The ***'s apology - Anyone read it?

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby Roger Red Hat » Wed Jul 07, 2004 2:33 pm

Im off to jump on The S**'s message board and tell them what I think.

I'm so mad!
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Postby The Manhattan Project » Wed Jul 07, 2004 3:10 pm

F*ck the S*n.

They can stick their apology up their a*se.

:angry:  :angry:  :angry:
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Postby jonnymac1979 » Wed Jul 07, 2004 5:13 pm

I've just sent them the most lovely e-mail telling them what I think of them and their readers.  I'm sure they will like it.

What were the words I used..............treacherous, idiotic scumbags, I think they were.

Postby zarababe » Wed Jul 07, 2004 6:16 pm

It's an apology motivated by the attacks on Rooney, whose apparently in hiding now. :laugh: You know the scum..always a sinister reason for an apology???



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Postby 115-1073096938 » Wed Jul 07, 2004 6:34 pm

Cheeky, arrogant, mindless, nasty, hypocritical, patronising peices of 5h!te.

I'd love to say unbelievable.

But from those ****** its obviously not.


Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Wed Jul 07, 2004 6:43 pm

The Sun have proved today without a shadow of a doubt how twisted and superficial the paper really is.
The Editors and journalists alike are the most shallow minded and hate breeding  category of people  it is possible to encounter ,their so called reports have not a shred of truth their articles trample without sympathy over  grief stricken relatives with all the finesse of a stampeding  herd of cattle .

Not once have they ever had the Decency  to accept that their libellous statements and  ridiculous charges had a profound effect on the people of Liverpool.

If an apology had been given 15 yrs ago the outcome would have still been the same ,so how the Sun can  expect a seriously belated effort 15  years to late to have any credence
only reveals the true extent of the papers deep seated arrogance .

We the people and fans of Liverpool Football Club will never accept your apologies and proposing that we move on , that  will be treated with the hate and contempt it deserves .

As for the subject of Rooney  if we decide to pillory and vilify his name then so be it as a born and bred Scouser he surely realizes the grave error in judgement he has made ,and in his actions has treated the families and the memories of the 96 that perished at Hillsborough with distain

So save your futile words they fall on deaf ears we will never listen to your pleas again ,even if  your request for forgiveness is delivered in the ashes of  your fading  empire , your time has come and gone your  sad little rag will continue to sink and soon  we will stand gloating over your lifeless body .

Make no mistake we shall have our day and the bond that unites us together will continue to grow stronger, Hillsborough was the biggest tragedy  ever to occur  in football pity you couldn’t see past the lurid headlines and have shown compassion and sympathy for the families of the dead
:angry: :angry:

my message to the S**
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Postby fivecups » Wed Jul 07, 2004 7:06 pm

'It is time to move on.'

That really grates with me. Who do you think you are to tell me when it's time to move on?

I find that 'apology' grossly patronising.

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Postby Leonmc0708 » Wed Jul 07, 2004 7:49 pm

There is no way that any form of excuse will ever be accepted for the stuff printed on the front pages of that rag all those years ago.

It is time to move on they say, try telling the family or friends of the 96 who perished on that fateful day that, it is not possible to move on, loved ones, sons, daughters, fathers, they were lost forever that day.

How can the people who tried in vain to save other people, the men and women who lifted, pulled and dragged friends and strangers alike from the pen, people who risked their own lives to save aothers, people who should be called heroes, move on or forgive an orginisation who labeled them theives and degenerates.

If their had been a full and unreserved apology, maybe some people not directly affected could have moved on, but to hide a half baked apology behind the misguidance of a football starlet and the rivalry of a competitior just adds insult to injury.

I can not express how strongly I feel about this issue, in writing this post it has evoked strong memories of that horrid day, and brought a tear to my eye. NEVER will the people behind this be forgiven.

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Postby Dalglish » Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:28 pm

I listened to 5 live today interview today betwen the S*U spokepersona dna  5 live presenter....

I was initially encouraged as the spokesman from the S*n offered a full and unreserved apology, he went on to say what was done was indefensible then and now and the darkest day in their paper's history .....So far so good i thought....???

