchester United. One thing is sure though. You can spend £200Million every year if you like. You however will never sit along side the great teams in Europe in history like Real Madrid, AC Milan, Barcelona, Ajax and Liverpool to name a few. You will always be known for your money not for your football.
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Postby Chelsea forever. » Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:30 pm

stmichael wrote:Chelsea forever, you seem like a decent bloke and a lot of the time I enjoy reading your posts. It makes a change from some of the @rseholes we get on here who support other clubs and just come on here for a wind up.

However I dislike Chelsea and that will never change.

Chelsea are attempting to make themselves the 'Old Firm' of club football and the rest of the world the remains of the SPL?! They are on a mission, it seems, to buy every talented player under the sun and in some cases...just to take them away from someone else? This is a classic 'Old Firm' move.

Where does it end? More importantly, how does it end? They have more money than the GDP of many countries. They also get sponsorship money to spend on top of that, and unless Roman gets bored with his new toy, this insufferable lot will become a footballing equivalent of a 'black hole' that sucks every available promising player, manager, and front office geek into its vortex and go on from strength to strength.

I now find myself HAVING to root against this outfit. They seem to want to make football a monopolistic venture and frankly, the fans, and the sport are the real losers here. I can foresee Chelsea becoming the most vilified club on the planet in short order.

They also seem to be bidding for every England player apart from Peter Crouch. They already have Terry, Bridge, Fat Frank, Joe Cole, Glen (should never be an international) Johnson and the newly-acquired SWP and until recently Scott Parker as well. Then look at the players they have been linked with or have tried to sign in the past year or so with Gerrard (twice, and twice skinned, ha!), Rio, Michael Owen, Ashley Cole, Beckham, Defoe, Rooney, King and also the potential England keeper Carson.

There is definately a pattern emerging here. What is it with Jose, does he not like the way Chelsea used to be the first port of call for any foreign footballer wishing to try their hand at the English game? Remember a few years back when Chelsea fielded an almost entire team of foreign players each weekend and the backroom staff had more translators than coaches.

I know it is good to have an English backbone to a team but he is surely taking the p*** here isn't he? Or maybe our Sven has asked Roman to buy his full England World Cup team and have them together for a season so we can beat Brazil this time and go all the way. That must be it, Jose is a nice guy really who just wants to help England's World Cup cause, my backside.

But a serious question to consider is how do we go on to support our nation out in Germany next summer when all we will see on the pitch is Chelsea players whom weekend after weekend will be abused for being part of the success-buying juggernaut that it is?


Iv been in the "buy players, money, cash, mulah, dosh: debate one too many times, all I shall say is if tomorrow Liverpool got 500M to spend, Rafa would be on a world tour signing players of all kinds, top players, kids, prospects, staff, translaters etc.

About the England thing. Players that were here before Jose arrived were, Terry,Lampard,Jhonson,Bridge and Cole --- Just like Arsenal have Campbell, Ashley, Parlor(Ex), Keyon(Ex) and Manu  Rio, Nevil sisters, Rooney.

The only 'English' addition since Jose has been Wright Phillips.

Gerrard ,Rio, Michael Owen, Ashley Cole, Beckham, Defoe, Rooney, King and also the potential England keeper Carson. From those the only ones we were interested in were Gerrard (and we would be even if he wasent English, because Jose likes him), Cole  and Carson (I think!).

Beckham, Owen, Rio, Defoe, Rooney, King - all Media talk.

How do you support an England team when all you see is Chelsea players?

Well for starters, you see Chelsea, Arsenal and Manu players. And secondly, I cant tell you how to support then England team because Im not English  :laugh:

But I can tell you for sure that we have a squad to look out for next season as we are gunning for all 5 trophies, and im confindent that we can get a couple for sure.

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Postby stmichael » Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:35 pm

Chelsea forever. wrote:But I can tell you for sure that we have a squad to look out for next season as we are gunning for all 5 trophies, and im confindent that we can get a couple for sure.

yeah i agree that the carling cup and the community shield are well and truly in the bag :p

on a serious note, if mourihno can somehow get crespo's head right and make him want to play, he'll be devastating this season imo.
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:37 pm

So how long have you been supporting them for ??

Are you American ?

Postby 66-1112520797 » Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:02 pm

Have to say i think we have a good mixture of strikers and they are adequate enough to score alot of goals .

And in all honesty on paper Chelskis front four doesntt look that daunting.
Man for man upfrontwe are just as good.

Postby 66-1120597113 » Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:18 pm

U'll eat ur words Chelseaforever !Crouch hit 17 last season at Southampton!Bare in mind they didnt go far in any cup competitions!So this season at a better club,with better service and playing more matches cos we tend to do quite well in cups,i reckon he'll hit at least 20!In fact id put a wager on it!Hope u enjoyed the Champions League semi-final mate!Cant help wondering wot are u doin on here anyway do Chelsea charge for sites like this?

