Thanks rafa - No, honestly i mean it.

Liverpool Football Club - General Discussion

Postby mynameisred » Mon Oct 25, 2004 9:35 pm

First I really want to thank Rafa for some significant changes. Our centre backs are actually contesting the ball in our opponenets half or at least pushing up past the 18 yard box. This has allowed our Midfield to push further up the park and when you have the little gem that is garcia in your team and home advantage a spectacle will ensue. Insignificant changes some will think and as a topic we have maybe ignored this but THIS IS WHAT WE ALL WANTED WASNT IT. Under GH even at Anfield we hit on the break didnt have a plan B and subsequently become stale and reliant on Owen. Ok we havnt converted the chances but the play we have all been enjoying is just sooooo refreshing  especially at home. We all wanted Anfield to become a fortress again where we battered our opponenets into submission, okay were not there yet but early evidence suggests that its not far off.
I would also like to thank him for delievering us Alonso. Who would have thought that if we lost both Owen and Gerrard we could still perform, If Im honest i probably would have questioned it but this guy is pure CLASS. Hes not the quickest but when you have a chess master brain like his and his ability to spot and deliver a pass you dont miss it. He has become the hub of our team in such a short time and if it takes Henry and Pires a year to bed into the prem what is Alonso going to become. I giggle to myself at the prospect of him and Gerrard in the middle. Also Rafa has helped dispel the myth that we are a two man team by getting the best out of existing players (C'mon Finnan on the right wing, but it works ok) and working with just a few players he bought that he knows. I trust he will be given money in the jan so if we can keep improving that little bit and strengthen the season looks bright. Who would have thought that after the clearout we had and the injury to Gerrard (not to mention Owen) that we would be a point behind the mancs with a game in hand and have the best 100% record at home. Sounds sweet and I think ill leave it with that.
The man who came to merseyside from Newcastle, the man who says he's part of Liverpool as much as the Liver building. When he was needed Alan Kennedy was there. And with now just 8 minutes to go it could be that Alan Kennedy has made a little history.
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Postby Ciggy » Mon Oct 25, 2004 9:40 pm

Top post MNIS mate well said :)
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Postby A.B. » Mon Oct 25, 2004 9:43 pm

Well said. At Valencia Rafa had no money to buy the players he needed even though Valencia promised him that there will be the money. Rafa was not satisified with the players he inherited however he had to work with them and turn them into La Liga champions. Rafael Benitez is simply a class manager. He can get the jobe done for us.
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Postby azriahmad » Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:22 pm

He and Maurinho are 2 of the best young coaches in Europe but at present, their immediate fortunes are very much contrasted by the money available to their clubs.

Maurinho has been able to immediately impose what he wants from his team due to the fact that he can get whoever he wants due to the funds available to him. Benithez is restricted by Liverpool's available funds and he has to di it the harder way - bring in some new players, try to integrate them into the club, change the playing habits of ther existing players and get the team to play to his philosophies.

The fact that he has been struggling earlier on illustrates the rot that we have at Liverpool in terms of the quality of the existing playing staff, their limited tactical abilities and mostly, their low confidence. This is the state we are in and changes are needed desperately if we want to be back at the top, unless we have a wealthy new shareholder who pumps money into the club for fun like Abramovich ang go out and buy an entire new team.

Gradually, this has been changed and we are now seeing Liverpool play with a lot of passing and movements, which was the cornerstone of our success in the 70s and 80s. Benithez also is a firm believer of developing young talents locally and has shown this by blooding several reserve players into the senior squad and giving them starting roles. This will give them the chance to develop and will save money for the club in the long term. To be successful without Chalsea-like funds, it is important to develop your own talents - look at manure with their Giggs, Beckham, Nevilles, Scholes etc. Another route is to go the Arsenal way and make fantastic buys at bargain prices but so far, no one has been able to top Arsene Wenger.

Benithez is a firm believer in a very organised team who attacks and defend as a unit. His teams tend to be technically sound and not necessarily filled with super stars. A manager like this is what we needed and although it will take time, I am pleased to see us playing with a lot of passing in the attacking build-up rather than route one.

Go Rafa!
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Postby A.B. » Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:52 pm

5-star post there azriahmad
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Postby azriahmad » Tue Oct 26, 2004 4:32 am

There are a lot of frustrated Liverpool fans here in these parts of the world where I am in now - Malaysia. Just like every Liverpool fans anywhere, we'd like to see our team win thropies and we are quite sick of being left behind by the manures, Arsenals and Chelskis. Frankly, A.B., it should not a rocket scientist to see where we were last season and that something else had to be done as Houllier had taken us as far as we can go. We were too predictable, were very limited tactically, can't stiring along enough passes to make a meaningful attack when route 1 fails, play with not much conviction and had too big a squad filled with players who could not cut it in the EPL.

