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Postby JBG » Sun Jan 08, 2006 7:10 pm

In fairness to Stu with regard to Sabre, I do recollect that last week he remarked that Sabre's English was excellent and he was a good poster.

For the record, I'd also like to echo that: Sabre is a top class member. He has an interesting perspective, in that he knows Benitez well from his La Liga days, and also knows Alonso, Josemi, Reina, Pellegrino, Sissoko, Morientes, Nunez, Garcia etc from their Spanish careers. To me, a member what that kind of knowledge is priceless.

As for text speak and over use of block capitals, in other forums the use of these are banned as being bad internet ethiquette.
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Postby ivor_the_injun » Sun Jan 08, 2006 7:26 pm

JBG wrote:In fairness to Stu with regard to Sabre, I do recollect that last week he remarked that Sabre's English was excellent and he was a good poster.

For the record, I'd also like to echo that: Sabre is a top class member. He has an interesting perspective, in that he knows Benitez well from his La Liga days, and also knows Alonso, Josemi, Reina, Pellegrino, Sissoko, Morientes, Nunez, Garcia etc from their Spanish careers. To me, a member what that kind of knowledge is priceless.

As for text speak and over use of block capitals, in other forums the use of these are banned as being bad internet ethiquette.

I hope that my post didn't come across as a slight against Sabre - I too think he's an excellent poster. His knowledge of the Spanish game is fantastic and incredibly interesting. One of my favourite posters in fact.

It's just that if we're going to kick off about the language that people use, a line will have to be drawn somewhere. I'd have no problem with txt speak being banned altogether, but to be honest I haven't seen too much of it cropping up - the odd "m8" and "4" instead of "for" aside. You do get the odd completely indecipherable post, but you get those absolutely everywhere.

A good forum - and for the record, this is a good forum - will survive by being self-regulating. This means that good topics will be kept alive, and bad topics will disappear from the front page almost as soon as they arrive, whether they're deleted or not.

Ditto with poor posts - if someone has something to say, people will pick up on their points and discuss them. The big failing here is that when someone posts with nothing to say, people should ignore them. They aren't, and that just encourages thoughtlessness and mischief. To some, it may well seem like fun to get a rise out of Stu by posting something stupid, but if he kept schtum instead of making a big deal out of it, this would be a non-issue.
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Postby JBG » Sun Jan 08, 2006 7:41 pm

ivor_the_injun wrote:A good forum - and for the record, this is a good forum - will survive by being self-regulating. This means that good topics will be kept alive, and bad topics will disappear from the front page almost as soon as they arrive, whether they're deleted or not.

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Postby Sabre » Sun Jan 08, 2006 7:44 pm

Don't worry ivor the injun, I know exactly what you meant ;) I know my lack of footie english, makes sometimes a bit longer or even 2 posts to be understood, but heh, I wouldn't be funny sometimes if my english was perfect :D

Stu the red is 100% right about the diagnostic of the forum. The only thing I disagree is the new threads he has opened, with just one, he'd made his point. That's why JBG says it's not helpful.

The problem is complex. Probably the people that is reading this posts with attention, are not the ones who really have to read and debate it. Myself, I consider my posting classic, in terms, that I don't make a new thread often. I preffer to read and reach high depths (1) of a thread and then post my view. The best praise you can make to another poster, is to show that you've cared to read what he said. Newbies don't do this, and they should, it's fun.

Newbies in forums are eager always to be nice and be known by the forum. And that's why they post more new threads. This happens and is annoying, but Stu, I don't think we can do much about it but to wait the mod locks the thread. What I know for sure, is that IF you get tired of this and you don't post as usual, this forum won't be as good as it is.

Because we must see the big picture, we have the typical problems of huge forums, but there's lots of quality in it aswell.

If the mods would need more help? probably. But for the record I'd like to say that being a mod is more a "job" than a privilege. It's difficult to be a mod, so think twice those who say they are ready to be mod ::D


(1) I still haven't but One day, I'll read the realworld thread from the beginning to the end. Now, I just pick random pages of the thread. It's fun
Last edited by Sabre on Sun Jan 08, 2006 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ivor_the_injun » Sun Jan 08, 2006 8:03 pm

Bit of a jump cut here, but I think there are too many sections in the forum. It's subdivided so much that it's sometimes a bit of a chore trying to work out where a post should go.

Case in point - when I heard about Man U's result today, I added to a topic in "Premiership - General Discussion", when in fact there was already a thread about it opened in "Football World Wide - Games".

Could we not just have:

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion
Liverpool Football Club - The Players Lounge
Liverpool Football Club - Games
Liverpool Football Club - The Kop

...and then...

Introductions Forum
Premiership - General Discussion
Other Football - General Discussion
General Chat Forum

Everything else is disposable as far as I'm concerned, and the more compact the forum is, the easier it will be to maintain.

