The inside line - The ex players version

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby big al » Fri Nov 07, 2003 11:28 am

I had the occasion last night to meet an ex youth team and reserve team player for Liverpool.  I told him about this site  and of the comments people were making.  I also mentioned the last topic I posted about the rich business mans view and all that. 

Well Did he put me right!

The guy asked me not to name him because this is just the kind of place were Gh regularily visits so beware folks.

Anyway this guy said GH is (and I quote)
" A self obsessed, arogant, egotisical, paranoid bully"

but he is a very very powerful and influential man.  GH has friends inside the elite ruling classes of European and world football.  Houlier is part of the uefa establishment and has the inside line on most decisions being made at the very highest level.  Gh is not a man of the people, he's a yes man for the blokes who rule the people.  We may all want rid of him but the directors at Liverpool can't afford to let this asset go. 

Languishing in 4th or 5th place in the league is ok if your a manager with powerful friends. 

There are a lot of people at Anfield who dislike GH but will never say a thing even after he goes.

What I realised talking with this guy is that we come here and give are opinions and it bloody well matters for nothing because alone we can't change a damn thing.  Houlier will stay at Liverpool until he wants to leave or is carried out in a coffin.

Recently I've been signing off By pleading with Mr Houlier to leave, so guys I want to start a campaign right here and now. Can everyone out there who wants GH out join me in signing of their posts with

Please leave! Mr Houlier
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Postby 116-1065305004 » Fri Nov 07, 2003 11:39 am

Same here!
Time for a change, if Houllier admits himself he cant win the Premiership why is he still in charge wasting our time? :angry:

Postby JBG » Fri Nov 07, 2003 1:54 pm

David Thompson and Sander Westerveld had nothing but bad things to say about Houllier when they went.

I remember a month or so after Roy Evans left he said something along the lines of:

"While I don't want to criticise Gerald Houllier and I admit that he's a world class coach on the technical side, it remains to be seen how he will fare in actually dealing with players and their personalities. He is more interested in the technical side of the game."

I hope I'm not disrespecting Evans by wrongly quoting or paraphrasing him, but he did hint that Houllier might not be that popular with the players.

Then again, the players at the time included the likes of Neil Ruddock and Phil Babb!!!
Jolly Bob Grumbine.
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Postby Cool Hand Luke » Fri Nov 07, 2003 3:08 pm

Please leave! Mr Houllier

i think yes what about you
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Postby greenred » Fri Nov 07, 2003 5:04 pm

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Postby THEBARON » Fri Nov 07, 2003 11:37 pm

QUESTION Quelle heure est il ?

  ANSWER Time to go
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Postby cheesecakery » Sat Nov 08, 2003 10:31 pm

Oy Gerry oik your tackle ,
in french that means ***** off :D

your are very cuddly and cute but you cant manage a football team so please gogogo :D
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Postby supersub » Sun Nov 09, 2003 12:35 am

Cheesey you turn-coat.... And you always said you liked his hair,et tu Brute.
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Postby big al » Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:50 pm

Thanks for your support guys.

please leave Mr Houlier.
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Postby big al » Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:41 am

As a form of protest against the inane members of the forum I have decided to dominate the first pages sorry sports fans
"Football Is the greatest democracy of all, That's providing your not Italian and pay the referee" Big al 2006
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Postby greenred » Fri Jan 30, 2004 2:02 am

Has wrote:Please leave! Mr Houllier

even more evidence that Has has changed his tune.
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Postby gaz31 » Fri Jan 30, 2004 2:26 am

When you get the ball, I want you to beat a couple of men and smash the ball into the net, just the same way you used to at Bury," said Shankly. Lindsay replied: "But Boss that wasn't me, it was Bobby Kerr." Shankly turned to Bob Paisley and said: "Christ Bob, we've signed the wrong player."
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Postby Dalglish » Fri Jan 30, 2004 2:53 am

here we go again , same old boring forum subjects on GH , Big Al ? haven't we discussed this "EX" player on an earlier forum.
EX being the importnat point here, we all hear about the disgruntled players like Thompson and Westerveld (Players the majority of fans by the way thought were simply not good enough for LFC at the time if i remember rightly ) but rarely hear from many players such as MacCallister, Anelka, Fowler, McManaman, James,McAteer etc... in the press bleating about how they were treated. David thompson , come on , did ANY of you go to Blackburn Away this season and observe his attitude and continual dissent against manager and players alike? I have my views about GH but i choose to aford the man a little more respect than a lot on here do....... "boo boys of the world unite" (Usually on here) ??? Suroprise yourselves and try and say something POSITIVE for a change (Not intended for Big Al that last comment as he usually provides thought provoking and insightful posts in the main)
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Postby azriahmad » Fri Jan 30, 2004 10:23 am

It does not matter if anyone of us has powerful friends in the football world or not. It does not matter if one is a supremely good technical coach or not. What matters is if one can build, coach and manage whatever team to glory at whatever level. The more the achievement, everybody will say that that person is good/great/excellent etc.
Houllier is not good/great/excellent as a coach. He is a good administrator or founder of the basic infrastructure. At France, he was a disaster as a coach of the national team but he did well to establish the famous Clairfontaine academy where young French players are groomed. Undoubtedly, his major contribution has been establishing a good foundation for developing young players.
As a man manager, he is very much mediocre. He has this habit of blaming one single player - Ginola for the failure of France to qualify for USA '94 and Gerrard for Liverpool's early demise in the Champoins' League last season. His tactics are unimaginative and rigid, he apparently can't inspire his players.
His work at Liverpool may only bear fruition years from now at the hands of another manager who is much better at both man-management and tactical acumen.
There...such a long winded thread to get my opinion across...
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Postby big al » Fri Jan 30, 2004 10:26 am

Dalglish, this is an old thread I dug it up last night while I was drunk.  Just to annoy people with. Looks like it worked What! :laugh:
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