The final straw...

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby GYBS » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:31 pm

LiverpoolMadman wrote:
lakes10 wrote:
Gerrard30391 wrote:
It's no use if DIC give us a lot of $$$ and Rafa still keep playing players at the wrong position. 
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The whole point is Rafa would go if DIC took charge!

some dont understand that, keep our owners and you keep Rafa, sell to DIC and Rafas gets the sack.

These ppl are business ppl. If they want to buy a company, the company must perfoming well first like HP buy EDS, Netapp buy Datafort, Brocade buy MCDATA , Microsoft still neg with Yahoo same goes to Football Club too.

Liverpool MUST performing well , we can't played like that (the last 3 match), yes we win but we just can't played like that.

Rafa need to sort out what he need to be done , that is play attacking football ( defend from infront ) and play the players at the right posiiton ....

we dont have the right players for all the positions and players that aren good enough to play in those positions . we had a great formation and played very well from jan /feb onwards - but we spent 20 mil on a striker we didnt need when we should of spent it on a wide player and we shouldnt of gone to 442 to fit that striker into the team.
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Postby LiverpoolMadman » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:34 pm

Emerald Red wrote:
LiverpoolMadman wrote:
lakes10 wrote:
Gerrard30391 wrote:
It's no use if DIC give us a lot of $$$ and Rafa still keep playing players at the wrong position. 
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The whole point is Rafa would go if DIC took charge!

some dont understand that, keep our owners and you keep Rafa, sell to DIC and Rafas gets the sack.

These ppl are business ppl. If they want to buy a company, the company must perfoming well first like HP buy EDS, Netapp buy Datafort, Brocade buy MCDATA , Microsoft still neg with Yahoo same goes to Football Club too.

Liverpool MUST performing well , we can't played like that (the last 3 match), yes we win but we just can't played like that.

Rafa need to sort out what he need to be done , that is play attacking football ( defend from infront ) and play the players at the right posiiton ....

Who scored the most goals in all competitions last season? Answers on a postcard.

OK , yes , because he's playing at the right position but this season where he play ( last match most of the time he's playing in midfield ) ??
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Postby GYBS » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:37 pm

Emerald Red wrote:
LiverpoolMadman wrote:
lakes10 wrote:
Gerrard30391 wrote:
It's no use if DIC give us a lot of $$$ and Rafa still keep playing players at the wrong position. 
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The whole point is Rafa would go if DIC took charge!

some dont understand that, keep our owners and you keep Rafa, sell to DIC and Rafas gets the sack.

These ppl are business ppl. If they want to buy a company, the company must perfoming well first like HP buy EDS, Netapp buy Datafort, Brocade buy MCDATA , Microsoft still neg with Yahoo same goes to Football Club too.

Liverpool MUST performing well , we can't played like that (the last 3 match), yes we win but we just can't played like that.

Rafa need to sort out what he need to be done , that is play attacking football ( defend from infront ) and play the players at the right posiiton ....

Who scored the most goals in all competitions last season? Answers on a postcard.

Can i answer please - was that not us ? using players like kuyt and babel ?
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Postby Emerald Red » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:39 pm

GYBS wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
LiverpoolMadman wrote:
lakes10 wrote:
Gerrard30391 wrote:
It's no use if DIC give us a lot of $$$ and Rafa still keep playing players at the wrong position. 
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The whole point is Rafa would go if DIC took charge!

some dont understand that, keep our owners and you keep Rafa, sell to DIC and Rafas gets the sack.

These ppl are business ppl. If they want to buy a company, the company must perfoming well first like HP buy EDS, Netapp buy Datafort, Brocade buy MCDATA , Microsoft still neg with Yahoo same goes to Football Club too.

Liverpool MUST performing well , we can't played like that (the last 3 match), yes we win but we just can't played like that.

Rafa need to sort out what he need to be done , that is play attacking football ( defend from infront ) and play the players at the right posiiton ....

Who scored the most goals in all competitions last season? Answers on a postcard.

Can i answer please - was that not us ? using players like kuyt and babel ?