I'd also consider banning polls entirely. If I want someone's opinion, I'd prefer them to actually give it as opposed to just clicking one of however many pre-determined options.
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Postby shanks » Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:05 pm

stu i myself have taken a lot of stick off you, some of it lies but you might not think so,you yourself have made some awfull posts not just last night i am on about in the past, every body is different some people give 1 liners some like to debate in depth like your self which can make some intresting reading, but it dosnt give you the right to slang members off like you do, you are a member like every body else we all make mistakes you and me included, this is what makes a forum freedom of speech the right to comment to post not to be slanged off every time people post, i know you have done this to other members on here you try to stir things up to much,to the point you try to get moderators on your side, i my self just would just like to enjoy this forum for what it is a liverpool fc forum we are all the same liverpool supportors so lets drop this for once and for all, we dont have to agree or like each other it is only dragging this fantastic forum down so please stop slanging me off and stiring up trouble lets just get on with posting ok stu, ps dont pm unless constructive comments and not slander, happy posting stu
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Postby drummerphil » Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:19 pm

shanks wrote:stu i myself have taken a lot of stick off you, some of it lies but you might not think so,you yourself have made some awfull posts not just last night i am on about in the past, every body is different some people give 1 liners some like to debate in depth like your self which can make some intresting reading, but it dosnt give you the right to slang members off like you do, you are a member like every body else we all make mistakes you and me included, this is what makes a forum freedom of speech the right to comment to post not to be slanged off every time people post, i know you have done this to other members on here you try to stir things up to much,to the point you try to get moderators on your side, i my self just would just like to enjoy this forum for what it is a liverpool fc forum we are all the same liverpool supportors so lets drop this for once and for all, we dont have to agree or like each other it is only dragging this fantastic forum down so please stop slanging me off and stiring up trouble lets just get on with posting ok stu, ps dont pm unless constructive comments and not slander, happy posting stu

hello shanks,dont think we have spoken before........maybe we have  ???
For someone who has been around a week or less you have an awful lot to say regarding postings from "the past" and in particular postings and stick you have had in "stus past" on here...........who are you mate and what were you called before.
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Postby andy_g » Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:25 pm

and this ----> . is a full stop

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Postby Sabre » Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:30 pm

With my english style, it would take 3 posts to spot an alter ego :D
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Postby 82-1074641017 » Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:33 pm

bigmick wrote:I was bang busy at work yesterday and couldn't post, so I logged on this morning to find this utter shambles. I know this will probably get deleted but new members and old must surely realise that filling up the forum with one-liners, smileys, repeat threads and ill-thought out tosh just ruins the place as a discussion group. I've never been one to give people a hard time as rule but when you haven't been on for a day or two you log on and just can't be bothered to read through all the threads.
When you do reply, you like to think that you consider what you are going to write and then stick it down. All that then happens is that some toolpiece posts up a reply which is in no way shape or form related to your point and the whole thing gets lost in a sea of nonsense. What we have on here at the moment is either a bunch of retarded individuals who can't see what they're doing, deliberate spammers or a combination of the two. I think it's time to act against them. At the moment it's only the abusive who get banned, I think we should broaden that onto the stupid. One ridulous post or new thread which is a repeat gets a warning, two a yellow then three gets a one month ban.
Someone's got to do something surely?

Dont worry BigMick the forum will always be in good health while Roberts is here! :D

Postby RUSHIE#9 » Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:39 pm

Don't know if it'd be workable but I was thinking that maybe newbie could be denied access to starting new threads on here until after they've made 50 or 100 posts and then only have access to it after one of the mods have reviewed their posts to see whether they would be likely to make a good contribution to the forum. The only way that i could think of this working is something similar to the system where you ask the mods for access to the advanced forums. As i said i don't know if its workable but i think that instead of pointing fingers (or arrow cursors  :p ) at each other it'd be better off for the forum for us all to work on finding some sort of solution to this problem.I know that at times i look at the amount of posts and pages before i look at a thread and if it's a high number i am put off 'cos you know that you're gonna spend ages trawling through c.rap to find out what the discussion is about.
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Postby andy_g » Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:58 pm

just imagine the quality of those 50 or 100 posts they bang out as quick as possible to get to the 'able to start thread' position.
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Postby Sabre » Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:07 pm

Well Andy, a Premium Member might be more than having a nice liverbird on your posts...

AFAICT the people who give the premium membership do not give it cheaply, so a poster of junk hardly could get the premium membership

A not premium member could only post a reply to an existing thread, and this would encourage them to read the whole thread in order they can add something that still hasn't been raised
Last edited by Sabre on Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby RUSHIE#9 » Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:08 pm

andy_g wrote:just imagine the quality of those 50 or 100 posts they bang out as quick as possible to get to the 'able to start thread' position.

Yeah, my point is that the mods would review their posts and if they've been spamming just to get to that point then the mods would be able to deny them access to starting threads on the forum thereby eliminating all of the newbies posting threads like
HOW COOL IS CISSES NEW RED HAIR CUT' for example - absolutely feckin pointless but of the calibre of some of the crap we've been getting on here in the last few days.
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Postby andy_g » Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:14 pm

i take your points, rushie and sabre. but i think that newbies will try to achieve the necessary number of posts as quickly as possible by posting whatever comes into their head. i've seen it happen with newbies trying to get their post count up as fast as they can to try and apply for 'elite' status.

in fact, the more i think about it the more i'm inclined to say that the status implied by elite membership and post count may be doing more harm than good...

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