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Postby Cool Hand Luke » Sun Jan 08, 2006 2:29 pm

I agree

i think yes what about you
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Postby Gaunt » Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:06 pm

He gets my vote.
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Postby Garymac » Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:28 pm

You can see why Stu is p1ssed off and although theres better ways of putting it the threads he started last night taking the p!ss people are making seriously, theres a thread for the Luton game, someone made a new one saying it was for after the game WHY? then there is a thread about Cisse everyone is discussing about him and bang theres a Cisse and Pongolle thread. And in fairness there was some decent debate in here until it all got broken up last night.

People are looking at any oppertunity to make a thread or a its like a sub plot from another thread, Its :censored: making Spam threads just destroys the debates going on in other threads and in turn destorys the state of this section.

Bigmick you are Spot on once again mate, and i would defo bring in the one month ban for the likes of Hobbes who feels to post his every thought as a thread.

And if you want to look after your blood pressure Phil i suggest you dont come on after a game which we win 5 3 after being 3 1 down, God knows its gonna do you know favours mate  :D
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Postby shanks » Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:40 pm

bigmick for mod knows what he is on about gets my vote :;):
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Postby Sabre » Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:16 pm

He has my vote too, but I haven't read he volunteers :)
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Postby ivor_the_injun » Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:27 pm

I'd actually say that people complaining about posts are as much at fault as those who make unhelpful posts - it just makes the problem 10 times worse.

The number of threads I've clicked into which have had something like 5 interesting posts and then 25 posts winging about one person who said something's not exactly helping matters. In many ways its worse than a thread started by someone without a clue - at least you can ignore those entirely, but if people have good stuff to say the last thing you want to do is spend 5 minutes trawling pages of garbage finding it.

If someone says something stupid, make your point telling them just once, but don't engage them in a four page conversation about why this is the case.

Half the time if you ignore idiocy completely they'll take your silence towards them as a rebuke and hopefully they'll think twice before posting next time.

And yes - Stu_the_red needs to think about the way he posts. I do read his stuff, and even when he's making points about the team that I disagree with, it's often still worth a look. When he gets on his high horse on subjects like this though, he's as bad as the thick kids, to be honest.
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:35 pm

shanks wrote:well said andy_g have you read the threads stu_the_red put on the forum last night  ??? he would murder any 1 for that ok for him to put :censored: up tho nobody says any thing 4 :censored: posts :no

Do you know why? Right, that because normally all of my posts are thought out and aren't stupid one liners, aren't repeat threads and are well thought out. Yes, everyone makes a one line comment, yes people post only a smilies on occassions, however in general i stick to and discuss the issues that are brought up if i have an opinion on them.

Even now, i've seen you make about 100 posts, none of which are over three lines. Whats the point in joining a discussion forum if you can't argue/discuss? You're pming me telling me you're an "elite" member? So what? You still post like a 12 year old.

Your use of language is annoying, poor and is hard to read and seemingly, you lack intelligence if you believe i was being serious with any one of the four posts i made last night.

Those who post here regularly know what i am like, i am harsh, i am very opinionated, i do have my beliefs and i do know football. I am not easily influenced either. I come on here to talk football with people, not make friends and "have a laugh". There are other parts of the forum for that. If that happens great, first and foremost i am here to talk footy.

People like yourself spoil the forum by using poor grammar, text talk and poor posts littered with smileys. All of the newbies that have come from the LFC.TV forum i expect to be like this, something MUST be done to stop this as its ruining the forum and it won't take a long time before the better posters and yes i include myself, will stop posting as regularly.

This board is already not what it was, there are more idiots now than ever, hopefully it will improve, i'm not getting my hopes up though.

Postby JBG » Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:41 pm

We can only do our best Stu, posting spam yourself doesn't help.

Lead by example and try to post the best posts you can. Other good posters will become interested and before we know it, we get a great thread. Its a rolling stone effect, but we need long standing senior members to get the ball rolling.

The moderators will do the best we can by tidying things up, merging threads etc, but we cannpt just delete posts because we think they are cr.ap. That goes too far.

I'll lock completely rubbish posts, but at the end of the day, a forum is a forum, poor quality posts or not.
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Postby stoney » Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:46 pm

I still don't know why stu's rubbish/joke threads still aint been deleted yet. The mods really do must need  :help ....
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:53 pm

JBG wrote:We can only do our best Stu, posting spam yourself doesn't help.