Then he moved the apology into an attack on the mirror group (Who own the Echo and Post ) and then had the audacity to tell people of Liverpool to "move On" ....This is not a bad accident that caused minor injuries, this was the worst football disaster in the history of British football and that W..a.n.k.e.r is telling People to "Move on " :angry:

If you was unfortunate enough to be at Hillsborough but fortunate enough to survive as I was, then you don't get over what that rag wrote about people like ME who had to watch as people died around me, powerless to help and desperatly hanging on to life.......... I was pulled out of Pen 3 as my Signature says "By the Grace of God" or fate depending on your personal viewpoint and to come home and open a  paper and be accused of doing what that rag reported as the "TRUTH" to my fellow human beings is despicable....

The Sun had discussions with the HJC and offered a large sum of money to the HJC and a full apology ........... The HJC was at the point of agreeing on the proviso that the Sun reveal their sources for that article (the Scum refused and the talks broke down) . We all know and suspect who actually fed them the story but the S*N has a moral and ethical responsibility to check it's sources but what does that "tits and Bums" rag know about morales and Ethics ? ???

Walk On .........

Hillsborough, the day ordinary everyday fans went to a football game and 96 never came home R.I.P 96.............
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Postby kenco » Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:57 pm

A dad and his lad who travelled with us to hillsborough that day never came home with us.The Sun with the lies they told made the pain i felt unbearable,but it must of felt a thousand times worse for their family. THE SUN MUST NEVER BE FORGIVEN FOR THE LIES THEY WROTE. NEVER!!!!!
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Postby Dalglish » Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:07 pm

The Sun were so far up the Tories a.r.s.e.s att he time that they were duty bound to print an "Anti Liverpool" story and they didn't diasappoint wither the police or the establishment with their despicable lies.....

This cynical ploy (today's Apology) was a vain and ultimately insulting attempt to sell a few more papers.... What price a person's life ? ???  Don't forget how the press photographers gathered like pack animals on the "Safe" side of that fence and took those despicable pictures ......

What possesses a human being to photograph other human beings in the last moments of their lives when they could have done something to alert the police to what was happening is beyond comprehension and something I’ve struggled to come up with an answer to since that day.........
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Postby kenco » Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:18 pm

The police new what was happening Dalgish they just did'nt give a sh@t till it was to late. Even when the ambulance finally turned up the police wanted it to go around the perimiter not drive across the pitch. ******
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Postby jimmyb » Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:25 pm

Was that an apology? to me it sounded like self-interest,Theres nothing that paper could say to make a true Liverpudlian buy it.I went to hillsborough that day with three of my brothers,we all came home,96 people weren,t as lucky.DO NOT BUY THAT PAPER IT,S AN INSULT TO THOSE PEOPLE AND THIER FAMILIES
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Postby Dalglish » Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:27 pm

I am fully aware about the police mate but whatever capacity you happened to be in on that fateful day ...Press, Steward, Referee, player, fan, etc..... surely the more people alerting the police the quickerthe response could have been, who knows how many lives could have been saved if they had acted earlier........:(

Fire engines with cutting gear arrived at the ground but couldn't gain access because Sheff Wed had made structural changes to the exterior of the stadium and hadn't notified the emergency services............

A full alert disaster response unit was turned away because the police believed they were dealing with a crowd disturbance such was their ingrained attitude to football supporters in the 80's . I suspect like myself you travelled to matches in the 80's and was treated like vermin by the authorities .......

So we all know who leaked the erroneous information to the S*n now don't we .......A Police authority who not only got it wrong but then tried to cover their errors with lies and mis- information .......???
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Postby adayinthelife » Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:45 pm

Just been on the Liverpoolfctv site and 87% of Liverpool fans rejected the scumbags apology.

Who the ****** are the other 13%? :angry:
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Shankly to Fagan:Tell him,Joe.He has got no chance of playing.
Smith to Fagan:Tell him to sod off.It is not his leg,it's mine.
Shankly to Smith:Oh no son.You are wrong,son.It is not your leg.
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