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Postby maguskwt » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:44 pm

Emerald Red wrote:Three games in and already the toys are being thrown out of the pram. Some of you need to f*cking grow up.

too true...
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Postby maguskwt » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:47 pm

I dont' agree with the masch and gerrard pairing comment... I think they ARE a very good pairing. In fact I don't like the alonso mascherano pairing in a 4-4-2 at all... if you're talking about alonso mascherano pairing with Gerrard as an AM then yeah it's good... but in a 4-4-2 masch/gerrard HAS to be our first choice paring... next option would be alonso/gerrard... alonso/masch without gerrard is just plain terrible... as witnessed in our match against villa...
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Postby GYBS » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:53 pm

Emerald Red wrote:
GYBS wrote:
Emerald Red wrote:
LiverpoolMadman wrote:
lakes10 wrote:
Gerrard30391 wrote:
It's no use if DIC give us a lot of $$$ and Rafa still keep playing players at the wrong position. 
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The whole point is Rafa would go if DIC took charge!

some dont understand that, keep our owners and you keep Rafa, sell to DIC and Rafas gets the sack.

These ppl are business ppl. If they want to buy a company, the company must perfoming well first like HP buy EDS, Netapp buy Datafort, Brocade buy MCDATA , Microsoft still neg with Yahoo same goes to Football Club too.

Liverpool MUST performing well , we can't played like that (the last 3 match), yes we win but we just can't played like that.

Rafa need to sort out what he need to be done , that is play attacking football ( defend from infront ) and play the players at the right posiiton ....

Who scored the most goals in all competitions last season? Answers on a postcard.

Can i answer please - was that not us ? using players like kuyt and babel ?

Grand! You win a years' supply of cookies and tinted specs.

get in there - winner
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Postby Bad Bob » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:57 pm

woof woof ! wrote:Agree with some but not all of Stu's (Fo Dne) post. Whilst we can all agree or disagree in interminable permutations with Stu's assessment of our playing staff, the meat of his post is aimed at the performance of Rafa Benitez.

I'm certainly fed up with some of Rafa's selections both in terms of signings,teamsheets and tactics. His substitutions yesterday bordered on the bizarre, but having said that , we're off to a decent start in the prem and are once again in the group stages of the CL, who's to say that when the team begins to click we won't end up with one hell of a season ? .

Without dismissing Stu's concerns (I share many of them) I'm far from wanting Rafa out at this stage of the season, some may already be sharpening their knives, personally I'd give the fella the rest of this season to deliver us the kind of team , trophies and football that we all want. Until next May, despite my misgiving the man has my support.

Spot on, Woof.  Rafa needs to and will see out the season and we can assess the managerial situation in May.  Changing him at this stage would be self-defeating madness.

I must say, though, as a staunch Rafa supporter over the last few years, I can't shake the doubts that are creeping in at the moment.  There are a few things that have me worried:

(1) His Transfers In: unlike Stu, I think Rafa has bought a fair amount of quality in his time.  I've no problem with his signings of Torres, Alonso, Mascherano, Reina, Keane, Agger, Skrtel, Kuyt, Crouch, Garcia or Sissoko.  In fact, down the spine of the team he's bought quite well, IMO.  It's on the flanks that he's had the most trouble.  Players like Pennant, Arbeloa, Dossena and Aurelio are decent but not fantastic 'options', while players like Josemi, Kromkamp, Gonzales, Nunez and possibly Degen were/are just not of the required calibre.  That's got a lot to do with money available and the need to try a few diamonds in the rough but you really do get what you pay for in most cases and Rafa's penchant for bargain basement wingers and fullbacks has hindered our progress.

(2) Playing Players Out of Position: more worryingly, Rafa also seems to have a penchant for playing players out of position.  Sometimes, it's a case of buying a player to play a position he used to play effectively.  Putting Zenden back on the wing is one example and, had we bought Barry, we might have seen Rafa convert him back to a LM this season.  Of course, there's probably a good reason why such players don't play these wide positions anymore and Rafa might have done better to recognize that.  In other cases, Rafa seems intent on turning a player into something he's not.  Babel, Kuyt, Keane (if yesterday wasn't a one-off), Cisse, Garcia, Benayoun, Pongolle, Bellamy (if memory serves), El Zhar...the list of strikers or "#10 types" that Rafa has lined up in wide positions is extensive.  Fair enough, he might be thinking in terms of a 4-2-3-1, with several strikers as part of the "3" but this often turns into a 4-5-1 where we see a striker hugging the touchline and looking like a fish out of water.  Throw in the times when CMs like Gerrard, Sissoko and --yesterday--Lucas were asked to play wide and you get a sense of how frequently Rafa does this.  This, of course, goes back to point #1 because Rafa doesn't buy specialist wide midfielders very often and the ones he does buy he rarely seems to place much faith in.