Lead by example and try to post the best posts you can. Other good posters will become interested and before we know it, we get a great thread. Its a rolling stone effect, but we need long standing senior members to get the ball rolling.

The moderators will do the best we can by tidying things up, merging threads etc, but we cannpt just delete posts because we think they are cr.ap. That goes too far.

I'll lock completely rubbish posts, but at the end of the day, a forum is a forum, poor quality posts or not.

But the people who post the good stuff mate get annoyed with it and bored with the forum.

I personally think Banana talks rubbish, his views and pigheadedness annoy me, especially as he genuinely doesn't understand the game and never goes to live premiership games. However he at least tries to talk football. His "type" are more than welcome in my eyes. Even A.B. who's so feckin pedantic its unreal and ALWAYS has to have the last word, he still mainly sticks to footy and doesn't generally post one line :censored:...

I don't mind that,

What annoys me is people like "shanks". 120 odd posts and none of them over 3 lines long.

JBG, no-one here will complain if you delete posts providing they are :censored:. IE no-one would give a :censored: if you deleted those i done last night.

I know what i done doesn't help, when i'm :censored: at that time and i see idiots posting shit happens. But more needs to be done, I've offered myself to be mod, ok, some people won't like that as of my views or whatever, i wouldn't even want the "power" to ban someone, just to keep the forum tidy and respectable would be great. I probably spend more time on this part of the forum than most of you lot anyways! :p

At the end of the day JBG, its a good forum, i don't want idiots ruining it and thats whats happening.

Postby ivor_the_injun » Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:55 pm

Regardless of what stu says, and this is nothing to do with his opinions about football which he's perfectly entitled to, I think he needs to look at the way he talks to other posters.

Kicking off about the language people use... bang out of order lad. Are you going to have a go at the likes of Sabre because their English isn't 100% perfect? I'd like to think not, but irrespective of how people post - txt talk or not (which I'm no fan of, I might add, but then I'm not 14) - it's what they're saying that matters. That's why Sabre's an excellent member of the forum, even when you need to take a little longer to understand the point he's making.

If the content of a post isn't worth commenting on, don't f*cking comment on it. When you do, they'll post back, and I know full well that you'll shoot yourself in the balls before letting someone have the last word.

This also applies to Leon.  :D
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:56 pm

im with stu. there are a lot of times i will argue with people (like stu on the cisse thing) but at least we both put forward arguaments. There are too many people on here with one liner idiotic non thinking responses, and it makes me just wanna not bother
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Postby Pablo_Escobar » Sun Jan 08, 2006 7:00 pm

Are we getting Joaquin or not ??? What do You think ??? :laugh:
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Postby stoney » Sun Jan 08, 2006 7:00 pm

Pablo_Escobar wrote:Are we getting Joaquin or not ??? What do You think ??? :laugh:

I think yes. What about you?
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Postby 115-1073096938 » Sun Jan 08, 2006 7:02 pm

ivor_the_injun wrote:Regardless of what stu says, and this is nothing to do with his opinions about football which he's perfectly entitled to, I think he needs to look at the way he talks to other posters.

Kicking off about the language people use... bang out of order lad. Are you going to have a go at the likes of Sabre because their English isn't 100% perfect? I'd like to think not, but irrespective of how people post - txt talk or not (which I'm no fan of, I might add, but then I'm not 14) - it's what they're saying that matters. That's why Sabre's an excellent member of the forum, even when you need to take a little longer to understand the point he's making.

If the content of a post isn't worth commenting on, don't f*cking comment on it. When you do, they'll post back, and I know full well that you'll shoot yourself in the balls before letting someone have the last word.

This also applies to Leon.  :D

Sabre doesn't bother me at all, his posts are superb and informative. I don't think i've ever spoke to the lad on here or acknowledged him but i've read some of his posts and they are often well wrote and thought out.

What i don't appriciate is people talking like this...

hws it gn ivor mt, wots dat and r u k 4 thrsdy.

Its bloody annoying, people should talk properly. You do it, most of us do it. Its not hard to use capitals and break posts up so they're easier to read. I'm not arsed if someone can't spell a word, but using letters and numbers for words is annoying and hard to read.


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