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Postby Fo Dne » Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:00 pm

bavlondon wrote:Whether Rafa or whoever is in charge the bigger problem lies with who owns us. Until that is resolved nothing will go right.

Absoloute rubbish.

The bored don't dictate the players playing on the pitch and the training. The also don't dictate the consistent playing of players out of position and the negative substitutions.

Whats more is, they don't dictate, on who, to spend the money we have.
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Postby rafa09 » Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:04 pm

But they dictate HOW MUCH MONEY the manager,s going to spend,DON,T THEY??
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Postby Fo Dne » Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:21 pm

rafa09 wrote:But they dictate HOW MUCH MONEY the manager,s going to spend,DON,T THEY??

Like I said don't waste it in the first place.
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Postby bigmick » Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:24 pm

They do dictate HOW MUCH money the manager has spent, as they do in all clubs. Whether or not the money has been borrowed though, we haven't exactly been scared of speding a few quid recently.

It's worth considering that in the last 14 months or so, we have bought two players for fees in excess of 20 million quid, we have bought another for 18 million and another for 11 million, (Torres, Keane, Masherano, Babel). Added to that, we've bought Lucas for anywhere between 5-8 million depending on who you're prepared to believe (it was 8 when he first signed, but it's been 5 since he started going backwards) 7 mill for Dossena, 7 mill for Skyrtel and other signings such as the reserve goalie, Benayoun and about 29 kids which probably stick a fair bit on top.

The question here is this, is Rafa building a squad which is going to go all out for the Premiership? Have we got all the bases covered after the signings? Do we have a plan, is there a tactical genius at work engaged in plotting which is far beyond the appreciation of your average football fan, or are we just collecting players? 

I have my suspicions and have had for some time now that I know already. By the end of the season all will become clear or at least clearer I should think. That is of course unless he breaks with tradition and just plays people in their best positions, makes fairly boring substitutions, plays an uptempto more attacking style and cuts out the styling. As I've said many times, if he were to do this I believe we'd go very close. I think he's a player collector, but out of the many many players he has colected there would be a team within the group which could challenge for the title I'm convinced of it.

DISCLAIMER-I'm not saying he should be able to win the title, p!ss it, do the quadruple or win the Eurovision Song Contest. I am though saying he ought to be able to challenge (for the title that is    :D ). He still might yet as I say, then the debate will really rage on.
Last edited by bigmick on Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby bigmick » Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:29 pm

What team? I hear you ask.

Well, Reina, Arbeloa, Carragher, Agger (if fit), Aurelio, Rierra (if in fact he is actually any good), Masherano, Alonso, Gerrard, Keane, Torres would go close. We wouldn't win too many friends as our middle two don't get over the half way line, but with Gerrard on the right of a midfield four he'd make up for that. Keane and Torres would score regularly, Rierra could do his thing and we'd be solid at the back. Don't think we'd win it because we haven't got any cover to speak of and we'd be untra dependant on three or four players, but we'd go within six points I should think. BTW if Riera turns out to be a waste of money, I'd play Babel there. I don't think he's as bad as Stu does.
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Postby tubby » Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:59 pm

Fo Dne wrote:
bavlondon wrote:Whether Rafa or whoever is in charge the bigger problem lies with who owns us. Until that is resolved nothing will go right.

Absoloute rubbish.

The bored don't dictate the players playing on the pitch and the training. The also don't dictate the consistent playing of players out of position and the negative substitutions.

Whats more is, they don't dictate, on who, to spend the money we have.

But they dictate how much we get to spend right?

We could have got Owen before he went to Newcastle but didnt.

We could have got Simao but didnt, we could have got Barry but didnt. I know Rafa still made some bad buys can are you going to say that if the board had made an extra £30Mil free to spend that we would still be in the position we are in now? I doubt it mate. Money doesnt buy you sucess but if can at least get you half decent players. Im not saying more money would have meant Rafa would never made silly subs but at least the players at his disposal wouldnt have been so :censored:.
Last edited by tubby on Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby rafa09 » Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:17 pm

WAKE UP!!Are you saying rafa signed the players he REALLY wanted? He signed makeshift,s because we car,nt compete with the rich club,s FACT! and it was before the yank :censored:,s took over. MOORES said when he sold the club, he had LFC,S interests at heart BOOLSHITE.
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Postby Anfield rapper » Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:52 pm

GYBS wrote:What do both man city and chelsea have in common that has enabled chelsea to be at the front and the reason why city may well be there soon ?