We finally have a manager who while relatively young, knows all about winning league championships having done it on 2 occassions on a much smaller budget than the more illustrious Madrids, Barcas etc. At Liverpool, he will be given support and time to build a credible team to consistently challenge for top honours, this is the beauty of Liverpool, and I believe he has a much better chance than Houllier did. With the problems and quality of the squad and given the funds at the club when he took over, he has done reasonably well to date.

Liverpool now plays a much better passing game than previously and Carra has been outstanding so far. There will be more cheers for us in years to come, hopefully!
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Postby LFC #1 » Tue Oct 26, 2004 4:36 am

very well said azriah, I belive Rafa has started well here, his signings have settled in quickly and we are starting too look like a top side once again. Patience is still needed, but I think you can see it in our Football now that we are already an improved side under Rafa and are well on our way to reaching the pinnacle of English football once again.
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Postby 106-1093504160 » Tue Oct 26, 2004 1:00 pm

bravo azriahmad

Postby Woollyback » Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:03 pm

Some good posting here guys :)   MNIS you mention how Rafa's influence has led to a much more positive style of play which has raised the spirits of the fans, imagine what it's done for dressing room morale? They must be buzzin as a team right now (at Anfield at least).

And the signing of Alonso, early days so far but that looks like a managerial MASTERSTROKE. £10m? BARGAIN.

I can't wait for Stevie to be back in full swing and for (hopefully) the arrival of somebody the calibre of Morientes in the new year. In the meantime if Cisse & Baros can find that missing link then we're gonna start raising eyebrows at long last. We've still a long way to go but we're heading the right way and it looks good for the future.
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Postby zarababe » Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:30 am

.. grt thread.. and so important to have a Man at the Helm who the players respect in this day-and-age of big "hollywood" style lifestyles most of the players acquire, live and indulge in..

...not only is his philosophy beginning to show fruit on the pitch but he can now enter the transfer market and get the big names because of his reputation alone.. so well respected he is..

...and even now the man talks of the team performing only at 60%.. so honest is his assessment of the performances, individuals and no doubt the gaps he still needs to fill..

We've all seen him pace the touch line .. his animated, yet meaningful gestures .. he's so focused and success driven ...

Be proud Reds fans that he chose to join us... he is the man to lead us to glory...




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Postby Dalglish » Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:38 am

Seen much of Benitez to impress me already. His team are taking shape , playing well crafted and entertaining football.

Gone are the days when a Rise long throw was classed as an attacking option .....nowadays we look focuseed, sharp and hungry cos the players expect to and believe they wil win.

I too have appreciated Raffa's honesty particularly when we haven't played well.

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Postby jymbojetset » Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:40 am

Dalglish wrote:Gone are the days when a Rise long throw was classed as an attacking option .....

Shows how far we've come, I can't even remember seeing a Riise long throw in recent games. More a case of quick ball to feet and attack from there.

Nice to see some positive posts again!

PS Good original post, and agreed "Thanks Rafa" for giving us a genuine football team again.
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Postby azriahmad » Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:53 am

Frankly, I'd think that either Benithez or Maurinho will be able to do a good job at Liverpool. Both of them are top class coaches.
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Postby Ciggy » Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:02 am

azriahmad wrote:Frankly, I'd think that either Benithez or Maurinho will be able to do a good job at Liverpool. Both of them are top class coaches.

Both are mate but Benitezs style is alot more atractive and exciting to watch compared to mourinhos defensive boring style bit like houllier :sleepy:
Considering all the money and super stars at chelsea if I was there fans I would be a bit disappointed with 1-0 wins all the time :D
Ok they beat us 2-0 but that wont happen again :;):
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Postby 106-1093504160 » Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:21 am

sometimes i wonder how a change of management can have a great affect on a team. Benitez has so far transformed LFC into a better unit, with virtually the same players, fantastic. However, with the acquisition of the spanish contingent, i feel we have a good unit, good spirit, and are great at going forward.
whats important is that we are creating lots of chances, and as such, that will breed more confidence, and thus lead to more of those chances being slotted away into the back of the opponents onion bag.
Cant wait until stevie g is back along with the untested Nunez.

come on liverpool
Last edited by Judge on Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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