Postby stmichael » Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:08 pm

Bamaga man wrote:Have to say i think we have a good mixture of strikers and they are adequate enough to score alot of goals .

check out the opta stats for our strikeforce last season. take michael owen out of the equation of course.
Last edited by stmichael on Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby 66-1112520797 » Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:27 pm

Ok know all about Baros ,Cisse missed most of the season and Nando hasnt played a full season has he.Ping pong looked bright and was playing well.

Compare them man for man against the Chelski four .


It doesnt look that bad  compaired to them ,and another reason maybe why the stats are so low is cause the midfield (especially from wide areas) hardly provide the strikers with good quality service.

So are you saying we dont have the strikers to get goals this season ifso should we sell them all


Postby Chelsea forever. » Wed Jul 20, 2005 4:21 pm

Bamaga man wrote:So how long have you been supporting them for ??

Are you American ?

No I am not American.

And I have been supporting Chelsea long before I knew that a man called Roman Abramovich existed.

As for our strikers,

Crespo just needs to fit in well, if he does and continues to show the class he did last season at Milan then we are in for a real treat.

Guddy is always reliable, but I think Jose has more of a Midfield role setup for him.

Drogba needs to stop missing chances, or get a pot belly which will go in the goal.

Carlton has looked very very good pre season and im sure given his chance he will do well.


BarryBelfast -- Im not saying Crouch is a bad player. Im saying he is NOT world class, it doesnt look like he will be world class, and IMO Liverpool should invest in a lethal world class talent. However, im sure he will score goals and will be an asset to the team and im all for him doing well at Liverpool.

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Postby woof woof ! » Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:18 pm

Bamaga man wrote:Ok know all about Baros ,Cisse missed most of the season and Nando hasnt played a full season has he.Ping pong looked bright and was playing well.

Compare them man for man against the Chelski four .


It doesnt look that bad  compaired to them ,and another reason maybe why the stats are so low is cause the midfield (especially from wide areas) hardly provide the strikers with good quality service.

So are you saying we dont have the strikers to get goals this season ifso should we sell them all


Are you serious ? I'd bite yer hand off if right now you wanted to give me Drogba for Crouch

Crespo for Cisse .For me the jury is still out as far as their premiership performances are concerned .I'll keep cisse .

Gudjohnson for Morientes . Nando still hasn't proved himself here ,while Gudjohnson has been doing the business. Again I'll hang on to Morientes,give him a decent run and hope he steps up.

Cole in exchange for Pongolle / Baros ? Christ ! I'd give both of them for Cole , where do i sign ?

Strike that last one , I was thinking of Cole the midfielder   :p
You might have a point after all Bamaga ,but despite the fact that even Chelsea fans are getting the hump with him I'd still take Drogba aboce Crouch anytime.
Last edited by woof woof ! on Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby JC_81 » Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:30 pm

A couple of things have cropped up in this thread.

Essien better than Gerrard??  FFS, I honestly think Essien could turn out to be the next Drogba - 32mil??  I wouldn't pay half of that for him.  IMO Essien will be found out when he has to play in a competitive league week in week out, its a very different matter from playing in the French league and raising your game occasionally for the big games in the champions league. 

Essien is not in the same class as Makelele, Lampard, Gerrard or Alonso if you ask me, he's just flavour of the month after his European performances, just like Drogba was this time last year.

Another thing.  In the original post at the start of this thread it was said that Morientes is getting old and may not last the season.  What??   Correct me if I'm wrong but is he not 28/29.  He should be at his peak not over the hill.  Fair enough he is slow, but no slower than he was at 25.

However I do agree that SWP and del Horno are excellent signings for chelsea.  I also think that if anyone can keep all their players happy its Mourinho, he certainly seems to have a good bond with his players.  I don't foresee them having too many problems with players complaining of being benched, with the possible exception of Duff.  Great player but injury prone, and he could struggle to get back in the team when fit with the wingers chelsea now have, I can see him moving on next summer depending on how things pan out.
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Postby skipper » Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:31 pm

stmichael wrote:
Chelsea forever. wrote:But I can tell you for sure that we have a squad to look out for next season as we are gunning for all 5 trophies, and im confindent that we can get a couple for sure.

yeah i agree that the carling cup and the community shield are well and truly in the bag :p

on a serious note, if mourihno can somehow get crespo's head right and make him want to play, he'll be devastating this season imo.

yea, chelseaforever, you can have the community shield and carling cup.

We'll take the premiership, FA cup, and champions league.  :D

Getting down to business.

Like st. michael said, if crespo plays at top form, then you will be hard to beat.  He was incredibly devastating against us in the cl final.  He had great players around him at milan and he'll have great players around him at chelsea.

If chelsea gets a striker who can get 20+ goals, whether on the team rite now or in the transfer market, then the prem title will be yours.
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Postby woof woof ! » Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:50 pm

Slight diversion but as chelsea fan is in here he might have missed this
On sky today

Wright Phillips press conference

reporter "Shaun ,you've worked wth some inspirational managers , how do you rate your new one ?

Wright -Phillips "He's in a world of his own "

:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  ROFLMFAO .

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