(3) His Tactics and Substitutions: I'm less annoyed with this than others, generally speaking, but the decision making sometimes leaves me scratching my head.  Substitutions, in particular, are a source of frustration because they should be a response to how things are unfolding on the pitch.  If the original tactics looked a decent prospect on paper but aren't working out on the pitch, the subs should see a new approach.  But, with games like yesterday, you see decisions like bringing Ngog on in a straight swap for Torres and sticking with the system, which seems to make little sense when you've got a more experienced and more skilled striker in Keane to take up the challenge of spearheading the attack.  Taking Keane off for Benayoun late on also seems to be a step backward when persisting with 4-4-2 looked to be a better opportunity to take all the points.

(4) His Transfers Out: In the past I've praised Rafa--correctly, IMO--for being ruthless and getting shut of players who were not up to it.  I thought selling Morientes was a brave decision for example, as was moving Sissoko on.  Unfortunately, Rafa now seems interested in moving players out who can still bring something to the team: Alonso, Crouch, Finnan...hell, you could even argue that Pennant and Riise were useful players to hang onto.  True, he's been told to sell before he buys and I would live with losing some of these lads if the money was going to fill gaping holes in the first team.  But, Rafa seems intent on replacing like for like in many cases--not just in terms of position but in terms of quality: selling Alonso to buy Barry or shipping out Riise to buy Dosenna, IMO, is not a step forward.

I still think the biggest problem facing Liverpool Football Club at the moment are the owners but Rafa's decision making is starting to worry me, it has to be said.  Of course, I'm happy to give him the season to prove me wrong since he's proven doubters wrong on many occasions before.  But, it's fair to say that some of my faith in his methods have been shaken over the last year.
Last edited by Bad Bob on Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby doherty.burgling.goons » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:59 pm

rafa does not like liverpool and does his best to mess up finals we get to because of the players. any player the fan takes a shine to he messes around. get this manu plant out my fecking club....i could be totally wrong,but that would mean rafa is as thick as two short plank.

he is either a plant to enure manu passes who planted him there...
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Postby GYBS » Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:01 pm

Has school finished for the day ?
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Postby Number 9 » Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:04 pm

doherty.burgling.goons wrote:rafa does not like liverpool and does his best to mess up finals we get to because of the players. any player the fan takes a shine to he messes around. get this manu plant out my fecking club....i could be totally wrong,but that would mean rafa is as thick as two short plank.

he is either a plant to enure manu passes who planted him there...

Now that is taking paranoia to extremes!
Just when you think you've seen it all on here another belter pops up from nowhere!
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Postby Emerald Red » Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:04 pm

doherty.burgling.goons wrote:rafa does not like liverpool and does his best to mess up finals we get to because of the players. any player the fan takes a shine to he messes around. get this manu plant out my fecking club....i could be totally wrong,but that would mean rafa is as thick as two short plank.

he is either a plant to enure manu passes who planted him there...

Jesus f*cking wept. Some mothers do have em. Sorry I gave all my cookies to GYBS, otherwise I'd have given you a few before you get the boot out the door.

Edit - I just noticed he's made three posts....sorry, told three more jokes on the forum. I might seek them out to get a laugh.
Last edited by Emerald Red on Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby aCe' » Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:04 pm

doherty.burgling.goons wrote:rafa does not like liverpool and does his best to mess up finals we get to because of the players. any player the fan takes a shine to he messes around. get this manu plant out my fecking club....i could be totally wrong,but that would mean rafa is as thick as two short plank.

he is either a plant to enure manu passes who planted him there...

son you are indeed..... THE FINAL STRAW
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Postby Igor Zidane » Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:05 pm

doherty.burgling.goons wrote:rafa does not like liverpool and does his best to mess up finals we get to because of the players. any player the fan takes a shine to he messes around. get this manu plant out my fecking club....i could be totally wrong,but that would mean rafa is as thick as two short plank.

he is either a plant to enure manu passes who planted him there...

:D  :laugh:  :D  Berbatov to citeh
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Postby GYBS » Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:06 pm

Emerald Red wrote:
doherty.burgling.goons wrote:rafa does not like liverpool and does his best to mess up finals we get to because of the players. any player the fan takes a shine to he messes around. get this manu plant out my fecking club....i could be totally wrong,but that would mean rafa is as thick as two short plank.

he is either a plant to enure manu passes who planted him there...

Jesus f*cking wept. Some mothers do have em. Sorry I gave all my cookies to GYBS, otherwise I'd have given you a few before you get the boot out the door.

Edit - I just noticed he's made three posts....sorry, told three more jokes on the forum. I might seek them out to get a laugh.

trust me his other posts arent much better.
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