Pity the last idiot who owned our club didn't realise that.
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Postby LFC2007 » Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:59 am

Fo Dne wrote:Whats more is, they don't dictate, on who, to spend the money we have.

Though we seemingly had the money to sign Barry, but the board weren't prepared to sanction the deal.
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Postby Emerald Red » Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:21 am

rafa09 wrote:WAKE UP!!Are you saying rafa signed the players he REALLY wanted? He signed makeshift,s because we car,nt compete with the rich club,s FACT! and it was before the yank :censored:,s took over. MOORES said when he sold the club, he had LFC,S interests at heart BOOLSHITE.

And you'd be spot on. If you want a world beater, then world beaters are normally revered in the spotlight. If they are in the spotlight, then other clubs want them, thus they cost the Earth and then some. Obviously. Simple fact is, they cost a lot more than what we can afford. Anyone who argues with this needs to go and do themselves a favor and headbutt a pitchfork or something sharp. Rafa's been shopping in Tescos for a few years now, with the exception of one or two players.
Last edited by Emerald Red on Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LegBarnes » Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:25 am

Emerald Red wrote:
rafa09 wrote:WAKE UP!!Are you saying rafa signed the players he REALLY wanted? He signed makeshift,s because we car,nt compete with the rich club,s FACT! and it was before the yank :censored:,s took over. MOORES said when he sold the club, he had LFC,S interests at heart BOOLSHITE.

And you'd be spot on. If you want a world beater, then world beaters are normally revered in the spotlight. If they are in the spotlight, then other clubs want them, thus they cost the Earth and then some. Obviously. Simple fact is, they cost a lot more than what we can afford. Anyone who argues with this needs to go and do themselves a favor and headbutt a pitchfork or something sharp. Rafa's been shopping in Tescos for a few years now, with the exception of one or two players.

Yep when you ain't got money some times you have to gamble if you want to try for prem.

The exspectations of this club are to high for what this club can give us.

Mabye if we get DIC in then we can talk about a title but we are small time atm.

Not really small just more stagnant.

Long have the days gone when you can win a title with just hard work and effort now you need 100s of Millions and a top manager.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:28 am

how much was keane again, how was he used on sunday.

it doesn't matter if we spend 30 million on ever player in our team if we have a manager who doesn't have a clue how to use them

Postby Kharhaz » Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:32 am

Emerald Red wrote:
rafa09 wrote:WAKE UP!!Are you saying rafa signed the players he REALLY wanted? He signed makeshift,s because we car,nt compete with the rich club,s FACT! and it was before the yank :censored:,s took over. MOORES said when he sold the club, he had LFC,S interests at heart BOOLSHITE.

And you'd be spot on. If you want a world beater, then world beaters are normally revered in the spotlight. If they are in the spotlight, then other clubs want them, thus they cost the Earth and then some. Obviously. Simple fact is, they cost a lot more than what we can afford. Anyone who argues with this needs to go and do themselves a favor and headbutt a pitchfork or something sharp. Rafa's been shopping in Tescos for a few years now, with the exception of one or two players.

Thats like saying, he was shopping down a Somerfield aisle and found a Harrods quality tin of beans. Think back to when we first appointed Rafa, the tears he had shown when he was leaving them and the reasons. The reasons being the board signed players and rafa had no say in them.

We cannot compete with Chelsea or United, but every player we have at the club, are the players rafa wants. One way or another, the squad we have now are down to rafas choice. Judging by the opinion on here, the next club rafa joins will have buckets of money to spend and be a success. Rafa was happy to sign for Liverpool because he would have a say in the transfers, and he has. The excuses really do have to stop.
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Postby Emerald Red » Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:33 am

peewee wrote:how much was keane again, how was he used on sunday.

it doesn't matter if we spend 30 million on ever player in our team if we have a manager who doesn't have a clue how to use them

Who did we sign today? Was it a left winger?

Keane has played one match out wide, and only because the system demanded it. He was instructed to play there for the team after Torres went off and you think Benitez doesn't know where and how to play him? Behave yourself.
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Postby Emerald Red » Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:38 am

Hold on a second here. I have to slap myself. But some people need to shoot themselves rather than slap themselves.

Why in the name of f*ck am I even bothering in these conversations about the manager for?! It's three f*cking games into the season, and we've had a good start with the rest of the season to play. F8ck this. Some of you need to f*cking wise up and stop acting like spoiled brats that didn't get what they wanted for Christmas. See until we are actually out of everything this season, it would be wise to keep it shut about the state of the side and the manager.
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